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Toms River, NJ - A Simple Venture (D&D 5e)


From a broadsheet posted throughout the kingdom of Kaldor in the winter of 719 Tuzyn Reckoning:


Let it be known that persons of various and needful skills and good character are being sought for an expedition to establish a new outpost in the name of King Miginath, to the glory of the crown. All persons accepted for this endeavor shall be paid a generous monthly stipend and rewarded handsomely upon its successful conclusion, in a manner commensurate with their service. The duration of the contract for this enterprise is expected to be not less than two nor more than four years. Any wishing to join this expedition are encouraged to present themselves at the Hall of the Mangai no later than the 14th day of this coming Nuzyael, along with such credentials and references as may be relevant for the position(s) for which they might apply.

As witnessed this 12th day of Ilvin,
Honelon of Udibis,
(his signature)
Master Litigant

(Or, in short: we're going to found a new town...who wants in on the literal ground floor?)

D&D 5e looks like a decent incarnation of the franchise, and that's what I intend to run. I'm hoping for weekly (Saturday evenings), but that's flexible. I'd prefer players who are more mature, and who can handle a setting that's a little rougher around the edges than your typical fantasy world. I also prefer players who put a high value on cooperative play.


What's the point, anyhow?

Yes, I know...adventurers don't want to be tied down, they want to wander freely, explore new and exciting places, and rescue beautiful monsters from ravening princesses! Who the hell wants to help build a stupid town? Well, there are actually several potential upsides to the situation. Here's what the characters are aware of at the beginning of the campaign...

Rumors have been swirling in Kaldor for months about some major project being undertaken by the Mangai (the association of guilds) with additional support by Earl Hemisen Curo. Apparently, their intention is to construct a small fortification on the banks of Lake Myen, a large deep freshwater lake some 60 miles up the Hemurin River from currently settled lands. Part of the alleged reasoning behind this venture is the discovery of certain natural resources nearby; the lake is nestled in the foothills of the Felsha Mountains, and the region has never been especially developed so it is believed that there must be some fantastic deposits ripe for the picking. And indeed, given the heavy support of the Miners' Guild, this story seems to carry a strong ring of truth to it.

Naturally, this means that there must be more to it all than that...because there are surely more easily obtained sources of ore and salt. First off, the land in that area is claimed by the semi-nomadic Taelda tribes who, while not exactly at war with Kaldor, aren't exactly bosom buddies either. They tend to be neutral until their privacy and territory is invaded, at which point they display some very effective guerilla tactics that have been the frustration of generations of Kaldoric military officers. Their cooperation in the matter could probably be purchased...or at least rented...but there are many independent tribes and keeping them all on the payroll could be a bit pricey.

And then there are the Gargun (Harnic Orcs). There is a known Gargun colony at Gifuso, about 25 miles from the lake. As such, the entire area is subject to frequent Gargun patrols, and any planned site would require a strong military presence to dissuade attacks. Trying to bribe Gargun is about as useful as putting wheels on a house...even if they stayed bribed (which they don't), the constant power struggles inside a Gargun colony ensure that new leadership...and a new palm to be greased...is only a sword stab away.

And if those aren't enough, the area is also known for Ivashu, the monstrous creations of the god Ilvir. While some Ivashu are harmless, most aren't. Some very decidedly and aggressively aren't, and since Ilvir is known for his love of experimenting with new forms, one could run into...well, anything out there. I mean, there are old wives' tales of a sea dragon living in the lake itself, as if any self-respecting sea dragon would live in a freshwater lake a hundred miles and more from any ocean.

So the question is, with all that going against it, what in the name of Morgath's left nut is there that would be worth all the time, manpower, and expense? On that point too, rumors abound.

Some of the tamer notions being floated include the construction of a small port on the shore of the lake, to bring goods downriver directly to the capital Tashal itself. The idea would likely be to siphon off part of the trade from the Fur Road, which currently runs to Olokand (home of the ambitious and wildly unpopular Sheriff Maldan Harabor, the eldest...and illegitimate...son of King Miginath). Such a shift in revenues could have a decided impact on the balance of power in the realm, which becomes increasingly important as Miginath, who was never in all that great a health to begin with, ages and refuses to designate an heir. On the other hand, Olokand also happens to be the seat of the royal family, who might take exception to the loss of coin.

Then of course, there are rumors of a find of an extremely rare metal, platinum. Such a thing sounds credible because the Khuzdul (Dwarves) were known to have mined the Felshas for platinum and even rarer metals in ancient ages; a deposit which might have seemed a trifle to them could still be large enough to be worth several kings' ransoms. Since by decree all metal deposits are the property of the king, mined under license, royal approval and involvement would be a necessary step (and one which appears to have been taken).

