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Ultimate RPG room


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My lovely wife has been kind enough to allow me to steal the attic for my roleplaying activities. Using the remains of an old dining table I've built a 7' by 3' gaming table. 25% of it is a big map of my game world, the rest is a grid. The whole thing is covered by 3 peices of hardened Glass I found in my Fathers garage.

Of course, now I want to make it bigger.

I've also got this really good lamp from IKEA that hangs down over the gaming table at just above head hight (when you are sitting down). This creates a really close atmosphere and focus on the game.

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Telor -- your table sounds really cool. Would you care to post a picture of it or a drawing of it at some point in the future? I'd love to see it, to get my own ideas...


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NiTessine said:
Hmm... A large room, for one thing. Some 10 meters x 10 meters. A big dinner table, with space for six people to sit comfortably, plus DM in the end. This table would be laminated and would have a pattern of inch-wide hexes, for use with miniatures. The table's edges would be slightly raised, to prevent dice from rolling off. All chairs would be comfortable, and just the perfect height for the table.

At the DM's end of the table, on a smaller side table, would be a computer, with a reasonably fast Internet connection, a high-quality printer/scanner/copymachine, and all the other stuff. All the major RPG sites would be bookmarked on the browser. The WinAmp would have a playlist of suitable background music and dungeon sounds.

Behind the DM would be a large bookshelf, full of gaming products. The other walls would have similar bookshelves and some original art from Jeff Easley, Keith Parkinson, Larry Elmore, and Brom. Also, there would be a large fridge and a cupboard, both filled with snacks and soft drinks. A large glass cabinet left of the DM would hold the miniatures.

That would probably cost a lot more than 10,000$.

You know, our gaming room in our house (3 roommates, all 3 of us are gamers) is actually fairly close to that now. The room isn't 10x10 meters, it's more like 15x15 feet (so 5x5 meters, give or take). Our chairs need a little work, but they are the right height (they're being replaced eventually... we just need a freezer first).

As for the table, we've got a raised platform for mini's that's going to have a grid painted into it, with a clear-coat painted on top, so we can use dry erase markers on it without any problems.

The DM's corner takes up the space of about 2 or 3 people, because he's got the computer, printer, and built in dm screen (with space to lay 2 or 3 sourcebooks flat. No more juggling books.) Not only that, the built in screen is soon to have good quality photo copies of all the relevant quick reference charts a DM would need. Plus, the shelf with all the gaming books is just to the right, in easy reach. Across the room, there's a bookshelf that contains a fair portion of my own gaming-related novels (dragonlance, forgotten realms, various sci-fi and fantasy, etc).

Rather than art work on the walls, we've got maps, some home made, some from different published materials (Kingdoms of Kalamar, Faerun, Cormyr, Rokugan, etc.).

All in all, the room cost us (so far) about $200 canadian in building materials, paint, and such. I estimate that the completed room will cost us another $200 in paint/laminate, etc, plus some extra for chairs. (I refuse to spend more than $50 for a chair. I've seen too many accidentally broken chairs to spend large amounts on it. I'll just make sure it's comfortable to sit in, and if it's a little hard, I'll provide a pillow)

- Dark

Ds Da Man

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Being an electrician, I would buy a bunch of AB touchscreen panelviews (6), and a SLC 5/04. Coupled with a fast laptop, some ingenuity, I would have each players character on the computer (RSview program) and would have hitpoints touch adjustable. With this setup, I could also communicate with each of my players seperately, and since were wishing, I would make the panelviews incorporated in the table at an angle, so you're looking down upon them, secreted away from the nearest neighbor. Some comfy chairs, a tv-out on the laptop, and wallah!!! A great room.
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Some of these sound like the game room we use. Fridge stocked with soda, access to close restroom, microwave. Most importantly a big table, comfortable chairs, a miniatures' cabinet, and drawer after drawer of dungeon stuff - master maze and scratch built dungeon rooms.

