Typical game menu?


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The US drinking age is 21. I still find that so funny, so when do they allow you to drive and vote do they wait until your thirty?

First, i couldn't agree more. I'm almost 18, so I can dive, and in 6 months I can vote, live on my own, and die for my country, but I can't get a beer.

second, Our game menu useually consites of soda and pixiesticks, the cornerstone of any RGP meal.
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good stuff so far heh.

forgot to mention that sometimes one of the guys brings deer meat over. We make all kinds of stuff with it, chili, burgers, BBQ'd sandwiches. Yummy.:p

Dave G

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We used to order pizza every week or make a burger run, but one of the guys that joined our group was like: "If we chipped in and bought some pasta, sauce & meat we'd save money on food for gaming." So we've been doing that for almost a year, we've gotten variation, ranging from a baked potato bar to Fettuccini Alfredo... and it never costs more than $2-$5 per person, and there's almost always leftovers.


*of course, the Piss of the Gods: Moutain Dew (both red and green--or blood and piss as we tend to call them... LOL long story)
*Coke and Rootbeer are the second most popular drinks, for those freaks at the table who don't partake in Mt. Dew
*Water and milk round out the list--water for the tired throat and milk for cookies

*Pizza is usually the gaming food of choice--a large stuffed pizza from Nancy's (almost as good as Giordano's...mmm...) and an even bigger thin crust with ...usually half ham/ half pepperoni. We actually eat the pizza at the table
*Most of the rest of the time, we just fill up on junk food however--see below.

These aren't in any order, and aren't eaten at the same time.

Wheat Thins
Chex Mix
Oreos (or Mini-Oreos)
Teddy Grahams
Potato Chips
Harvest Cheddar Flavored Sun Chips

I'm thinkin that's our usual menu...


First Post
Anything which:

A) Doesn't run to fast.
B) Eat us first
C) Not nailed down
D) All of the above.

We fall into the D category.

Skarp Hedin

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Bagpuss, the mighty catlike pink organism, said:
The US drinking age is 21.

I once asked my mother why the drinking age was raised up to 21. She was a nurse, and saw a lot of people who'd injured themselves while intoxicated, and based on what she saw, the reason was this: They raised it to 21 so that the effective drinking age would be 18.

In other words, back when it -was- 18, she saw a lot of 16 year olds who'd been able to pass for 18 and buy beer, get drunk, and hurt themselves. After the government "encouraged" the raise to 21, she saw lots of 18 year olds who'd passed for 21 to buy beer, get drunk, and hurt themselves.

I always thought that made a lot of sense, given how the U.S. government works, heh. Since then, of course, it's turned more toward 21 being a hard age, since people check ID more often, etc.

So like, that's way off topic. So:
We drink whatever, to personal taste. One guy drinks mostly water or chocolate milk, I drink Coke or RC.. there's another guy who's almost always just getting off of work before we play, so he's got his gi-normous beer, etc. We eat a lot of chips, and cheese. They all love bleu cheese. I stick to chips, mostly doritos or a nacho-esque knock-off.

(Edit: oh yeah, the drinking age is set by the individual states here. The federal government just uses money subsidies (funds for road repair) as a tool to encourage the states to follow their suggestions. Louisiana, I believe, still maintains an 18 drinking age, but I could be wrong.)
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First Post
For drinks: Coffee, Tea, Cola, Apple juice, Dr.Pepper (unfortunately Mt dew is still unavailable in the Netherlands:( )

For snacks: chips, cookies, apple pie

For dinner/lunch: fries (the dutch nr 1 fast food:) )

Its not so much as what we eat, more the quantity: we eat a LOT. :D

Isida KepTukari

First Post
U.S. drinking age - 21. Voting age - 18. Driver's License at 16 (most states). Driver's Permit (i.e. with adult in car) at 14 for some states (including Iowa!).

I'm now legal to do everything... and do... but no drinking for me. I don't have the brain cells to spare! :D

Our group plays at a game store that sells pop, candy bars, and snack cakes, so that's the usual. Bringing extra food to share gets you extra experience. We've had everything from various chips, pretzel chunks, potato oles, to homemade salsa.

Occasionally, since we're within a 5-block radius of several fast food places, someone will go for burgers. This week there was a special on pizza, so that was the food du jour.
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Oh my God!

And people wonder why gamers are either anaemic or obese (well, no they don't, but if they did we'd know why):D

Although I'm 6'2 I'm as skinny as a rake (gaming diet of rice crackers washed down by scotch tends to do that) and my pizza munching mates leen towards the tubby side.

I'm about to endeavour on a health kick (good diet, running, weights, etc. Yeah I know I'm mad - my girlfriend made me do it :D ) but does anyone out there eat well "while" gaming. I'm not sure our characters could get out of bed let alone adventure if they ate what their player's do.

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