UBER-HIVE-STRUM!! The Hive to End all Hives...

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Actually, I don't think it means anything.

A LONG time ago, I heard this song that I thought was totally awesome. Problem was that it was a techno song and it was one of the types without any words. I heard this song in a club once and overheard someone telling someone else the creator of the song, or so I thought. I heard Dog Moon. So silly me I spent a LONG time trying to find this artist. What's lame is that I misheard...the artist was actually Darude. But the name Dog Moon stuck with me, so I figured I might as well use it. :)

Thats neat. I chose my username based on the club of the same name featured in Austin Powers 3.

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Don't really see any point, but that doesn't stop it from being neat.
Is there any point it getting a higher post count besides showing off your hivery?

On another note... I just had self-made Vietnamese Spring Rolls (the unfried variant), basically rice noodles, prawns, salad, and peppermint leaves in a rice paper wrapper. And fish sauce as dip. Yummy dinner.

Any other culinary episodes to tell?

Digesting, LT.

Dog Moon

Soo....what exactly have I stumbled across?

I think I once explained the purpose of the Hivemind and the threads very eloquently once when defending it against a person who posted an annoying post perhaps designed to rile us up, but since I don't remember what I said, I will create something else, which probably won't sound as good:

The Hivemind is a place where we tend to go either after work or sometimes before [or during] when we need a place to just relax and hang out. We come here to complain and to shout out excitement and the others in the hive sympathize/encourage or congratulate, as appropriate.

It sort of fills whatever needs we have and are unable to receive from our living situations. I tend to come here to hang out and make funnies, though occasionally, I vent about stuff that I have no problems sharing with those I consider friends in the Hive but would feel embarrassed or weird sharing elsewhere on the boards.

Feel free to stay around, hang out, complain if needs be, whatever fits your fancy. ;) We always welcome more people and eventually, the entire world will be dominated by us, so you might as well join us early and reap the benefits of our work later on. :D



They expect magic from computers.

They want them to "just work."

They don't understand why they shouldn't use certain pieces of software. Or click on certain links.

They...are morons, without an iota of sense, or a desire to be responsible for their own actions with the supposedly mystic informatin box.

But some, some users, they are worse.

They have learned the foul lessons of virii, malware, adware, and trojans.

They have seen first hand the catastrophes they can wreak.

They Know BETTER.

But still, that page, that potentially glorious page - it did not look right in the protected third party browser.

So he opened it in IE. He followed it's poorly coded links.

And where did it get him...?

Assaulted by false anti-virus programs! Adrift in a sea of system level installed malware download bots, and a writhing pit of email worms.

As fast as the antivirus could catch them, the network connection was queried for 3 more.

And now.

Now, here I sit. Format C: has been typed. Windows has been re-installed. The install of custom programs and a years worth of after install patches begins.

But I'm not bitter....

NO....I'm not...bitter.



They expect magic from computers.

They want them to "just work."

They don't understand why they shouldn't use certain pieces of software. Or click on certain links.

They...are morons, without an iota of sense, or a desire to be responsible for their own actions with the supposedly mystic informatin box.

But some, some users, they are worse.

They have learned the foul lessons of virii, malware, adware, and trojans.

They have seen first hand the catastrophes they can wreak.

They Know BETTER.

But still, that page, that potentially glorious page - it did not look right in the protected third party browser.

So he opened it in IE. He followed it's poorly coded links.

And where did it get him...?

Assaulted by false anti-virus programs! Adrift in a sea of system level installed malware download bots, and a writhing pit of email worms.

As fast as the antivirus could catch them, the network connection was queried for 3 more.

And now.

Now, here I sit. Format C: has been typed. Windows has been re-installed. The install of custom programs and a years worth of after install patches begins.

But I'm not bitter....

NO....I'm not...bitter.


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