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D&D General Town Maps from my Completed Campaign


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We are wrapping up my homebrew campaign (based loosely on Curse of Strahd), and I'm really happy with the maps I made for various towns and villages the characters visited. I thought I'd post them here for others to use. This campaign world centers on a swampy valley in which vampires lord over common folk. I'm going to post a labeled map and blank map for each location.

Oh, and please note that I rarely make realistic maps... they are more abstractions of what characters will find there than proper representations.


Rothvel is a small farming village on the bank of a river. It is ruled over by the mysterious and aloof Baron Ardent Rothvel, a vampire who resists the temptation to attack his villagers by isolating himself inside Ardent Hold. Most of the governing is done by the nervous Chamberlain, who does his best to appease both his vampiric master and the superstitious townsfolk of Rothvel. Most of Rothvel is taken up by hog farms. These massive pigs, some the size of cows are loaded onto rafts and sold down the river. Some pigs are set aside, though, to drain them of their blood, which is then brought to Ardent Hold. The townsfolk complete many such rituals, some effective, and some mere superstition, in order to keep the Baron content and quiet.

Ardent Hold: A thick-walled fortress built by Baron Rothvel before his vampirism. Now it is a self-inflicted prison to keep Ardent Rothvel from the temptations of blood.

Ardent Hunter's Lodge: Before his vampiric curse, Ardent Rothvel was an extraordinary hunter. He still maintains an elite troop of hunters, who travel all over the valley to kill and retrieve fearsome beasts.

Black Candle: A mysterious ruin haunted by the ghost of Ardent Rothvel's wife and children.

Chamberlain's Manor: A wealthy manor in which the current Chamberlain resides. Chamberlains in Rothvel have a habit of vanishing into Ardent Hold and never returning... There is a secret tunnel from the windmill into the dungeon of Ardent Hold.

Guard Tower: The village guards number only a half-dozen, and are supervised by the Chamberlain.

Haunted Ruins: A great manor once stood here; it was burned down by the villagers. (This was my location for the Death House.)

Hog Farms: Most villagers raise massive hogs, sold to other towns, or drained of blood for the Baron.

Marksman: A rowdy tavern known across the valley for its fine dining. The Ardent Hunters often bring their catches to the Marksman, and wealthy folk from up and down the river will come to sup on rare meats.

Mizzle: With Baron Rothvel a rarely-seen figure, Rothvel has attracted refugees from other communities ruled by more active vampiric lords. These eclectic folk often find a home in the makeshift lean-tos of Mizzle, and are rarely welcomed in proper Rothvel.

Rothwoods: These woods are thick with game, but may only be hunted by the Ardent Hunters, the Chamberlain, or Baron Rothvel himself.

Blank Map:

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Vetch is a town of fine manors, extravagant flora, and oppressive, inhumane slavery. They say Vetch earns its wealth from flowers and herbs; the truth is that almost all of the money comes from training and selling slaves. Vetch is ruled over by a vampire priest called the Revered Oriandos, who preaches fire and brimstone from the pulpit, and enforces his rule through gnoll guards.

Citadel of Eternal Sorrows: A massive, oppressive gothic spire stands above the vaulted gables of this temple to the Dark Powers. The Revered Oriandos, an ancient vampire priest, leads worship and enforces strict class guidelines through his preaching. Much of the wealth of Vetch is funneled through "donations" to the church, and those who do not show enough charity are invited for private meetings with Oriandos... and rarely return.

Flower Market: Vetch is famous for its flowers and herbs grown both in private gardens and public parks (though all tended by servants and slaves). Fine clothes, floral arrangements, expensive herbs, and magic potions can all be bought for steep prices at the Flower Market.

Gnoll Camp: The beauty of Vetche's flowery streets is offset by the drooling, giggling gnoll enforcers who keep its laws. The gnolls live separately from the rest of the town, in their own camp from which a racous din echoes out at night.

Grand Manors: The merchants and gentry of Vetch live in multi-tiered, beautifully-decorated manors, tended to by servants and slaves. If not for the constant gardening, pruning, and weeding, the cobbled streets and whitewashed walls would quickly be covered in the fast-growing vines and weeds of the swamp.

Madam White's School of Etiquette and Labor: This "school" is a slave camp, run by the proper and endlessly-cruel tiefling Madam White. She trains servants or captured slaves in many arts, including herbalism, crafting, and arcana. It is said she also trains them in spycraft, and uses her network of servants to blackmail nobility across the valley.



Yeah! I really enjoy that site.
I use it myself and have had relatively good results. I'd like to get better, and it has its shortcomings in some ways but overall, its cheap and the learning curve is rather small. although the one YouTube tutorial by them I watched on world building was pretty laborious to watch


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Ravenwood Court is the gate to the Hagwood, a mysterious swampy forest that borders both the Feywild and the Shadowfell. It is ruled over by representatives of both the Vampire Queen and Granny O'gwa, a legendary hag. Many adventurers and braver sorts travel through Ravenwood Court in order to access the magic and mysteries of the Hagwood, or to seek out the advice or favors of Granny O'gwa.

Altar of the Hag Queen: Though worship of the old gods is prohibited, folks in Ravenwood Court still leave offerings for Granny O'gwa, a powerful hag once worshipped in the valley.

Ardent Hunter's Tower: Ardent Hunters from Rothvel have a lodge here, from which they hunt legendary beasts in the Hagwood.

