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[UaVS] The Silver Door IC


Living EN World Judge
'Thelaru 'acli burned. Not with the quick burn of the flame, but the embers and slow burn of a
bellows left unattended for days. Beneath the surface, under the cooling ash, plots thickened. The Eight Great Houses had been at War for a period of several months, this long in the coming. The Civil War was quick and extremely brutal, leaving nearly half of the Drow dead. The commoners have taken to hiding, as the current political situation seems uncertain, and life is never easy, even in the most stable of times.

House Salurath had laid claim to much of the city in the unrest following the Death of Queen Amphoria III, High Priestess of Lolth. This new First House seems almost untouched by the recent Civil War. Duchess Yerillya IV seeks the position of High Priestess of Lolth, but so far the Goddess has not given Sign of her Favor. Salurath
Has recently made alliance with the Githzerei and Githyanki in the City a priority, as Ullreath's alliance with the Illithids seems to have them worried a bit, if not too much.
The two Gith races, while hating one another, seem content to put aside their Eternal War in the light of the news of a massive Illithid force numbering in the hundreds with thousands of Grimlock and Goblin slaves at the ready to join with Salurath.

House Ullreath, the House of Queen Amphoria and once the First House, now lays a shattered Ruin. Ullreath barely survives, seemingly abandoned by Lolth's Favor.
The remaining Ullreathans now seek alliance with other Races, most notably with the Illithid of the Moaning Waste to the North. This has earned them the enmity of Githyanki and Githzerei in the City, but the Illithid offer the best terms and hopes for Ullreath to regain its former Status.

House Ferach hides amongst the glory of its former territories; its allegiance to the Queen now a liability in the wake of her destruction. Ferach now seeks alliance with Veroyllu, although its Countess is scornful of Duke Alfertaich's offers to make her his Concubine as a condition of the Partnership. Ferach is a desperate House, as Salurath seems ready to crush them in another blow that would Shatter the fragile cease-fire that currently rules in 'Thelaru 'acli. Duchess Rimphoria was a feared and respected Leader, but hers was a House made of cards at this point. She seemed unnaturally collected and focused, considering her predicament.

House Cessulli waits for the moment to strike, poised like a trapdoor spider beneath its door, expecting a fateful misstep by an unwary centipede. Overtures of alliance from Ferach and Albenashu have met with silence. Slave trade with the Derro and Kuo-Toa is brisk, as Cessulli is buying slaves in the hundreds; these disappear into its Dungeons and are never seen again. What waits beneath Ulro Cessulli is a question that many would like answered.

House Veroyllu openly defy Lolth's remaining Priestess', showing their allegiance to Graz'zt, and Duke Alfertaich laughed at the matriarchy dominating the other Houses, while his female House members willingly serves his whims and orders. Veroyllu houses many Tieflings and Fey'ri, as its Nobles openly consort with Fiends. Many are the males that have flocked to the protection of Alfertaich, who offers protection from the Matriarchy of normal Drow Society. However strong, Veroyllu had better tread lightly, for while the other Houses war with one another on matters of trade or territory, Female Dominance is a subject that the other Houses all agree upon, and they will hardly allow it to be abolished without a very big fight.

House Resperetch lies obliterated, nearly all of its Lands scorched by Elemental Magic released by House Ferach. Some hope remains, though, as Resperetch has a contingent of nearly 500 in an outlying Stronghold. No word has come from them since before the War, and the House is mounting an expedition to bring them word of what has transpired in the City.

House Albenashu seems ready to ascend to Power, smiling openly at Salurath, yet waging a secret trade war against the New First House. Albenashu has strong ties to the Duergar of Clan Boroch and to the Orcs of the Black Rift. Rumor of an army of Grey Dwarfs and Orcs camped in the Caverns off of the Great Way (merchant road) near Lake Entaric are unconfirmed, as House Albenashu controls the road to the lake.

House Bezevene, smallest of the Eight Great Houses. Losing a full 75% of it's Drow Warriors in the War (siding with Resperetch and Ullreath against Salurath), Bezevene has dug deep into it's Coffers to hire Mercenaries to round out its Army. Rumors of an alliance with Genthreoll, the Troll-King pervades talk of Bezevene, although this remains uncertain. If true, Bezevene might be able to survive it's current precarious position.

