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Tobin's Spirit Guide


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For those of you not old enough to have the Ghostbuster movies, or at least the animated series, etched into your subconciousness Tobin's Spirit Guide is the name of a key fictional book of the Ghostbusters story world.

Anyone here ever come across the Tobin's Spirit Guide? On a whim, tangent to the old source book thread, I just did an Internet search and found out that there was an actual book of that name made for the not offically unlicensed, and long OoP, Ghostbusters RPG. For me just the name alone is worth cool factor. The creator has a page that lists two stores as sources, one of them just happens to be in my town. Their website doesn't list product, but they do tend to have dusty piles of odd books piled up in forgotten backrooms...waiting for those foolish enough risk sanity and soul attempting to read. :uhoh: Perhaps they do have it, or could hook me up.

So after all that rambling prologue my question is this; If you have ever seen or possessed a copy of this book what is your 3 sentence or less* assessment of it's contents and it's relative worth as a fluff source in term of generic D&D, and in terms of a roughly contemporary Earth setting?

*Just a sugggested length, feel free to expand if you feel you have more to say than that.

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I have researched the occult for about 12 years now and outside of the movie I have never seen a Tobin's Spirit Guide. It was meant as a plot device for good, similar to the Necronomicon. The closest we can get to a Tobin's Spirit guide are the Lesser Key of Solomon and the Greater Key of Solomon and the various other grimoires of demonic and angelic magick.


Er... I believe sullivan's referring to a sourcebook for an RPG - you know, like Tome & Blood or Book of Vile Darkness - not an *actual* book. That's what he's asking about, anyway ...


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Patryn of Elvenshae said:
Er... I believe sullivan's referring to a sourcebook for an RPG - you know, like Tome & Blood or Book of Vile Darkness - not an *actual* book. That's what he's asking about, anyway ...

Yes, but your information is still appreciated teitan.


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Nice topic! I had wondered several months ago about the book in question (whether it was real, etc.), yet never bothered to post any questions about it. I'll have to moniter this thread for more info.


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There is no "tobin's spirit guide" in the rela world.

The RPG book named that, was published by West End Games.

Tobin's Spirit Guide (supplement by Kim Mohan)
A 76-page squarebound book listing lots of new ghosts/spirits/gods, including Gozer, the villain from the Ghostbusters movie. This is almost certainly the most sought-after and hard-to-find Ghostbusters RPG product, so if you find it, buy it. You might not find it again.

WEG: 30025
ISBN: 0-87431-259-0
UPC: 18874-30025

Google good, google friend, ya...:)


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I Am A Geek Girl

Sorry to kinda hijack this post, but I'm just so proud that I knew where the book was from. "Tobin's Spirit Guide, Tobin's Spirit Guide... why does that sound familiar?"... and I haven't seen those movies in years. :D Yet another tidbit of useless info cataloged in this geeky brain of mine....I LOVE IT!
Now, if only I could find other geeky girls near me that share my geeky interests and then have someone to hang with. :( Ah, oh well.


First Post
AuroraGyps said:
Sorry to kinda hijack this post, but I'm just so proud that I knew where the book was from. "Tobin's Spirit Guide, Tobin's Spirit Guide... why does that sound familiar?"... and I haven't seen those movies in years. :D Yet another tidbit of useless info cataloged in this geeky brain of mine....I LOVE IT!
Now, if only I could find other geeky girls near me that share my geeky interests and then have someone to hang with. :( Ah, oh well.

Move to Orlando, I know a 1/2 dozen geeky girls besides the spouse-unit...flee NY, and come to Florida...like so many Ny'ers :p


What? Me Worry?
I have the Tobin's Spirit Guide made for the second edition of WEG's Ghostbusters game. Well, it's actually in storage where I can't get at it immediately. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed with it. The crunch is pretty light, as was the game, but the fluff was kinda lame, especially in comparison to similar critter books for other games of the time. As a D&D source, you could do much better - many of the monsters have an analog in other games. As a contemporary campaign source, the d20 Menace Manual, for one example, is much better, for much the same reason as why it's not all that great as a D&D source.

Probably best as a collector's item rather than a game resource.

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