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TURTLEDOME! (Battle Bone!) -- Part 2

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Round 3 continued...

Party's Approvalometer: Green 3 (flickering) (+1 damage, +1 defenses)
Legion's Approvalometer: Yellow 3 (no effect)

[sblock=Things to Remember...]
  • The remains of skeletons have joined together to form two Boneswarms.
  • When a skeleton replicated and its copy appeared on a green disk, there was an explosion of radiant energy. The energy turned Drivan's flaming sphere into radiant energy.
  • After the green disc released its energy, it turned black. Three skeletons jumped upon it, merged, and became a more powerful, intelligent skeleton.
  • The party can perform stunts. The stunts appear to draw upon the collective psychic energy stored in the group's Approvalometer (tm).
  • You regain Approvalometer (tm) tokens after every battle. [New Rule!]

Drivan's familiar stands on his unconscious body, vainly attempting to wake his master. Emral calls upon the power of Dave to heal the wizard. Drivan's eyes open. //Drivan regains 6 HP.//

"You've got to get out of here," Dave communicates to the party, "Head for the elevators and take to the walls so the Legion can't surround you."

Emral casts his spell. Four Legionairres die in the flames and do not replicate.

The sorcerer shifts and consumes a healing pill. //Emral regains 10 HP.//

The first BONESWARM! moves forward, grinding up all Legionairres in its path. //The BONESWARM! gains 16 temporary HP.//

"Get out of there, boys!" shouts the Bone-tinant, "That blasted thing will gobble up the whole lot of you! Head for the elevators and take to the walls! We can kill these meaty punks with our bone-a-rangs!"

The whipping, flying, crashing wave of bone-shards and screaming skulls tries to drive Emral to the ground, but fails! //Minor Action: Overwhelm -- 1d20+7=12 v. Fortitude.//

Then, the BONESWARM! tries to rip Emral to shreds, but THE COAT! protects its owner. "I got ya covered, Emral baby! But I don't know how much longer I can hold out!" //Basic Attack: 1d20+8=11 v. AC//

The white team salutes the Bone-tinant and starts to withdraw, but the two closest to the BONESWARM! are sucked into its heaving mass. //BONESWARM! #2 gains 4 temporary HP.//

As the white Legionnaire adjacent to Vaunea turns to run, Bone-tinant screams at it, "No, you idiot! Attack that blasted minotaur so your brothers can get away!"

The Legionnaire whimpers, swings, and smacks Vaunea on the snout. "I hit her! I hit her!" the skeleton cries with glee, hopping backwards. //Standard: Basic Attack - 1d20+6=23 v. AC. Vaunea takes 3 damage. Legionnaire shifts back one space.//

Two white Legionnaires hop on the ultra-fast elevator, assume positions on the wall, rip off a rib bone, and fling a bone-a-rang at Vaunea. Both bone-a-rangs bang harmlessly on the minotaur's shield. //Move (to new position), Minor (ready bone-a-rang), Standard (ranged attack) -- 1d20+6=17 v. AC and 1d20+6=7.//

The white Legionnaires next to Drivan kick the wizard while he's down. Miraculously, the wizard's magical coat protects him from the cruel blows. The two skeletons shift. //Standard: 1d20+6=14 1d20+6=13. Forgot the +2 for prone, so the attacks are 16 and 15 v. AC. Skeletons shift away from the BONESWARM!//

The rest of the white Legion line up on the wall and ready their bone-a-rangs. //Double move. Minor to ready weapon.//

The green Legionnaire behind Emral strikes and lands a solid blow on the distracted sorcerer. //Standard: Basic Attack v. AC 1d20+6+2=26. Emral takes 3 damage. Skeleton shifts away from BONESWARM!//

The remainder of the green Legion take to the elevators and assume position on the wall. //Double move. Minor to ready bone-a-rangs.//

Finnian regenerates 2 HP.

[sblock=Status: Round 3]Drivan HP 6/26 BLOODIED, PRONE; Healing Surges 6/7
Violet Team
Emral HP 17/27, Healing Surges 4/6
White Team
Green Team
Finnian HP 18/38, +2 damage and +2 regeneration while bloodied (Erlai HP 9/24) <== You’re up!
Orange Team
Vaunea HP 30/44, BLOODIED until EONT, Regen 6 while bloodied; Healing Surges 11/13; -1 to all rolls until EONT

Party Kills: 36 (1800 XP; 450 XP each)

[sblock=LoB Opportunity Attacks]If you must roll opportunity attacks for or against a Legionairre, use the following statistics:

AC 16, Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 13; Basic Attack: +6 v. AC, 3 damage​

[sblock=Uncle Mikey's Special Potions]UNCLE MIKEY’S SUPER HEALING POTION
Base Item: Potion
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You regain all lost Hit Points. However, because Uncle Mikey made this potion with super-hot peppers, you experience unbelievable searing pain in your mouth and bowels. Your tongue swells, and you cannot speak (or consume any other potions). Your nose runs, your eyes tear, and you become dizzy from the pain: -2 to all attack rolls and defenses. A successful save ends the harmful side effects.
Level: n/a
Value: n/a

Base Item: Potion
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. When you drink Uncle Mikey’s Go Juice, you gain a +1 bonus to Speed, Armor Class, and Reflexes, as well as the ability to perform an extra basic attack once per round, as a free action, on your turn. This Go Juice effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Once the first effect of the Go Juice wears off, you begin to get the jitters. When you post, you cannot place spaces, capitalization, or punctuation in your character’s speech. You still gain a +1 bonus to Speed and may perform an extra basic attack, once per round, as a free action, on your turn. However, you suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and defenses. A successful save ends this effect.

