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Ultimate SECRET WAR "Issue #0, Prelude to WAR"

Kevin Perrine

First Post
A mysterious summons will whisk them to the end of the universe,
where they will hear the command of the ONE FROM BEYOND.
Earth’s greatest heroes will be selected to battle a host of their world’s
most vile villains and deadliest foes. On a strange planet created for the battle,
they will fight not only for their lives, but for the fate of the entire galaxy…
For if they do not

this is the ultimate

And this is their story…
This thread is for IN-CHARACTER posts for the Mutants and Masterminds game system, the Ultimate SECRET WARS. Both players and onlookers may post any out of character comments in the OOC thread, please keep this thread free of non-game posts.

IN-CHARACTER posts can be made here:
OUT-OF-CHARACTER posts can be made here:
If you need to contact me privately:

I hope you enjoy the game!
-kevin perrine-
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
"The architects of this wickedness will find no safe harbor in this world.
We will chase our enemies to the furthest corners of this Earth.
It must be war without quarter, pursuit without rest,
victory without qualification."
--Rep. Tom Delay majority whip,
US House of Representatives

Secret Wars
Issue #0 “Prelude to War”

New York City, NY
7:30PM [local time]
June 30, 2004…

[Stand Straight True Believers, this is it...
What we've all been waiting for. From this moment on, the world will not be the same. The Greatest Heroes ever assembled will do battle with their most vile foes... For the victor... Their greatest desires!
Now please, for heaven's sake sit back in your chair, take a long deep breath and immerse yourselves... As you peel open the pages of this "PRELUDE" to what will become known as the Ultimate Secret Wars - know this... You are but one of eighteen brave souls to step to the gauntlet!
Take a moment to imagine the pulpy paper, the vivid colors, the excitement you had with your first foray into the Mighty Marvel Bullpen... We can only hope to live up to that wonderous standard. Good luck and hopefully we will see you again at War's End!]

New York, New York - the town SO nice they named it twice!
It's warm in the city...
Warmer than you'd like for the various training exercises or patrol times you keep these days. The week has been long already, good thing for the long weekend coming… now… what to do for the night…?

Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, and Quicksilver are the ULTIMATES!! Brought together by the espionage agency known as S.H.E.I.L.D., the Ultimates serve as a super hero defense initiative protecting the world from whatever threatens to destroy it. These few heroes are ultimately all that has stood between the world and it’s greatest foes. Magneto the mutant Master of Magnatism brought them together - menaces from the Incredible Hulk and alien invaders called Skrull are what keep the world watching and praying. There is no better word to describe them than HEROES! [You find yourselves in a bit of downtime, global disasters have held off for the last week and you enjoy some time for relaxation amid the massive structure called the Triskelion the HQ of the United States Superhuman Defense Initiative... All the other Ultimates are in town tonight, as is Nick Fury – your liason. Tony Stark has talked about a night on the town, perhaps dinner at whatever this week’s most posh New York club is. Otherwise introduce yourselves to the reader and feel free to talk to your teammates and/or do whatever you plan to do for the night]

Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Sue Storm better known to the world as Mr. Fantastic, the Thing, the Invisible Girl… Together with Sue’s younger brother Johnny they embarked on what hoped to be a leap forward in science … to become the world’s first “Imaginauts”. The unknown reached out and gave these four … fantastic abilities beyond normal men. Harnessing their individual powers for the good of mankind they seek out that which is not known and protect the world from dimensions unheard of. With young Johnny injured in a race car accident the Fantastic Four are pleased to have the beautiful Jennifer Walters, aka. She-Hulk, join their band. Individually they are powerful forces of good. Together they are FANTASTIC! [It’s family night at the Baxter Building - well not really, but everyone’s home… Johnny has just been released from the hospital and plays X-box while watching the Seven Samuria on two TV’s he has arranged in the lounge. His leg is still in a cast, and he hasn’t “burned” in a long while… he’s ancy and looking for something to do… Feel free to introduce yourself to the reader and feel free to talk to your teammates and/or do whatever you plan to do for the night]

