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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)

the Jester

Kicking Demon Ass

The second door brings a marilith to attack them, but it falls before our heroes in an instant. Driven by their anger and grief over Sybele, the party moves through the demon like a hammer.

“We should just go straight to the demilich,” Thrush urges. “Right to the heart of things! And we’ll make him release Sybele!”

“If we leave a bunch of demons behind us,” Rex warns, “Acererak will just bring them to fight us when we attack him. We should clean up this room on the way.”

Patyn nods. “But we’ll find a way to get her free, Thrush.” He claps the man on the shoulder.

Ulla giggles as she shifts form into that of a marilith. She scoops up the destroyed demon’s six blades and practices with them for a few moments. The power of the form is exhilarating- six arms! She grins to herself, ready for whatever challenge comes next.

The next door summons a horrid demon with the aspect of a boar mixed with a horrible, ape-like body. Tiny soiled wings sprout from its back like feathered warts. It’s huge, which simply allows more of our heroes to assail it at once. Ulla slithers forward, blades crashing into the monster, and Rex and Patyn leap to the fore as well. The nalfeshnee (whose name is Felgunnt) roars, enters a rage, and tears into Patyn, slashing and biting at the hunter of the dead viciously.

As the battle rages, Angelfire wonders, What’s behind these secret doors, anyway? She glances at the party- they seem to have things well in hand, here- and then dimension doors 5’ past the secret door painted with Felgunnt’s fearsome visage.

Just a 10’x20’ empty room. Directly behind her, obvious from this side, is a door. She opens it and finds herself directly behind the demon.

Perfect, she thinks, hasting herself from her boots of speed. Then she strikes forward, smiting the demon, and incandescent Abyssal blood fountains all around it. Felgunnt, countless millennia old, is extinguished.

The final door is painted with the image of a powerful-looking vrock. The vulture-demon is depicted holding several tiny human forms in its fists. As soon as they touch the panel, Apok the demon appears, and immediately battle breaks out. Thrush dashes forward, hacking at the monster’s leg, but his blade turns from its tough skin. Londo springs forward and smashes its foot with his flail, crushing several toes so completely that they separate from Apok’s body completely.

Apok looms half again as large as a normal vrock. He gives out a shrill scream as his toes are crushed and turns his angry red eyes on Londo. As the demon draws back to strike, a huge cloud of spores puffs out from his body, and all of our heroes gag and cough. Then the demon’s great claw slices down, ripping across Londo’s chest. Gouts of blood splatter as his other claw tears across the blackguard’s shoulder and right arm. “Aargh!” cries Londo, and then the huge beak slams into him as well. He staggers and collapses to the ground, crawling while he groans and leaks his vitae on the tiled floor. Dizzily, he pulls out a wand and starts curing himself.

“Leave him alone!” Angelfire cries sternly, and her falchion flashes at unbelievable speed, hacking at the demon. Apok roars a mighty challenge and returns Angelfire’s full attack in kind. Blood sprays everywhere in copious amounts from both of them.* Patyn leaps in and aims a high blow at the vrock’s face, while Thrush attacks it like a lumberjack working on a large tree. Finally, Angel deals the final blow, and Apok falls, crashing down onto the ground and shattering many tiles.

Breathing hard, our heroes pause to heal. As Horbin begins casting healing magic, however, he discovers that it is difficult to cast at all- and its effects are dampened by the negative energy here.** “We’ll have to be careful,” he says worriedly.

“Let’s return to Var to heal,” suggests Orbius.

“No!” Thrush barks. “We aren’t leaving Sybele behind!”

“We don’t have a choice,” Patyn says tiredly. “If we wish to rescue here, we must face the demilich with our strength, not weakness.” He shakes his head. “We will rescue her, Thrush. But not if we’re killed trying.”

“Uh-oh,” says Lester. He’s frowning as he regards his trump of Var. “Here, you try,” he mutters, passing the card to Orbius. Rex and Ulla exchange glances.

It proves to be difficult but possible to establish trump contact from the Fortress to Var. “This won’t work for a quick escape from here,” Orbius sighs. “We should keep that in mind.” The group steps through a rainbow and returns to the palace in Var. In a few moments Horbin’s healing powers have mostly repaired everyone.

“Well, I’ve got some stuff to take care of,” Angelfire says. “I’ll see you guys later at the Three Rubies.***” She then heads into town to seek legal advice.

After seeing Sybele fall, Angelfire has decided that it’s time to file a will.

Orbius and Lester greater teleport to see Anvar and the forces of the Temple of Elemental Good that he’s arrayed. It turns out that they’ve been having some difficulties with giants and orcs. The L offers to return them to Var, but his followers are proud, and Anvar is perhaps prouder still. “We’ll take care of it,” he insists. “We’re fine.”

