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Two New Settings For D&D This Year

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc) However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc)

However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!


Some thoughts:

—WHERE have I seen that fist-scepter design before? It’s SERIOUSLY triggering a memory for me in an old TSR product, but where?

Don't know if you got an answer to this, but it looks to me like it's either a wand that can cast the various Bigby's Hand spells... Or a +2 Backscratcher. Not sure which...

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The catch being... there's not really a lot of official build-up. There was one article with an interview and a little teasing, but not much else. All the build-up is taking place via fan speculation and hype. We're building ourselves up and, very likely, setting ourselves up for disappointment.
He's being cute and doing teasing. If it isn't a physical book, he's being too cute by half (aka: a jerk).

For example, I doubt we'll see something like SCAG. Because that's the one product that has seemed like a disappointment, and they haven't done something else like that. Instead, they have talked about something like Curse of Strahd, which was an adventure with a setting introduction. Something like Death House paired with 30-pages of setting.
You have a point. Not being a Realms fan, I can only speculate, but I think the disappointment had a lot to do with the expectation of a full 3.5 FRCS type book. As an Eberron fan, I'm fully braced for a tasting platter for Eberron. That doesn't mean WotC will release a SCAG-type book. But, it is the minimum I've ever seen as actually supporting a setting.

That I'm doubtful about. I think this is something for the established fans, while they're leaving the Realms for new fans.
I'm not expecting them to pivot all adventures to be set in Eberron. I'm expecting the absolute best-case to be a SCAG and an adventure, but that's not even remotely my expectation. It's more likely SCAG or an adventure -- and I think either could work. I'd prefer a SCAG, but you could do Eberron or Athas as an adventure. It'd whet people's appetite, but wouldn't qualify as actual support, IMO. It's the minimum to say, "We did Eberron" though.

I'm still expecting online PDFs.
If it doesn't sit on a shelf in my FLGS, I don't consider it an actual release of the setting. Any announcement of such a product is akin to an announcement of "Yeah, we decided that we're not actually doing anything with these settings, so we're at least no longer blocking them on DMs guild." Really, though, as much as a rail against WotC being too focused on the Realms, I'm expecting them to do something more than a PDF for other settings. It may not be exactly what I want, but I'd be genuinely shocked if it was purely digital. That shock would probably be the end of any attachment I had to the D&D "brand", too. I understand the money behind the focus on the Realms. Trying to pass off a PDF as actual support for other settings and "fan service" would completely alienate me in a way that even "Screw it, we're never putting out 5E product for Eberron, so we're making it open on the DMs Guild" wouldn't. I could see a way that a PDF for a baseline, then opening it up wouldn't alienate me, but Nathan's tease tweet plus the non-announcement tease completely screwed that. If he's willing to do that for a PDF, he's flat out incompetent and represents a team I don't actually want to spend any mental energy on.

Edit: Maybe "incompetent" is too strong of a word. Mechanically, I find 5E to be easily the best version of D&D, ever. The marketing and branding strategy, however, leave me cold. I'm not talking just about the focus on the Realms (which I've made no bones about my opinion of). The entire strategy just turns me off. If I hadn't been playing D&D, as a brand, since BECMI, I wouldn't give it a second look and would probably actively run away from what appears to be an aging property eating itself in an attempt to stay "cool", with all the panache of a septuagenarian in a halter top. Clearly, the strategy is working, because 5E is staying ridiculously strong, in the market. I just get the continual impression that I'm not the target audience and the game is moving further and further from what I actually love. Worth noting is that I'm indifferent to the system, but play D&D for the readily available building blocks to use in my own creation, especially its rich history of multiple worlds that are completely separate, while using the same basic tropes.
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If it doesn't sit on a shelf in my FLGS, I don't consider it an actual release of the setting. Any announcement of such a product is akin to an announcement of "Yeah, we decided that we're not actually doing anything with these settings, so we're at least no longer blocking them on DMs guild." Really, though, as much as a rail against WotC being too focused on the Realms, I'm expecting them to do something more than a PDF for other settings. It may not be exactly what I want, but I'd be genuinely shocked if it was purely digital. That shock would probably be the end of any attachment I had to the D&D "brand", too. I understand the money behind the focus on the Realms. Trying to pass off a PDF as actual support for other settings and "fan service" would completely alienate me in a way that even "Screw it, we're never putting out 5E product for Eberron, so we're making it open on the DMs Guild" wouldn't. I could see a way that a PDF for a baseline, then opening it up wouldn't alienate me, but Nathan's tease tweet plus the non-announcement tease completely screwed that. If he's willing to do that for a PDF, he's flat out incompetent and represents a team I don't actually want to spend any mental energy on.
My thought is that they’re not going to risk splitting the fanbase with lots of competing setting publications.

