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Tower shopping! For the wizard who has everything...


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So lets say, hypothetically, that you're a bit of a rich epic wizard finally severing yourself 'officially' from the... *ahem* armed (and staved) forces of the nation you've been serving faithfully. Time to pack up some of that dragon sized library, alchemy set, potted plants and faithful kitty and set up shop somewhere outside of that big capital city (no place to build).

Now its a violent world after all, and getting to be an epic wizard doesn't just happen without slaying a few warlords, a king or two, offending entire races, and kicking sand in the eyes of an elder deity. Its uncertain times and we can expect to be besieged by a half dozen armies at some point or another (hopefully or said wizard hasn't been trying hard enough).

Lets also just put out there that there really is no safe haven, no city unasaillable, no political stability to ensure times of peace, etc, so finding a cushy well defended open town to build in is fairly unrealistic, and if anything may serve as a liability. Cities are rampaging horde magnets, towns often finding themselves at odds with roaving bands of brigands, and it just wouldn't do with the commoners pounding away day and night at the poor archmage's door. Archmages need their sleep too! (The living ones anyway or without the appropriate ioun stones/spells/etc).

But this is hardly a dilemma for the veteran interplanar champions here at Enworld. They build fortifications in their dreams and foreboding keeps as they scramble their eggs for breakfast.

But why a tower?
Its the thing to do! Appearences must be kept! I was thinking perhaps (gold, labor, and other disastrous events holding off willing...) to have the tower be a surface outcropping with all the real goodies undergroud but I was reminded of a certain story hour (Piratecat) where an all to clever cleric collapsed a dungeon with a well placed earthquake spell. Lets say the guiding light of this wizard's world is all too familiar with that little ploy as to render it a might untenable as a sound construction idea...

So for the experienced arcane tower builders here, a few questions...

1) Where?
Location location location! Enemies won't be able to just teleport in, but we need to get the builders there to well... build it. And live. Storming towers in forbidding jungles may be fun but one wonders how they get there in the first place!

The major concerns are *NOT* adventurers, but strike forces and militaries. Reputation as an army smasher can only go so far when mob mentality can override the good judgment of otherwise non-sucidal hobgoblins...

And theres only *one* wizard. While she and her companions can probably hold off a small army, she runs out of spells (scrolls, and charges) eventually and while she's nifty with a quarterstaff, she's not Neo.

Ideally then the terrain has to be somewhat difficult for any large force to enter and besiege (and make siege weaponry impractical). What kind of doors could resist a determined effort (long enough at least for the wizard to get notice of it and come back and start turning the peoples into frogs... deterrence?!)

2) Design- Assume all or most of the standard fantasy fare materials are available. For the 'hypothetical' pretend unlimited funds (within reason), and several stories. What should be there? A library and a potion lab are a must, a kitchen, living quarters as well (but how many?) Do they have foyers? What are the comforts your enterprising real estate wizards (pardon the pun) sought in their respective places of residence? This will also be a base of operations for several powerful individuals when they work as a team although they too have their respective responsibilities and places of dominion.

How to structure it for reinforcement? Some of which will by necessity be internal. There will be several portals anchored in the tower to facilitate travel. Additionally there may be a summoning or two, and theres always the possibility of fel attack...

Care and feeding of an apprentice/apprentices. Assumng any number between (and including) 1-5 apprentices, how did you make room for them? And give them workspace? Places to blow things up and summon things accidentally? Not setting fire to the archmages library?

Food and drink is not a concern (for this archmage) but might be for the guests and apprentices. Location is not only important for its protective measures but also people have to get all the stuff there in the first place! But it should also be so out of the way or precariously situated as to discourage military reprisals, although those are likely to happen due to this wizard's particularly colorful history.

And stables? Or does the average self-interested wizards eschew such mundane contrivances, forcing the prospective guests to seek their own methods of caring for their faithful steeds?

Extraplanar is not an option, the planes of this cosmology are extremely forbidding, of indeterminate size, and populated by powerful beings that do not kindly brook interloping. Lets just say that they're extremely hard to get into and even harder to get out of...


Thank you all for taking the time to read this and reply!

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You honestly might want to check out the 3.0 Stronghold Builder's Guidebook. It might help to answer a lot of these questions. It also includes wondrous architecture and magic siege engines to help you defend your tower, too.


First Post
I'd go for something deep underground that can't be accessed except through teleport. Make it out of permanent Walls of Force so Earthquakes don't effect it. If you're allowing things from the stronghold builder's guide, then make sure the area is always 70 degrees and has access to fresh air. If said wizard is level 20, the he could make for himself a 50x40x40 foot little cavern down there for 6 castings of permanency (2,500xp each kind of hurts though). I'd think it'd be rather comfortable. Protect the whole thing with a permanent Mage's Private Sanctum for another 2,500xp and no one will ever be able to find and therefore kill/rob you or your possessions.

