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Traveller T20: Tales of the Bray Keaven [Updated 12-20-05]

River Tam

First Post
I just started reading this story hour recently, and I love it! It reminds me of Firefly, which I really enjoy. Martha reminds me so much of Kaylee.

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First Post
River Tam said:
I just started reading this story hour recently, and I love it! It reminds me of Firefly, which I really enjoy. Martha reminds me so much of Kaylee.

Kaylee is up about everything and it is VERy hard to bring her down...less you scuff her ship.
Since Martha had her mind invasion, she has hardly been able to go through any event without revisiting it and things seem to pile on her higher and higher til the stress shows and then threatens to break her.

Compaired to Kaylee who passes through event after event reacting at the moment but then letting it go...burning it off in the joy of living in space. Where Martha would simply perfer to have her beloved ship fade into the life of an unharrassed trader, Kaylee revels in the adventures aboard Serenity(Ex: Train Job: Simon Tan asks "What are we doing?" as Kaylee is preparing to lower Jayne and Kaylee happily replies "Crime". She clearly loves the adventure of it all and trusts her Captain to plot a course out of the dangers inherent.(Train Job: Kaylee "So everything will be ok then", Zoe,"Perhaps you're not remembering some of the captain's plans?")

From my reading Martha is a worrier who can only handle so much stres before she starts degrading. Kaylee is the eternal optomist who can bouy herself in almost every circumstance...often really annoying those around her.

But I love it in the opening scen of the pilot when she hops up on a ledge and cuts power as Serenity goes "dark" and then..in pitch black..says "Now I can;t get down". That will forever be a hallmark of the mind and soul of the show.
(I just can't wait til the backstory on Book is revealed...which will NOT happen in the upcoming movie...[sob])

Ah for the complexities of a sinner gone to the cloth for his effects on the worlds in space when even the simple life can not absolve him and he ventures out seeking souls to heal with his own hands..and earn his peace.

For those wondering what the FRELL we are on about...
Serenity opens nation wide on Sept 30..
and if you ahve not bough the DVD set..go here and see what we are all on about.
(as well as the re-assembled Original pilot)

WARNING: Episodes are NOT in their proper order


First Post
River Tam said:
I just started reading this story hour recently, and I love it! It reminds me of Firefly, which I really enjoy. Martha reminds me so much of Kaylee.

Welcome River!

Everyone check out www.geocities.com/Dawnstarhorizon

I am working on 3D ships for Traveller and that is a standard (Classic era) S Class Scout :D
Once I get good, I might even offfer free models to game masters and story tellers.....

AKA Mithgiladan
AKA Marcog
AKA too many more names than can be chronicaled here..

River Tam

First Post
Truestar said:
Kaylee is up about everything and it is VERy hard to bring her down...less you scuff her ship.
Since Martha had her mind invasion, she has hardly been able to go through any event without revisiting it and things seem to pile on her higher and higher til the stress shows and then threatens to break her.

I guess I haven't gotten to the mind invasion yet, it doesn't sound familiar.


First Post
Chapter XIII

Date: 210-993
Location: Warne Highport, Kerin's Tyr

Anil Salian looks a little disappointed to hear that the crew of the Bray Keaven doesn’t know yet how long she will be tied up for repairs, but brightens when Vasilii offers to send his cargo down at the ship’s expense. "While I would much rather stick with a ship and crew that I know, I would like to get my cargo to my buyer as soon as possible, so I will take you up on your kind offer. I will probably be heading back home within a few days, so if you ship will be headed towards Sentry and have a berth open, I would like to pay for passage. Again, I prefer to stick with a trusted, known provider."

"Why, thank you for your trust, Mr. Salian. I’m afraid we don’t know our next port — we go where the cargo takes us, I’m sure you understand — but Sentry’s always a possible. If you leave me your comm details I’ll be sure to let you know either way."

Privately, Vasilii is glad to have Salian off the ship with all the stuff that’s going on. It’s a complication they don’t need, and it’s well worth Cr575 to remove it. Not that he wouldn’t be happy to do business with the soph again.

Vargas arranges for cargo handlers to pick up Mr. Salian’s cargo and send it to the shuttle service.


