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Took Enemy Fire in Edition Wars

Indeed. Taking exception to a specific thread and comments of a negative nature, which has been cited as against board policy, seems a fair comment. I appreciate you agreeing with me on that point.
I do agree that a lot of people need to "lighten up" a bit. Not every criticism of your favourite game is an attack on you. Of course, some criticisms are effectively that, and that needs to stop as well.

Threads that are against board policy will be moderated and closed, so long as they're reported. So which threads gets moderated/closed can be a good guide to what is acceptable to board policy, I would think.

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I do agree that a lot of people need to "lighten up" a bit. Not every criticism of your favourite game is an attack on you. Of course, some criticisms are effectively that, and that needs to stop as well.

That seems to be a different subject since that thread was just a generally negative thread against any non-mainstream RPGs.

Threads that are against board policy will be moderated and closed, so long as they're reported. So which threads gets moderated/closed can be a good guide to what is acceptable to board policy, I would think.

You would think that.


The guideline remains: talk about what you love and don't be a dick about games or editions that you don't. Not too tough. If you don't like it, too bad. I'd much rather see cool enthusiastic conversation than people being negative.
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That seems to be a different subject since that thread was just a generally negative thread against any non-mainstream RPGs.
If you say so. Seems to me it was a bunch of people poking fun at their hobby. False accusations of edition warring and all that.

I can't tell which post you're directing this to.

Edit: Never mind, I don't want to know. I sense this is getting a bit personal now, so I won't say any more.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
If you say so.

I do, indeed. It is obviously negative and directed at non-mainstream RPGs and, as pointed out in the thread, a bit of a misunderstanding as to what the original term "Fantasy Heartbreaker" was meant to describe.

I can't tell which post you're directing this to.

Edit: Never mind, I don't want to know. I sense this is getting a bit personal now, so I won't say any more.

It's the last post in the thread, made by PC, specifically saying what I just said above about board policy. I quoted it in case you had trouble following the direct link to the post for some reason. There's nothing personal about board policy and, in fact, policy is made so that personalities can be left out of the equation, so I'm not sure why you'd want to shift the argument in that direction.


It's the last post in the thread, made by PC, specifically saying what I just said above about board policy. I quoted it in case you had trouble following the direct link to the post for some reason. There's nothing personal about board policy and, in fact, policy is made so that personalities can be left out of the equation, so I'm not sure why you'd want to shift the argument in that direction.
Yeah, I generally have been impressed with the moderation during my time here, but that post was worryingly RPGnet-like.

Elf Witch

First Post
I to have taken hits from edition warriors. In my case it was a rabid foaming at the mouth 4E fan who butted into a private conversation between myself and a person I was meeting at a gaming store to see if he was a good fit for my game.

The guy liked 4E and asked me why I didn't want to run it and so I was telling him my reasons why I don't like 4E. This other guy heard me and was up in my face correcting me on how I just didn't get the game rules how horribly broken my game of muggles and wizards were.

The guy I was meeting was like dude you need to really shut up now.

I think one way to help stop this is to throw away trigger words that really piss off people for me it is muggles and wizards and the worst BMX biker comments on my favorite edition.

It is one thing to say why you don't enjoy a system or edition without making it sound like any one who does is just not smart enough to figure this out for themselves. That and just accept that not everyone likes the same thing as you do and them not liking it in any way diminishes why you like it.


Cute but dangerous
Mark CMG said:
So, you're willing to downgrade your sweeping generalization from "most" to merely a "good portion?" I'd say we're making some progress. Now if we can get you to take it a step further and call out specific people when they make such comments instead of using the broad brush to generalize, I'd say we'll all be in better shape.

No, I'm convinced about all of the 4e haters - not the emphasis - are doing what they are doing just to make 4e go away somehow. And you know, I'm not going to take names and addresses of people just to quote them on ENworld. ;)

Again, this has nothing to do with anyone who has rules issues with the game. There is a difference between not playing something and taking constant swipes at it.

Elf Witch said:
I to have taken hits from edition warriors. In my case it was a rabid foaming at the mouth 4E fan who butted into a private conversation between myself and a person I was meeting at a gaming store to see if he was a good fit for my game.

So it happens the other way round as well. ;) I hope the recruiting worked anyway.

Elf Witch

First Post
No, I'm convinced about all of the 4e haters - not the emphasis - are doing what they are doing just to make 4e go away somehow. And you know, I'm not going to take names and addresses of people just to quote them on ENworld. ;)

Again, this has nothing to do with anyone who has rules issues with the game. There is a difference between not playing something and taking constant swipes at it.

So it happens the other way round as well. ;) I hope the recruiting worked anyway.

To be fair the anti 3E crowd can be just as bad. The impression I have gotten from a lot of them is that those of who still play it and like are just to stupid to see the problem with it or we some how play the game so differently than everyone else that its flaws are masked.

It certainly does. I sent a friend in to a game store to buy a 3E PHB I had called and they were holding one for her. She was brand new to gaming. When she got there some asshat told her that she was playing the wrong edition that 3E sucked , that she would never enjoy it and that if the group she was joining as still playing it then there was something wrong with us.

It really creeped her out. She didn't know much about gaming or what was going on edition wise. We had been friends for years and she knew how much I loved the game and was interested in trying it out.

There are no heroes in edition wars.


D&D started out emulating the broader fantasy genre (very broad, as they included HP Lovecraft among their influences), and failed to capture it in a number of ways. It then rested on it's early success for 25 years or so, and that flawed genre-emulation because a sub-genre all it's own. D&D went from a poor simulation of fantasy, to a perfect simulation of itself, in a way.

4e is probably a better take on heroic fantasy than D&D ever had been before - with a good does of cinematic action, to boot - but that made it a very poor simulation of D&D's self-defined de-facto sub-genre.

...and that, I think, is the causus belli for the edition wars.

Kudos for stating it clearly, Tony.

Crazy Jerome

First Post
With apologies to sports fans from all walks of life ...

You know, it doesn't matter statistically how many people dislike "football." If a prominent group of them make it a point to pounce on most ever football thread with "anti-football" statements like:
  • It's so namby-pamby how they skip around the bases.
  • Knocking a soft yellow ball back and forth across a net is so boring.
  • Throwing that javelin on the field isn't safe.
... it's difficult to even get to the point where you can discover whether it was "American football" or "soccer" under discussion. Especially when you get sucked into defending the honor of baseball, tennis, and field and track, which aren't even supposedly under discussion. It's as if the putting on of a team jersey made one's opinion informed ... :D

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