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Toasterferret's Council of Thieves


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Noa's vision swam. He had just killed two men. Sure he had been in plenty of fights in the past; his slightly shifted nose and two crooked fingers were evidence of that, but killing, that he had never done.
Dazed, still deafened and now all of a sudden sick to his stomach, Noa slowly stood up, the body of the Arminger dropping from his now blood-soaked lap. He stumbled forward past Leonixx to the end of the walkway and leaned over the foul water, bending to one knee.
Just then he wretched over the side, tears streaming down his face, for the thoughts of his murdered family, and for his own lost decency.
Shaking, he sank into a sitting position and stared off into the shadows, quietly sobbing.

Took a little while, but the combat was actually pretty cool. I personally like doing it this way. That way it still continues, and anyone who may be following along can still follow through the boss battles. So I'm still in favor of everything through the forum.

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Leo watches the lady's beautiful face become concave and then her fine body lay in a slowly widening pool of her own blood.

Taking part in the death of 2 people was certainly never on his mind when he arrived at this city. He was certain it wouldnt be his last... he decided he best get used to the smell of blood, which overwhelmed his senses even beyond the filth of the sewer and what spewed from his comrade's digestive tract.

"What a waste of that lovely meal Noa...." he said with a touch of chagrin. "so... this is how it starts, but how far does it go?" he ponders, but clearly aiming it toward his tour Guide, Janiven. "How much more blood, tears.. and.. err vomit must be shed to end the tyranny?"

OOC: it was good, but i am definately a fast-paced sort of fella, so it can feel like its dragging on. we are doing surprisingly well for level 1s.. usually combats are full of misses and failed checks :-/


Janiven looks to Leo, and you can see her mouth the words

"This is only the beginning, these were just armingers, not even true hellknights...

She looks down to Noa, a gleam of sympathy in her eye, before she picks up the sunrod. Turning to Maurea she calls out

"The hideout is the other way."


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say what?

Vigil still couldn't hear anything but the ringing in his ears, but then he didn't need to hear to see Noa's distress. The gnome was shifting around and seemed a bit nervous, he probably hadn't done anything like this before. And he could't imagine the cleric was happy about what had happened- she seemed a nicer sort.

As for himself, he was surprisingly calm. He hadn't woke up this morning planning on killing, but if it was anyone, a Hellknight was certainly his first choice.

"Well, that's that then, yeah?" Vigil said after Janiven indicated the path. He started walking toward the symbol on the wall, dragging his chain through the water to clean off the blood.


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Maurea looks directly at Janiven, and in the quietest voice that would be heard over the din says "Sounds like trouble coming from the south, and it's coming very quick." She grips her weapon fiercely and steels her will against the unknown.

She moves 20' to the east and readies an action to attack any foe that comes within striking range.


Janiven's eyes lock with Maurea's as she calls out the warning.

Damnit... That mushroom made enough noise to bring everything that lives here down on top of us.

She crouches down, putting a hand on Noa's shoulder, trying to snap him out of his grief. She mouths slowly and clearly

"Trouble's coming, we can't outrun whatever it is so we need you to pull it together. The safehouse isn't far, you'll get your answers soon."

Leaving it at that she tosses the sunrod down once again, and nocks an arrow on her bowstring.

OOC: You guys can take a round worth of actions before whatever is coming from the south get's there. Let's just keep the same initiative count for you guys and I'll put the enemies wherever they belong in the order


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OOC: any chance we can get a new map? Also, perception check, and attaching my weapon cord.

Despite his lack of hearing, seeing Janiven nock her arrow filled in any gaps left in Vigil's understanding. This clearly wasn't over.

He went out of his way to strain his eyes in the direction Janiven was facing, and trying to stay as quiet as possible, asked their 'hostess' "what's in these vials?"

He pulled a leather strap out of his bag, and after tieing one end to his arm, and the other to his chain, bent his knees slightly, and gave a nod of confidence back to Leo.
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Maurea makes herself a target...

The approaching beings were taking a bit longer than she expected, so she takes the time to get a better view of the enemy.
She takes her held action as a move, 20' to the east
She notes that she can still spot Janiven, and an enemy engaging her will be in her sightlines. She then casts light upon her scimitar, thus making sure she will be able to see any enemies, and they her. She looks around taking all the details of the place in.


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Grit your teeth and bear it...

Despite his heartache, as Janiven placed her hand briefly on his shoulder, he knew from the look on her face that something was still wrong. They weren't out of danger just yet.

Noa pulled his legs underneath himself and quick stood up into a slight crouch. Switching his bloodstained sword to his left hand, he strode back toward the senter of the chamber a few steps and retrieved his daggers from the body of the first Arminger to fall. Stowing one back in his belt, he hefted the other in his right hand, ready to throw and dropped into a low crouch. Quickly looking around at the rest of his companions through tear-streaked eyes, he nodded curtly at any whose attention he managed to catch. Steeling himself, he fixed his attention back down the tunnel to the south. "Come on," he whispered, attempting to coax his hearing back into existence by flexing his jaw. "Let's get this over with already."

I'm crouched on the corner where the torch-holder was at the start of this encounter, readying an attack on the first discernable threat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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