When Swann hears that the Bray Keaven won’t be taking Mr. Salian and his cargo to the planet’s surface, he has mixed feelings. "I was looking forward to a trip to the planet, take a look around, stretch my legs in real gravity," he thinks. "Oh well. At least we’re rid of a potential problem. Although now we don’t really have an excuse to leave anyone behind this evening to guard the ship without potentially insulting our ‘host.’ "


Early in the afternoon, Anil Salian and his frozen beasties depart under Ian’s and Swann’s watchful eyes. Before he leaves, Anil Salian unlocks the Cr30,000 chit — to pay for his passage and the cargo — for Vasilii.


For most of the afternoon, Vasilii goes to find buyers for the speculative cargo — with an amused Aidan acting as escort. Being a much larger port, Vasilii easily finds buyers for the speculative cargo through the course of the afternoon.

The chemical catalysts find a ready buyer in Airdele Industries from Harven (on planet). The buyer agrees to pay Cr32,000 per dTon and purchases all 15 dTons (Cr480,000 total is deposited into the ship’s port account) for delivery on planet. The cargo handlers and shuttle service decide that the cargo is hazardous and charge a total of Cr1,650 for delivery (this is charged to the ship’s port account).

Vasilii takes a long, satisfied breath as he completes the sale: Cr223,500 profit after overheads.

Selling the salt is a little harder, though a merchant onboard the station decides to take it on in order to try and sell it to several chain restaurants on planet. The merchant agrees to pay Cr7,150 per dTon and purchases all 20 dTons (Cr143,000 to port account). The cargo handlers charge Cr600 for moving the salt.

"Over 200 percent profit — that was a good find back on Fonnein," Vasilii muses. "Not as much actual money as the catalysts, though, because it was a lower–value cargo."

The leather goes to a nervous little man who speaks with a clipped odd accent that Vasilii and Aidan can’t quite place and who wears a long, black leather coat. The man pays Cr13,000 per dTon, (Cr78,000 total) in rather rumpled and slightly smelly ICr bills. He arranges to pick up the cargo with his own crew, who are all dressed in the same fashion and avoid conversation.

Vasilii is always sensitive to a customer’s needs and does not press.

"Cr6000 per ton profit. Beats freight," Vasilii thinks. "Pity there wasn’t three dTons more of it."


For some unknown reason Swann watches the transaction with a disturbing feeling inside, as if he were watching something distasteful yet fascinating and could not look away.


The vid disks are snapped up by a chocolate–furred Vargr who pays Vasilii Cr90,000 for them in cash. The Vargr also has her own crew pick up the vid disks.

Action and romance. Vasilii wonders how many of them are for the Vargr captain and crew. That’s his best absolute margin of the trip — a rather surreal Cr45,000 per dTon, but only for one dTon. Vasilii becomes quite philosophical at the thought of what he could get for a whole hold full of the things.

The Marine rations are a much tougher sell since the lot is fairly small. Mokmaren, a far trader captain, offers Vasilii Cr3,000 for the half ton of rations. Vasilii is delighted to make the sale. He’d have paid someone to take the damn things away. He wants that half dTon of space back, for luggage and incidentals, before somebody’s suitcase starts taking up real cargo room. Unused cargo space is the road to ruin, he thinks; a trader should always be turning over the contents of the hold.


As the evening approaches, Vasilii quietly lets the others know that they made around Cr350,000 profit on the trip and the hold is empty barring (real) food and missile reloads. He reminds the gunners to get a missile from the hold and put it in the turret, to replace the one they fired.

Since there’s about a million in cash aboard ship, he contacts the three most reputable — preferably Vilani — banking houses represented on the highport and gets quotes to take Cr900,000 cash off the ship and hold it secure to his order.

He learns the money can be deposited into the SPA port account for the ship for no fee (as part of the Imperium’s promote commerce and trade bit) and no interest. There is a reputable Vilani banking house, Saahgikuku Trust, which will take the cash for Cr1,000 and pay 0.0137 percent interest per day. There also is a bit dodgier–sounding Vargr firm, Marcein Holdings, which will take the cash for Cr200 and pay 0.0319 percent interest per day.

Vasilii decides just to put the credits into the ship’s port account.


Martha programs the Bray Keaven’s security protocols to notify her and Kevon via comms if it detects a disturbance worthy of reporting. She realizes that the group may not be able to respond immediately, but at least they’d know, even if computer logs were altered after entering the vessel to conceal the intrusion.


