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Trying to be funny with insults

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I am having a problem at my table :eek:, and I would like to hear some ideas on how to handle the problem.

One of the Players I game with and GM for likes to use insults and degrading comments in a joking manner. I have asked him not to include me in this manner of conversation, but that has not stopped him from making jokes and such.

I realize that I should just stop gaming with him, but he is one of the better players at the table and as a person I like him- when he is not making such comments.

I am not very confrontational and a very shy in manners regarding social interaction (I lack experience I suppose), so please consider those two facts when you make your suggestions.

Thank you for your help.

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In my group of players it has become normal to make fun of each other in a joking way. We can all laugh at ourselves, and we realize it is just a game. And most importantly we trust each other as friends, so we know that if someone says something, they don't mean it to hurt us. It's just showing that they care, and that we've got a close emotional bond.

And that we're mostly all guys or tomboys, who know that turnabout's fair play. Some insults are just funny, and we accept the recurring ones as part of our character.

I have come to acknowledge that I'm not good at delivering jokes, and that I'm a horrible flirt (with a horrible success rate). Neil is made fun of for being too nice for his own good, and for brooding about how much he'd rather be a mean person. We make fun of Michael, who is the main guy who cracks these jokes, for being so emotionally hollow that he can only find joy by hanging out with losers like us. With Ted, we joke how he's an attention whore who once did a headstand at a movie theater to get people to listen to what he was saying.

It's just our way of saying, "I love you."

In your situation, though, I think you have to decide whether you're okay with your friend using that type of friendly insult. I'm pretty confident from the way you described him that he's not actually trying to hurt you, so you could just laugh off anything he says at you. Maybe even joke back that his insults are pathetic.

Or, if you don't feel comfortable with that sort of affection, just tell him outright that you don't see it as a joke. If he's the aggressive type, or the defensive type, you'll have to be firm. If he says, "I'm just kidding" or "It don't mean nothing," reply firmly that you don't think that's how friends should talk to each other. You'd have to convince him that you're strong enough to take the worst he throws at you, but that you simply disapprove of what he's doing. If he perceives that you're doing this because he's hurt your feelings, he may think you're being weak, or a spoilsport.

It's not a really daunting situation, honestly. How old are you? All the way until 11th grade, pretty much everyone I knew made fun of me. It ended up giving me a nice perspective on life, since I know that overall I'm happier than most of them. Now that I'm graduated from college, I tell myself that those who aren't my friends use insults to try to feel superior because they actually are nervous (or they're :):):):):):):)s), and those who are my friends are still too uncomfortable to honestly say how they feel. Me, though, I'm honest.

Honest, yet flexible. I try to figure out how people like to interact socially, and I do my best to be friends the way they like most, without compromising my principles. Sure, sometimes I run into trouble (e.g., most of my best friends are the 'friendly joker' types, so occasionally I make jokes I shouldn't at the expense of my more sensitive friends), but I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a nice guy.

At least, I hope that's what they're saying about me.


WotC's bitch
RangerWickett said:
In my group of players it has become normal to make fun of each other in a joking way. We can all laugh at ourselves, and we realize it is just a game. And most importantly we trust each other as friends, so we know that if someone says something, they don't mean it to hurt us. It's just showing that they care, and that we've got a close emotional bond.

And that we're mostly all guys or tomboys, who know that turnabout's fair play. Some insults are just funny, and we accept the recurring ones as part of our character.

I have come to acknowledge that I'm not good at delivering jokes, and that I'm a horrible flirt (with a horrible success rate). Neil is made fun of for being too nice for his own good, and for brooding about how much he'd rather be a mean person. We make fun of Michael, who is the main guy who cracks these jokes, for being so emotionally hollow that he can only find joy by hanging out with losers like us. With Ted, we joke how he's an attention whore who once did a headstand at a movie theater to get people to listen to what he was saying.

It's just our way of saying, "I love you."

In your situation, though, I think you have to decide whether you're okay with your friend using that type of friendly insult. I'm pretty confident from the way you described him that he's not actually trying to hurt you, so you could just laugh off anything he says at you. Maybe even joke back that his insults are pathetic.