And they’re not going to do a half-dozen campaign settings, especially when:
A) the hardcore fans are likely to be the only ones to care
B) Said fans will never be satisfied that the books have just the right era/ tone/ changes
C) Said fans already have all the world content, and just need rules updates
D) New fans have no affection to these settings

Instead, it makes sense to either do a book with a bunch of small adventures and a gazetteer for each setting. And then open them up on the Guild along with Print On Demand books.
Do a bunch of individual PDFs and then open up the settings.

Let’s face it, people going to stores and only looking for content there are unlikely to be hardcore fans of a setting. They won’t care.
For most of the D&D audience, putting out an Eberron book will be as interesting as putting out as World of Velatium sourcebook.

I'm still expecting online PDFs.

I'm still convinced one of the settings is Spelljammer and will simple be "released" as part of DoMM product we already know about. Just like they did with CoS, SJ will be "released" through DoMM. And the "announcement" will simple be confirming that. Maybe they will add to that with some pdfs on the Guild, but those will be written by Guild Adepts, and most people won't consider those official anyway.

No idea what the second setting will be.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Halaster certainly does have historic and "new" ties to Spelljammer. Per this Reddit post Perkins has confirmed that Halaster has a Spelljammer helm. There was the old Stardock 2e adventure where Halaster was kidnapped to a spacestation and had to be rescued before Undermountain went too crazy.

There were Giff in the Tome of Foes, so it certainly seems like they are gearing up SJ for release to me.

That said, I'd rather they dropped wholly new 5e settings. Dark Sun and Eberron are my preference. I hope with all the work Mearls has done on Psionics it could be possible we'll get one or both of those soon.


Listened to the vodcast, and I came away with a few things about the setting stuff:

Disclaimer: These are just semi-educated guesses made for fun.

1) Stewart mentions that there will be some instant gratification on the announcement date. To me this suggests DM's Guild being opened to other settings and/or perhaps a pdf.

2) Stewart then hints that there will be more stuff later. Which might suggest an upcoming print product. Might.

3) Stewart also hints there might be plans that flow into next year. Which suggests that they have a longish term plan for rolling out the settings.

I think it'll be interesting to see how they go about this. They've said in the past that they want each of the settings to offer something that isn't already available. They want them to be part of a story, like everything else they do these days. And, presumably, they don't want to split their base, as was the curse of TSR past.

I get the impression from Mearls' occasional dropped hints that they are pretty excited about their plan. But I'll acknowledge that's just guesses based on really vague hints. But he does seem super excited about upcoming projects.

My two wooden nickels.



Disclaimer: These are just semi-educated guesses made for fun.

1) Stewart mentions that there will be some instant gratification on the announcement date. To me this suggests DM's Guild being opened to other settings and/or perhaps a pdf.

2) Stewart then hints that there will be more stuff later. Which might suggest an upcoming print product. Might.

3) Stewart also hints there might be plans that flow into next year. Which suggests that they have a longish term plan for rolling out the settings.
Building from this....

One possible scenario that would fulfill these points would be a PDF on the day of the announcement (per Jester David), plus a formal adventure next year. That would make the PDF sort of an "online appendix" or expansion for the adventure, kind of like they ended up doing with the PotA bonus material. While this wouldn't exactly thrill me, it would meet my minimum definition of "support". There would be a physical product on the shelves to open the door for new converts. It's darn close to a "punt to Keith on DM's Guild" answer, but that physical product is important, to me.


Look at what Nathan (from D&D’s fireside chat) posted today! Eberron book in the background. Spoilers for what is to come the 23rd? I sure hope so!


Building from this....

One possible scenario that would fulfill these points would be a PDF on the day of the announcement (per Jester David), plus a formal adventure next year. That would make the PDF sort of an "online appendix" or expansion for the adventure, kind of like they ended up doing with the PotA bonus material. While this wouldn't exactly thrill me, it would meet my minimum definition of "support". There would be a physical product on the shelves to open the door for new converts. It's darn close to a "punt to Keith on DM's Guild" answer, but that physical product is important, to me.

So, I totally understand why the printed product is important to you. And it's totally within your rights to say that if they aren't going to have a printed product that you consider that insufficient support.

But, given that-- Hypothetically, what if they wrote fully fleshed out, fully vetted campaign setting books with all the bells and whistles but decided that the only way to make that financially viable was to release them as digital products. Say for example their market analysis suggested not enough people would buy the books to make actual printing profitable. Or that it will confuse their market strategy or whatever (say by splitting or confusing newbies). So, instead, they release it digitally, knowing that their harder core users get what they want and that they can still keep their strategy intact.

For the record-- I don't think they'd go this route because the design effort would probably be too high to justify the work if it wasn't leading to a printed product. But I can see gradations along a spectrum toward that end. I mean, 'punting to Keith' could also be-- Pay Keith as a freelancer to do an official sourcebook on DM's Guild and have it go through the same vetting as the rest of their products. Which is different than just letting Keith publish stuff on his own.

Anyway, just curious, since I see a wider gradation of possible outcomes between 'printed product' and 'crappy digital throwaway'


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