At 1815, the crew receives a berth chime. The vid pickup reveals a trim, reddish–brown furred Vargr dressed in a mauve jacket and trousers. The Vargr politely says, "I am here to escort you to dinner with Jarvis Nuuis."

The crewmembers, dressed for the occasion, emerge from the ship, with Martha casting a longing look and letting loose a deep sigh at leaving the ship (and her vac suit) behind. The Vargr seems to look for Ian’s package (placed in a large bag) but makes no comment. Ian notes that the Vargr has a Marine gauss pistol in a thigh holster.

The trip to Jarvis Nuuis’ quarters takes a few minutes through several corridors and transport tubes. Along the way, the Bray Keaven crew notes the general run–down feel of Warne Highport. Things look like they were well maintained at one time, but there is just a little too much grit and a little garbage accumulating in the corners. Swann notes that the Vargr seems to be leading the crew towards one of the areas of the station devoted to warehousing and light industrial use.


Arriving at a fairly large berth door with a pair of Vargr in front of it (wearing the same mauve jacket and trousers uniform as their escort), the crew escort and escort are waved in once the doors open. The large reception hall beyond is a considerable contrast to the dinginess of the corridor outside, with vaulted ceilings and marble inlay on the floors and walls.


"Mmm, nice to see a traditional touch," Vasilii thinks. "Garish it might be, but at least it’s traditional garish."


In the reception hall are four more Vargr in the same mauve uniform, all armed with laser carbines. Two have their carbines at ready positions while the other two have them on their shoulders. At this point, the original Vargr bluntly says, "Now, I will search you for weapons."

This does not come as a surprise to Swann. In fact, he would have been surprised if they weren’t searched. As they are being searched, Swann pays attention to the other guards not actively involved in the search. They are alert and paying attention, which is a little gratifying (from a professional standpoint) and worrisome at the same time.


Martha frowns, but silently submits to the search.

The original Vargr searches all of the crew politely but professionally with a hand–held detector and via pat down. Oddly, he doesn’t actually take any weapons that he finds, but merely seems to inspect them before moving on.


This does catch Swann by surprise. "Cocky bastards," he thinks.


This seems very, very strange to Vasilii but he says nothing.


Ian also is surprised with this, and wonders why they are allowed to keep their weapons. Ian pays attention to what weapons the Vargr does find and any he doesn’t. The Vargr does not find his InvisiKnife, but does find all of Ian’s other weapons.


Martha makes a mental note to inspect her weapon later.


Dr. Talbek chafes inwardly at the brusque treatment the crew is being given by the Vargr guards, especially coming so close on the heels of the stick–and–carrot treatment they received at the hands of the officious Imperial official after they headed-off a potential disaster.

Smiling grimly to the nearby Vargr, he keeps his temper internal, his discipline and good sense overruling his emotions. "It’ll be fantastic if we can just make it through dinner without an incident," he thinks to himself. "Highly unusual, too."


After the inspection, the Vargr nods to one of the laser carbine–armed guards, and a beat later a tawny–white Vargr strides in through a heavy sliding door at the end of the reception hall. The tawny–white Vargr, obviously Jarvis Nuuis, is dressed in trousers and a flowing mauve robe. To Vargas’ eye, he looks a little past middle age for a Vargr, and he definitely exudes confidence.

Upon closing the door, the Vargr walks straight to Ian and says, "Ah, Ian McConnell, thank you for coming for dinner. I see that you managed to persuade the entire crew to join us. Good. I believe that you have something for me?"

"Yes sir. I believe it weathered the trip very well."

Ian takes the box from its container and holds it out to Jarvis, who accepts the box, takes it over to a side table, and then places it on the table. In a quick flurry of motions, Jarvis appears to press a number of places on the box; there is an audible click, and the top of the box slides out.

While Ian’s view is slightly blocked, the ex–Marine does see Jarvis’ left forepaw seem to caress the center of the box briefly before he picks up some papers or plastic flimsies on the left.


Martha watches the proceedings with interest, mentally correlating Master Nuuis’ actions with the sensor results from her previous examination of the box. It’s hard for Martha to tell, but his paw may be near one of the pistols.


An uneasy feeling starts to nag at the edge of Ian’s conscious as he watches the Vargr. Ian starts trying to piece together how this Vargr and Merkul are related. "What did he say, cousins?" He compares that to what Merkul said his relation was to the Vargr that Ian killed in the berth. " ‘You killed my second pack–removed nephew in the Stork & Son’s Yard,’ " Ian recalls.

