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Trollhaunt Warrens Help me make new encounter


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Spoily McSpoiler says look out for Spoilerific Spoilers for King of the Trollhaunt Warrens











I'm mixing Encounter 1, The Messenger [the oni and trolls eat the messenger's horse] with the scene from the background information [page xx] where the trolls toss Etheran's head over the wall.

Since I can't playtest it, I need your feedback!

Also, In my version, the oni is introduced to the party early in Pyramid of Shadows, so they learn to know and hate him before the Pyramid drops them all outside Moonstair.

I envision a scene with the oni with the same trolls from The Messenger, but instead of threatening Moonstair with Etheran's severed head, the oni Deceptive Veils himself as Etheran and throws something much worse than a severed head over the wall: lies.

Staying outside the wall so as not to provoke a fight, ["these trolls are my bodyguards - not my captors"] he'll basically claim that he's seen the light about Skalmad, who just wants peace between Moonstair and Trollhaunt. The problem is that the Baron will be so vengeful that he will attack Moonstair; "I've done what is right for Moonstair, but my father sees me as a traitor now."

Skalmad has agreed to protect them from the angry Baron; "The trolls will soon arrive in Moonstair, not as invaders, but as protectors!"
He may even call himself "no longer Etheran of Therund, but Etheran of Vardar."

Finally, he puts a bounty on the PCs' heads: he describes each of the characters and tells everyone that they are a group of saboteurs and assassins sent by the Baron.

This seems more real-world. When people are sacred, they look to someone who will protect or provide for them. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, for example. Even the man who bought the first company I worked for. He held a meeting to quell the bad rumors, then, a short time later, laid off almost everyone and merged the operation with a competitor.

Throwing a head over a wall seems like to would just galvanize Moonstair against Skalmad. This plausible story would serve to confuse and divide Moonstair.

* The whole point of this detour is that I love the roleplaying opportunities provided by the PCs being at the wall with the oni and trolls.

I need your feedback in dealing with the ramifications. In other words, this is what I've thought of, but what else did I miss? What other developments do I need to be ready for?

Do they recognize the oni or not?
Do they attack - either right away, or after the speech?
Do they plead their case to Kelana Dhoram?
Do they sneak out of the city and go directly after Skalmad?
What if they "surrender" on the spot and demand to be lead directly to the Warrens for "punishment?"

Help me make my game awesome!
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Nice idea!

The biggest risk seems to me one you didn't list, though:

- Do the party decide that the townsfolk can make their own bed and lie in it, leaving for adventures elsewhere?

I think you need to give the players some meat - some reason to suspect that all is not right. Maybe they found Etheran's shield - or saw a vision in the Pyramid; or even just had a dream?

Basically, I see no reason why the players (or, really, the characters) would be invested in sorting out this rats nest of disinformation.


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I'll have the oni, who the party knows as one Buru Tsuwamono, make a couple mistakes during his 'I'm Etheran' speech.

Maybe accidentally using a japanese word or two, like 'hai' instead of 'yes,' or mentioning something only he and the characters would know. But you're right - I know I would want a chance to see through the scam if I was in the characters' boots - so I need to make sure they get that chance.

I'm sure they'll bite, though. We have a gentlemen's agreement to follow the adventure as written, and not go off in unplanned directions.

the Jester

I'll have the oni, who the party knows as one Buru Tsuwamono, make a couple mistakes during his 'I'm Etheran' speech.

Maybe accidentally using a japanese word or two, like 'hai' instead of 'yes,' or mentioning something only he and the characters would know. But you're right - I know I would want a chance to see through the scam if I was in the characters' boots - so I need to make sure they get that chance.

Sounds like time to secretly note their passive Insight scores!

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