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True20 is the ONLY 20 for me!


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I was a fan of the d20 system when it launched. Never played much D&D 3.0 or 3.5 but I'm still an avid d20 Star Wars player in addition to various OGL games such as: Starship Troopers, d20 Modern, CyberNet, etc.

And then I discovered True20 while at GTS in March and my whole gaming world was turned upside down! I honestly love True20. I love that the rules have been streamlined. I love that new campaign settings are continually being released and ALL are compatible with the right homebrew situation.

I Narrated (GM'd) a True20 scenario of my own design on the Saturday evening of GenCon and although none of the players were familiar with the system yet they all had a good time. We had a team of characters - one with superpowers, another from a D&D-type world, and others with mini-guns and heavy pistols romping around the countryside encountering ghoulish scarecrows, Necrons from Warhammer 40K, a Goblin pimp, and a large Silver Dragon.

Because of the simplicity of the True20 mechanics it was easy to mix-n-match genres without conversion (done for me!).

I know it's not for everyone but I do want to give it my two thumbs up! Way up!

- Stratos

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There's also the modern & other d20 forum just down the hall where there's been plenty of discussion of True20. Head over there and check it out.


I just saw the full-blown Caliphate Nights setting book in the game store yesterday. Man, that is one nice looking setting book, too. Just from a few minutes look-see, it appears very in depth and well-done, but I'd have to buy it to make sure.


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Assuredly, it does what it does exceptionally well.

It can't do literally *everything* I want it to do, however. More to the point, not as well as certain other d20.OGL variants can.

Even so, it's right up there among my favourite published d20/OGL variants.

Also, Nevermore sounds like it's going to be sweet. Apparently by the same guy who wrote Dreamscapes (an excellent d20 pdf from Adamant Entertainment) - and along similar lines of course - so I'm very much looking forward to that one. :cool:


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I've got the base book and while I've not studied it closely, it looks good. Of course, I'm kind of a Steve Kenson fan boy, which is why I bought it in the first place. The idea of a True20 Wilderlands keeps flitting through my head ...


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It's good stuff. The Toughness save keeps things fairly gritty (though it's far easier to be badly wounded than to die) and realistic; the round you fail your Toughness save by enough to be seriously wounded, you're stunned for one round because of the pain, and shaken from then on.

I still enjoy standard D&D for the fantasy+monsters+treasure+fighting stuff, but if you want to use D&D for something D&D wasn't intended to be used for (grim and gritty, low-magic, not a lot of magic items, etc), chances are, True20 is a better system for it.


First Post
Kunimatyu said:
It's good stuff. The Toughness save keeps things fairly gritty (though it's far easier to be badly wounded than to die) and realistic; the round you fail your Toughness save by enough to be seriously wounded, you're stunned for one round because of the pain, and shaken from then on.

I still enjoy standard D&D for the fantasy+monsters+treasure+fighting stuff, but if you want to use D&D for something D&D wasn't intended to be used for (grim and gritty, low-magic, not a lot of magic items, etc), chances are, True20 is a better system for it.

I'll disagree with that as the d20 system has several variants by Green Ronin itself including Black Company and Thieves World, not to mention great systmes in Grim Tales and A Game of Thrones among others. D&D != D20

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