Trailblazer in a Nutshell?


Unified casting progression - multiclassed spellcaster are now very viable.

I bought the print edition and I really liked this part (it was my most favorite part of the game, to be honest). I thought it really solved a lot of the issues with multi-class casters that were patched over by spells and feats in other 3.5 editions. While I am a huge pathfinder fan, Trailblazer is worth a look just for the good ideas about game design presented within.

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*sigh* Of course, I mean a good "chunk". Curse my lack of keyboarding skills!

Well the thread did originally have a humour tag.. I though TB in a nutshell was alluding to Austin powers 'look at me, I'm in a nutshell, this is ridiculous, look at the size of this nutshell...' Now chunky chinks! very bad for your armour to have chinks incorporated into it ;)

As to the OP, it has mostly been answered but I would say that any one (well any one that is not a RAW fiend) that plays DnD style3.5E variants should get the TB PDF, it is full of great options and muchos knowledge.


First Post
Wow. Thanks everyone for the breadth of responses. Well, at five bucks, I can't pass this up and I'll be buying a copy tomorrow (payday!!!). I'm certainly a tinkerer (I've been working on my own d20 variant for my home games) and it sounds like the knowledge and design notes in the TB PDF will prove invaluable.

I'm curious to see how the action points work most of all; and also the changes to *shudder* grapple. For some reason I can never memorize all the little quirks of it despite how many times I've poured over the rules in my lifetime.

As always, you've all been so helpful. Thank you. : )

I purchased this almost a year ago now and found it an excellent read. The tables are worth the price of admission and I would fully recommend it just on this alone. However, if you want to use it for tinkering with your house rules, that's where I think it really shines. It certainly is pulling in the direction I would like new iterations of the game to head. However, it is "only" 157 pages so does not feel quite as complete/comprehensive as Pathfinder - this is about the only criticism I can honestly make but given the pricepoint, it is a pretty irrelevant criticism.

Congratulations to Badaxe Games!

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


First Post
While my first choice would be to play with Pathfinder, I simply love Trailblazer. I picked up the PDF a while ago and recently got the print version. What I love about it is that there are many bits that can be incorporated into PF as easily as it can be incorporated into 3.5. The solo and elite monsters, for example, will definitely see some use in my games.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I love Trailblazer, and the only thing I think would improve it is more of this:



Seriously, Trailblazer is a very good product if you like tinkering with the 3.5 ruleset at all. I havent used much of it for my ongoing Pathfinder game. But I do use some of the Action Point options from Trailblazer in Pathfinder Game.

If there were no Pathfinder and you were still playing 3.5 I'd say that Trailblazer would be invaluable. Hell, I'll STILL say that it's a must buy even if you're running Pathfinder. At $5 for the PDF and $20 (?) for the hardcopy it's a steal.


Personally, I can see it complimenting my Pathfinder game a lot. Especially the action points, rest time, iterative attack, spell progression and elite/solo monster changes. Good stuff!

Now I just gotta figure out how to intigate all that into Hero Lab....


However, it is "only" 157 pages so does not feel quite as complete/comprehensive as Pathfinder - this is about the only criticism I can honestly make but given the pricepoint, it is a pretty irrelevant criticism.

I agree!

Being the small "operation" that we are and doing this essentially part-time for fun, we didn't really have any way around it. We had to focus on what we felt was the most important right out of the gate. As it is, Trailblazer was in development for over 2 years!

The monster book should go a long way to making the TB "ruleset" feel more complete. It won't have spells and magic but aside from all the stat blocks, I've been "Trailblazing" all the monster rules and special abilities to make everything compatible.

And while we have grand designs to do a spells & magic book, it was always our intention to create an "add-on" system that would work with whatever d20 spell list you use in your home game, whether it's the SRD, Pathfinder, or Arcana Evolved.


Personally, I can see it complimenting my Pathfinder game a lot. Especially the action points, rest time, iterative attack, spell progression and elite/solo monster changes. Good stuff!

Now I just gotta figure out how to intigate all that into Hero Lab....

The elite/solo monster changes work just fine. I've only used them (or a variation thereof) once or twice but they work fine for me. I house ruled starting HP for my PC's based on the Pathfinder RPG Beta (1st level PC's get full HD + Con Score for HP) it helps them stay up longer but dont think that they cant or wont get brought to unconsciousness.

Re: HeroLab. Yeah that would be cool, but HeroLab is pretty awesome anyway isnt it?

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