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Undead Origins


Year of the Zombie

Year of the Zombie
d20 Modern
Classic Zombie: The Classic Zombie template is applied to any human who dies with an intact brain during the Rising.
Common Zombie Strong Ordinary 1/Tough Ordinary 1: ?
Sprinter Zombie: The Sprinter Zombie template is applied to any human who dies with an intact brain during the Rising.
Sprinter Zombie Fast Ordinary 2: ?
Child Zombie: The Child Zombie template is applied to any human with the child template who dies with an intact brain during the Rising.
Frenzied Zombie: The Frenzied Zombie template is applied to any human who dies with an intact brain during the Rising.
Frenzied Zombie Tough Ordinary 4: ?
Enhanced Memory Zombie: These are the ones who have regained some knowledge of their former selves, either because of extensive training, repeated actions, or something that was very important to the person before they Rose again. Most Enhanced Memory Zombies are former military, remembering the basics of weapon use. Some have been policemen or others who died with a vitally important task undone (not something simple, such as getting the cat out of the garage).
Enhanced Memory Zombie Fast Hero 1/Smart Hero 4: ?
Trained Zombie: Some zombies are “trained,” by the immoral or the insane, to perform certain tasks.
Training is most often done through repeated moves, with negative reinforcement delivered via electroshock and positive reinforcement being rewarded with a live victim. Though zombies do not appear to feel pain from injuries, electrical shocks delivered to the spine or brain appear to hurt them. Eyelids are commonly cut away, and often an implant is placed into the skull to deliver an electric shock that will temporarily overload the zombie’s motor control center.
The Trained Zombie template may be applied to any existing zombie.
Trained Zombie Classic Zombie Strong Hero 1/Tough Hero 1: ?
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13th Age

13th Age Core Book
13th Age
Undead: White dragons are a debased and even cowardly lot, cut off from the power of their slain icon. They still hold a grudge against the Lich King but don’t dare do anything about it because he knows how to transform them into undead servants.
The wizards of Horizon say that the Lich King’s magic brought the formerly loyal subjects of his kingdom back to unlife.
Ghoul: Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night.
Newly-Risen Ghoul: ?
Skeleton: ?
Decrepit Skeleton: ?
Skeletal Hound: ?
Skeleton Archer: ?
Skeleton Warrior: ?
Blackamber Skeletal Legionnaire: The most dangerous skeleton warriors are those of the Blackamber Legion. Before the first age they swore to serve their master, the Wizard King, forever. Whoops.
Vampire: ?
Vampire Spawn: ?
Spawn of the Master: ?
Wight: ?
Wraith: ?
Zombie: Near the end of a past age, a Diabolist released a disease on the world that turned people into contagious zombies
Zombie Shuffler: ?
Human Zombie: ?
Big Zombie: ?
Giant Zombie: ?
Pathetic Zombie Goblin: ?
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13th Age Bestiary