The Minor Houses hide, ally or swear new allegiance with haste or shore up their walls in the aftermath of last month's Warfare. Desperate Adventurers seek out Magic and Power in the Hinterlands
or amidst the ruins of once Great Houses.
Amid the rubble of the Foreigner's Quarter, Shadowy forms move and war with one another. Duergar Slave-Traders ply their wares to Illithids and the representatives of beings even more foul. Fiend-Touched Sorcerers and Githzerei Monks warily regard each other and any Drow near at hand. Such was the way of the City, such was its state.
And into Thelaru 'acli walked the Lich Hespericht, with her army of Undead, claiming a portion of the old Royal Lands as her own. Such were strange times indeed.


"Duchess Ferach leaned forward on her Chair, the Obsidian of the armrests nearly indistinguishable from her own ebony skin. It was hard to see where the bas-relief of the Throne ended and the intricate jewelry on her arms began.
To the assembled members of the House, she seemed a Spider, poised for the attack.

Grolvus fidgeted, he wanted away, the Duchess was Evil. Grolvus was nervous, he wanted much gold, much jewels, but often he questioned his decision to serve the Drow. Perhaps he should have stayed in Unkermark, the Goblin City where he was reared. No matter, there was no escaping service to a House once you joined. Grolvus hated standing here, no…he…he was dutiful and awaited the Duchess. They could read your thoughts. They Were True Evil. A series of pokes from Arngen, the only Drow Grolvus trusted, told him of his peril unless he was still. He stilled as only his Folk could.

Arngen poked the Bugbear in the side with his finger. Two quick pokes followed by a three fingered press 'Stop-Silent' in the Drow Silent Tongue, The bugbear stopped fidgeting, realizing his peril perhaps. Arngen threw a sidelong glance at Gentaria…why did that Bitch come to the Summons. Arngen hated her more than any other Ferach, and he hated most. A weak-willed brat, in her sister's shadow, although she was a talented Cleric, was Gentaria. Arngen saw whatever the Duchess wanted from him as a chance to better his lot in the House. Oh, to have been born into House Saerenlu, where the Females knew their proper place…Careful, he thought to himself, the Duchess was not known as the Lady of Secrets for nothing. An accomplished Sorceress as well as a Priestess of the Spider Queen, Rimphoria was renowned and feared throughout the City as a diviner of Secrets of the Mind. Arngen smiled, though he stood still all the while. Yes, the dutiful Servant suited him, for a time at least.

Gentaria fumed, although she said absolutely nothing. Arngen was here as well. What did Mother need with that pathetic male. Some day Enraela would rule House Ferach, and then she would be her Second. Then Arngen would die a slow death at her hands.
She and Enraela were more than adequate for whatever Mother needed. Perhaps along with the Hobgoblin standing to her right, someone had to die for the House, and she didn't plan on dying any time soon. Yes, the brute and his kind were a necessary acquiesce to the Situation (as the Nobles referred to the viscous Civil War that stilled smoldered, if not flared within their Society). Gentaria had admiration for the Brutes, much like she held for her beloved Spiders, although a Hobgoblin was far less useful or important than a Spider, of course. A scuttling in her long white hair brought a smile to Gentaria's face. The Crolvus (a small pet spider common to the Drow Nobles, about the size of a black widow) had just mated. Another minor movement must be the last throes of the male, as she sank her fangs into him. Gentaria grinned inwardly, yes, Spiders knew how to deal with males, and they were good for only two things. Propagating the species and then Dying.

Brogark blanched, though he did not move, the smells in the Throne room were disgusting. Incense, he hated incense. The smoke dulled the nose, which should be ever ready for the smell of the assassin, the all too quick scent of encroaching fire, the putrid stench of the Troglodyte. Looking about him, Brogark saw a Bugbear that he did not know. A big one was he, he also seemed to be having a hard time standing still; that was bad, and as the last person to disrupt Rimphoria's Court ended up slowly being flayed alive, the bugbear had better shape up. Near at hand was a Drow that Brogark feared almost as much as Rimphoria, Enraela Ferach, the sadistic daughter of the Duchess. Brogark knew of her recent failed mission in the Caverns of Borog, where her party was ambushed and nearly killed by the Troglodyte tribe that laired there. He knew, too, of the fate of her brother (who had been one of the more sensible Drow (if that was possible) that he had met .At least he was a Warrior Brogark thought as he looked on.