The only problem I foresee is that of relieving yourself.

And of course this rather precludes having visitors or apprentices (who could rat you out or betray you), but you could always teleport out to conduct business.


Say "No!" to siege mentality.

Bugger this hide in a deep dark hole crap. If I'm an epic wizard then I've got epic cajones (not literally as I'm a female epic wizard.) I'm building for style. Now alignment has something to say in what this style is. Evil: you must have black. Fiery reds are good too. Good: then shining whites are unavoidable (but hard to keep clean.)

It really depends on what sort of epic wizard I am.

Were I a Dread Necromancer then black basalt is de rigeour (spelling?) Hollow out a mountain (having my undead minions do the grunt work) and shape the top of it like a grinning skull. Yeah it's been done before but it's a classic for a reason. I'd put a nice observatory in one eye socket (comfy sofas, karaoke bar, studdly zombie servants in loincloths) and a hangar/stable for my undead wyverns in the other. Entrance must be through the mouth!! (Except for the unguarded, secret entrance in the enormous sub-basement that I build for reasons inexplicable to me.)

Were I more of a summoner of terrible servants from the netherworld then over the top of a live volcano. The tower will be a sharp cylinder made from some black, unearthly metal suspended over the the centre of the crater by 3 long, elegant flying buttresses. The crenellations atop the spike will be razor sharp and decorated with servants who displease me. From this vantage I will watch as my demonic minions fly to do my bidding. A drawbridge can be extended, like some strange organic metal pseudopod, to allow my foot soldiers of darkness to march out and subdue the world. Ahhh, I can hear the tramp of cloven hooves on metal even now!

Both of the above must have a magic mirror in my private apartments. And it had better tell me I'm pretty if it knows what's good for it.

If I'm more of the Elemental Master then obviously I'd have to go with my element ie: the tower should be made from the element. For instance: water. I don't mean ice for water, I mean water. Probabaly some sort of super-strong surface tension and a general water bed effect. Oh and fishies (et.al.) swimming in the walls/floors. I'd put it on the sea (not an island, the sea!) so that I could cavort with my elemental friends and go to sleep listening to the merfolk's music (but I'd ban covers of Octopus's Garden.) There'd be no doors as such, to go from room to room you just have to push your way through the slight resistance of the walls. In the outer walls I'd put defensive spells like a dispel magic (targeted against water breathing magic) and a linked hold person.

If I'm Goodelf the White, all round doer of noble deeds and vanquisher of evil, then white marble. Shining white marble. There's just not a choice. An army of unseen servants will be on call just for cleaning purposes. (The battle against grime, like the battle against Evil, is never-ending!)* From an elegantly shaped balcony I shall look out smuggly over the world I have made safe with my extreme butinskiness. From here I shall listen to the petitions of the common folk and dispense my wisdom. There will be no other doors or windows (that look onto this world!) any who visit me shall be whisked into the cool, mosaicked interior by my teleportation magic. I'll have a copy of Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn spelt out in coloured tiles on the entry chamber floor and completely miss the meaning of it.

Will have to think more about the little details, like feeding folk and so forth.

* LG = OCD


What you really need to worry about, is not milita's - a few wizard locks and 1 use wonderous items of hallway size (traps) to protect the internal workings should take care of it.
My greatest concern would be people wanting favors, magic items, identify spells, or help killing a tribe of bugbears.

Your most important defenses are reputation (for not helping) and distance/difficulty.
Pick a distant mountain, use walls of stone, stone shape and as little imported material as you can. (teleported in on a draft horses prepped with bull strength)
use a very explicit Magic Mouth: ie "this is the home of an Ultimate Magnus (name) your location can be discerned, intruders should expect an unpleasant visitation within a week of entry. I will not help you our buy your :):):):). "

Feel free to scatter cheap trinkets into the surrounding lairs, to encourage monster guardians. Aim for CR 14+ to keep out the riff raff.

If someone does break in, you might has well store all your actual valuables in a marvelous mansion, or other completely inaccessible location.

I suppose if you were really smart, you'd make a big show of building the tower in a well known location, stocking it with nasties and traps and then find some place secluded to actually live.

