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Top Ten Most Pathetic Deaths (In my Campaigns)


First Post
Hello, everyone. I'm hoping to get at least one of these posts out per week. We play Pathfinder for those who are wondering!

In each in every one of our campaigns, someone dies. Usually in horribly pathetic ways. Let's get started!

10.) Puddledeath

I've noticed something kind of funny about barbarians. They usually either die in amazingly epic ways, or incredibly stupid ways. With our friend Noah, who constantly plays barbarians, there never seems to be an inbetween. In this particular scenario, he was trudging along with the rest of us through an underground cavern, filled about ankle deep with water. It was treated as rough terrain and that was that, no one expected anything from it.
Anyway, we're just walking along, looking for the hovel of a cultist, when we hear a strange clicking (Thanks to a nifty perception check by our resident sorcerer). Confused, we stop. After a lengthy series of 'Are you making that noise?', 'No, are you?' style interactions, a horde of crabs jump out of the water.
Yup. Just straight up crabs. We laugh and start disposing of them. One by one. Two by two. Dozen by dozen?! After ten minutes out of game, we're desperate. We've run out of splash weapons and spells, and our hitpoints are dangerously low. No matter what we do, they just keep coming!
Finally, we decide, screw it, we're out. So we begin running, and the barbarian steps on some algae. The algae is treated as grease for that square, and he falls flat on his face. As this happens, he takes one more hit from a crab and goes unconscious, and starts drowning. We don't know what the hell to do, being super low on health and resources, and decide to just book it.
And thus ends the tale of Alleira, the woefully fated barbarian.

Alright, folks, that ends the first post! There will be 1-3 more tomorrow, so stay tuned!

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First Post
Hiya, guys, sorry about the delay! Life has a tendency of happening too quickly.
Anyway, let's get to the 9th most pathetic death!

9.) Fun with Fungi

In most of our campaigns in which a PC dies, they usually die in a sad way. There's mourning, a funeral procession, and more often than not an empty casket. In this particular case, however, the death was straight up funny.

I was playing a halfling gunslinger, and we had gone spelunking in a cave system underneath a defunct prison, filled to the brim with traps, rodents, and the relics of unfortunate adventurers. Shame about them, but at least we got their loot. Well, the rest of our party did. I never made it out.
We had gone through about 4 caverns, fighting rats and spiders, evading most but tripping some traps, and we had come to a gigantic cavern filled head to toe with different kinds of fungi. Vivid red, dark purple, noxious yellow, tall, short, wide, thin, all kinds of variants filled the whole room.

Being the savvy adventurers we are, we immediately knew not to touch them. We proceeded in a quick but careful fashion to the end of the cavern where the exit stood, but misfortune struck along the way. We were passing through a particularly dense patch, and had to make an acrobatics check to avoid upsetting some particularly nasty-looking purple fungus. Everyone else made it but me, with a lovely natural 1 on the roll. I figure, aw man, I'm gonna take some damage, but at least I have full health.

Not so. The thing grabbed me, made a grapple check that destroyed my puny CMD, and whipped me straight into another patch of fungi. Because of the high speeds and low weight of my character, I bounced off and landed in another patch. Our paladin used his Ranseur to lift me by my backpack and pull me out on the other side. I think, uh oh, better check myself for poisons, and the cleric casted 'Detect Poison' on me.

I had 7 different poisons on me. I failed a few fort saves, and I took 16 con damage and died the next round before anyone could cast anything more.
Ashes to ashes, halfling to dust.

Deuce Traveler

Some of the ones I found funniest in campaigns I was involved in:

Franko the Fickle: He irked a water spirit and she turned him into a frog. Fate unknown.

Homar Greenthumb: Had the top of his head bitten off by a giant serpent right after he called the room cleared of danger. Said serpent was coiled on ceiling mounts. Always look up.

Hank: A wizard who was clawed to death by a giant hound when his spell failed to go off and backfired spectacularly (DCC game).

Niles LeGosche: Arsonist fire wizard frozen in place (along with his burning hands spell) by an ice elemental.

Heinrich Schreibersen: Another fire-based wizard killed when he let off a fireball, but was blown up when the fireball exploded too close due to hitting an invisible stalker.

Vincenzo del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avorio II: Challenged evil baron to a duel. Was promptly killed by a large force of the baron's guards.

Dr. Jeckyl: An alchemist that blew himself up before first adventure. Premature detonation.

John Tannerson: Was spontaneously and horribly mutated to appear like a kobold dragonkin at the end of the Saga of the Dragon Cult storyline. Lost ability to speak Common and mistakenly slain by fellow party members.

Sir Sheldon deBir: A quite stuffy paladin who never had time for anything called fun. Was made the toy of a dryad that took a fancy to him and his charming inability to roll decent Will saves against spells.

Cotte Wards: Fell at the hands of a name anagrammer.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Huh, I thought all of the characters mentioned above were still alive . . . . Oh, wait. April the first. I get it! except that Scott DeWar character. Though I hear news of his untimely demise was only slightly exaggerated.

Voidrunner's Codex

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