"Oh frell," Ian shakes his head, thinking. "I don’t know how the Vargr track their relationships, but I think I may have delivered my own death."

Ian tries to closely observe Jarvis to learn more of his intentions. He gets the impression of a brief moment of profound sadness when Jarvis caresses the center of the open wooden box. He also gets the feeling that Jarvis is extremely confident of himself, and that Jarvis is savoring the moment.


Swann also is starting to get an uneasy feeling about the whole evening.


After reading a few of the items in the box, Jarvis returns to Ian and says, "Ah, very good. Everything is as my cousin indicated in his message. It’s so hard to find good messengers these days. I understand that you would like a license for an ACR. I can arrange this license, but, let’s talk business after dinner. Come."

Jarvis leads the group down a corridor and to a dining hall. Along the way, Aidan notes another large room off to the right that appears to be a weapons practice hall with racks of various weapons lining the walls.


Ian singles out Swann on the way to the dinner table and discreetly relays his paranoid thoughts. "Swann," he whispers, "Just a heads up — I think this guy intends to challenge me in a duel, maybe even using the pistols I just delivered!

"Yeah, this guy may be a close relative to the Vargr I killed at the Stork & Son’s Yard. He sure seemed to get sentimental over something in the box."

Swann maintains a slight smile on his face. He whispers back, "I’ve been getting a weird vibe, too, ever since they let us keep our weapons. Just stay frosty and alert, and we’ll try to get everyone through this alive."

For the rest of the evening, Swann stays alert and watchful for any coming ambush or trouble.


In the dining hall is a fairly large table and a number of Vargr standing and chatting. After introductions, the Vargr and crew spend some time chatting and socializing over cocktails before sitting for dinner. The Bray Keaven crewmembers and the Vargr are interspersed, with alternating Vargr and crewmembers sitting around the table. The Vargr appear to be divided between business associates and companions of Jarvis Nuuis. Dinner is excellent and the conversation mostly light.


Martha excuses herself to use the facilities and "freshen up" before the meal. She’s expecting the female Vargr who accompanies her; she engages her companion in light chatter. While she’s in the fresher alone, however, Martha quickly double-checks her weapon, just to make sure there’s nothing immediately wrong with it, all the while chatting about the elegance of Master Nuuis’ estate. Her pistol looks just fine.

When she’s done, she flushes, steps out of the fresher stall, hems and haws at the mirror while messing with her hair for a moment, and then returns with her companion to the main hall, where she rejoins the others.


For the Vilani merchant 5,000 years of racial training come to the fore; Vasilii is genetically optimized for being boring at a dinner table. He does complement the host on the food.

Vargas follows Vargr customs in introducing himself in Irilitok and engages in light conversation. When the question of the incidents on Alief come up, he simply refers them to Kevin and politely changes the topic of conversation. At some point in time, Vargas compliments Jarvis on the quality of the dinner and thanks him for the invitation.

Turning to the Vargr seated beside him, he inquires as to what kind of work they do, what kind of recreation they like, and what is of interest in the area. He is careful to observe the proper Vargr protocol and etiquette in his questions and conversation.


Martha talks shop with anyone talented in engineering, but otherwise stays mostly quite.


Garbed in sword and tux, Aidan mostly engages in idle dinner chitchat, but — inspired by the room they passed en route to the dining hall — he does evince a fascination for dueling weapons to see where that leads.

Kritheree, the female Vargr companion seated to Aidan’s right, mentions that she is fond of the bravery shown by those who duel, and she particularly likes to see Jarvis and his sons duel others. "Very good for quickening the blood and inspiring passion," she says.

"Indeed milady! When I was last at the imperial court dueling was quite the fashion. Entirely illegal of course, but it can be done quite discretely. Naturally, I’m far too good–natured to have been challenged to any duels. But I’m not above watching for form — or giving lessons in swordplay."

Othulki, the Vargr "business associate" to Aidan’s left, then quickly engages Aidan in a discussion of his preferences for dueling weapons. Othulki prefers long blades and pistols, and comments that his ship devotes a long corridor for such activities — as well as for practice. Very helpful for solving shipboard "disagreements," he says.