Check it out.
The Gaming Room

I'm not sure how much the room cost, but I know we have about $1,200.00 worth of cabinets not pictured that holds games, paints, miniatures, and scenery. Thank goodness it belongs to one of my players ;)
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It didn't cost me 10,000 dollars but this is what I did-

30x15 ft room

Extras- Computer, Microwave, Phone, DVD-TV, Stereo.
Shelves- Never enough.
Shelve 4x6ft for 2.0 and 3.0/3.5 books
Shelf 4x6 for Comicbook TPB
Shelf 4x6 (x2)CDs/DVDs/Tapes
Shelf 4x3 Fantasy novels
Shelf 4x3 other novels
Shelf 4x3 comic strip collected books and magazines
Shelf 4x3 Dragon Mag
Shelf 4x3 Wizard Mag and Dragon Toys
Shelf 4x3 (x2) art/art history books
I have a permanent painting table, storage area for comic books and supplies
2 8x4 tables on casters. This way we can play on two tables or rearrange them into a "T" shape.
Two exits since by moving the tables around can block an exit. One has "Dutch" door effect so to allow in cool fresh air in the summer (play at midnight most of time)
Wall space for maps (laser pointer to use on posters)
Wall space for Heroclix posters
shelf that goes around entire room that sits 6 in fropm ceiling for Action Figures and/or promo goods

Still want-
Tiled floor (ran out of funds for it)
Ceiling fan(s)
cleaning lady (just joking)


$10,000 isn't enough for *my* ultimate game room.

1. Hire day laborers to use as miniatures.

2. Microchip activated d20s, which weep on a 1 and cheer on a 20.

3. Assign each player their own Rules Lawyer (a legal secretary whose job it is to cite precedent and research Sage rulings).

4. Hire John Madden for his insightful "D&D Chalkboard" color commentary.

5. Buy Real Weapons and set up a 'wrongful death' slush fund.
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First Post
My area is far from perfect, but is about 20x12 has 6 card tables in a rectangular shape. A 3x3ft laminated grid that kind of floats around. Built-in shelves of game stuff which runs out into the hallway and turns into comic stuff. PC and a laserdisc player serving as a CD player, though I haven't played any music during a game. Dedicated bathroom and SCA gear piled into one of the two 4x6 nooks. I have an extra fridge in the basement for the home theater so it seems kind of excessive to get a third, maybe a dorm fridge. Unfortunately it's basically a renovated attic and temperature control has been difficult so I need to figure a workaround on that. I think I might have to invest in KloogeWerks or something to take advantage of the stuff I have lying around up here though.

PS The disadvantage of dedicated game/movie/computer rooms is that you need to be prepared for the significant other/parent to give you grief (in a loving way) everytime you make your way towards the stairs.

Moe Ronalds

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10,000 wouldn't be nearly enough for the ULTIMATE game room, which, in my world, would be the following-

A large room with soundproof walls, and then another layer of wall OVER the soundproof wall so that it can still be smoothe and plain white. The ceiling would be covered with various posters, and the lighting would be the best I could find- with varying colors and adjustable brightness.

In the corner, there would be a normal sized refrigerator, with a freezer filled with various frozen pizzas and whatnot, and a main fridge portion filled half with coke, 3 16ths with root beer, one fourth with mountain dew, and one 16th with salsa and dip. Next to that, would be a pantry filled with chips and various dry foods. There would also be a microwave between the two.

One wall would be an entertainment center of sorts, with a large plasma TV and various console systems as well as games. adjacent to that wall would be a large, comfortable leather couch and a few leather arm chairs.

The remaining wall would be taken up by a HUGE shelf filled with various games (both tabletop and video), books, comics, magazines, miniature cases, etc...

In the center of the room would be the gaming table- a cool steel behemoth with a computer (large hard drive, color printer/scanner, speakers, high speed internet) at the GM's side, and a white board surface. The table would be large enough to easily seat 8 (plus GM), and the 9 chairs would all be thicky padded but relatively normal, except for the GM chair which will be more or less a throne.

Periodically placed throughout the room, there would be eight computers (like the GM one), all on the same network. (like I said, 10,000 just don't cut it)

Finally, this room would be connected to a smaller room, which would be used when one PC knows something the others don't.
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