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Touched One (Divine Sorcerer)

The Proconsul

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This is the first time i try to create something for D&D, and I'm not even sure whether this has been done before ... so pleeeeeaaaase excuse any faults.


Sometimes, an individual is blessed by a deity upon ir’s birth. Some of them hear the call to become Paladin, while others gain the innert ability to cast divine magic. Other than a normal cleric, a Touched One needs not pray for spells, she is even not required to worship a deity. There is much discussion as to just why the gods grant those individuals their powers – and even about the true origins of the Touched One’s magic. Some of them claim that they have the blood of planeswalkers in them, which are supposed to have mastered divine magic on their own. Outsiders often claim that the Touched Ones have gained their power through secret and dark rituals, and that they must put to the fire in order to please the gods.
Adventures: Often, the Touched Ones choose the adventuring career for similar purposes as sorcerers do, the test and expand their abilities in divine magic. Others try to surface just why they have the powers they own; for some of them think that they have gained it to fulfill a certain goal for the gods.
Characteristics: More often than not, Touched Ones are overly proud of their abilities. They consider themselves as chosen by the gods. They have problems to work together with other people, rather preferring to lead them. They DO make good leaders, though, for many of them are quite charismatic. They are often fond of grand speech and
Alignment: Touched Ones tend to no particular alignment, although their pride and selfconsciousness lead to chaotic rather than to lawful alignments.
Religion: There are basically two types of Touched Ones: the ones that consider themselves blessed by a particular god are zealous followers of that deity. The rest (and majority) of them claims that they have gained their magic by being virtous, powerful, strong, their ancestors or other, similar means. Those, while usually not dening their existance, have serious doubts about the power of the gods, and usually follow none.
Background: A Touched One’s background ish heavily dependant upon the society in which they are raised. Some are worshipped as blessed of the gods, some are killed as abominations. Some of them are confused with sorcerers (which they don’t like at all), and some of them are simply discarded as curious, but otherwise uninteresting.
Races: Touched Ones are equally common among all races – meaning they are extremely rare everywhere.
Other Classes: More often than not, Touched Ones are overly proud of their abilities. They consider themselves as chosen by the gods. They have problems to work together with other people, rather preferring to lead them. They DO make good leaders, though, for many of them are quite charismatic. They are often fond of grand speech and gestures. They have a particular disgust for sorcerers, whom they consider as “blessed” with minor, profane magics.

Game Rule Information
Touched Ones have the following Game Statistics.
Abilities: Charisma is important for the Touched One’s casting abilities. Strength and Dexterity give them additional combat abilities to backup their, compared to arcane spells, weak magics.
Alignment: any.
Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus progression: mediocre (See Table 3-1, page 22 in the Player’s Handbook)
Save Bonus progression: Fort Save: low, Ref save: low, Will save: high (See Table 3-1, page 22 in the Player’s Handbook)

Class Skills
The Touched One’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Int), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (3 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 3 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the touched one.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Touched one is proficient with all simple weapons plus any two martial weapons. He is proficient with all types of armor (light, medium, heavy) and shields. Note that armor check penalties apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor and equipment carried.
Spells: A Touched One knows as many spells and may cast as many spells per day as a sorcerer would, except that he chosses his spells from the cleric spell list. His bonus spells are based on charisma. Saving throws againsz a touched one’s spells have a DC equal to 10 + spell level + charisma modifier.
Smite: At second level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Touched One gains the Smite ability against a type of opponent chosen by him. These are chosen in a similar manner Rangers choose their favorite enemies. The Touched one may smite one of thoes enemies once per four levels (beginning at 2nd level) to gain a +2 on attack and damage rolls against this fow for the remainder of the turn as a free action. In addition, this opponent is stunned for the remainder of the turn upon a succesful attack or spell cast upon him. If the Touched One is of any alignment other than True Neutral, all smitable opponents must be of opposed alignment on at least one axis (good-evil, lawful-chaotic). Smite is a supernatural ability.
Divine Blood: At 5th level, divine magic has become an inert portion of the Touched One’s very body and soul. He may choose any any divine abjuration spell that he can cast to influence him permanently. He may choose an additional abjuration spell every 5 levels thereafter.
Divine Influence: At 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter, the Touched One chosses any one Cleric Domain. He may cast every domain spell in that domain once per day, provided it is of a spell level he could normally cast.
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First Post
Stunned with no save? *cringes*
And having a permanent spell seems a bit powerful (Permanent Dispel Evil? Permanent Spell Resistance?!)
I'd give the stunning effect a save along the lines of a Monks (with Cha as the stat), and I'd limit the Smite to Once per day.
Otherwise it would take alot of playtesting to see if everything else was fair and balanced.
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First Post
Obviously, this belongs in House Rules. nonetheless, some free advice:

First, follow the format of the classes in the PHB. If you want comments, make it easy on people.

Second, use a word processor to catch those pesky typographical errors and grammer mistakes.

Third, use white space. One idea per paragraph with a blank line between paragraphs.

Do those things, and I promise I'll read it through and comment on it.

Dr. Zoom

First Post
I have a couple of suggestions.

Why 3 skill points? All the other classes and PrCs have 2, 4, 6 or 8 skill points per level. Go with 4.

Also, why do they have a better selection of weapons than clerics? Give them all simple weapons and make them spend a feat to get others.

That brings me to domains. They should have two domains, just like clerics. Give them the +1 to their slots per day, but the bonus slot only usable for one of their domain spells. This will also allow them to use martial weapons if they get the War domain. This replaces your Divine Influence ability.

Drop smite and divine blood, and allow them to turn undead as a cleric. Basically, this class should be like a cleric, except for the spontaneous casting, IMO.


First Post
I chose permanent holy aura.

I'd strike the martial weapon proficiency, and the divine blood ability. For the domains. I'd let them chose a domain @ 1st & 10th lvl. They gain the spells in this domain as spells known, and the granted power. I'd also add a 0 spells per day of the next higher lvl at every lvl where a wizard would gain access. So, at 3rd lvl the touched one can cast 1 2nd lvl spell of his domain (he dosn't know any other 2nd lvl spells) if he has a 14 or better cha.

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