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Travels through the Wild West: Books V-VIII (Epilogue)

What should be Delem's ultimate fate?

  • Let him roast--never much liked him anyway.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Once they reach a high enough level, his friends launch a desperate raid into the Abyss to recover h

    Votes: 19 54.3%
  • He returns as a villain, warped by his exposure to the Abyss.

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • I\\\'ve got another idea... (comment in post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%


First Post
A great ending to a wonderful tale, LB.

Following the trials and tribulations of the Travellers since I discovered the story hour has been a lot of fun. You have a real gift for storytelling.

I am curious about one thing, though... As the creator of the story, what do you see as happening from the "Chain Reaction" that Delem started? Is Grazz't dead? Did he wipe out a few layers of the Abyss?

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wolff96 said:

I am curious about one thing, though... As the creator of the story, what do you see as happening from the "Chain Reaction" that Delem started? Is Grazz't dead? Did he wipe out a few layers of the Abyss?
Well, I deliberately wanted to leave it open ended, and let the reader use his/her imagination. The way I described it, I definitely envisioned the chain reaction as some sort of nuclear explosion (I read somewhere that the matter contained in a single human body, transformed to energy with perfect efficiency, would explode with a force greater than every atomic weapon ever constructed). That c-squared is a pretty big number... ;) Of course, given the nature of the Abyss (pure chaos), who knows what would happen if someone unleashed a nuke there. I won't go so far as to say that the big G is dead (though I imagine he's quite upset), but I would think that Azzagrat's an even less pleasant place to be right now...


First Post
A Bard's note.

Truely great LB. Thank you once agian for a SH that provided me a good release from life when I need it.

Great ending. Could we see stats in the RG for the '5yr later' heros?



First Post
Hi Lazy,

When I saw you only had a few posts left (a couple of weeks ago) I've been trying to make sure I caught up with my favourite storyhour so that I was ready for the end. I've been snatching a read here and there while at work, and finally I'm here. :)

You are an incredibly prolific writer you know that :) - I've been trying my hardest to catch up.

I love that ending.

Good enough to make me delurk.
I also grew more partial to Cal as we went along, he's cool :D

Please make sure you tell us if you're writing anything that we can have a read of... I look forward to it.

Thanks for a wonderful storyhour. You've taken hours of my life away with it (in a good way).



Thanks CP!

I've been pretty busy, but I managed to craft the first three pages of a new story. It'll be a run through the new "Shackled City" adventure path in Dungeon Magazine, starting at first level, set in the Forgotten Realms (of course). As always, expect eclectic characters and cliffhangers a plenty. I can't promise when I'll start posting it, as things are pretty hectic right now, but I'll continue to grab time to write as it appears.

I'm working on editing Travels for release as an e-book. I should have it up on my website before the end of the week.

Thanks again for reading,


Black Bard

First Post
Marvellous, marvellous, marvellous!!!!

I've said it before, but it's true... You really caught our attention here, Lazy... But being stuck in the Wild West was a thrilling experience, and I thank you so much for it...

If you ever try again to get published ( and I hope you will), you have my blessings.... You have a gift, man!!!

Good luck and congratulations!!!


My lunch breaks just haven't been the same since the story ended... :(

Guess I'll just have to grab that PDF when you are done with it and start all over! :)

Lazybones, thank you for a truly fantastic tale...high adventure, intrigue and great characters made it one of the best!

Now get writing on the next story!

"I Openly Weep Because I Miss My Travels Through the Wild West Fix!"
Last edited:


First Post
Just another avid follower of the Travelers here giving you a heartfelt thanks for the many hours of entertainment you've provided since I found your Story Hour back in October. I hope you continue writing, even if it is just for us common stiffs on ENWorld. :p


First Post
/me bows

I have certainly enjoyed your tale very much. :)

Would there be a way to get it in some format other than .lit? Maybe pdf or word or rich text or just plain text?


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