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Trying to Make a Good HexBlade. Advice or Help Please?


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LV 11 Campaign

I was thinking making a Half Vampire - Human Hex Blade

Maybe some levels into Fighter , I dont know yet. These the books I can Use

Players Handbook and Hand Book 2

Complete Everything (warrior , Divine , Arcane , So on)

Expanded Psionic

Libris Mortis. I dont know what other books but Can someone help me I never in my life played as A hexblade and I really want to

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Well, the "best" Hexblades I've seen and made only dipped into level 3 or so for the +cha to saves and Mettle, then leveled elsewhere. :) Straight Hexblade can work, too, I guess.

What are the stats of the Half-Vampire template? And how much LA?

Do you have any particular ideas for the character, and his fighting style?

If you go to level 4+, definitely use Dark Companion variant (PH2) instead of a familiar. It's just such a great debuff to help the party.

For a build, I've always liked the idea of a LN or LE Hexblade 3 / Monk 2 / Fighter x / Kensai 10 (Take enough Fighter levels to enter Kensai, and then take it or something else after; I'd do Fighter or Monk first, and Hexblade just before entering Kensai). My concept would take feats like Hold the Line, Defensive Throw, and Mage Slayer (C.Warrior). Thus, between those abilities and Evasion and Mettle, would be the ultimate defensive / counter-attacking character.

Even not going in that direction, straight Hexblade is a perfect way to enter the Kensai prestige class, since it has full BAB and all the required skills as class skills, plus a similar charisma focus. I won't suggest any other builds until you give some idea what you'd like. :)

You should check if Magic Item Compendium is allowed. Or the Eberron Campaign book, but that's less likely. Those books have items called eternal wands, which cost close to what a normal wand does. However, there are two main differences: 1) You can use the wand 2/day forever, instead of 50 expendable charges whenever you want; and most importantly 2) ANY arcane caster (that's you!) can use an eternal wand of ANY arcane spell (up to level 3), regardless of whose spell list it came from. So, you could get eternal wands of Cure x Wounds, from Bard. Or utility or blasting spells from the sorc/wiz list. This adds a lot more versatility to a Hexblade.


First Post
Well, the "best" Hexblades I've seen and made only dipped into level 3 or so for the +cha to saves and Mettle, then leveled elsewhere. :) Straight Hexblade can work, too, I guess.

What are the stats of the Half-Vampire template? And how much LA?

Do you have any particular ideas for the character, and his fighting style?

If you go to level 4+, definitely use Dark Companion variant (PH2) instead of a familiar. It's just such a great debuff to help the party.

For a build, I've always liked the idea of a LN or LE Hexblade 3 / Monk 2 / Fighter x / Kensai 10 (Take enough Fighter levels to enter Kensai, and then take it or something else after; I'd do Fighter or Monk first, and Hexblade just before entering Kensai). My concept would take feats like Hold the Line, Defensive Throw, and Mage Slayer (C.Warrior). Thus, between those abilities and Evasion and Mettle, would be the ultimate defensive / counter-attacking character.

Even not going in that direction, straight Hexblade is a perfect way to enter the Kensai prestige class, since it has full BAB and all the required skills as class skills, plus a similar charisma focus. I won't suggest any other builds until you give some idea what you'd like. :)

You should check if Magic Item Compendium is allowed. Or the Eberron Campaign book, but that's less likely. Those books have items called eternal wands, which cost close to what a normal wand does. However, there are two main differences: 1) You can use the wand 2/day forever, instead of 50 expendable charges whenever you want; and most importantly 2) ANY arcane caster (that's you!) can use an eternal wand of ANY arcane spell (up to level 3), regardless of whose spell list it came from. So, you could get eternal wands of Cure x Wounds, from Bard. Or utility or blasting spells from the sorc/wiz list. This adds a lot more versatility to a Hexblade.

The Stats for the half Vampire is +2 Str . +2 Dex , +2cha (CR +1 , LA +2)

I thinking about doing Hex Blade/Kensai with a long sword. Any idea what feats i should use cause i Know i need combat expertise with Weapon Focus (LongSword) And how many levels i should put in each. I do like the Dark Companion.. Does that thing die? Cause i cant tell from the way i was reading it. I was thinking of using a magic item called "Shadow Veil" +2 Deflection Bonus and If im in Shadow its a 20% Chance of Miss Chance as if i was in concealment. but if anyone got any vision that doesnt Rely on light i dont get the 20% miss chance

I show you my stats I Rolled

16 , 13 , 13 , 17, 15 , 14


First Post
I'll add a vote to going Monk 2/Hexblade X/Kensai X. If you take advantage of the Mage Slayer line of feats, and use the Spiked Chain (available as your level 3 feat), you can become a dedicated mage-killer (thank you magebane enhancement, Complete Arcane). And with high saves across the board, Evasion and Mettle, any save-based mage is going to have a bad day when you come around.

