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Turtle Soup (Planescape 3.5e)


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The players so far...
Boddynock: Andarin (halfling M)
Lobo Lurker: Jurgen (ghaele M)
LordAspen: Rhys (feytouched M)

Our story begins, as such stories tend to, in Sigil's marketplace, where our characters meet one another for the first time over bowls of turtle soup compliments of Bi, an Indep wood gnome druidess in a get-up that makes her look like a wicker beetle draped in razorvine. Her bait of hot soup has hooked a wide-eyed feytouched newcomer, a down-on-his luck ghaele, and a cherubic halfling from the market's flowing crowd.

BI: "Don't let the factionistas bob you boys, the real game out here is chasing your own dreams, not the barmy rattlings of addle-cove pigeons who never leave the birdcage. I know just the place if you're interested."
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"And what place would that be, blood? (Good soup, by the way.) I've never known why people would want to leave the Cage - except, of course, to come back to it."

"You know what they say: 'There's no plane like home.' ;) "

As he says this, Andarin looks around at the others in the group, raising an eyebrow at the Ghaele's intense appearance and smothering a smirk at the clueless in the green coat.

"Where do you hail from, cutter?" he asks the wide-eyed one. Without waiting for an answer he turns to the other and says, "And where did you get that hand?"

"I'm Andarin," he adds, as if that makes everything clear.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Jurden-Quorr, Ghaele 1

The oddly marked being looks a bit despondant as he skeptically tries the soup. "Interesting." His voice seems to reverberate on several different tonal levels; at once soft soprano of a well made woodwind and at the same time baritone of a cello... he seems caught off-guard by this... as if surprised by the sound of his own voice.

Arching his eyebrow at BI, "...are you supposed to eat the hard bits or spit them out?" Then, looking rather crestfallen he adds "...I think this is a new experience for me." <a pause> "Yes, new... I rather think I'd remember eating a turtle."

Addressing the talkative halfling, "Andarin eh?" <a pause> "That's new too. I haven't met you before." He leans back to take in the always-facinating marketplace. Hundreds of individuals following thier instincts and trying to eek out an existance here above the center of all things. Funny, how can we above the center of everything in the multiverse? That's a paradox that I feel should bother me... but it doesn't.

Focusing his thoughts on the present he again addresses the halfling. "I am L..." <a pause> "err...I used to be someone important I think... now I'm not so sure." He glances around the marketplace noting a pair of massive ogres carrying an equally massive box heaped with all sorts of odds an ends. Ki-Jurden's House of Pawning; Kworren-tern District #32 was painted in faded red letters on the side.

Still looking into the marketplace he answers the halfling. "You may call me... Jurden-Quorr." He seems to say the name several times under his breath. Then nods. It may be your imagination, but he looks much healthier than he did a moment ago, more vital, more... there.

"Well... Sigil is known as the Cage, right? Who'd want to be trapped in a cage? It is the natural state of all creatures to yearn for freedom." He stops abruptly and says, almost to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I've said that before..."

Glancing at the table's other occupant the ghaele sighs. "A word of advice, prime. If you're going to be spending time in Sigil remember this. A fiend is a fiend... no matter how nice they are to you." His eyes seem to glaze over a little, taking on a grayish hue, and his voice takes on a slightly different inflection than before. The duality of his twin vocals seems more jarring than it was a second ago. "There is no better lover in all the multiverse than a succubus... but beware her kiss. It will be the end of you." Jurgen-Quorr shakes his head and is clearly confused and unsettled.

Looking a little worried, Jurden turns back to the halfling. "I don't know about the hand. Odd isn't it? Only yesterday a piking tiefling tried to saw it off... I guess he thought I was an easy mark. Time is something I have quite a lot of though. So I suppose I'll figure it out someday."

Turning back to the man in green Jurden notes his eyes. "Interesting eyes prime. You have a name?" Jurden's own eyes, a perfect shade of corn-flower blue sapphire, a stark contrast to his ebony skin, bore into the others. "C'mon, spit it out. You could do a lot worse than accept the companionship of an eladrin... even a lowly one such as myself."

He smiles, "What brings you to Sigil? I'll help you find a tout later if you need one."

Returning to his soup, he suddenly remembers BI. Cocking his head slightly at the druid, "What was it you were saying about dreams?"
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Clearly enjoying the turtle soup, the handsome fellow with the green hair listens as his two companions introduce themselves. “Aye tis a fine soup you’ve made Bi. It reminds me of home…wherever that may be.” A look of thoughtfulness crosses the man’s face but is quickly replaced again by one of wonderment as his glittering eyes wander across the Market place before finally coming to rest upon the two sharing his table.