After the second effect of the Go Juice wears off, you become blind until the end of your next turn.
Level: n/a
Value: n/a[/sblock]

[sblock=Approvalometer Tokens][sblock=Generic Tokens x3]A party member can spend a generic token to do one of the following...
  • Get Up! -- spend a Healing Surge as a free action (even if unconscious).
  • Get Going! -- gain an extra action, as if having spent an action point.
  • Do It Again! -- regain the use of an encounter or daily power that you have already expended.
  • Try Harder! -- re-roll a failed attack roll with a +1 bonus.
Spending a Token of Favor is a free action. It can only be done on your turn. Once used, tokens are gone until the next battle.[/sblock]
[sblock=Special Psychic Tokens]Because of the party's interaction with the general public, you have caused the approvalometer to generate several special tokens. These tokens are as follows...

Uncle Mikey loves the party!
Available to: Any one party member.
Effect: You may activate this token as a free action when you imbibe a potion. You do not have to spend a healing surge to gain the potion’s effects.

Nothing protects a warrior like the pure-hearted love of children.
Available to: Vaunea.
Effect: You may activate this token as an immediate interrupt when you are supposed to suffer damage from an attack. The token negates all effects of the attack.

Your fans feel nothing but relief that Hadarai has left the party—and that provides you with relief as well.
Available: Entire party.
Effect: A party member may activate this token as a free action on his or her turn. All members of the party immediately recover 4 HP and may perform a save against one effect.

Finnian’s gaffes have moved the public, so now they want to move him.
Available: Finnian.
Effect: As a free action, you may shift 6 squares.

Marco’s desire for the party’s victory grants new life to the fallen.
Available: Any one party member.
Effect: As a free action, when a party member becomes unconscious or dies, you may activate this token. The fallen party member immediately recovers, gaining full hit points.

Cousin Eustace’s hard-bitten, dirty-fightin’ warrior spirit inspires you.
Available: Any one party member.
Effect: You may use this token as a free action when one of your attacks hits an opponent. That opponent is stunned until the end of its next turn.

The red-hot lust of women everywhere fuels Drivan’s flames.
Available to: Drivan.
Effect: When you cast Scorching Burst, you may activate this token. The area of spell becomes burst 5, and it inflicts 2d6, rather than 1d6 damage. You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with the burst.

Swillwort’s gratitude over his release from his horrible state sets the party free from their afflictions.
Available to: Entire party.
Effect: All party members automatically succeed in saves against any current, ongoing effects.

Once you expend a psychic token, it is gone forever. Only the person to whom the token is available may activate it.[/sblock][/sblock]

NOTE: Any character that begins its turn adjacent to a BONESWARM! is subject to a basic attack (+8 v. AC; 1d10+4 damage).


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Traveling today. I'll post tonight or tomorrow morning. Thinking about ways to protect Drivan and Emral so you two can do AoE spells. Suggestions welcome.


//I'm thinking we need to clear a path between us and the elevator opposite the skeletons on the other side; this will keep us protected from their bone-arangs, at least for now.
Then you two beefy types can defender-us over to one flank, or both, and we can spell-blast from behind you.
The scary thing for right now is getting over to that corner without those bone-swarms taking us out, or the other bruiser-type.


\\I'm gonna see if I can clear some room for you two casters without spending any extra points or tokens on this round. Do any of you have an attack that would take advantage of the fact that they are in a straight line?

Finnian recovers some of his composure (no longer bloodied) but remains shifted. He glances at the claw-like nails wrapped around his sword hilt, shakes his head and howls as he moves and attacks again, landing blows on the two skeletons flanking his companion.

\\Shift to N11

Twin Strike:
O10: 20 vs AC, 8 damage
M10: 20 vs AC, 8 damage

Finnian then whirls around and attacks the skeleton behind him.

Off-hand Strike:
N12: 22 vs AC, 8 damage

[sblock=Combat Actions]Move: Shift to N11
Standard: Twin Strike against O10 and M10
Minor: Off-hand Strike against N12

To Hit: +0 extra bonuses
Damage: +2 shifter, +1 approvalmeter[/sblock][sblock=Finnian's Stats]Finnian - Longtooth Shifter Ranger 2
Passive Perception 21, Passive Insight 14 -- Low-Light Vision
AC 16, Fort 16, Reflex 13, Will 14
HP 18/38, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 9/9
Speed 6, Initiative +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Hunter's Quarry, Twin Strike, Hit & Run
Encounter Powers: Longtooth Shifting, Off-Hand Strike
Daily Powers: Jaws of the Wolf
Utility Powers: Yield Ground
AC 16, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 14
HP 9/24, Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 2/2
Speed 2, Fly 7
[/sblock][sblock=consumables]8 "normal" pills, 1 "go" pill, 1 "super" pill, 1 potion
2 whetstones (+2)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Strategery!]Does anyone mind if I use a token of favor this round? I want to run up to the U1 using the elevators and then do a gigantic charge/bowling act to try to get through as many as possible.[/sblock]


[sblock=strategyratin'!] I not only don't mind it, I recommend it. Ken put a lot of work into those tokens, so I vote we try to use up as many as we can all at once. In fact, maybe next round (or when we're in a good spot, or fighting a "boss" or solo) we try to use every single one all at once. Super nova Ken's socks off. [/sblock]


[sblock=strategerizering]I'm all for it too. I left them for the team to use because it looked my best move was to try and get the casters off lockdown which I could do without a token. Swarms take half damage from melee attacks, right? So I'm hoping that the casters can do burst on the boneswarms and Erlai and I can provide some cover.

Also, I'm saving my daily power for battle 3 and the whetstones for battles 2 & 3. If anyone thinks I should use them earlier, let me know.[/sblock]
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First Post
//You recover all used powers with each battle.

Are you going to move Erlai or leave him in his current location? (The swarm is coming.)//

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