That afternoon, when Lester and Orbius teleport back to the castle, they are confronted with an angry accountant tendering Lester a bill for damages he’s inflicted on the castle at various points. “Sure, sure,” Lester mumbles, glumly handing over a bag of coins. Mere minutes later, he stumbles into the Queen, who reproaches him for certain instances of past carelessness that have led to extensive repair bills or inconveniences.

It seems that with Malford out of town, Lester is falling out of favor.

Fortunately for him, however, that evening at the Three Rubies he meets a very interesting lady.

Next Time: Lester meets a lady! More divinations! And make ready for... Conclusions!

*Each of them dealt well over 100 hit points of damage to the other!

**In game terms, all healing was minimized in the Fortress of Conclusion.

***An upscale tavern our heroes like to frequent.

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the Jester

PallidPatience, I'm searching for that old thread but the boards are sluggish, I may not be able to find it just yet and will be out of town til next week. If you sort the threads in the House Rules forum by thread starter and look for it, I believe it was titled 'How to Become a God' or something like that. (I started the thread.)

Edit: aha, finally! :) The Ascendant.
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First Post
w00t! Thanks, Jester, for the great update (with massive demon-slaying action!) and for the link to the Ascendant. If you don't mind, I'm going to copy-paste it to a text file on my own computer.

the Jester

Lester Meets a Lady

Twenty-two years ago...

Lester, Sunsi, Thimbleton, Hobbes, Stone and Rinardo were leading a group of Malford’s men across the ruins of the town of Morval. It wasn’t the first ruin they’ve been to, but it will be the last before they reach the broken remains of the city of Var, where Fuligin drove them forth in abject defeat a century ago.

Now they were at last ready to face him, and they needed to reclaim territory as they went. Rinardo had not yet gained the Mantle of Gaea, and the devastation was obvious everywhere. Burnt trees; a few scraggly plants here and there; bones on the road, unburied bodies left to dry and become buried by the blowing grit of a continent raped and scourged bare of life.

Man, woman or child- bird or beast or plant- if it’s not evil, kill it. That was the order that Fuligin had given to the hordes of evil outsiders he had somehow conjured. And they had obeyed. The destruction was complete; even the emperor of Wotan could not stand before the fiendish armies. Those Dorhausians that survived did so by fleeing- or by becoming evil themselves. An entire continent had to be abandoned before the savagery of Fuligin and his forces.

But now heroes had returned- the same heroes Fuligin had defeated to take Dorhaus in the first place. A hundred years after they were supposedly slain by the forces of evil, they had come back to destroy their enemy at last. He would be weakened by the Master of Darkhold’s actions, they knew- or hoped.

But for the moment, they were clearing ruins on the way to Var.

Several soldiers led the way into the ruined town center, and the group moved to explore the area. There were no signs of fiends or undead; but a sudden scream from within one of the buildings caught the attention of the heroes and their henchmen.

Sunsi of the Black Turtle Clan moved faster than anyone else, springing through the open doorway into the ruined building’s remnants, but Hobbes was fast behind him. The tabaxi’s blood sword was naked in his hand already. Lester’s bat wings flapped with remarkable strength, carrying him after them.

Before the heroes was a nightmare of giant spiders and a terrified man-at-arms, caught in a web and already swelling from a toxic bite. He screamed again as the spiders skittered close to him.

Sunsi leapt forward, his bare foot smashing into the lead spider with amazing force. The creature’s head collapsed. Hobbes charged forward yowling, swinging his scarlet blade, and the battle was on.

Lester moved up to the injured man, swiftly uncorking a
potion of sweet water. “Here,” he said, pouring it on the man’s wounds. “This should save you!”

By the time the L could turn his attention to the battle, it was over. Shrugging, he sliced the trapped man-at-arms free of the web. The main babbled his gratitude, and Lester just nodded and smiled dismissively. The man left, and Lester forgot his name within a week.


With a sigh, the L tips back his stein of beer. Good gnomish beer; the Three Rubies always has a nice brew available. Smacking his lips, Lester leans back in his chair and contemplates the lack of castle breakfast that he’s facing.

Lester is one of those people who seems to go through periods of extreme fortune. It’s never a little good or a little bad; it’s always a lot good or bad. Fortunately for him, he’s in a good period. That night his luck carries him a good long way.

“Hi,” she says when she walks up to him. “You’re Lester, right?”

The L knows that his afro, his bat wings, his shades reveal his identity to anyone who has lived in Var for more than a week or two, so there’s no point denying it. Besides, she’s beautiful- probably no older than twenty, human, with skin like dusk and dark wavy hair.

“That’s me,” he replies cautiously. “Why? Whatever it is, I didn’t do it!”

She gives out a low chuckle. “Yes you did. Years ago you saved my father’s life. I’ve always heard so much about you- I’ve wanted to meet you forever.”