13th Age Bestiary
13th Age
Wraith Bat: ?
Dybbuk: Dybbuks are the souls of the dead who wish to continue living in warm bodies.
Ice Zombie: The past victims of frost giants sometimes attain a sort of half-life. Frozen rock-solid by the cold, ice zombies are found in glacier walls near ice giant palaces or stumbling away from bergships as they defrost.
Ghoul: Once regular people, there are two causes that are widely held to cause ghoul outbreaks. Being killed by a ghoul causes the victim to rise up as one. Eating the flesh of the dead is the other cause.
Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night.
Each time a ghoul bites a character, that PC immediately loses a recovery. If they run out of recoveries before their next full heal-up, that character must start making last gasp saves at the start of each battle. If the character fails their fourth last gasp save this way, they turn into a ghoul.
Ghouls don’t make other ghouls: The only way for someone to turn into a ghoul is cannibalism. They must willingly eat the flesh of a living, intelligent being. It may have to be the raw flesh of someone not yet buried. It may be flesh specially prepared in a half-ritual, half-recipe and served to a cult. Perhaps ghouls are consciously created by choice. It may be a desperate choice between starving on a drifting ship or dying, but it’s still a choice. Once that choice is made, the hunger sets in and doesn’t stop until the ghoul is killed or it becomes a ghast.
Ghoul bites can’t turn creatures, but ghast bites can: This process is slow. A single bite won’t do it. The only way to survive the process is to make it to a full heal-up. During the full heal-up, any character with medical knowledge or healing hands can take the necessary precautions to deal with the infection. Should a character die before they take a full heal-up, however, the infection takes over.
The members of a noble family are ending up as ghouls and ghasts. Someone has an artifact that curses the living with the form of the hungry dead.
Ghast: Ghasts are born from ghouls who, desperate from hunger, attack and eat other ghouls.
An army or raiding party uses potions to enhance its soldiers. The potions increase stamina and speed. One of the main ingredients is ghoul ichor. Unfortunately, a soldier overdoses and turns himself into a ghast.
The members of a noble family are ending up as ghouls and ghasts. Someone has an artifact that curses the living with the form of the hungry dead.
Gravemeat: ?
Ghoul Fleshripper: ?
Ghoul Licklash: ?
Ghoul Pusbuster: ?
Haunted Skull: ?
Watch Skull: Glittering glass in the eye sockets and runes carved on the brow show that somebody went to a great deal of effort ensure that a ghost would haunt this undead guardian. One wonders if the runes were carved before, after, or during death.
Slime-Skull: The slime killed the creature, the creature’s ghost killed the slime, and now the two are trapped together—bound to the skull.
If the slime-skull kills a creature, it takes that creature’s head as a standard action and attempts to escape (it can squeeze through gaps as small as the skull). The slain creature can’t be resurrected until its skull is recovered because its spirit is now trapped within the skull. If the PCs don’t track down the slime-skull before their next full heal-up (or within a day), the stolen skull will transform into another slime-skull.
Jest Bones: Some spirits don’t get to rest easy, curses are never pretty things, and dread necromancers like a good laugh as much as the next person. Some might say they enjoy laughing more than normal people, and at the darkest possible jokes.
Screaming Skull: ?
Flaming Skull: Beings whose great passions anchor them to their mortal remains can become flaming skulls.
Black Skull: Before becoming undead the black skulls were the generals of the Wizard King’s armies and the members of his court.
Skull of the Beast: ?
Undead: When the spinneret doxy drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, she will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as she cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the doxy takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control.
When the lethal lothario drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, he will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as he cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the lothario takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control.
When the binding bride drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, she will move next to that creature as a free action and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as she cuts its chest open. On the fourth failed save, the bride takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under her control.
When the swarm prince drops an enemy to 0 hit points or lower, he will move next to that creature and attempt to remove the target’s heart. The creature must begin making last gasp saves as he cuts their chest open. On the fourth failure, the prince takes the heart and the target dies and becomes undead under his control.
Lich: When a creature uses magic, particularly arcane magic, to extend their life unnaturally, they often become a lich. Most liches are former wizards who turn themselves into undead creatures to continue their pursuits after a lifelong study of magic. The new lich creates a phylactery—a relic imbued with its essential life force.

The Fine Art of Phylactery
The most common phylactery is an item that was important to the lich in life. Many phylacteries are small and fragile. The advantage of such items is their ease of concealment. If it’s a small charm given by the lich’s first true love, it can be hidden inside a trap-laden sarcophagus. If the phylactery is larger, such as a painting, the lich will likely have an art gallery where the phylactery hides in plain sight. Or perhaps the stone statue of the lich’s mother is more than just a memento among a gallery of similar stonework.
Physical locations are also possible choices for a phylactery. An ancestral castle, a wrecked pirate ship, or a stone tower covered in runes could all serve as the home to a lich’s essence. Often, liches that choose a location are bound within its borders, or the borders of the land within its influence. These locations are stocked with plenty of guardians for protection as well as minions that handle the lich’s business outside the walls. The destruction of the building or structure is the only way to be sure the lich will never return. Killing a lich is hard enough, but also destroying its entire lair is definitely a job for heroes.
Living creatures might also be used as phylacteries. The lich kills off all of its blood relatives and performs a ritual on the last member of its bloodline, who becomes the phylactery. Or perhaps it chooses a bride or a groom and installs a part of itself inside its chosen victim. This option does have one drawback, however, because it forces the lich to perform the ritual every few decades as the living vessel dies. But it also poses a challenge for those looking to slay the lich beyond finding the phylactery. Is destroying the lich worth the murder of an innocent teenage girl, or a young child? Perhaps the living phylactery is completely unaware of its link to the lich. What if that link was to one of the heroes?
Lich Count: Counts and countesses gain their title by acting in the interests of the Lich King. It may be by accident, or it may be a deliberate move to curry favor with the icon.
Lich Prince: To become a prince or princess of the Peerage, the lich pledges unflappable loyalty to the Lich King. Part of the pledge includes either disclosing the location of their phylactery to the Lich King or delivering it to the icon personally.
Wendigo: Wendigo are disembodied spirits torn away from the Lich King by some form of connection with the High Druid.
These strange monsters represent a conflict between the powers of the Lich King, High Druid, and Diabolist. Depending on how you interpret the oracles, any one of the three icons could be to blame for the creatures. But it seems likely that none of the icons are served by the wendigo’s existence. Wendigo represent some sort of failure of control or authority or loyalty no matter which icon’s perspective you’re trying to apply.
Wendigo seem to be the result of a battle between the Lich King and the High Druid for specific souls. The High Druid certainly claims some souls as ancestor spirits and in other odd portions of the natural cycles of the world. The Lich King obviously wants to claim as many of the dead as possible.
The fact that wendigo start as undead indicates that these are spirits formerly under the Lich King’s control that the High Druid or one of her ancient incarnations tried to retrieve. Perhaps they were loyal to the High Druid in life. Perhaps the wendigo initiated the transformation themselves, seeking to escape from the Lich King via the power of the High Druid.
Wendigo Spirit: ?
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13 True Ways