“No need to diddle a Succubus when you have a Nymph or two in the back pocket.” The fellow says with a grin. “Just need to remember to put your goggles on first.” He adds with a quick snap of the pair of goggles that hang loosely about his neck.

“Rhys Danil is my name and from whence I came is probably of little consequence. The better question is the how of it and unless either of you have some intricate knowledge of the Fey Crossroads I fear it is one that for now will remain unanswered.”

Without elaborating further Rhys continues, “You are a familiar sort to me Andarin, but I must confess you sir Jurden-Quorr are a bit of an enigma as is this whole place. Sigil you call it? The Cage? I’m not sure I like the sound of that."


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"Sure it's a cage, cutter. And not a gilded one, at that. But any berk is free to leave, and to return whenever he wants to. A body's not trapped - unless you attract the Lady's attention, and then they say the blinds aren't a part of Sigil at all. This is the centre of the multiverse. Why would you want to live anywhere else?"

"As to the several joys of succubus versus nymph, well I'm not yet in a position to pass judgement on that. Still, I'll get there - and there's many a sweet lass to help me on my way to experience. It is, of course, an exercise in philosophy - for the Sensates have the dark of it. That, at least, is clear!"

"But tell me now, Bi, what's the dark of this bob? Who do you recruit for? Why the free grub? Where's the catch? Just what is this peel?"
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Rhys grins and claps a friendly hand on the halfling's back, “I admire yer spirit Andarin. If those lassies’ delights prove too much for ya, please be sure to give yer friend Rhys a call.” Glancing over at the dangerous looking ebony skinned Ghaele seated amongst them he reluctantly adds, “Same goes for you Jurden-Quorr, though I daresay you seem like the sort who might attract the wrong sort of lady.”

Breaking off a piece of bread the Fey-Touched dips it into his nearly empty soup bowl in an attempt to soak up the last bit. “This Cage seems to be the sort of place a fellow like myself might want to hang around in for a bit. I too am interested in what you have to say Bi.”
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Bi (looks annoyed): Men... You berks best be careful. Thinking with your loins is the best way to wind up blinded, soul-sucked, or chained to the rack in Baator. You want cheap thrills, Andarin here has the right idea, head to the Civic Festhall and talk to the Sensates.

I'm no feeler myself, and I don't recruit; I just tell it like it is. You boys are going to get an earful hereabouts about what it all means out here. I'm here to tell you the thing that keeps me going, and keeps this whole blamed market going: your lives are a game, and that game belongs to you. You can go where you want and do what you want as an Indep. Join another faction and that freedom is gone.

Bi rolls up a sleeve and shows you a hooklike brand on her arm, the mark of the Indeps.

Welcome to Sigil, boys. We're having a little party at the World Serpent tonight, and the bowls there are your invitations. She turns to Andarin, You're from these parts; you know where that is?
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Lord Aspen said:
"...though I daresay you seem like the sort who might attract the wrong sort of lady.”

So low that you almost can't hear it, Jurden whispers "She wasn't a lady... of that I'm certain."

The803 said:
Bi (looks annoyed): Men... You berks best be careful. Thinking with your loins is the best way to wind up blinded, soul-sucked, or chained to the rack in Baator.

"That's not the half of it..." Jurden immediately looks troubled at this.

"Indep eh? I figured I'd run across one of you eventually."

"Why not. Your lot tends to throw a nice party. What do you say boys?"
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The803 said:
Bi (looks annoyed):We're having a little party at the World Serpent tonight, and the bowls there are your invitations. She turns to Andarin, You're from these parts; you know where that is?
"Yes, Bi, I know it. I can lead my new friends there. That is, if they want to go."

"How about it, bloods? You up for the invitation? Not that I'm convinced by what Bi has said - but I, for one, have some time on my hands, and a party is always a welcome diversion!"

(OOC: The803, do you want me to make rolls - Knowledge (local) or Bardic Knowledge?)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
"Of course we'll be going Andarin." The ghaele grins and rubs his shaven scalp with his transparant crystal-bue hand.

"You won't be wanting to miss this Rhys... this being your first trip to Sigil and all. Hmm, maybe we should set you up with a Sensate..." His voice trails off and he cocks his head to the left slightly, as if he were listening to an internal voice. "Yeah, maybe not. Probobly best for you to come to that sort of decision on your own. Free will and all that jazz, right Bi?" He chuckles a bit.

"What sort of party will this be Bi?" asks Jurden as he lifts the bowl and drains it.

Jurden-Quorr sits bolt upright and his eyes snap open completely. "Hey, just thought of something. Either of you bloods have a kip?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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