“Oh! Well, I guess I did do that...

Reina is her name, and it soon develops that not only does she practically worship Lester, she’s rich. Truly, the dice have fallen in his favor tonight. When she offers to show him and his friends her house, they cannot refuse; and the mansion, as it turns out to be, is quite impressive. Not as nice as Malford’s palace, but nearly so. Ulla is especially pleased by the extensive orchards and gardens.

That night, Lester is easily seduced. Why fight such a gorgeous opportunity? Although, truth to tell, he doesn’t even remember the incident she’s speaking of. But hey, he’s saved a lot of people in his time- he can’t be expected to remember every one!

While Lester is dallying with Reina, Orbius’ ever-seeking eye is wide open. The divine oracle casts commune.

Am I speaking with Boccob? Yes.
I open my mind for you to take all knowledge I have accumulated.
Will an epic show of strength free Sybele?
Not strength.
Do I possess the right magic to free her? No.
Does Horbin? No.
Is it possible that someone extremely dexterous could free her? No.
Can she will herself off the hook? No.
Would a stone shape around the hook work? No.
So Mordenkainen’s disjunction won’t work? No.

The Eye curses inwardly.

Not even if I bestow an antimagic shell on Sybele? Unlikely.
Can Acererak hold Felenga more than a week without any intervention on our part? Uncertain.
Given sufficient time is Felenga likely to escape? Yes.
Is Felenga’s phylactery within 100’ of Acererak’s phylactery? Yes.
Is Acererak trying to lure us towards his phylactery? If you are worthy.
Am I speaking with Acererak? No.
Just making sure. Do we possess the proper magic to eliminate the fog we saw in the Fortress of Conclusion? Yes.
Will a greater dispel magic work? Possibly.
Do I possess magic of a lower valence than Mordenkainen’s disjunction that will get rid of it? Perhaps.
Will Malford easily triumph over the giants he’s facing? Yes.
Are the giants likely to find Lester’s temple’s encampment in the next five days? No.

For a few long moments the Eye frowns and mulls what he’s learned. Then he casts a vision, and it hits him like a blow.

He can see it, a huge gemstone suspended over a pit to the Void; gleaming from trapped soul-stuff within; in some sort of tripod-like device. It blazes before him, and Orbius memorizes every contour of the chamber.

That’s what I want,
he thinks grimly.

In the morning, I’ll do a few more divinations. But then it’s time to end this thing.

Next Time: A few more divinations, and then... it’s on!!
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Nice Post, Jester!

I am happy to say that this last post contains 3 of my characters from over the years in Cydra. I played Sunsi mostly during 2e Skills and Powers days, and mostly during Lester's incarceration. (I take the 5th of that . . . ;) )

While Lester easily has the most HPs of anyone and the most insane damage oriented spells, I think that our party benefits more from Orbius' meta-magic hoopla (mass and bestow spell) and Arcane Reach. Put them together and you have some truly epic (small "e") spellcasting. My current favorites are:

Bestow True Strike - 3rd Lvl
Mass Far Strike - 6th Lvl
Mass Elasticity - 8th Lvl
Mass Stoneskins - 8th Lvl


Mass-Bestowed Mirror Image: Lvl 8
19 miror images bestowed on you and those you choose

Jester, you should post those Custom Cydra spells and feats soon . . .


First Post
I am looking forward to this final battle with some anticipation! Should be great - I can imagine it's not the sort of thing you hold back from...

the Jester

Prologue to Conclusion

The sun throws the morning’s first rays of light across the ramparts of Malford’s castle. They scintillate as they catch the stained glass of the Cathedral of Dexter and enter the main fane of the building. The day’s light grows, orange and gold, as the sun rises higher and its beams reach the buildings surrounding the New Quarter of Var. The New Quarter is mostly undeveloped; it’s only recently been cleared of the debris and ruins of the older iteration of the town. The new town is much smaller, in terms of population, than the old one was; it doesn’t yet fill out the ruins. So the New Quarter was cleared, to allow room for new streets to be laid, new structures to be erected, new people to move in.

Not that Dorhaus is swimming with immigrants, yet, but Queen Moira has an idea on that subject.

Adjacent to the New Quarter, on the eastern side, is Drelvin’s Avenue. Named after the famous archer (who is snoring happily in his bed in the castle), the road is populated by a combination of ruined building, reclaimed buildings and newly-built buildings. One of the more impressive old estates that has been reclaimed and rebuilt is where most of the party sleeps. This is Reina’s home- claimed by her father two decades ago, about a year after he almost died and was saved by Lester.

The L is reflecting on the way the little things come back to help you out sometimes as he opens his bleary eyes. He smiles fondly at the young woman sleeping next to him.