Enraela waited like the Priestess she was. Composure was one of her better traits, as well as an unnatural ability to know when people were plotting against her. Her little sister stood nearby, her adoration useful for the time being. Her hatred of males was amusing, if not practical. Arngen waited nearer still, the smell of him still upon her from their trysting just prior to the Summons. His 'Hound', as she referred to the Bugbear, stood in front and to the left of him, a look of fear displayed upon his brutish features. Perhaps he was not as stupid as she had thought. Brogark and his Second were there as well. Enraela liked nobody, least of all a Hobgoblin, yet she saw his worth, and admired his dedication to the House. She would make sure that he was still around when she ascended to power. When she ascended to power, that had a nice ring to it. Mother had no plans to relinquish her throne as of now, but things change, things progress, so Lolth taught. Conflict and Strife were the natural Order. Perhaps one day Mother would have an accident or make a fatal mistake during a Ceremony. Enraela would be there to step in. Smiling wickedly to herself, the Priestess looked up as a spindly male entered and approached the throne. It was Wesellu, the disgusting little Wizard that had been Yrtchull's closest ally. She knew he plotted her Death, yet his fear of her kept him from acting. Like all males, he was dull and placid. That would be his downfall, as she would relish torturing him before a very slow death, once she had caught him and all of his other Conspirators in the circle of males who had been plotting her own demise. For now, she would let him live; he served the House dutifully, at least.

Wesellu approached nervously, the Duchess was a Cruel and fickle Female, if not an irrational one. She had seen the Wisdom of his Dream. She knew that his inclusion was necessary, since it was his Dream in the first place that began this Mission. The Dream: Wesellu remembered it vividly, the river, the stairs of darkest green, extending upwards so long it seemed that they went on Forever, the Silver Door…
The door was the Key': the Philosopher's Stone in all of this. Whatever waited beyond the Door, calling to him, that was what would save Ferach, he knew it.
Thinking back to his Audience yesterday, Wesellu quailed a moment then moved forward again.
Rimphoria had listened to him and had even seemed interested. The Audience he had been granted just after his Dream was the most terrified that he had ever had, the Duchess listened, her fingers idly caressing her 'Displeasure', the infamous knife (some say forged from the Souls of the Damned in the Abyss) that she had used thousands of times over the years on those gaining her Disfavor. The floor in front of her Throne was slick with blood, this staining his boots as he stood and told her of the Dream, it's details, even the parts that seemed odd and disjointed. When he had finished, the Duchess had spoke, a quiet and succinct sentence.
'Well, this intrigues me, take a small group, say 7 others, and explore this Dream of yours, Seer.'
Wesellu was ecstatic, he would show the Duchess his worth, and the Dream would prove his Step-Stone to power. And that's when the Duchess shattered his Reverie.
'My daughter Enraela will lead this expedition, you will advise her. You may go now.'
This was an Order, no matter how casually spoken, and Wesellu hastened to go.
Enraela, who had so recently murdered her own brother to facilitate her own escape from an enemy.
Wesellu had no illusions about his own chances of survival on this mission should things go badly. Wesellu glanced about at the assembled group, he did not Lead them, yet his was the Fault should things go badly. The Duchess waved a finger and a massive form stepped from the back of the room, moving up to stand beside her Throne. It was Jikull, the Half-Ogre Gladiator that Rimphoria favored (some say in a very Carnal manner as well). The brute looked at the assembled group and then his eyes settled on Vitrene Ferach.

Vitrene's eyes rolled back and forth, he wanted out of the Chamber. He felt like a Spider trapped in an even bigger Spider's web. The Duchess had 'invited' him along on some mission or other, obviously because she knew of his feelings about her and her Damned Spider Goddess. Vitrene was going to leave this very morning, a place in House Saerenlu assured, as he had several important bits of information on Ferach's Holdings. Now he was doomed, probably to Die in an 'accident' like the one that killed the Duchess' son Yrtchull last week. Gods, this was going to turn out badly.