"Guns are certainly intriguing, but there’s nothing like a good bit of play with the steel," Aidan says. "It’s so much more personal. Very clever of you to have a space for accommodating such affairs of honor."


Ian, who is within earshot of Aidan, grimaces upon hearing their topic of conversation.

Saro engages in the light chitchat during dinner, his eyes continually making their way to observe Martha and Vasilii, checking to see how stressed they look, and to Aidan, watchful for any outrageous behavior he may exhibit.

When the subject of Alief arises, his easy smile freezes for a moment. He then makes a few non–committal and self–effacing comments about the events before trying to steer the conversation towards a less troubling topic.


Almost all of the Vargr do ask whomever they are seated with about the events at Alief at one point or another. Kevon, who wasn't there, listens to the stories with interest.


Vasilii enthusiastically explains the ins and outs of converting Lingoland Solars to Imperial currency. "Well, that should ensure Swann’s tales of firing a submachine gun through a car window get a good audience," he thinks.


Ian tells of the nasty virus and the suffering of the people more than any of their actual experiences.


Swann regales the table with a detailed recounting of the car chase in KGL, using salt shakers and pepper mills to represent the ground vehicles, napkin rings to represent the fighters and a gravy boat for the Bray Keaven.

He gets appreciative attention from the "business associate" (Hurkol) seated next to him and others nearby, with Hurkol commenting, "Well done. I wish some of my more junior pack members were half as good at evasion." Then, with a laugh, "Perhaps you’ll give them lessons?"

Swann laughs and says, "As long as I’m the instructor, and not the target, for their lesson."

He thinks for a moment and then adds, "Maybe in exchange for you or someone in your pack instructing me and my pack members in the use of personal laser weapons?"


At first, Martha will only say, "I was the only survivor on the Bray Keaven to return and notify the authorities. The rest of my original crew died. It wasn’t very pretty. I’d rather not talk about it."

One of the "business associates" across from Martha pushes for more information. She goes into a little more detail, then a little more, and suddenly, it’s like a dam burst. After a brief period, most of the conversation around the table stops as everyone lists to her tale.

She begins to talk almost incessantly about how scary it was, about the deaths, about the attempts on the crew’s life, and all the action that happened getting to the planet and running around. She leaves out things she thinks might draw too much unwanted attention to the group, or anything she’s been told not to talk about, but it’s really the first time she’s told anyone about the events except her shrink, and it feels very good to her to get the matters off her chest. At no time at all does she ever, ever mention the black boxes or the smuggling compartments, though. It’s pretty evident that emotions are pushing the telling of the tale.


Saro watches and listens to Martha as she relays her tale, ready to escort her away if she seems to be getting too upset. However, although she is emotional, she seems to hold herself together admirably, especially in light of how fragile her mental state was only a few weeks ago.

During Martha’s story, Swann genuinely sympathizes with her. "Hang in there, kid," he thinks. "It’s tough losing crewmates you felt you could count on and whom you trusted with your life. But it will get better, with time."


Vasilii gazes on, steadily increasing horror and sympathy on his face.

When she’s finally done, Martha looks around as if seeing everyone listening for the first time. Wiping some of the tears away, she smiles at their host and stammers, "Sorry. I, I didn’t mean to interrupt. You were saying, sir?," and tries to direct attention back to the head of the table. She flushes and slouches in her seat, trying to disappear from embarrassment.


Kevon lowers his head, his eyes closing as a brief, silent prayer escapes his lips. Marcus had told him that Martha was the only survivor of the previous crew, but he never imagined her horror. He had seen many things, from a man decompressed to another burned beyond recognition; but that was in the service of the Emperor, where Navy life was sometimes dangerous. That was expected, and a good officer had a certain — detachment — from such things. Martha’s telling of her ordeal was more personal.

When he catches her gaze later, Kevon smiles slightly and gives her a nod.


Vargas listens quietly to Martha’s story and keeps a watchful eye on the other Vargr. Like Kevon, he has seen his fair share of death and destruction. However, this was personal to a friend and shipmate and that drives the feelings home deeper. He notes Jarvis’ sudden interest.

Vasilii doesn’t say anything to Martha; he doesn’t know what to say.