Banded together in search of a dream… a dream to protect those that hate and fear them for no other reason than being born, these six young students work, train and live at the Xavier Institute. Though they are considered outlaws, their cause is just… Their hearts are true. Mentored by Professor Charles Xavier - Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, Wolverine, Marvel Girl and the high-flying Angel form a new family… They are the Uncanny X-men! [you’ve all just finished the newest coolest training program that Kitty designed for the Danger Room. The Professor’s had problems of late with migraine headaches so he’s cancelled all classes until further notice. Kitty is in the kitchen of the Xavier Mansion making a big bowl of popcorn and has planned for movie night. Feel free to introduce yourselves to the reader and feel free to talk to your teammates and/or do whatever you plan to do for the night]

The bite of a genetically altered spider granted high-school student Peter Parker incredible, arachnid-like power: strength, agility, a spider-like sixth sense warning him of personal danger, and most amazing of all – Peter can walk on walls. When a burglar killed his beloved Uncle Ben, a grief-stricken Peter vowed to use his amazing abilities to protect his fellow man. He learned the invaluable lesson that with great power there must also come great responsibility! [Aunt May has gone out of town for the holiday with a friend and the whole house is yours! Mary Jane is supposed to be over soon so Gwen probably needs to be on her way! But then your Spidey-sense goes off a little (nothing bad you can tell), there’s a stern knock at the door and…]

Born into a world of anger and weakness the frail man – Bruce Banner, worked his was to acclaim as no other scientist had. His work in genetics and gamma radiation alone would secure him a place in history. But somewhere deep inside all the rage from his youth, all the anger from those who couldn’t understand his intellect, something seethed… In search to recreate the world renown super soldier formula of World War II, Banner used himself to test his experiment. What was born is the force of nature that can only be called a HULK! Lacking Banner’s intellect to reign in his inner beast the Hulk has been both savage and incredible. If controlled the Hulk can be a tremendous force for good, if not … the destructive force he weilds could endanger the world! [Ohhh boy… life has been lock down for you most recently. They’re starting to let up a little but Fury has ordered that 2 armed guard be with you at all times, he’s even assigned one of the Ultimates to be on call specifically on “Hulk-watch”. Betty has frequented more and more but you’d swear you just heard one of the guards outside your quarters whisper her name and giggle…!]

Hell’s Kitchen… respectable people call it Clinton these days… This district within NYC has born many of the city’s worst scum but it also stood as the training ground for a young boy - son of a fighter. When blinded by a chemical accident early in his youth he found something had changed… given him greater abilities of sense. And he began to train… Law and justice are much farther from the truth than we would like to think. In the depths of the greatest city in the world, one man stands up for both. By day he lurks the criminal justice system as Mathew Murdock. By night he becomes justice in the form of a devil! [You’ve signed up for “night courts” recently to get yourself off the streets for awhile after the incident with Bullseye… The judge adjurned the court for the night at your distress and you’ve been asked to go home or sit in a cell for the night. Foggy helps calm you down a little… It’s JUST NOT RIGHT what some crooks get away with! He’s asked you to get dinner with him, he said he has someone he wants you to meet - her name is Karen…]

Out of Character – PLEASE describe your hero to the readers... Try to use comic book desciptors as best possible. And feel free to interact with the group that you are mentioned with above.

1. Use “Quotes” for when your character speaks or is saying something.
2. *Asterisks* for actions, and put the roll result, plus your skill/attack, etc. bonus and total for your result
3. Thoughts should be Italics. If you want to use different colors that’s fine, just so long as I can see them.
4. Any OCC questions, etc. please put something like [OCC –question, can Spidey get a clear shot at that bad guy?]
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Karl Green

First Post
Captian America

Dressed in casual cloths, Steve Roger (aka Captain America by god!) is relaxing at the Triskelion, drinking coffee and trying to figure out how to 'Goggle' as he tracks down some info on Big Band music to fill out his collect. World Wide Web, who the heck thinks this stuff up anyway? But as much as he tries to concentrate on that his mind often wonders to Janet and her husband… if he can really be considered that or even a man for that matter, yesh, assaulting a woman… I never even hit that Eva broad when she pulled a gun on me… ah well, not my business I guess anymore

