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Toughest critter in 4e


Just curious as to what people think it is. And bear in mind that im not talking about most hit points, or highest defences.

A knee jerk reaction would be to shout Tiamat, or Vecna; they may very well be. But there are other monsters out there that for thier level are very tricky/hard to overcome.

Some notable examples that spring to mind are:

Shadow Hulk (that Maddening Gaze is nasty)

Kyuss (those 5 attacks per round are insane)

Gibbering Orb (that bite attack, gibbering, and Souleating ray...:eek:)

Young Blue Dragon (dragons in general really, but that gore attack and 2 claw attacks is pretty heavy for level 5 or 6)

And finally, im not interested in hearing min/maxers spout that there is not tough monster and that a wizard can solo everything; im talking tough for a standard, balanced party.

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I find Deathjump Spiders terribly challenging for a group of PC's (3d6+3 damage, knocked prone, poisoned and slowed = owned)

For a level 1 group, Drakes are deadly, specifically, the Needlefang swarm (especially if no wizard) & Guard Drakes (19 possible damage + a lot of hp...)


I find Deathjump Spiders terribly challenging for a group of PC's (3d6+3 damage, knocked prone, poisoned and slowed = owned)

For a level 1 group, Drakes are deadly, specifically, the Needlefang swarm (especially if no wizard) & Guard Drakes (19 possible damage + a lot of hp...)

Lol, yeah Deathjump spiders are brutal; really, if the dm isnt careful, a group of them could fairly easily TPK the pcs :eek:

Worst trouble I've seen from a creature has to be the Balhannoth.

You know, ive never run them or honestly paid much them much mind; thier nasty in play?

You know, ive never run them or honestly paid much them much mind; thier nasty in play?

This is a summary of the Balhannoth's turn:

1. It begins its turn invisible
2. It uses a close burst 3 attack while invisible, dealing an extra +2d8 because it has combat advantage(from being invisible if nothing else), and it can slide the targets 3 squares, placing them adjacent to the Balhannoth.
3. It uses a minor action to regain the invisibility it lost for attacking.
4. The Balhannoth teleports up to 10 squares, dazing everything next to it and gaining combat advantage against those it teleports next to. Since it was invisible, nobody knows where the darn thing is.

And the Balhannoth is an Elite...

Only real way to deal with it is to ready attacks for when it becomes visible.


This is a summary of the Balhannoth's turn:

1. It begins its turn invisible
2. It uses a close burst 3 attack while invisible, dealing an extra +2d8 because it has combat advantage(from being invisible if nothing else), and it can slide the targets 3 squares, placing them adjacent to the Balhannoth.
3. It uses a minor action to regain the invisibility it lost for attacking.
4. The Balhannoth teleports up to 10 squares, dazing everything next to it and gaining combat advantage against those it teleports next to. Since it was invisible, nobody knows where the darn thing is.

And the Balhannoth is an Elite...

Only real way to deal with it is to ready attacks for when it becomes visible.

:eek: Holy crap. Yeah, thats pretty devestating.


Yes indeed. Have you had em kill any characters before?
Ah yes, the Needlefang Drake - AKA 2nd lvl 'Hill Giant' swarm.

We basically suffered a virtual TPK with these guys:

- Scales of War AP
- 2 x NFD + 1 x Lurker, 500 xp thereabouts, lvl 2 encounter for 4 guys
- close combat scenario, no surprise
- NFD trip as minor action, so can do twice and then bite attack
- Trip is +8 vs fort, so tripping % is tipped in their favour, + can do twice per turn
- Reliable tripping gives NFD combat advantage +2 hit
- Hill giant damage to tripped, i.e. 2d10+4 (vs Giants 2d10+7)
- Aura allows a free hill giant attack, multiple NFD auras apply

Basic Sequence:
- Lurker lands a blow on Pally
- Paladin is wounded so second winds + holy circle + AP fighting defensively = AC 24.
- Tripped, critted for 24 dam, second NFD hits = unconscious
- Aura attacks (Pally gets -5 unconscious penalty to defenses) = death
- Cleric is tripped, wasted + aura = killed
- Warlock etc...
- Wizard manages to land killing scorching burst against odds (NFD have good ref def) to save the day.

Level 2 xp is awarded...

Basically, the NFD is almost a deal breaker for 4E for me. I still cannot believe this lvl 2 soldier was given hill giant damage, it's basically ruined a session and threatens to poison the campaign. I mean, what other dark, smelly, seriously unfun/unfair things are we going to unearth?


First Post
A void wraith is pretty mean at 9th level (addition in Open Grave).
Insubstantial, Immune disease + poison, resist 5 necrotic...

Half damage and Regen? Who ever said 4e combats grinded...

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