I would say arrange stats like this:
Str: 19 (from 17)
Dex: 16 (from 14)
Con: 16
Int: 13
Wis: 15
Cha: 15 (from 13)

That setup allows you the feats you need as for Kensai, and still lets you benefit from your class features. Take Combat Reflexes and Stunning Fist as your Monk 2 bonus feats, then that feat that allows you to use Stunning Fist with a weapon. Combat Reflexes at 1, Exotic Proficiency (spiked chain) at 3 and Weapon Focus (chain) at 6. Then go into Kensai. You have good stats and will only be nastier when you get the Surge ability.

If you like the make-killer style, you can go this way: Monk 2/Hexblade 3/Kensai 6/Fighter 4/Occult Slayer 5 (or reduce to Fighter 2, if your LA is enforced that way). You get plenty of good feats, high saves, high BAB and a vicious focus on killing squishy mages.


Hmmm . . . if you don't use the Magic Item Compendium, but you do use the Dungeon Master's Guide II, then a Sudden Stunning weapon is breathtakingly awesome (and CHEAP!). It is still ok with the weaker MIC version.

I agree about Dark Companion (the alternate class feature in PHB II).

Oh, and you can have a lot of fun playing up the "face" skills. You might also consider the Leadership feat (what self-respecting Vampire doesn't have a legion of followers, anyhow?)

2-handed weapons are nice.

Shin Okada

If the campaign starts at that level, you can take Battle Caster feat (CA) and wear some heavy armor made of Mithral (Full-Plate or Heavy Plate in RS). So you don't need that much Dex I guess.

If I want to make a single-classed Hexblade, I will use ECL+0 race, as DC of the curses are based on class level.

If you can be evil and go multi-classing, Rogue(or Monk)/Hexblade/Blackguard will be fun. You can have really high saves against spells and most of them are negated by Evasion and Mettle.


Staff member
I'll jump on the Kensai bandwagon- its one of the best PrCls out there for combat themed PCs.

Some more esoteric thoughts on multiclassing:

1) Marshal (Miniatures Handbook) auras can get you a boost to your relevant stats, and dovetails nicely with that "vampiric commander" vibe.

2) Levels in either PsyWar or Wilder (XPH) could also provide a combat boost, depending upon feat & power selection. Flavorwise, though, it may not fit well with a vampiric heritage.

3) Levels in Sorcerer are nice, as are levels in Warmage. However, if you've got access to Unearthed Arcana, I'd consider going with BattleSorcerer. You get proficiency with a martial weapon, casting in armor, and a lot of spell slots. In addition, if your DM is so inclined, you may qualify for the Heritage feats (from CompArc, levels in Sorc are a prereq)- Draconic and Infernal are my faves, personally, since they convert spell slots into breath weapons, but Celestial is also kind of cool...and would add a neat dichotomy within the PC.

4) Unearthed Arcana also has the Paragon classes, and the one for Humans isn't bad.

5) Taking the Wild Talent feat plus your regular advancement as a Hexblade would qualify your PC for levels in Pyrokinetic (XPH, other energy variants of the PrCl found at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625e). Just a few levels in Kineticist provide you with a weapon that can't be disarmed (not unlike the Soulknife's mindblade), an energy type to add damage to your attacks, and an at-will ranged energy attack...none of which are affected by wearing armor.
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I'll add a vote to going Monk 2/Hexblade X/Kensai X. If you take advantage of the Mage Slayer line of feats, and use the Spiked Chain (available as your level 3 feat), you can become a dedicated mage-killer (thank you magebane enhancement, Complete Arcane).

I think spiked chain is unnecessary and a waste of a feat in this case. Part of the reason I went with Monk 2 for Evasion over Rogue 2 was the unarmed strike versatility -- both the ability to choose to kill or take alive* an enemy and the fact you can do unarmed strikes with your hands full. So, any regular reach weapon + unarmed strike = you threaten everywhere within 10 ft around you. 20 ft if enlarged.

If you're not going to take advantage of the unarmed strike goodness, you might be better off going martial rogue 2 instead (UA variant that loses SA for Fighter feats). You'd have a lower HD, but more skills, 2 Fighter feats, and Trapfinding (meh). Heck, at that point, maybe drop Fighter altogether and go to martial Rogue 4 for uncanny dodge and another feat.