He does make an effort to help the conversation onto any other subject, since that’s what she obviously wants. He asks the Vargr if they have any cargo tips. In return he tips them to the Fonnein Gray Salt market which could be just about to take off in a modest but profitable way. He suggests how it might be worthwhile for sophs with friends in that sort of business at Kerin’s Tyr and 069–526 to try and tie up a regular distribution deal. It’s something a far trader like the Bray Keaven can’t do too well, but a local soph with connections might.


After Martha finishes her story and receives quiet support from the rest of the crew, Jarvis comments, "I had heard some of what happened through my sources. Given that you faced what you did and stayed onboard the ship speaks well of you, Engineer Smythe. It’s a pity that the Bray Keaven wasn’t working for me; it would have brought me great sfik."

Only Vargas successfully translates "sfik" as the Irilitok word for face/prestige value, but the other Vargr seem to look at the Bray Keaven crew carefully when Jarvis says what he does.


Finally, towards the end of dinner, Jarvis Nuuis asks, "So, what was the Bray Keaven doing on arrival at Kerin’s Tyr? My sources told me that the Bray Keaven was approaching the station at a high rate of speed and then spent a day in a parking orbit before docking. What happened?"


Martha mutters a prayer to St. Elvis under her breath as she looks over at Kevon to answer for the crew.


"My apologies Mr. Nuuis, but we cannot confirm nor deny any events that occurred during our approach to the station," Kevon immediately answers. "Please accept that it is the only response that I, or any of the crew, can make to that question."


Ian breathes a small sigh of relief and quietly thanks Martha’s St. Elvis for Kevon’s polite and straightforward reply. "Hey, it works for her!" he thinks.


Martha begins to smile, and then she hears Aidan.


"Indeed sir, we must consider it a matter that cannot be discussed without significant danger to ourselves. And there’s been a bit much of the danger lately." He ends with a quirky grin on his lips.


Martha glares most vilely at Aidan, wondering how long before they either have to run off this world in a hurry or be imprisoned.


His mouth still slightly open, Saro looks at Aidan dumbfoundedly. When he realizes how he must look, Saro closes his mouth and suddenly finds the food on his plate to be immensely fascinating.


The young lieutenant commander fires Mr. Silver a very sharp "glare of death" in response to his statement. "When will that stupid fop learn to just shut up when someone else deflects a question?" Kevon thinks.


Aidan gives a very slight grin back at Kevon, knowing he’s just a little closer to being spaced. Again.


When Kevon fields Jarvis’ question, Vasilii swallows his story about "A private transfer to another vessel, I’m sure you’ll respect our client’s need for privacy" and the diversionary questions he’d prepared about the Ghaieul’s pack.

When Aidan sticks his oar in, then grins, Vasilii gives him a look that involves absolutely no humor.


Swann doesn’t say anything. He keeps a neutral expression on his face, even after Aidan’s response. He tries to gage the reactions of the Vargr around him.

Ian, Vargas, and Aidan note that Jarvis seems to be studying the interplay between Kevon and Aidan carefully before replying/asking, with a grin, "Ah, what a pity. So, a little too dangerous to discuss, even among new friends?"

"Especially amongst friends, Mr. Nuuis," Kevon replies. "We don’t wish any — ‘sanctions’ — to befall anyone we consider a friend, your pack included, sir. Please disregard Mr. Silver’s remarks."

Jarvis laughs and says, "Ah, of course. Good to see that you know when to keep quiet, even among friends."


Over the course of the fine dinner of mostly Vargr cuisine, Ian and Vargas get the feeling that their host has been studying the Bray Keaven crew carefully based on what they say — and don’t say — as well as how they interact with each other. In particular, Jarvis Nuuis seems to respond favorably to various snippets about what happened at Alief and with favorable amusement to the interplay between Kevon and Aidan when Jarvis asks about the Kerin’s Tyr approach. He also seems to be keenly interested in studying Ian.

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Nice post. Am loving the dinner engagement!

Will we ever get an account of what happened to Martha?

I finally got Firefly and love how it reminds me of Traveller .

Also...into the sector data in Gateway to Destiny . Maybe I can convince my players to start up Traveller again!


First Post
Interestingly enough, the posts I compiled for the most recent update occurred during the time leading up to and during Gen Con last year. So the story hour remains about a year behind our ongoing, online game.


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Broccli_Head said:
What happened to the former crew of the Brey Kraven? The story that martha was relating to the Vargr.

That's at the start of the story hour: they all die during jump due to the virus brought onboard at the Aleif refueling station.


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