“Sorry, honey,” he murmurs, kissing her gently, “but adventure awaits.” He rolls out of bed and pulls on a robe.

It’s time they finished some liches off once and for all.

But not everyone wants to get to it as quickly as Lester. Orbius insists on performing a contact other plane first, and Angelfire and Londo take their sweet time getting out of bed. They are enjoying every moment of what they all know might be their last time together.

Ulla moves through the morning shifting from form to form. She is inconstant, pacing, nervous. She’s not so sure that attacking the demilich in its lair is a good idea, but she also fears that it will come after them if they don’t destroy it. As usual when dealing with terrifying undead beings of epic power, there are no easy answers.

Orbius sits alone in his room, sealed away from all distractions, as he sends his mind to a distant plane, seeking contact with a fantastically powerful mind. He feels something terrifyingly powerful snatch at him, and he’s caught up in a torrent of divine power as he makes contact.

Will a shatter spell cast upon Acererak harm him? Yes.
Which of Patyn’s abilities will be most effective against Acererak? Positive energy burst.
What is the most effective attack against Acererak’s phylactery that we possess? Sonic.
What effect will the wand of days have in our battle with Acererak? Possible victory.

Orbius’ heart almost stops.

Is Acererak likely to cast defenses on the phylactery to ward it against sonic attacks and/or the wand of days? Cannot.
Is it within my means to take us to Acererak’s phylactery? Not from Var.
From within the Fortress of Conclusion? From the right room.
Show me an image of the room from which this is possible. Don’t know.
Is it possible to teleport into that room? Probably.
What direction and distance is this room from the entrance? Don’t know.

Immediately, the Eye relates what he’s learned. “The wand of days seems to be the key,” he finishes. “If we can plan this right, we can take Acererak’s phylactery out and then nail Felenga!”

“Good job, Orbius,” Lester says. “Now we need to find out where the room we can teleport to the phylactery from is!” And he impulsively casts commune.

Has anyone claimed the Mask of the Devourer? No.
When we fight Acererak, is he likely to have allies? Unknown.
Will a Mordenkainen’s disjunction cast at the skull prevent him from sucking souls? As a counterspell.
If we counterspell his scream, will it be reflected upon another creature in the room? No.
Does Acererak know we have the wand of days? Unlikely.
Will a sunray help destroy the phylactery? Yes.
If Angel strikes a mighty blow upon the skull, will she be able to physically harm it? Yes.
If Ulla transforms into an undead, can she avoid the soul sucking? Yes.
If Orbius polymorphs into an undead, will he avoid it? Yes.*
Will antimagic help avoid it? Yes.
If we’re undead, will Acererak be able to control us? Yes.
Is the way to the room we need to reach in order to teleport to the phylactery through one of the doors in the room with the demons? No.
Is the way through the chamber with the moaning mists that we skipped past? No.
Are there any other beings in the room that we can teleport from? No.
Are there any secret doors down the hallway where we fought the dark shadow? No.
Have we overlooked any secret doors? Yes.
Is this secret door in the room with the mists? No.
Is it down the hall from where Sybele’s hung up? Yes.
Will the room we can teleport from have strange paintings on the wall? Some.
Will our various knowledge skills help us determine the room? No.

Upon coming out of his trance, Lester immediately relates what he’s learned. “Art, huh?” asks Thrush. “Sounds like the room we killed those demons in.”

“We can certainly try it,” agrees Orbius. “But we need a plan. And I think I’ve got one.” He pauses grimly.

“First of all, whoever’s using the wand of days is bound to be Acererak’s first target. If it brings us possible victory, he’s bound to recognize it and move to stop it right away. We need to make sure that individual is buffed up to the maximum extent we can manage, with death ward and whatever else we can come up with. Patyn, don’t mess around with anything else- use that positive energy burst! It never misses and Acererak can’t resist it.”

“And it probably won’t work too well in that inkwell of negative energy,” the hunter of the dead says, voice rife with disgust.

“Nonetheless, it’s the best we’ve got. Maybe Londo can help distract Acererak or something, but that will be all it is- a distraction. Everyone else focus on the phylactery. Lester, use sunray-type spells as much as you can, I think it’s vulnerable to sunlight. And sonics, people. I’ll be making a trump contact with Var so that we can get the hell out of there in a hurry, and I’ll be wand of days backup- when the first one goes down, I’ll pick it up and take over.”

“Just who do you intend to use the wand at first?” Angel asks suspiciously.

Orbius sighs.


“Hey, how’s it going, buddy?” The Eye grins at his simulacrum.

“Pretty well,” nods the other Orbius.

“Listen, I need your help. You don’t have to...”

“Of course.” The simulacrum stands up. “What do you need?”

Orbius swallows sadly.


*Of course, you can’t polymorph into an undead anyhow, unless you already are one.

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