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Trailblazer Teasers (collected)

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Wulf Ratbane

Hey Wulf,
May I make a request?

Could there be in the pdf, or the print verison, or as a seperat release: a one page or so quick reference guide for players?

One of the above. In my home playtest, such a handout was much appreciated.

Actually the APs came pretty easily-- it's easy to remember to use them when you're staring right at the d20 and wishing you'd rolled higher.

But the Combat Reactions worksheet saw a lot of play. As did the "special" Action Point uses.

And lastly, I tried to email you through ENW and it said email was disabled by the administrator.

That hiccup has to be ENworld's doing. I've received user-to-user email here before. But nevermind that.

Surely there is some other way that I could support you, perhaps @ my badaxegames.com email address...

So, when will the PRINT version be available?

I'm eager to get some quality feedback on the PDF, answer questions, catch errata, see what folks want to see in the print version that might be missing, and give myself time to accommodate such requests.


First Post
I am pretty sure that I have my email hidden. Can I just send you a PM here,?

-- david

Drop me an email and I'll make sure it's there one way or another.

In fact, obviously, that's open to anybody who wants to make sure. Just put TRAILBLAZER in the subject line.


First Post
And now I am nearly reduced to tears with my desire to buy 4 copies of the pdf and 4 copies of the PoD version (to ensure gaming group adoption) and yet I am unable and must wait.

As I wish to ensure a minimum of misunderstandings on my part, the .pdf will be available for purchase from RPGNow in the next couple of days and the print format will be available at a later date from Amazon. At both sites I should be able to find it by searching for Bad Axe Games and or Trailblazer, is that right?

I do not wish to be pedantic (or tiresome), but getting my hands on this seems very important right now.

I also do not wish to be melodramatic but for this gamer you may have saved the intersection of me and D&D

Bravo and Excellent work.

Wulf Ratbane

And now I am nearly reduced to tears with my desire to buy 4 copies of the pdf and 4 copies of the PoD version (to ensure gaming group adoption) and yet I am unable and must wait.

I'm being obsessive about last minute proof-reading. Somebody insisted that I italicize all the spell names everywhere they occur...

As I wish to ensure a minimum of misunderstandings on my part, the .pdf will be available for purchase from RPGNow in the next couple of days and the print format will be available at a later date from Amazon. At both sites I should be able to find it by searching for Bad Axe Games and or Trailblazer, is that right?


I do not wish to be pedantic (or tiresome), but getting my hands on this seems very important right now.

I also do not wish to be melodramatic but for this gamer you may have saved the intersection of me and D&D

Bravo and Excellent work.

Well, that makes me happy. :)

Wulf Ratbane

I have it! Geekgasm! :D


Everyone owes much thanks to GlassJaw, but nobody more than me-- I literally could not have finished this without his help.

All the toys I couldn't find time to cram in, I'll put out as time permits in the coming days: Character sheets, combat cheat sheets (per Fenris), expanded monster templates, and anything else folks can think to ask for...

I have my design guru Brad workin' on gussyin' up the print version, so let me know what you want before we get there...

Just finished skimming through it and I like a lot of what I see, although I already knew what to expect from this thread already.

I would say my only real 'complaints' about what I've read concerns the feat Precise Shot, and certain combat maneuvers.

I like how you went through and did a lot to remover taxes on characters, whether it be feats, skills, or wealth and I've always felt Precise Shot was, with Point Blank Shot as its prereq, a two feat tax on ranged characters to become effective in combat. Mind you, I like Point Blank Shot, I just don't care much for Precise shot. I understand this may just be a difference of opinion and preference when it comes to the cost of certain combat styles though, so I can understand why you may prefer keeping this in.

The only real problem I have with some of the combat maneuvers is that they still provoke opportunity attacks, and this mostly comes down to a sort of implied feat tax, because in my eyes the various Improved [Maneuver] feats combined with the opportunity attacks creates a situation where people might never use them unless they have the feat, which to me at least leads to people only using regular attacks. Again, maybe I haven't looked into this enough myself, but this is my impression given a first glance.

Other than that, I really love TB and it was certainly worth the wait.

As far as what I'd like to see, its mostly just 'extras' and nothing that is necessarily needed do to anything broken in the system.

The first is a warrior-mage class in the same vein as the other "half-caster" warrior classes, the ranger and paladin. The only reason I say this is because this is personally my favorite archetype, and until 4e, D&D has never really done this archetype any justice, in my opinion at least.

The only other thing I'd love to see is more feats. Lots more feats. Specifically higher level, 'advanced' combat feats, something that builds off the various improved combat maneuver feats. I also think it'd be neat if there were some feats that built off of the save boosting feats (lightning reflexes, iron will, and great fortitude) giving some interesting abilities thematically linked to each feat.

I understand though that such things are outside the scope of TB, but I can at least dream, right?

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