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Undead Origins


Legends and Lore
Mictlantecuhtli: ?
Gods of Lankhmar: Ancient mummified skeletons sustaining themselves through the use of mighty magics.
Ghost: ?
Groaning Spirit, Banshee: ?
Lich: ?
Skeleton: ?
Spectre: ?
Wight: ?

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Manual of the Planes (1e)
Undead: Many undead draw their animating force from the Negative Material plane, which endows them with the power to drain ability scores or levels. Such creatures are said to exist in both the Prime Material and Negative Material planes simultaneously, though this is unlikely, as the two are not linked. There is no record of undead spotted in either the Positive or Negative Material planes, though they are found in the quasi-planes.
There are no elemental undead.
Ghost: ?
Groaning Spirit: ?
Lich: ?
Githyannki Lich-Queen: ?
Shadow: ?
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Wraith: ?
Apparition: ?
Eye of Fear/Flame: ?


N5 Under Illefarn (1e)
Ghoul: ?
Dwarf Skeleton: Kelthas has also raised a number of dwarf, human, orc and goblin skeletons.
Human Skeleton: Kelthas has also raised a number of dwarf, human, orc and goblin skeletons.
Orc Skeleton: Kelthas has also raised a number of dwarf, human, orc and goblin skeletons.
Goblin Skeleton: Kelthas has also raised a number of dwarf, human, orc and goblin skeletons.
Skeleton: Kelthas has also raised a number of dwarf, human, orc and goblin skeletons.


OA1 Swords of the Daimyo (1e)
Lich: ?
Spectre: ?
Ghoul: ?
Skeleton: ?
Vampiric Ixitxachitl: ?
Kuei: Now haunting the cave is the kuei of one of his unfortunate victims—a young woman who was about to be married.
As a kuei this woman is compelled to possess the body of another woman, so that she can complete her marriage oath. Having died centuries ago, her intended is no longer alive. If she marries into his family, however, her oath will be fulfilled.


OA2 Night of the Seven Swords (1e)
Sanai, Ghost: ?
Ghost: Aside from a few creatures that have wandered in, most of the spirits here are bound by the ancient curse on the castle. The ghosts can be defeated by various means, but unless they are permanently laid to rest by specified means, they return to haunt the castle the following night. The spirits of any slain characters whose bodies are abandoned on the island join the ghosts and may be encountered in later adventures.
Tagamaling Buso: ?
Tigbanua Buso: ?
Phantasm: ?
Bushi Zombie: ?
Ninja Spirit Shadow: ?
Giant Crab Ghost: ?
Spirit Samurai: ?
Flying Spirit: ?
Nin-Chu-Ju-Gaki, Starving Spirit: ?
Ghost: This lost spirit cannot know final rest until he possesses his prayer beads. He was overcome by the Porter at 15, who threw his body down the well (9) after stripping it of all its symbols of faith. The body was swallowed by the giant carp.
A kindly maiden haunts the willow. She grieved at the clan’s loss of honor when they slew a messenger from the Sun Temple. Her spirit can not rest until the body of the messenger is given a proper burial.
Goburu Ichi, Kuei Shukenja 5: This is Goburu Ichi, a late priest of the Sun Temple. He died of the wasting disease of Lady Murasame (area 28), but strangely, he cannot recall the cause of his demise.
Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki: ?
Hengeyokai Mantis Monk 6 Spirit: ?
Yushi, Spirit: ?
Ito Murasame, Shikki-Gaki: ?
Shinen-Gaki: ?
Ghostly Matter, Supernatural Phenomena, Ghostly Phenomena: Most these phenomena are of evil nature and are generated from the forces present in the caverns. Some, however, emanate from sources which are not strictly evil. Laying tortured spirits to rest stops the phenomena associated with them.
Vision: ?
Crawling Spectre: ?
Zombie: ?
Juju Zombie: ?
Otomo Tahiro, Permanent Haunt, Ghost: The old man is Otomo Tahiro, a 3d level shukenja who entered the caverns two months ago intending to rid the area of its evil forces. Although his intentions were noble, Tahiro’s mission was hopeless; the forces in the caverns were much too powerful.
He was ultimately captured by the wu jen who resides in area 26. The wu jen cruelly used a burning paint to inscribe the fates of other clan members on the shukenja’s body. Not only can the damage not be cured, but it proves fatal in a short time.
Tahiro has been kept prisoner in this pit, subsisting on the insects and vermin that find their way in. For the first three months, Tahiro was regularly brought back to the wu jen, but as his physical condition worsened, the wu jen lost interest, and Tahiro has been left alone since then. His mind is virtually gone and he is near death.
As long as the characters remain outside the pit, Tahiro believes he is about to be tortured again and continues to babble,
“Not again! Please! Just kill me!” regardless of what the characters say.
If any of the party members enters the pit and comes within five feet of him, Tahiro stops babbling and stares at the character. As he recognizes that the characters are not his tormentors, he babbles, “You must leave! This is an evil place! You must leave!”
If the PCs attempt to question him, they find that he is all but incoherent. He knows his name but little else and to most questions he shakes his head slowly from side to side and mutters, “I don’t know....” If asked what happened to him or how he got there, he babbles, “Not again! Please! Just kill me!”
If asked about the relics, an expression of sheer terror crosses his face, and he gasps, “The creature...the creature...”
Tahiro raises his arm and gestures, causing an image of shimmering pink light to appear in the pit. It is an octopoid apparition with seven wriggling tentacles. Each tentacle holds a razor-edged katana. The creature is hovering in a cloud of red mist which gradually envelops it. The creature begins to cackle as it is swallowed in the mist, and the image fades.
This final effort proves to be too much for the old man who dies immediately. Attempts to prevent his death (or to raise him after his death) fail; his Constitution is reduced to zero.
(If the players insist on taking Tahiro with them, the DM should remind them that he is unlikely to get far in this condition.)
If his body is abandoned here, Tahiro becomes a permanent haunt and remains in this area until struck by a silver weapon (a fact his ghost does not know).
Haunted Arm: This is the arm of a ninja, a former clan member who tried to escape the caverns by passing through the wall but didn’t make it. The ninja is dead, but his haunted arm lives on and guards the passage.


OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior (1e)
Ochimo, Spirit Warrior: The pirate base was abandoned during the Black Cycle of Years, amid rumors of mysterious disappearances and hauntings. It was at this time that the Dead Spirit King, his wisdom in the dark arts grown great, first created his Ochimo, or spirit warriors. The Ochimo were created from those pirates who ventured too close to his overgrown temple complex.
If this Opawang did exist, then it may or may not have made itself servants, which men might call spirit warriors.
Jiki-Niku-Gaki: ?
Shikki-Gaki: ?
Lacedon, Aquatic Ghoul: The Opawang’s failed experiments.
Earth Ochimo: ?
Water Ochimo: ?
Air Ochimo: ?
Fire Ochimo: ?
Skeleton: Talisman of the Restless Dead magic item.
Vampiric Kappa: ?

Talisman of the restless dead. This device looks like a small birds-foot charm on a leather thong. It forces spirits to animate the bones of any long-dead humans and humanoids that are available (these are similar to western skeletons, and may be turned, though they are also affected by spells that deal with spirits). Up to 20 such skeletons may be animated in a single day.


OA4 Blood of the Yakuza (1e)
Jiki-Niku-Gaki: ?
Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki: ?
Getsu, Tigbanua Buso: ?
Tagamaling Buso: Destroying Nakamaru is easy, at least to Getsu’s mind. All he needs to do is infect enough of the population with the disease carried in his claws—the disease that transforms a man into a hideous tagamaling buso.
Lord Toragi, Kuei: The kuei of Lord Toragi, uncle of Lord Mitsuhide, lurks in the outermost bailey of the castle, the place where his banishment was pronounced. Sentenced by the shogun due to the false charges of his half-brother, the kuei is still attempting to prove Toragi’s innocence and avenge the family name.
Seventeen years ago, Lord Toragi, uncle of Lord Mitsuhide (the current daimyo of Nakamaru), secretly pledged his aid to the Goshukara cause. Before he could fulfill his pledge, he was banished at the orders of the shogun, framed by a plot created by his younger brother. Now his kuei seeks to possesses an able and noble warrior so that he can fulfill his pledge of service to the Goshukara. Now his kuei seeks to possesses an able and noble warrior so that he can fulfill his pledge of service to the Goshukara.


OA5 Mad Monkey vs the Dragon Claw (1e)
Undead Ronin: The world grows hazy for a moment, as if you had slipped into a meditative trance. You see the image of a great black cat, a leopard, bound with a huge chain made up of links similar to the figure in your hand. A mighty warrior smashes those links, setting the creature free of its oppressors. Much of the chain is recovered and taken elsewhere, but this one piece is taken by another and moved to a shrine in the Joi Chang Peninsula.
A group of Kozakuran ronin, fallen from their once-noble standards, raid the shrine and slay all the priests but one, demanding to know the magic of the ivory piece. The old man only states that “a chain is made up of all its links.” Puzzled, the ronin and his friends slay the last priest and take the ivory. With his last words, the priest utters an ancient curse on the ronin.
Now the ronin are arguing. The one with the ivory piece is slain by a blow to the head, and stumbles back into a well. As he falls, the other former samurai draw their weapons and attack each other.
The ancient curse was for the four ronin to become eternal guardians of the fragment of chain.
Detrinius Wands, Lich 20: ?
Splin, Tigbanua Buso: ?
Ningyo Vampire: ?
Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki: ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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