13 True Ways
13th Age
Skeletal Minion: ?
Crumbling Skeleton: ?
Putrid Zombie: ?
Starving Ghoul: ?
Masterless Vampire Spawn: ?
Blackamber Skeletal Warrior: ?
Just-Ripped-Free Skeletal Mook: The Bones Beneath spell.
Summoned Ghoul: Summon Horror 3rd level spell.
Summoned Wight: Summon Horror 5th level spell.
Summoned Barrow Wight: Summon Horror 7th level spell.
Summoned Greater Wight: Summon Horror 9th level spell.
Summoned Wraith: Summon Wraith 5th level spell.
Summoned Greater Wraith: Summon Wraith 9th level spell.
Death Blossom: ?
Lich Flower: ?
Mummy: Down through the ages, powerful magicians have endeavored to preserve their own lives, escaping both the mystery of death and the horror of undeath. The secrets by which they preserve themselves at the end of their mortal lives are lost, but someone always finds or recreates those secrets. Ideally, these carefully preserved mummies live on in a sort of passive false life of the mind, dreaming endlessly in their sarcophagi but never passing on into death itself. It’s good work if you can get it. The problem is that the Lich King is dead set against letting anyone enjoy such a happy ending. When his servitors discover mummies, they invariably animate them and turn them into proper undead minions.
Specter: A specter could be the guardian of a dark gate, the ghost of an ancient icon, a viceroy under the Lich King, the spawn of a unholy ritual, a necromantic mastermind, the ghost of the infernal machine that the PCs just wrecked, a hero’s undead twin, or your own better idea.
Each specter has a terrible tale behind its creation.
Dread Specter: ?
Zombie: There are many sorts of living things. Some of them create zombies, which means there are also many sorts of zombified things.
Zombie Beast: ?
Zombie of the Silver Rose: They are the only “survivors” of a lost cult that once battled the undead. The Lich King somehow brought them down, and these warriors now serve their erstwhile enemy.
Headless Zombie: The Forbidden Incantation of Eternal Hunger turns the bodies of mighty warriors into ravening, headless monstrosities. Not only do these poor creatures have the semblance of life, they also suffer the semblance of insatiable hunger. With no mouths, they cannot eat, but they are driven to destroy living creatures in a vain attempt to sate their hunger. What exactly happens to the corpse’s head during the ritual remains obscure, and really, you don’t want to know.
Undead: Before he was the Lich King, the living Wizard King made a pact with the devil lords. In exchange for his immortal soul, they revealed to him the most occulted arcane secrets and aided his ascension to the high seats of power. Because he also offered up the souls of his minion legion, the devils granted him more earthly reward than they had ever arranged for any mortal. It cost them dearly, sapping their otherworldly energies for generations.
Only when they’d ebbed to their weakest state, and could do nothing about it, did they tumble to his scheme. He betrayed them by making a new pact with another dark force, stepping beyond the bounds between life and death. He died, yet remained in the world in undead form. He ensured the same for his army, too. His soul, and theirs, remained anchored in bodies that no longer lived, but those bodies still provided the spark of animation necessary to maintain their undead forms.
Lich King: Before he was the Lich King, the living Wizard King made a pact with the devil lords. In exchange for his immortal soul, they revealed to him the most occulted arcane secrets and aided his ascension to the high seats of power. Because he also offered up the souls of his minion legion, the devils granted him more earthly reward than they had ever arranged for any mortal. It cost them dearly, sapping their otherworldly energies for generations.
Only when they’d ebbed to their weakest state, and could do nothing about it, did they tumble to his scheme. He betrayed them by making a new pact with another dark force, stepping beyond the bounds between life and death. He died, yet remained in the world in undead form. He ensured the same for his army, too. His soul, and theirs, remained anchored in bodies that no longer lived, but those bodies still provided the spark of animation necessary to maintain their undead forms.

3rd Level Spells
The Bones Beneath
Ranged spell Daily
Target: One nearby mook (and hence, its mob)
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD
Hit: 4d12 + Intelligence negative energy damage, and each mook in the mob that drops becomes a skeleton mook under your control until the end of the battle.
Miss: Half damage, and each mook in the mob that drops becomes a skeleton mook under your control until the end of the battle.
5th level spell
7d12 damage.
7th level spell
2d6 x 10 damage.
9th level spell
2d10 x 10 damage.

