Touching or Bumping into the Invisible

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Originally Posted by SRD, Invisibility
A creature can grope about to find an invisible creature. A character can make a touch attack with his hands or a weapon into two adjacent 5-foot squares using a standard action. If an invisible target is in the designated area, there is a 50% miss chance on the touch attack. If successful, the groping character deals no damage but has successfully pinpointed the invisible creature’s current location. (If the invisible creature moves, its location, obviously, is once again unknown.)

Anybody else feel this should draw an AoO?


Prodigal Member
frankthedm said:
Anybody else feel this should draw an AoO?
If you're using your hands, yes (barring special circumstances). With a weapon, no. That's according to the rules for touch attacks.


First Post
Nope, no AoO. I mean after all, who's going to go flailing about with the arms as their action for the round, when they can't do anything about it even if they find the guy since they've used their standard action already?

I don't link this particular rule in 3.5E. It's also a bit of a pain when you consider a creature with reach that's invisible, or a creature with multiple limbs such as tentacles.

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