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ToB:Bo9S Cha-fighting Prestige class


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The Dashing Swordsman

"The Dashing Swordsman class will teach you to harness your natural charm to turn you into a real bonifide wisecracking, swashbuckling, damsel-saving action hero!"
-Julio Scoundrel, TOWNSPEOPLE Weekly's sexiest man alive

A friend of mine is getting bored with his Rogue/Swashbuckler character, and has been unable to find a prestige class that doesn't do all of the things he already can do, only worse, or breaks the flavor he has so carefully built up. In combat, he sneaks, he gets INVIS cast on him, and he sneak attacks the heck out of people. He wants more out of his swashbuckler. I suggested looking in ToB for interesting combat maneuvers. He liked some things, but the Crusader was too religous for his character, the Warblade too unskilled and uncouth, and the Swordsage relied far too much on Wisdom. Just taking the feats left him with a sour, dead-end taste in his mouth. I offered to cook him up a PrC that might bring life back into his character, and give him a variety of maneuvers to throw off in big flashy ways. When making PrC's, I like input from this fine community!

PreReqs: BAB +7, Combat Expertise, Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Must know one Counter maneuver of at least 2nd level, must be proficient with a one-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar).

HD: d8
Skills: 6+Int; Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Jump, Martial Lore, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Swim, Tumble, and Use Rope.
10 levels
Base Attack Bonus as fighter
Saves Good Reflex, poor Fort and Will
Maneuvers At each odd numbered level, you gain a new maneuver known from the Desert Wind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, or White Raven discipline. You must meet a maneuver's prerequisites to learn it. You add your full Dashing Swordsman levels to your initiator level to determine your total initiator level and you highest level maneuvers known.
At 3rd level, 6th level, and 9th level, you gain an additional maneuver readied per day.
Stances Known At 5th level you learn a new martial stance from the Desert Wind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, or White Raven disciplines. You must meet a stance's prerequisites to learn it.
1. Flashy Swordplay: When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, you may use your Charisma modifier in place of (not in addition to) you Strength modifier for purposes of determining your attack bonus and damage. In addition, when you gain your first level in Dashing Swordsman, you may select either the Desert Wind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, or White Raven disciplines to be your "Flashy" discipline. The saving throws for any maneuver that has a save determined by an ability score may be determined by Charisma instead. This ability only works when wielding a 1-handed sword in 1-hand and when the Dashing Swordsman is wearing light or no armor.
2. Laugh in the Face of Danger: When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, a Dashing Swordsman gains a luck bonus to AC equal to his Charisma modifier. You lose this bonus when flat-footed.
3. Disarming Personality When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, a Dashing swordsman gains a +4 to all Disarm rolls.
4. Master of Counters You may regain one expended maneuver whenever you initiate a Counter maneuver successfully. You may not regain the Counter you expend to activate this ability.
5. Elegant Swordsman When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, you may add both your Strength Bonus and Charisma bonus to your attack roll, instead of one or the other, whenever performing an attack as part of a maneuver.
6. Force of Personality A Dashing Swordsman may use his Charisma bonus as the key ability to his saving throws rather than COnstitution, Dexterity, or Wisdom.
7. Show of Skill You may take a full-round action to show your martial skill. You make an attack roll with your 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar). All enemies with-in 30 ft. who can see and hear you must make a saving throw (DC=attack roll) or be shaken. An opponent who sucedes on this save can not be effected for 24 hours by this ability. This is a fear-effect.
8. Force Concession If an opponent you threaten in melee and have sucessfully attacked during this combat (through a standard attack, maneuver, etc.) is disabled, prone, or unable to threaten you, you may use a standard action to make a Diplomacy check. If this opponent (who must have at least 3 Intellegence) fails a Will save (DC=Diplomacy Check), he or she stops any efforts to struggle, and will follow your directions for 1 round/class level. This is very limited control. You cannot make people take actions obviously harmful to themselves and this control ends if you or any of your allies attacks the controlled again. They will generally allow you to bind them or will run away if you tell them to.
9. Rapier Wit: When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, a Dashing Swordsman may add both his Strength and his Charsima modifier to the damage of any Maneuver he initiates.
10. Shield of Taunts: You may taunt an opponent as a move action by making a special Bluff check. For 1 round/class level your AC=your Bluff check against this opponent. You must take this AC even if it is lower than your normal AC. Your AC only changes against that one opponent, otherwise you use your normal AC to resolve attacks againts you.

That's 10 levels of abilities with a fairly narrow focus.
Job One: Make Charisma a combat stat for this sort of fighter.
Job Two: Show off fancy sword moves through maneuvers and counters.
Job Three: Reward good skill use and give mechanics to classic swashbuckling moments.

How well did I succede? I am open to any and all comments.
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First Post
To tell the truth, I love this class. I like the idea of using force of personality to make a sparkling, showoff Zoro-like character. I certainly applaud the creativity and effort you put into making a custom class for one of your players. I don't know how balanced it would be, but it is in part balanced by the light/no armor and the one handed weapon, so I would allow it...
Perhaps playtest it using your player's current character and some levels in Dashing Swordsman (perhaps 3, 6, and 10), to check if it is overpowered.


First Post
ByteRynn said:
4. Master of Counters When fighting in light or no armor and wielding a 1-handed sword (such as a rapier, longsword, or scimitar) in one hand, any Counter maneuvers you initiate do not count against your limit of initiating only one maneuver per round.
There is no limit of initiating one maneuver per round.


First Post
There isn't? Huh. I thought I read there was somewhere. Back to the drawing board for another ability.

Mostly OoTS-inspired (thus the quote from OoTS), though I have always liked the idea of fighting through force of personality as a character class.


Penguin Herder
ByteRynn said:
There isn't? Huh. I thought I read there was somewhere. Back to the drawing board for another ability.

The limits on Counters vs. other maneuver is simply the limit of 1 Swift action per round. If you use a Counter, you use an Immediate action, which eats your next round's Swift action. Using Boosts and swapping Stances costs a Swift action, so you're out of luck.

So... you could allow switching Stance whenever you use a Counter, or you could allow switching Stance + initiating a Boost as a single Swift action, or something along those lines.

(Haven't really read through the class yet.)

Cheers, -- N


Sounds pretty neat, thanks for posting that.

I'm not sure if I'm reading the player's background correctly about the sneak attacks, etc. -- but have you considered giving a bonus for *not* being invisible? Or maybe have some of those abilities only work "when the opponent can see you."

I don't know if your player would find that too limiting or not (or how often the character is sneaking/invisible), but it might be an interesting way to move towards extra flashiness -- or an interesting drawback to a slightly more powerful ability.

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