Stats: I assume you'll be wearing armor and not using monk AC. So wisdom isn't terribly important. That said, as a Hexblade you can use an eternal wand of (greater) mage armor if MIC is allowed, so it might be worth going unarmored and having a decent wisdom. Also, I'm assuming you're not bothering with stunning fist and instead picking up Improved Grapple, because Stunning Fist is just a lot more useful with monk levels and high wisdom. Improved Grapple is always handy for a front-liner to have. Definitely get Combat Reflexes at level 2 in monk to get other AoO feats.
16 , 13 , 13 , 17, 15 , 14
Str 19 (from 17), Dex 17 (from 15), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 18 (from 16)
You have 9 levels after the +2 LA, so 2 stat increases, I'd do strength and dexterity. Alternatively, if you want more skill points, start with int 14 and con 13, and use one of your bonus points to raise con to 14 instead of dex. There's no good reason to start with low int and raise it later, if you plan to raise it for more skill points, start with it high, the points aren't retroactive.
I made cha your second best stat, because it helps with curses, spellcasting (what little you'll have), and various hexblade and kensai class features. And who doesn't like being man-pretty?

For feats...I'm still thinking off my original concept, I like the AoO feats and Mage Slayer (only if you don't care about probably completely losing your casting ability, if you go for this feat dump charisma ["dump" being loest score of 13 +2 racial, still not bad], up wis, and do the unarmored monk thing). Pierce magical protection is another good feat in the mage slayer feat tree; never cared for the other one, whatever it was. For AoO feats, there's a lot to consider. Improved Trip is always handy, and leads into Defensive Throw, a feat I really like.

Hold the Line always seemed cool, and back when I first thought of this character concept, PH2 wasn't out. In that book, there's a feat called Cometary Collision. It lets you ready to charge (as a standard action :) ) anyone within your charge range that charges you or anyone else (cutting them off and basically forcing them to re-target you or waste their entire turn). So...with that and Hold the Line (AoO when someone charges you)...pretty awesome! Throw in the Steadfast Boots from Magic Item Compendium (can set vs. charge for double damage with any weapon) and super-OMFGPAIN! to anyone who's overly aggressive. Unfortunately, Cometary Collision requires Power Attack (a worthwhile feat) and Improved Bull Rush (really bad feat if you're not going for Shock Trooper), so it's probably not worth it.

Stand Still (XPH and on d20srd.org under psionic feats) is a general (not psionic) feat that lets you on an AoO, instead of doing damage, make an opponent roll a fort save vs. your damage roll. If he fails, he is halted in that square. Great to control an area.

Evasive Reflexes (Tome of Battle) lets you take a 5 ft step instead of an AoO when granted one. Not sure if it'd be useful, but worth pointing out. Arguably, if you had the same or greater reach than a foe, then this + the earlier Hold the Line + Cometary Collision combo would let you disrupt the opponent's charge, get your nasty counter-attack in, and avoid retaliation entirely...

Other AoO-based ideas that are likely outside your reach: The level 3 Devoted Spirit stance, Thicket of Blades (Tome of Battle), plus the Defensive Sweep feat (PH2) creates a "lose-lose" situation for any opponent you threaten. If he doesn't move at all before your next turn, he draws an AoO (feat). If he leaves your threatened square, even with a 5 ft step, he draws an AoO from you (stance). The feat has a high BAB pre-requisite, and the stance both isn't available until 10 HD and would require (iirc) 3 feats to acquire on its own (or multiclassing to Crusader, if you could fit that in somehow). So I doubt you'll want to do this.

On an unrelated note, one feat I've always found fun for a high charisma warrior is Daunting Prescence from Libris Mortis. It lets you as a supernatural ability, anytime you want, make an opponent will save vs. DC 10 +1/2 HD + cha mod or become shaken for...a good amount of time. Range 30 ft. I just find it fun, and if anyone else in the party does fear, it can be useful to help stack fear levels and make people run away.

Only other advice I can think of right now is...pimp your charisma score for all it's worth. Lok for items, feats, and multiclass opportunities (definitely the distant 3rd option) to add your charisma to stuff.

*My original concept was very much an honorable swordsman, extremely lawful neutral, so besides this he would have gotten a merciful weapon. He was all about the "I'm not going to commit assault, but I'll gladly allow you to defeat yourself if you try to harm me."


Oh, and I forgot. I was going to say Occult Slayer is a decent class, but even if you're going heavily an anti-mage route, I'm not sure it's worth mroe than 1 or 3 levels. I'd rather go to 10 in Kensai first, and look to other things after that, myself.


Staff member
On the Monk-ish mage-slayer front...

1) There are feats that let Monks add to their list of monk weapons, and taking one that lets you use a reach weapon can be a blast, though I'd agree that spiked chain isn't the way to go. The guisarme can be used for trip attacks, for instance, and is a martial weapon. On the exotic front, I'd probably go with the Greatspear over the spiked chain- its Reach, Ranged (only 10' increments, but hey!), and does 2d6 piercing damage.

2) The Shou Disciple from Oriental Adventures is a 5 level PrCl that lets you (eventually) FoB with any weapon...while wearing armor. And no Monk levels are required.

3) DCv1 also has a PrCl called the Arcanopath Monk that you may find useful if you go this route.

You can find the data to do these things- and more- in the Monk Database (see my sig).
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