The Duchess finally spoke, dissipating the palpable tension in the Chamber.
Several Nobles edged closer quietly, for to miss her words (and she liked to whisper in a barely audible voice so as to have excuse for torturing those who weren't paying attention to her) was Death. "We have an Opportunity," the group listened, rapt.
"Our fine Wizard here," this said with Distaste, indicating Wesellu, "has Divined that within a Smertcha (a common word for the Grey Dwarves, it also means Vermin) Ruin down the Hogrelk River lies something that might turn our Fortunes as a House around. As you all know, since the Death of our Beloved Queen, Ferach has not fared well. Treacherous Salurath has claimed much of our Rightful Lands, our Attack on Resperetch drained resources and many hungry eyes look to Ferach as the next to fall. I would have it otherwise, and so, I have decided to act upon Wesellu's Dream."
The Duchess took in the group before her.

"Enraela and Gentaria are my Beloved daughters, and Priestesses of the Holy Mother Lolth, and thus they are in charge of this Mission. Arngen Delushani and his 'Companion'…" A Noble leaned in and whispered something, "Ah, Grolvus (this said with distaste for the harsh word on her tongue) will accompany for Scouting and Stealth.
I have been told as well, that Arngen has Maps showing many features regarding the Path. Do not fail me, or our House, Arngen.
Wesellu, of course, knows the Signs and Features of the Dream, and thus of the Mission.
"Ah my Brogark." Rimphoria smiled wickedly, "My dutiful Hobgoblin Captain shall accompany to ensure that things go well. He is an accomplished Warrior, Loyal to our House with conviction that I sometimes wish you all (she gestures to the assembled Drow) showed. No matter, with him along I feel more confident in a successful outcome.
But I believe that some addition is in order."
Rimphoria turned a Baleful eye upon one Male Drow busy skulking near the back of the group, with several Female Guards standing behind him.
"Ah, Vitrene, my Nephew, you too, I believe, will go on this Mission to ensure that the interests of the House are met. I have recently heard rumors of unrest in several areas within my House. I would hope that you can inform me of any traitors, do you feel up to this?" Rimphoria fingered her ever-present Displeasure visibly, the knife slick with blood from the last victim (who still twitched and moaned in the background, where he was discarded for her later attentions).
"Yes, my Beloved Duchess," Vitrene steadied himself, regaining his composure, bowing and then standing straight at attention once again.
"Good, well, just in case there are any Traitors within the group…" The form of Jikull stepped down from the Platform, moving to stand directly behind a visibly pale Vitrene.
"Jikull, make sure that Vitrene returns intact from this Mission, you will be well rewarded." There was such a lewd cast to the last statement that even the unsubtle Bugbear raised a startled brow.
"Yes, my Mistress" was the Half-Ogre's reply.

Rimphoria sighed and waved her hand. "Leave my Presence now." Urtoth will give you the details of the Mission."

The form of Urtoth the Seneschal stepped forward, his manner brusque. "Follow me, and do keep up."

Following the Servant out of the Chamber, the group passes several contingents of soldiers shoring up holes in the wall, or replacing flagstones in the floors and chambers. These were tough times, and everyone was expected to help wherever the House needed.
After a long walk of nearly 20 minutes, they had wended their way down several staircases, a few unknown even to Enraela and Gentaria. Ending in a small chamber lit dimly by phosphorescent fungi, the Seneschal turned once again to the assembled group.
"I don't have to tell all of you how important this Mission may be to the House. Do not fail the Mistress."
Urtoth indicated several packs near a small iron door. Take these packs, they contain additional gear. As well, there is a boat waiting at the Quay on the Hogrelk River. The tunnel past that door will take you out under the Outer Wall and into the cover of the Lerondyl Forest (a Giant Mushroom forest to the South of the City). The River trip is an estimated 40 Miles, and several of you possess the skills need ed to Navigate it. Besides that, we have a Boatman at the river already to Pilot for you. May Lolth be with you."
Urtoth turns and departs, leaving you all with the sound of dripping water and the pungent smell of Mold.

Each of you receives the following Gear Package
Backpack containing
1 Week Trail Rations, 2 Water skins (full),
4 torches, 2 flasks of oil,
Tinder Twigs (6), 50' spidersilk rope & grapnel,
1 potion cure moderate wounds 2D8+3 (clearly labeled)
1 potion cure light wounds 1D8+1 (clearly labeled)
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First Post
Grolvus loped forward, poking a silent 'come on' into Arngen's shoulder as he passed. The bugbear snatched up a pack, swinging it easily onto his shoulder as he stepped over to the door, placing his hand on the latch. It was much better to have the task before him, to have something he could sink his fangs into, than to sit and worry about what might happen to him.