Or, if you don't feel comfortable with that sort of affection, just tell him outright that you don't see it as a joke. If he's the aggressive type, or the defensive type, you'll have to be firm. If he says, "I'm just kidding" or "It don't mean nothing," reply firmly that you don't think that's how friends should talk to each other. You'd have to convince him that you're strong enough to take the worst he throws at you, but that you simply disapprove of what he's doing. If he perceives that you're doing this because he's hurt your feelings, he may think you're being weak, or a spoilsport.

It's not a really daunting situation, honestly. How old are you? All the way until 11th grade, pretty much everyone I knew made fun of me. It ended up giving me a nice perspective on life, since I know that overall I'm happier than most of them. Now that I'm graduated from college, I tell myself that those who aren't my friends use insults to try to feel superior because they actually are nervous (or they're :):):):):):):)s), and those who are my friends are still too uncomfortable to honestly say how they feel. Me, though, I'm honest.

Honest, yet flexible. I try to figure out how people like to interact socially, and I do my best to be friends the way they like most, without compromising my principles. Sure, sometimes I run into trouble (e.g., most of my best friends are the 'friendly joker' types, so occasionally I make jokes I shouldn't at the expense of my more sensitive friends), but I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a nice guy.

At least, I hope that's what they're saying about me.


Hong "by which I really mean, I love you" Ooi
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RW hits it pretty much, as does hong. As usual. Considering someones jokes about you as insecurity goes a long way in tolerating them.

If that doesn't help though... you can't change someone else.


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BlackSilver said:
One of the Players I game with and GM for likes to use insults and degrading comments in a joking manner. I have asked him not to include me in this manner of conversation, but that has not stopped him from making jokes and such.


I am not very confrontational and a very shy in manners regarding social interaction (I lack experience I suppose), so please consider those two facts when you make your suggestions.

I am not sure this would help in any way: Just don't laugh at his joking-insults, and it would be nice if the other players also wouldn't laugh when he does this. When I say "don't laugh", I mean don't even smile, but keep a stern countenance expressing you don't like that.

IMO: disguising insults in so-called jokes is just trying to abuse verbally twice: once with the insult, twice in telling that "because it's a joke" you shouldn't be upset. Just make it clearly evident that you are not fooled by this, and just that you don't appreciate it.

Also ask him that if "he has some problem with the game", instead of insulting, that he acts like an adult (subtle insulting response here... :p ) in telling you what his problem is.


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Telling insecure people that they have a problem usually goes a long way to really cause problems.


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Thank you very much for all of your suggestions. :cool:

I am not very comfortable with myself and tend to believe what others tell me- I know its naive (I have been attempting to change, but it is very hard to do), and as I am now an adult I should not listen to childish things, or believe those that say such things, but it is hard to change and not believe those that I think should or do care about me.

It would be more like me to ignore the jokes and attempt to convence the others to not laugh or encourage his "jokes," in favor of a more positive enviroment at the gaming table and in life.

Once again thank you for you input. :cool:


First Post
that reminds me of something i said to a fellow player once

"you have 14 int, your not stupid. well, i mean your character" :p


Tell him that you don't like the jokes and you'd like him to stop making them. If he keeps it up, he's not a friend and you don't want to hang around with him.


First Post
BlackSilver said:

I am having a problem at my table :eek:, and I would like to hear some ideas on how to handle the problem.

One of the Players I game with and GM for likes to use insults and degrading comments in a joking manner. I have asked him not to include me in this manner of conversation, but that has not stopped him from making jokes and such.

I realize that I should just stop gaming with him, but he is one of the better players at the table and as a person I like him- when he is not making such comments.

I am not very confrontational and a very shy in manners regarding social interaction (I lack experience I suppose), so please consider those two facts when you make your suggestions.

Thank you for your help.


I understand completely. Have a Player at the table that does the same thing. He says he's just joking, and he doesn't mean anything by it, but hours apon hours of being made fun of and insulted wear me down. Came pretty close this last weekend to telling to get get the F out, but I reminded myself that his insults are directed at me but it's not me that he's insulting- its himself.

He calls me names and in my minds eye I spin them around and they are a discription of him. Its not me, he's making fun of or angry at- its himself.

My Dad use to verbally abuse the hell out of me, and it wore me so thin I can't take insults from people well, I get flustered in social envirment and interaction. Now- I am getting better, its taken a lot of years, a lot of pain and a lot of miles to get here and i am still not done.

Good luck with you BlackSilver, and I thank you for your supportive words in that other thread- it was very nice of you.

Peace to you all, remember to treat people how you want to be treated and the world will be a better place.

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