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Tome of Horrors III



Tome of Horrors III
The Horrors Return!
Necromancer Games brings you another volume in the series of monster books that made Monte Cook says "If a role playing game is a gun, then Tome of Horrors is a case of hollow point, explosive shells!" Tome of Horrors III contains over 200 never-before-seen

monsters, from the devestation swarm to the mortuary cyclone to the rakewood devourer. And what would a Necromancer Games product be without new demons and devils, including the nightmarish ahazu and the vile aegrodaemon, and other outsiders such as the angelic chalkydri!

More Monsters for Your Game!
Completely compatible with v.3.5 rules, Tome of Horrors III is also 100% Open Game Content. This large collection of monsters makes a great addition to any d20 campaign, and was written with the expressed intent to provide usable, detailed, and unknown monsters.

Sword & Sorcery books are published under the Open Game License and are 100% compatible with v.3.5 rules and the d20 System.

Over 200 monsters ready to appear in any d20 campaign.
Each monster entry is designed with Necromancer's "First Edition feel".
New and unusual monsters are certain to liven up any campaign.
Necromancer Games products are well-known for "old school First Edition" attitude, but with up-to-date v.3.5 rules.
Sequel to the highly popular Tome of Horrors and Tome of Horrors II.
100% Open Game Content makes the book useful for any purpose.

Estimated Retail Price: to be announced
Estimated Page Count: to be announced
Authors: Necromancer staff, developed by Bill Webb and Clark Peterson
Scheduled Release: to be announced

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I'm all over this book! If it's as good as the first two Necromancer could bump the price to $45 and I'd still buy it.


I'll likely buy it, like I did the first two, but I would like something more than another book of monsters with nothing to back it up. I really hope they style it more like Denizens of Avadnu or Monsternomicon and give us some hooks or other background information. ToH1 was horrible in that regard, just a collection of stats, and ToH2 was only marginally better (at least they offered LA/ECL's for monsters then). Like I said, I'll buy it (I'm a bit of a sucker for a monster book), but if they want to put out something that I'll want to use, give me a bit more bang for my buck!



First Post
Necromancer Games brings you another volume in the series of monster books that made Monte Cook says "If a role playing game is a gun, then Tome of Horrors is a case of hollow point, explosive shells!"

That has to be the worst tag line ever for an RPG product.

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