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Training for Peace



Graciously accepting the offered hand, Demetrious springs lightly to the tabletop, bowing as he does. His flute is still in his hand, he asks the crowd if there is any paticular tune they would wish to hear.

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Speaking while he watches the sky..
"The beginning of the end....an old elfen song you may know"



Demetrious nods with respect to the old man.

"I most certainly do know that tune, honored elder. Just a moment..."

Demetrious fiddles with his instrument for a moment, then softly whispers, "I'yesta en' i'tela. It has been a while since I last played this tune..."

Demetrious begins to play once again, the notes coming from his instrument slow, sad and forlorn sounding, but slowy growing in intensity. Soon the music is a tide, flowing and churning rapidly, the music growing brighter, full of hope-

Minors, flats and sharps fill the tune. Hope dashed, fading.... but at the end, in the middle of the meloncholy beauty of the soft fading sound, is that a hint of the melody...?



"Give us some dance tunes!" shouts Demetrious' new mentor, and as, the song begins he jumps down to the floor, singing, and dancing about to room grabbing others to encourage them to dance as he goes.



Smiles as he listens.He turns his head slowly to take a look at the two as they are full of hope...
o O (Its good to see that hope still is with us..)



Stardust remains entirely silent throughout the performances, his eyes glazed and staring into middle distance. Occasionally his brow creases, or his lips move without expressing any words.

Finally he blinks several times and snaps out of his trance-like state. He turns around to see his two new acquaintances dancing upon a table, one playing a flute, to the apparent delight of a number of patrons.

He manages a half-smile, seeming almost impressed with the efforts of a human at this timeless elven piece.

He looks up to begin to speak, but instead waits for a gap in the music, not wishing to interrupt.



Demetrious notices Stardust's concern and endevors to leave appropriate time between his next two tunes for Stardust to speak his mind.



Forgive me for my jumping to conclusions, but when a man so deep in thought requests the piece 'Beginning of the End', I can not help but make the shallow, but disturbing connection between such a thing and the Drider creature.

Alas, it is much more likely that the two are entirely unrelated. Yes. Yes?

The elf once again takes a moment to breathe quietly.

I am sorry, you will soon learn that I am prone to worry, a flaw that I hope will not discourage you from paying heed to the wisdom I have absorbed in my short time.
Right now, however, I believe you, nay we, have an audience to entertain. Please do allow me to participate in fulfilling your mentor's request for something to dance to!

With a flash in his eyes, the elf reaches into a flat satchel hanging by his side and produces another flute. This one is stained a deep red and is intricately carved with a number of elven runes.

I regret to say my prized lyre was broken, but I believe we can weave a fine sculpture of sound with these.

An agile leap brings him up onto one of the chairs by the table on which the other two stand. Counting in four with taps of his foot, he begins to play...



The elf returns to his dancing as the new song picks up. He grabs one awe struck barmaid who is standing near and offers her a dance. She accepts and they dance together around the room.

"Give us something with a very fast pace; something I have heard in men's music, a speedy 3. That would be nice. I need a challange," he smiles at the musicians and aproaches another barmaid who tells him that she knows how to preform such a dance. The music begins and they fly about the floor whirling and twirling at a franticly dizzying pace.

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