Tomb of Horrors


First Post
JRRNeiklot said:
That's what the wandering monster table is for. Sitting around doing nothing is often more dangerous than smashing a globe and releasing a nasty critter.

Isn't there a Hindu saying about not taking action is action in itself?

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First Post
That's what the wandering monster table is for. Sitting around doing nothing is often more dangerous than smashing a globe and releasing a nasty critter.
And capture the wandering monster so you can question it about how it got to you past all the obstacles/traps. [/sarcasm]

I'm also one who finds nothing to appreciate in those old school "thinking man's adventures".



First Post
Mark Hope said:
Cool summary, paradox42 :). I especially like the idea of setting the Tomb in a dreamscape - great idea.
Thanks. I was a bit disappointed, though, when I got no reaction the first time I named this Dream-dungeon "the Tomb of Horrors" openly- I figured that with a few of players who've read most of the old books, at least one should have recognized it. But it seems none of them actually did, at least until I explicitly revealed they'd just been through the meatgrinder to end all meatgrinders after the end of the adventure. Oh well, c'est la vie.


ehren37 said:
And I have first hand proof that it is true.

That all supporters of Gygax and the old classics are "tools" and "whiners?" Or that all DMs running this module will make divinations fail? If I'm misunderstanding you, please clarify for me. If not, I'd like to ask you to please stop making sweeping statement that insult both me and anyone else who got some enjoyment out of this module. I know that most DMs I've spoken with would welcome the initiative to use all powers a high level character has at their disposal.

I honestly cant stand fellow grognards for their perpetual whining attitudes, their constant condescension towards any new players and ideas, and the general attitude of "power tripping" that accompanied DM'ing throughout the early 80's. I love the insulting remarks on the part of the module's supporters that any attempt to be fair is "coddling".

True, some older players do treat newer players like "clueless punks;" but not all. And not all DM's "power-tripped" either; in fact, DM's were advised NOT to, by the rules, and to provide a challenging, but fun, adventure every session.

God forbid anything Gygax did be criticized. You'll be labeled a clueless young punk (because no one else would dare question HIS genious) and have a gaggle of geeks riding their rascals to break down your door.

I don't see anyone here calling Gary the next Messiah; but I do see that the man sometimes isn't recorded the respect due for sustaining the hobby through its biggest growth period, and people get touchy about it sometimes. Bashing one of the most well-liked modules he wrote as an example of "early 80's powertripping" isn't a good way to keep things friendly. :/

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