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[UK][Manchester]Starting new Pathfinder (RotR) group


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Who We Are
We area bunch of Ancients who first played D&D more than 30 years ago.
Two of the original dozen or so survive, the others have fallen along the way.
A third is still around, but he didn't start playing with us until about 25 years ago, so he's a bit of a Johnny-Come-Lately.
A fourth went absent without leave for several decades, only to resurface a couple of years ago.

That's us.

Our History
Three of us played in school, starting with D&D, then AD&D 2 and 3.
The other guy joined us some time after school, when we were playing AD&D2 & 3.
We've also played Traveller, CoC, WFRP, Rolemaster, and two of us have played Warhammer, 40k, and even a bit of historical table top wargamming (De Bellis Multitudinis and Field of Glory).

We nearly grew up, and we all got married. Most even had kids, but I deemed that as simply irresponsible.

Three of us haven't played for at least a decade, but it seems like the guy who went awol has been playing a fair bit...maybe it was actually us three who went awol?

That's also us.

Our Style
Old skool.

Or at least, I think so. Is there a Noo Skool? If there is, then we're Old Skool. If there's no Noo Skool, we're just Skool.

We have a mix.

I like role play. So does one of the other guys. Another of the other guys likes killing things. He's good at role play (and annoying good - from a GM perspective - at sorting out puzzles and stuff), but we all know he loves to swing his axe and cleave.

Not sure about the other guy - he was awol for a a couple of decades (or was that the rest of us?). But I remember he seemed to like roleplay a lot.

I suspect we'll be heavy on the roleplay.

Our Plans

Rise of the Runelords.


Because most of us chucked out our old AD&D stuff, and because we fancy moving on a little bit. I bought 4ed when it came out. We read through it, but never played it, because we thought it was garbage.

We like the idea that PF branches off 3.5.

RotR (Rise of the Runelords) looks like a decent adventure path, and is well supported with minis and the like. We have jobs, and disposable income, so there will be lots of paraphernalia. Flip mats, metal and plastic minis, floorplans, groovy stuff like that.

Where We Are Up To
I've read through the full AP once, skipping bits here and there.
Then I've read through parts 1 and 2 pretty thoroughly once more.
Then I've read the whole of Part 1 very thoroughly once more.
Then I've ready through the first 3 sections of part one, in minute detail a further three times so far.
I have minis, flip matts, floorplans etc on order.
I've started compiling notes for the first few sessions worth of encounters.
Two of the three players have rolled characters.

We've settled on Thursdays, 7PM to 10PM for our sessions.
We plan to start in about 3-4 weeks from the posting date, max.

Why This Post?
Three players is not my preferred number.
RotR is designed for 4 PCs, and can be easily jiggled to handle 6.

At present, I'm looking to ask my 3 players to take 2 PCs each. As all experienced RPGers know, there are pros and cons to this.

If we can find 2 more people that find us acceptable company (far from guaranteed - we can be a little...colourful), and who we also don't either a) feel intimidated by; or b) eat for breakfast, then I'd rather have 5 players with 1 character each.

Who Do We Want?
Someone who is mature. This does not need to mean old. But keep in mind we are all approaching 50, so if you are a giddy or sulky 19 year old, you'd probably hate us as much as we'd hate you.

Someone who thinks PC means Police Constable. We are in the privacy of our own homes. We are absolutely not racist or sexist, but some of the stuff people get upset by these days...sheesh. If you think a gang of irreverent drinking and swearing blokes is going to upset you, we ain't the group for you.

Someone who has never played (or GM'd) RotR. Obviously.

Someone who has played zero, a bit, loads or mountains worth of RPG's or Pathfinder. Doesn't matter.

Someone who likes a focussed but cheerful tableside manner. We like to keep things moving, but never at the expense of a good joke. We don't mind being corrected on rules, but lawyers will be mercilessly flayed and rolled in carpet tacks.


Someone who can attend Thursday evenings 7-10 (ish) with a good level of commitment, and who may also be up for the odd Saturday night long session.

What Are The Chances of That?
Pretty much zero I reckon. But hey, gotta try!

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First Post

I recently moved back to Manchester after moving out to the US for a couple of years. I'm looking for a group to play Pathfinder with and would like to join you guys. My big question is where about's in Manchester are you? I haven't been back too long (a week) and I probably won't buy a car for the next couple of months, so, distance could be an issue - and if it is quite far, it hardly seems worth attending for three hours and then returning home.

A little about myself: I'm 24, originally from Manchester but I spent four years living in Stafford whilst I attended University there, after that I did some temporary work which took me to the USA, met a girl, moved out there on a work visa for a couple of years and now I'm back. I'm fairly relaxed, certainly not high maintenance or stroppy or anything else you can think of that'd put you off. I've played 3rd, 3.5 and Pathfinder since I was around 11-12, so, a decent amount of time (although not in comparison to you guys!).

Let me know if there's anything else you want to know


Voidrunner's Codex

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