After a bit he stands, stretches and heads down to the locker room maybe a good work out will get my mind off of this crap… can’t sit around to long without going stir crazy. The less I think about the world the better. Give me a mission… something involving Nazis if possible, and I am a happy man. Striping out of his kakis and pull-over he pulls his steel-mesh shirt over his head, puts on the matching pants, boots and gloves… for a moment he stares at his old battered helmet that Tony gave him a couple of weeks back and smiles before doing his mask and then the helm. At the War-Simulator Room 5 he speaks into the VACCCU (voice activation computer control and comment unit) “Set me up with Captain America Battle Simulation ‘Market Garden’, 30 minutes, mark.

As the simulator warms up, Captain tightens his gloves, hoist his shield and smiles… “Ok ya Krauts, come get some…
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Karl Green said:
At the War-Simulator Room 5 he speaks into the VACCCU (voice activation computer control and comment unit) “Set me up with Captain America Battle Simulation ‘Market Garden’, 30 minutes, mark.

As the simulator warms up, Captain tightens his gloves, hoist his shield and smiles… “Ok ya Krouts, come get some…

[Now that's an intro of the living legend, ain't it boys and girls!! Rodger's shield glistens across the full spread of the comic page and you can see the slight hint of Nazi Brown Coats, SS Troopers, the tank Blitzkrieg, and the image of "Der Fuhrer" emblazened in Knightly garb ... and EVER so slightly the image of a blood red skull looming over. This scene makes up the page spread beyond Cap as he remembers a simpler time. Turning the page, a quick flash of the size of the Triskelion and then back inside as we focus on a mess hall some 4 floors above...]

"Guys!! GUYS!!! Dude it's Cap... he's hitting WSR-5 again!! Lockey down on Sub-Level K just IMed me...... Come ON!!" -- as the Ensign screeches around the corner bursting through into the mess!

"Dude I so got this one... a benji says Cap takes out 4 Nazi within the first 12 secs..." -- boasts one of the Privates as his excitement turns over the long table and the entire mess hall clears with everyone running for the freight elevator to get down to the OverDeck to watch in on the Star Spangled Ultimate!

One guy (probably a foreigner) still sits with his spoon full of mashed potatoes in mouth, not knowing WHAT just happened... He jogs to catch-up...
"Four?!?! are you fickin' kidding me Rathbone? 'dose contructs are state of 'da are brought down from Os Corp.... $*#@ man, even Iron Man can't do 'dat"

Like a bunch of old women talking in a salon the word spreads... Any chance to see Cap in action is something to tell your grankids about. Sure it's training but heck, he might ask any one of them soldiers for a little help... They say - way back when, he had a partner... like a sidekick.
Some people dream of cars, money, fame, fortune...
Soldiers dream about being Captain America!
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First Post
[OOC: I don't think I need to describe Nightcrawler's appearance more than this. If you think I should let me know.]

*BAMF*... The Midnight-blue furred Nightcrawler ports onto the scene. Kitty is cooking popcorn in the kitchen and the others are elsewhere.

"Nice job Kitty that was fun!! So now it's time to party! Time to shake that tail! Woo-hoo! Party party party!... Want some help with the popcorn... what movie are we gonna watch..." *Bamf*...

A few seconds later ...*Bamf*
"I'd like to watch an action movie but I don't think ther others have reached a consensus yet. Hey Kitty the guys want butter on the popcorn and... Ohhh cheese I love cheese hang on a sec let me see if the others want cheese also..." *BAMF*

*Bamf* "Well the cheese would be better on the side... What's taking the popcorn so long?..."

Kurt takes one look at Kitty's reddening face and desides to make a hasty retreat to the movie room... *Bamf*

"Kitty says the popcorn will be ready shortly and not to worry," he says with a broad disarming grin spreading across his face.