And it was probably a lot safer being out in front scouting than being anywhere near the drow - especially the females. How Arngen could stand them was beyond Grolvus. He supposed females always did have that way about them that could make you lose your senses, even if they were just as likely to torture and kill you as to deliver pleasure.

The hulking goblinoid turned to Enraela, stooping his massive frame to appear more subservient just as much as to simply fit through the drow-made door.

"By your leave, Mistress?" he requested permission in his growling, goblin-tongued accent.


First Post
"You honor me, Duchess," murmered Brogark. "I will bring glory to your House."

The hobgoblin kept his eye on the bugbear... he didn't trust the bigger goblinoid, and was wary of him.


First Post
Enraela Ferach smoothed down the folds of her dark traveling vestaments, decorated here and there only with embroidered silver spiders at the edges. She appeared muted and subdued as always, missing the usual finery that a Ferach would wear, especially a Second of the house when she traveled on a mission. Gentaria and the others could indulge in their youthful vanity all they wished. Enraela had moved on to more important things.

Even so, the older drow woman had an exotic tinge to her looks, even for a drow. There was beauty in that gentle curve of her lips, the rise of her cheekbones, and the slight tilt to her vibrantly lavender eyes. Perhaps in another lifetime, another culture, Enraela would be considered a tender beauty, but those who knew her, knew that those calm soft lips could twist into a virulent smirk or sneer of pleasure while she twisted the knife deep into her latest victim. Those who knew her, knew that such beauty was poisonous.

Surreptitiously taking a deep breath, Enraela could still smell the musky scent of Arngen on her body, wafting over her and tantalizing the senses. What was it about that male that made her want to thrust him in the nearest alcove and rip every piece of cloth from his body? Run her tongue along those muscled curves to capture more of that heady masculine taste...Sink her teeth into that delectable dark flesh...


She was not like her mother, the lusty fool who found pleasure in disgusting creatures such as the half-ogre, who one day, Enraela was sure, would find that her indulgence in lust would lead to her timely end.

Enraela was not of that path. Nothing would dominate her, no animal lust, or youthful impatience. Ferach would be the First House...and in time she would be the new Duchess...only patience and wisdom were needed to reach her final goal.

"Hound," the woman ordered in that calm husky voice to the bugbear, a voice that sounded equally frightening even at its most sensuous. "Scout ahead while we walk in case any...traitors...have trapped our path." Her lavender eyes flickered over the assembled group, lingering perhaps on someone in particular.
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IC: Jikull bows to his mistress and smiles inward at the thought of having her two lovely daughters under his control. They would stay in line and be 'safe' but safety is a relative term when it comes to the underdark. Lessons learned in the gladiator pit taught him that first come first serve is true above as it is down here. "If they survive what do I gain?" he thought "Longer life and glory? I can live with that"

Moving to be in arms reach of the daughters as well as keeping a wary eye on his charge Vitrene is never one quick leap away from him. The children come first but then again the Duchess has more to spare but this skinny drow has value and for that he must stay alive.

Keeping the pack firmly on his shoulders he takes out his flamberge and rests it on his shoulders, slowly he runs a finger down the blade to test it's sharpness. It draws blood and he lets it flow down the blade. "How long till i can plunge it into the heart of mine enemies however multitude they are here?". His face a looking like it is carved from granite. His gate keeping up with the drow women, ignoring their prattle and curses as they walk deeper into the underdark...


First Post
Grolvus nodded in acquiesence to Enraela's command rather than draw more attention to himself with a verbal response. He'd already opened his maw more than he should have.

The bugbear hunched even lower if that was possible. His yellow fur looked pale as death in the dim, barely-there fungus-light of the chamber, though it was mostly covered by the ebon tunic bearing House Ferach's emblem. Even moreso, as the beastial goblinoid pulled his velvety grey cloak about himself, he seemed to be pulled right into the very shadows themselves - aside from the yellow ears and looming emerald eyes that peered out from under his black mane, of course.