Fell Gate: To access the Hagwood, once must pass through the haunted cemetery surrounding the Ravenwood Court Manor, and through the Fell Gate. The gateway looks ordinary, but depending on how a traveler passes through, they may enter the Hagwood, the Shadowfell, or the Feywild.

Hagwood: The Hagwood is a magical swamp forest that borders on both the Feywild and the Shadowfell. It is ruled over by Granny O'gwa and her many daughters, all hags with various animal heads, such as Sister Skink, Sister Slug, and Sister Seahorse.

Kettle & Caw: Crows and ravens fill the high rafters of this tavern. It is said that the owner is a wereraven, and part of an enigmatic organization known as the Keepers of the Feather...

King Crow Market: Though Kingsley, the portly halfling proprietor of the King Crow Market, claims to sell the finest magic items in the land, one must be careful: half are fake, and the others cursed! Still, every once in a while a powerful, strange item can be purchased here.

Lone Souls Camp: Those who have traveled far, hoping to hire guides to navigate the Hagwood and ask Granny O'gwa for a favor, often wind up in the Lone Souls Camp.

Ravenwood Village: Fishermen, swamp guides, and herbalists make up a small village of drab houses clustered in the ever-present shadows of the mire.

Ravenwood Court Manor: A large, stately manor, coated in moss and swamp dew, surrounded by an ancient haunted cemetery. It is said the manor was once a temple worshipping a forgotten raven god. Ravenwood Court Manor is home to Master Quorrian, viceroy of the Vampire Queen, and Sister Spider, daughter of Granny O'gwa. Together they keep the peace and negotiate prices for those wishing to pass into the Hagwood.



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Ottswold is a small fishing village on the bank of the Gray Mare River. It is famed for its pub and boatworks. The town was so small that it escaped the Vampire Queen's attention, until one fateful night 30 years ago when she established a Vampire Lord in Slough Manor.

Barley Fields, Permission & Hickory Orchards: The soil of Ottswold is well irrigated by the river, and crops grow exceptionally well.

Blue Otter Pub & Boatworks: A bustling, busy pub and boatworks. Its persimmon and hickory beers are beloved throughout the valley, and have attracted skilled craftsmen to build rafts, boats, and ships that travelers take up and down the river.

Gray Mare River: This river is the main thoroughfare of the valley, connecting most of the towns and cities.

Haunted Ruins: It is said that these ruins were once a temple to Talemai, the Copper Penny Catfish, an old god of the valley. But a century ago, the Vampire Queen desecrated the temple, and now the ruins are haunted by strange, tentacled spirits.

Slough Manor: For a long time, this manor was inhabited by the Ottswolds, the family that owned the Blue Otter Pub & Boatworks. Thirty years ago, a mysterious, beautiful woman arrived at the pub and offered to fund a music contest. Many musicians from across the valley competed, but the woman declared one young man named Roland Fiddle the winner, for singing a rousing ballad damning the Vampire Queen. The woman rewarded Roland with a kiss- only to reveal herself as the Vampire Queen right before sinking her teeth into the young musician's neck. Now a loyal vampire, Roland Fiddle was installed as a lord in Slough Manor. For a time, the Vampire Queen visited him regularly, but she soon grew bored with the temperamental, lovesick musician. He has no interest in governing; as long as he has his music, wine, and vampire spawn fans, he leaves the folk of Ottswold alone.

Weeping Widow's Mill: A family of halflings runs this mill during the day, but leaves at sundown. That's when the town hears the melancholy mourning of the ghost of the mill. She is the daughter of the Vampire Queen, sired before the vampiric curse took her mother. They say the Weeping Widow knows of the Vampire Queen's true weakness, and may tell those brave enough to speak with her.



He / Him

Grayview Abbey stands high above the valley in the Sunspire Mountains. Bathed in sunlight, it is the only settlement not ruled by the Vampire Queen. The Gray Wardens who live there are famed vampire hunters, making treks into the valley to battle the Vampire Queen's thrall.

Bones of Orzamora: The black dragon Orzamora was a bane to the valley long, long ago, until she was slain by the valiant knight who later became the Vampire Queen. The skeleton now serves as a village for kobolds who worship Orzamora's son, Morovahn.

Exile Camp: Many refugees flee the valley for the safety of Grayview Abbey and the Sunspire. The Gray Wardens know that the Vampire Queen wishes for their destruction, and so treat visitors with suspicion. Travelers must wait in the Exile Camp until they have proven themselves trustworthy.

Grayview Abbey: A vast, labyrinthine library built by a celestial abbot, who later went mad and closed off most of the wings. They say he still wanders the halls with his followers, scholars transformed by time and magic into strange, mad nothics.

Hawthorn: A hermitage worshipping Arawan, the god of death. They trade food and wine to the Sunspire for protection.

Morovahn's Vault: The black dragon Morovahn resides here. The Gray Wardens of the Sunspire offer the dragon gold, treasure, and wine in order to prevent any of the Vampire Queen's forces from climbing the Sunspire Mountains. Morovahn also charges a hefty toll to any other travelers trying to reach Grayview Abbey.

Shields of Sunspire: Statues of the famed Shield Dwarves who built the Sunspire for a group of celestials known as the Luminaires. Ages ago, the Luminaires cleared the valley of the Shadowfell, and used the Sunspire as their fortress.

Sunspire: A tall fortress from whose spires one can see the entire valley. It is inhabited by the Gray Wardens, an order of knights who are skilled vampire hunters.



These maps are really cool, great job. I'm really digging the smaller area, localized, yet minimalist approach. You've given me a new design approach to think about when creating my next town/village map.

Do you have any of a larger town?

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