There is also question of ecclesiastical interest, specifically from the Church of Ilvir. Since one of the major pilgrimage routes to Araka-Kalai, home of Ilvir on the shores of Lake Benath, runs somewhat through this area, a "forward base" of sorts from which pilgrims could launch their treks through this dangerous region would be quite welcome. Unfortunately, the church may be many things, but it is most assuredly not rich. On the other hand, Earl Curo...a known supporter of the church...most assuredly is.

Of course, even more fantastical rumors swirl about, including the possible discovery of a fabled Earthmaster site, Lahr-Darin. Mages have been hunting unsuccessfully for it for centuries, if for no other reason than that every Earthmaster site ever found to date has contained a trove of magical artifacts (many unfathomable) as well as clues to what happened to the mysterious race who built these indestructible monuments so many millenia ago. Any even vaguely serious information about the site would be enough to set wizards' ears buzzing all the way to Melderyn.

So, with all of the above, it hardly seems unlikely that an enterprising group of free-minded individuals might desire to find some way to attach themselves to the endeavor and one or more of the major personages associated with it. Judging by the white-hot glow of the rumor mill, they're likely to have quite a lot of competition for the opportunity.

Or they could just stay at home. Your call.
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Sounds fun

Hello Stormhound,
your game sounds fun. Do you have any players yet? I live in Monmouth county so I'm about 20 miss away from Toms River. I have played D&D since '83, and enjoy a more role playing- centric game . Having dm'ed for a while myself I understand the value of team work and know that poor team work can kill a campaign before it even starts. At best I would be able to play twice a month . If that's ok let me know. Look forward to hearing back from you.


Thanks, Varanos, sent you a PM.

For anyone looking, I'm planning to have some updated info on Obsidian Portal over the course of this week.


For anyone reading this and sitting on the fence, wondering just what kind of GM I might make, I offer you the following excerpt from the character creation notes on Wizards:

The touchword for Harnic wizards is restraint. The concept is pounded into an apprentice’s head from the beginning, and even moreso once he reaches the rank of journeyman (which is what all Wizard PCs would be considered at start). This emphasis exists for two major reasons:

  1. Mystery: Part of the respect that wizards are given in Harn is that they tend to act subtly, using their most flashy and obvious powers as a last resort. If nobody knows exactly what you’re capable of, but that it might well be something devastating, they’re going to be a lot more careful when it comes to messing with you.
  2. Safety: The other part of the respect, to borrow a phrase, is that mages try not to go scaring the normals. This is in large part because there are a hell of a lot more of them than there are of you, and panicked mobs tend to react unpredictably and destructively. Think pitchforks and torches, if it helps. The common folk certainly will.
Now, wizards want to sound wise (same root word, after all), and they will throw around all sorts of gobbledygook about “preserving the magical balance” and “not overtaxing local mana sources” and whatever other nonsense they can con you into believing, but at root their motives are simple: they want to learn all they can, and it’s really hard to study when people are trying to hang your ass from the nearest tree. Thus, restraint. If their fear of angering you exceeds their fear of having you around, they will leave you the hell alone to study.

And, for students who really manage to prove that they just don’t get that idea, there is always the prospect of being declared renegade and hunted down by any other mage who has the spare time. Since doing this tends to take them away from their studies, and this tends to annoy the hell out of a mage, said hunters tend to be quick and merciless about it.

Such trivialities aside, a wizard will have a home chantry (the place where they were taught their art) which is devoted to the same school of magic as the PC. As a means of showing gratitude to the people who spared their time to teach you (or sucking up to them in hopes of earning favor), alumni will be expected to make occasional donations…a nice magic item, perhaps some new spell you’ve thought of, a little time spent doing minor tasks, that sort of thing. Students without the wisdom to understand the importance of keeping the school’s masters happy probably didn’t make the cut for training in the first place.

Finally, while there is a professional conviviality among the schools…we’re all mages, after all…there is also a certain degree of guarding of secrets. If you’re part of the School of Enchantment, it’s unlikely that an Abjurer will just happily teach you his nifty little spell just because you asked politely. A little palm-greasing goes a long way.

After all, being a wizard may be about Fantastical Magical Forces that Mere Mortals Cannot Comprehend, but that’s no reason not to be practical about it. A mage has to eat, you know, and all that experimental apparatus is bloody expensive.

Voidrunner's Codex

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