I'm fond of the flying tower, particularly when it's not evident the tower can fly. Have the tower built in Location A. Meanwhile, prepare Location B to be the permanent residence, preferrably on a different continent from where it was constructed. Then whisk the tower away, either through wish-based teleport or a pair of widened Gates, so that Location B thinks the tower appeared in one night and Location A has no idea where it went. A flying tower is immune to earthquakes, can't be tunneled into, and in concert with only a few spells can quickly disengage. Or heck, it can go stompy-stompy through the invaders.

As to Location B: I prefer a nice valley, possibly in a volcanic crater, a massive underground cavern, or an oasis. Necromancers may want an ancient burial ground, wherever it is, make sure that the view out the windows is appealing and that it has a sufficient barrier to slow down invading armies for at least 2 days. You'll never make an impenetrable barrier so don't try. You need something that will slow the invaders down and give you time to prepare either an escape route or a magical anihiliation. Your best bet is fear and uncertainty. It only takes a handful of carnivorous plants, shocker lizard colonies, animated trees, and rock slides to slow down the advancement of any sizeable force to a crawl.

Non-magical defenses tend to be the best since they are harder to notice, can't be dispelled or anti-magicked, self propagating, and generally not seen as "loot." Having large reservoirs or dams so that you can make/move/eliminate rivers and moats is a great thing. Ground boats, force the invaders to built bridges then smash them with mini-tsunamis. Or just drowning a large portion of their force when the large grassy swales fill 8-ft deep with water.


Honestly, towers are so last century. Why do wizards want towers anyways? So dragons can come along and more easily pick them up? I don't think so. Maybe once, long ago, it was en vogue to take over the tower of your previous master. Or subsume the living quarters of whatever long forgotten refuge within your own pile of junk. Heck, the only reason "towers" were so popular, was because mud huts were not nearly as defensible. And really, what else have people ever built out on the outskirts of civilization that has any kind shelf life, but forgotten, stone watchtowers?

The modern wizard has seen the light. Living outside of civilization is only a benefit when civilization makes it a point of keeping you outside. In the new, kinder, gentler, fantasy world wizards can ply their craft without fear of the superstitious peasantry. Have you heard about these new worlds? Coiffed and cultured bugbears and gnolls strut about city streets with multiracial populations numbering in the millions. A wizard's once unique abilities are cut, dried, and codified with craft shops sitting next to your favorite blacksmith and jeweler. You can make quite the copper in the security business alone. Sure, repeatedly producing the same items and performing the same services can get a little dull, but really, people prefer what they know. And the money's good.

In all seriousness, build a dungeon. They allow for defense against aerial attacks, they fit lone wizard archetype, and there are thousands of examples to steal. (not to mention digging holes in the ground is a heck of a lot easier than finding all those stones)


First Post
These ideas are absolutely brilliant! Not all of them can work for my wizard and my campaign, but they’re raising ideas! Keep em coming!
A gaudy tower would be a bad move in this campaign. For some reason I completely ignored the notion of aerial attack (like an idiot). Inquiring tower shattering dragons would very much want to know where this wizard sets up shop. The flight capable tower idea is *amazing* but unfortunately beyond the means of this particular wizard for the time being.
A dungeon didn’t sound so appealing (earthquake anyone), however it might be the way to go if properly reinforced. A certain dwarf overthane owes a big favor. Then again, there is no view. If its embedded into the lower parts of a mountain. It does need to be big enough to accommodate the needs of an epic wizard (and three apprentices), and whatever important kingdom related characters require assistance. So many decisions to make!

However from this thread, a wonderful secrecy idea occurred. If she goes through a dungeon route (or underground tower), she can find a suitable location and set a portal in and out from another cave so the workers never are aware of its actual and very distant location. Sure the expenditure would be vast but certainly less than having them haul stuff out to a remote construction site. Building rooms and walling them off so as the only method of egress would be to become insubstantial would certainly be helpful in keeping those inquisitive apprentices from restricted areas. It also can double as a holding area should something manages to pursue the wizard through a portal home.
The major fear with that would be collapse, and of course its not remarkable for the aesthetics. Then again it could be completely sealed off so as to be inconspicuous…
Who needs windows anyway?
Although hanging out underground is more a dwarf thing than this particular ray of sunshine. However it *is* a tactical world, and should someone accidentally summon something icky, there are worse disasters than it finding itself trapped underground.
Then again, no messenger birds, gryphon riders, etc will be able to get there. This wizard is hardly self-exiling individualist, she recently resigned herself from effectively leading a nation’s military!

Maybe a tower is the right way to go...

And if the dungeons were so great, how come they keep getting looted? :p
Even so topic expanded to dungeoncraft. Its not build a better mousetrap but Epic Cribs!

These ideas are fantastic!!! I can't wait to see more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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