*Peter's head whips around and towards the door. He had just taken the first step up the stairs and towards Gwen's room so he could ask her to go out so he could spend some time alone with Mary Jane. Everything seemed to stop for a few heartbeats, just the door, stairs and he there.*

... Who could it be?
My spidey sense shouldn't go off from MJ...

*Peter moves closer to the door slowly reaching his hand for the doorknob*

Maybe it's Norman, back to try and make me his 'boy', or Octavius... What if some part of 'the suit' didn't get destroyed?
No. Nick Fury assured that they didn't detect anything back then, and I doubt they let out Octavius and the rest escape again so soon.

*He takes a hold of the doorknob and turns it*

Maybe it's the X-men, or the Fantastic Four? Or it could be-
MJ is right, there are way too many people who know who I am.

*Peter opens the door to see...*


I aim to misbehave
Wolverine - (Logan), unhurt

*Logan stood outside the window of the kitchen, looking in . . . concealed by the green branches of the nearby shrubbery. Standing at 5’3”, Logan was loosely wearing a flannel shirt, torn blue jeans, and hiking boots . . . there were no indications of the adamantium skeleton and claws that were now a part of him. He watched the antics within the kitchen form his concealment, confident in his heightened senses and abilities.*

*Kitty seemed quite pleased with herself and her movie night, which Logan supposed was fine – he just wasn’t in the mood for ‘family time.’ Even Kurt, who had been a part of the Weapon X program as much as he was (as he was told – his memories of it were somewhat dim) seemed to be enjoying himself greatly.*

*Logan was interested in solitude, or perhaps a couple of beers (a lot of beers, considering his healing abilities). He really needed to find someone to play poker with . . . Logan had had an inch to play but nobody in the mansion seemed to want to play – not surprising considering his temperament and the other ‘rumors’ going around.*

’Wonder if Fury and his boys would be interested in a game sometime, Logan thought. I’ll have to ask . . . on one of those rare occasions that someone wasn’t trying to kill me.

*Wolverine, his codename on the team, lingered for a moment more before deciding to head out into the night air.*



Clint Barton strolls into the mess of the Triskelion in civies, just in time to catch a glimpse of the last person fleeing the area. The place is deserted; even the chefs took off. Half-eaten meals litter the tables, and the door still swings. Alarmed, he checks his pager. He scratches behind his ear thoughtfully.

"No alerts... Wonder what got their panties in a bunch. Can't be anything too important." He helps himself to a bagel, kicks back, and thumps his boots up on the table to read the newspaper.
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First Post

Warren is flying high enough over the East Coast of America so he can see the lights of NYC to the South.

His wings spread from the middle of his shoulder blades out , feathery and soft they beat a powerful rythym to keep him aloft.

His X-Uniform discarded, he is wearing a pair of jeans and is bare chested, but he doesnt feel the cold, he never has this high.

From a bag around his waist he pulls out a video camera and presses the record button and starts to dive, plummeting towards the ground until about 100ft from the deck he spreads his wings and glides out and lands on the porch if the X-Mansion.

Fluttering up to his room, he reviews the tape and zip locs it in a postage bag and addresses it to a compadre in Los Angeles and leaves it on the side ready for posting tommorrow and goes to join the rest of the X-Men in the mansion.
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"C'mon big guy, just twenty more."

Piotr Rasputin is in the X-Mansion's workout room, hanging upside down, holding a weight bar at his chest, with a number of weights on the ends. With a big "HRRuummFF!!" he curls up at the waist and slowly lowers back down.

20 minutes later...

"Hey buddy, I'm gonna get cleaned up, Kitty's gonna be starting the movie soon! You mind tidying up for me?"

Piotr says, "No, you go ahead."

Clearly tired from an extended workout, Piotr takes a big drink of water and pauses. Still breathing hard, he wipes down a bench and lays down on it, hands on his stomach. After about a minute of laying there with his eyes shut, he takes a deep breath and reaches for the bar again.

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