Those eyes always seemed to glow, capturing whatever light there was, as they did now when Grolvus cast a last, imploring look at Arngen before turning to open the portal. The bugbear lifted the latch and swung the door delicately, acting ever so much like the bull in the china shop. He always acted that way - perhaps it was because of the way his nearly seven-foot, thick-limbed frame towered over the drow, out-massing them to the point where they might break if he so much as breathed too hard. Maybe too it was that he wanted to appear as least like the beast they took him for as possible.

Or it could have in fact been simply another way to deflect their attention.

Without any circumstance, Grolvus loped through the doorway and into the tunnel, slipping into the shadows in a way that was so much at odds with his size. Falling snow might have made more sound. But the bugbear still felt he was being too loud, drawing too much attention - not from whatever enemies might be out there, but from the 'companions' behind him.

How he wanted to just keep on running! The drow might never find him, but whether they did or not, the consequences for Arngen would probably be unpleasant. No, he would stay, that he'd already decided. But where to place his loyalties, that was the question. Drow machinations were too complicated! Arngen would know what to do. Yes, he would do whatever Arngen said...

No, wait! They could -

The Duchess, yes. Grolvus would obey the Duchess' every command. She wanted the mission a success, and her daughters safe. The bugbear was committed to those tasks above all others.

Grolvus paused, glancing behind him with a shiver. He hoped they were reading the right thoughts...


Arngen removed all the extra equipment and placed it on his own pack, it was no use carrying two sacks for his own equipment. Drawing his hand crossbow, he sneaked after Grolvus.
He quickly hand-signed to the rest of the gathered group I don't trust him.
Just before disappearing out of the doorway, he winked knowingly at Enraela.


Living EN World Judge
Grolvus sensed nothing hostile in the passage ahead, which was covered in a moss that gave off a faint yellow cast. Noting the growth, Grolvus was releaved to confirm that it was just Forga (Light), a rather common growth that was, in fact, beneficial to his Sight, granting those gifted with the 'Eyes of the Dark' greater range. The passge was littered with the bones of the dead, looking like nothing so much as a battlefield. Such a walkway had hazards, for to be silent was almost impossible, so dense were the remnants of lives now lost to the ages.
Worms and flesh beetles crawled and scuttled throughout, searching for some tidbit, some morsel of sustenance, pursued everywhere by spiders, both tiny and larger (though none so large as you hand). The regalia and finery of the long-dead Drow was absent, now mulched into a grey sludge that covered their forms, an odd bit of Armor of a Sword-Hilt poking out here and there.
The passage loomed off into the darkness, waiting only for the feet of those charged with a Sacred task to traverse it.
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Nervously fingering the golden amulet hanging from his neck, Wesellu peered into the corridor the now opened iron door revealed.

He finally had been given a chance to follow through on his Dreams, and yet he had been simultaneously placed in a position of extreme danger.

Speaking of danger, Wessellu warily looked at Enraela from the corner of his eye. I wonder if there was any chance at all for a safe return from this mission, he mused to himself.

No, wait. I haven't pursued this Dream this far only to see it slip from my hands. I'll make sure it stays mine. Whatever the costs. And then I will finally be more than a lowly Seer among many. They will all have to recognize my greatness after this!

A small smirk creased his lips as he continued to finger his amulet, somewhat lost in thought.


Living EN World Judge
The passage was littered with debris, more as the party went along. Bones and the detritus of the Dead became intermixed with strands of webbing as thick as rope. Ahead, in the 12' high tunnel waited a mass of webbing. Sitting at the center of the webs was the form of a huge bloated Spider.
A cold radiance came off of the Arachnid, the chill of the Grave. before the eyes of the assembled adventurers, the bodies of the fallen rose up, mismatched skeletons bearing rusted and pitted blades, holding tarnished shields.
Into the minds of each member of the group crept dark tendrils of thought 'There is no passage here, only Death...turn back or you will feel the taste of my fangs in your sweet tender flesh.'
Enraela, Gentaria and Vitrene recognize the creature as a Cerukal, an Undead Spider Guardian created Ages ago by House Ferach as a Guardian for their secret paths and portals.
The Thing seems to be expecting something, clearly peering at Enraela. The (15 or so) Skeletal Drow have made no move towards your group, though their fleshless grins seem almost eager to 'Gift' you with their eternal company, inviting you to join them in Undeath...

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