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two Looking to game

Garnet Schist

First Post
I've been a long time reader of ENWorld but have only now started looking at message-board games.

My brother is also looking to start so if there are any games running with two slots open we'd be more than happy to jump in.

We play with 3.0 D&D and have barely played D20 modern.

I'm partial to Elven clerics and my brother leans towards Human Paladins but if the game needs a certain class we'd more than be happy to fill the roles.

Thanks for your consideration.

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Ave Rage

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Hi, I'm the brother.

Our experience in games have mainly been lower leveled (7 and below) due to games falling apart after a couple months for various reasons.

Usually one of us is the DM as when we get our friends to play they know the rules that well. We're looking to have a fun time fighting side by side for once.

Thanks in advance for any takers.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
A couple of ideas

You posted just a day or two too late. I just started up a game, but it filled up pretty quick. No worries, though, a game should be along quite soon enough for the two of you!

A couple of questions you might want to consider addressing:

1. Are you willing to learn the 3.5 rules? [You can get them free off of an SRD from WotC or many other places, so it won't cost you anything. And they are easy to pick up as long as you know 3.0 already.]

2. How often are you willing/able to post? 1 per day, every other day, once per week, etc?

3. What size game would you like to be in? [For example: Small: 3-5, Medium: 4-7, large: 6-12, unlimited]

4. From your reading, do you prefer heavy RP, Heavy combat, or a mix of both?

Anyway, good luck in your quest. I'm sure you'll find a game shortly. Cheers!


First Post
If you're looking for a lower level (ECL 5), roleplaying heavy campaign, check out Timothy's 'A Game of Politics'. It's been running for some time now, but he's still looking for 2 more players. It's in 3.5E, so you'll have to familiarize yourself with the new rules (not a big challenge). Please note that the game is heavily entrenched in intruige and inter-party conflict-though no literal backstabbing is allowed-so if competition and distrust between players isn't your cup of tea, you're not likely to enjoy it. We've already lost one player due to the arguements and plotting behind each others' backs and whatnot.

Ave Rage

First Post
Nonlethal Force said:
A couple of questions:

1. Are you willing to learn the 3.5 rules?
Yes. For the most part we've made our own games so 3.0 went pretty much unchallenged. Luckily, in a message board game I'll have time to look over the new changes and hopefully catch any and all mistakes I might make. I'd only be worried about mixing spells up but since we've only played in low-end games I havn't had a chance to memorize any higher end spells.

2. How often are you willing/able to post?
At least once per day. More than likely I'd be checking the thread on and off through the entire day.

3. What size game would you like to be in?
While I have no real preference in terms of playing style, in games I've been in the more people who play the more chances of someone missing a day and other annoyances. So smaller is nice but if everyone is enthused, the more the merrier.

4. From your reading, do you prefer heavy RP, Heavy combat, or a mix of both?
A mix of both. I like to play a paladin because I can make use of high cha/high skill points in diplomacy as well as bring heavy arms to bare on the battle-field. While I could take a mostly combat game, I probably would have difficulty with an all rp game.

Ringmereth said:
check out Timothy's 'A Game of Politics'

Thank you for the suggestion but I have never had a good experience when there is inter-party conflict. It usually comes down to one person walking away in a sour mood.

Thank you both for responding. I hope we do get picked up sooner than later but for now, reading other games should suffice.
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First Post
Check out this: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=145068

I won't choose the characters untill the start of next week, monday or thuesday. It's race spesific though, so only Gnomes are allowed. It's a 1st level game, with 5 or 6 players total. I'm also aiming for a light, funny tone as well! Seeing as you are not 100% familiar with 3.5 rules yet, I don't expect a full sheet ASAP, a character consept would be more than enough for starters, and I'll be happy to help you with whatever you'll need to build the character(s).


First Post
I run another 3.5 game you would be welcome to join. I had planned on running two groups of four, and am currently just running one with two Alts who have been submitted (a spirit shaman and a Fighter), and I would like to get into play. You and your brother could create characters to round out the group nicely.

It is set in the world of Eberron, but you don't have to be super familiar with it to play, I explain the culture of all the PCs in pretty decent detail in the first post. It is an all elf campaign, of the Valenar nation. I try to balance lots of combat with a good amount of rapid-fire, short role-playing encounters. That said, role-playing your combat encounters makes me happy too!

Here is the link: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=141894&page=1&pp=40

Ave Rage

First Post
ShaggySpellsword said:
I run another 3.5 game you would be welcome to join.
Here is the link: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=141894&page=1&pp=40

This looks interesting and I'll ask my brother next time I catch him. I can't find the SRD 3.0->3.5 updates though. Only the main 3.5srd and this pdf that merely gives a gyst of what has changed or the 3.5.

I don't know much about Eberron but I read through the history of the Valenar. I'm thinking I'm going go make up a swashbuckler. Off I go to do just that...

Nonlethal Force

First Post
I'm sure this can be found somewhere here on the boards, but the place I know of it is easily enough gotten, too.

Go to the WotC webpage Here. In the search bar type in 3.5 SRD. The first link you get should be the complete 3.5 SRD. That isn't merely a document of what changed, it is all the 3.5 rules that are Open Gaming Content. It is free to download so that you can carry them with you. Sure, there are a bunch of stuff that isn't there (like alot of the stuff on dieties and all the complete books) but it is a great way to learn the rule changes for free!

... on second thought, here is the direct link: 3.5 SRD From WotC

Mods: if linking to another site is not allowed, I beg your forgiveness and offer my humblest apologies. I am merely trying to help.
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