Special: The stats for the mooks created by each level of the bones beneath appear below. The level or physical nature of the mooks is irrelevant; the magic of the spell turns whatever creatures it’s forced to work with into skeletal mook allies with the stats below.
The new mooks take their turn immediately after your turn.
It’s worth mentioning that the mooks created by this spell don’t count as summoned mooks. This isn’t a summoning spell.

Summon Horror (3rd level+)
Ranged spell Daily
Effect: You summon a ghoul, as per the summoning rules on page 11. The summoned ghoul fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.
As you cast the spell at higher levels, the creature you summon varies, as shown below. The stats for each creature are shown below.
5th level spell
You can now summon a wight.
7th level spell
You can now summon a barrow wight.
9th level spell
You can now summon a greater wight.

Summon Wraith (5th level+)
Ranged spell Daily
Effect: You summon a wraith, as per the summoning rules on page 11. This wraith fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.
As you cast the spell at higher levels, you summon multiple wraiths. Stats for the two versions of the wraith summoned by the spell are listed below.
7th level spell
You can now summon two wraiths.
9th level spell
You can now summon two greater wraiths.
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Book of Loot

Book of Loot
13th Age
Undead: If you die while animated by the armor of animation, it’s a dead cert (ahem) that you’re coming back as some sort of undead.
Decrepit Skeleton: Boneservant wondrous item.
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Arcana Evolved

Arcana Evolved
Arcana Evolved
Corporeal Undead: Corporeal undead are animated corpses. The spirit of the original creature inhabits the corpse once again, powered by negative energy (see animate the dead spells).
“Corporeal undead” is a template you can add to any nonundead, corporeal creature.
Rumors coming out of the Bitter Peaks tell of a horrible malady that strikes at living creatures for reasons unknown. Those affected by this magical plague, known as the “rot from within,” suddenly become undead creatures while their body still lives. Their skeletons tear away their own flesh and consume it. The resulting monsters carry the undead template and roam the night, hunting for more living flesh to rend.
No one knows what causes this plague or how it can be stopped.
Animate the Dead Lesser spell.
Animate the Dead Greater spell.
Animate Undead Legion spell.
Kallethan: ?
Corporeal Undead Human Warmain 3: ?
Incorporeal Undead: Incorporeal undead are bodiless spirits that remain in the corporeal world through the power of negative energy. Their existence, brought about through the rouse undead spirit spell, is a corruption and an abomination upon the natural order of the world.
“Incorporeal undead” is a template you can add to any nonundead, corporeal creature.
Anyone slain by the energy drain ability of an incorporeal undead creature becomes an incorporeal undead creature in 24 hours.
Rouse Ghostly Army spell.
Rouse Undead Spirit spell.
Incorporeal Undead Verrik Witch 4:

Undead: When they were finished with these lands, the dramojh loosed necromantic energies into Verdune. This evil magic animated many of the dead there into marauding undead who wandered the ruined cities and towns.
Ghoul: Ghouls are undead that are not animated by spells but instead rise from death under a curse called “grave hunger.” Ghouls that paralyze foes also automatically infect them with grave hunger, making them want to feed on long-dead corpses (Will save [DC 20] each day to resist). When such infected victims die, they become ghouls, unless a mage successfully uses a remove curse spell before their death.
Vampire: Although undead created by animate the dead spells often resemble vampires, true vampires arise only from other vampires spreading the ancient curse/disease.

Animate the Dead (Lesser)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 4 (Simple)
Casting Time: One minute
Range: Touch
Targets: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than you
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell turns the bones or body of a dead creature into an abominable, walking undead. Enough of the corpse must be present to make for a passable undead creature—a skeletal structure, a great deal of flesh from one creature, etc. Sickly greenish light flows over these remains, and the soul of the creature is restored into a rotting but now-animate corpse.
Immediately, the creature must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If successful, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can then attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust.
The soul of a creature trapped in an undead body, if it was not twisted before, quickly becomes corrupt, bloodthirsty, and malevolent. An undead and uncontrolled creature attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead creature has all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the corporeal undead template (see Chapter Twelve: Creatures).
You can control only one undead creature at a time. Any attempt to animate a second undead while you have one under your control always frees the first one. The only exception to this are creatures whose truenames you knew when they were alive (they do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell.
Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be animated as undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be animated. Likewise, those creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be animated.
This spell requires 500 gp worth of special oils to be sprinkled on the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves at only half its normal speed, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either move-equivalent or standard, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains +1 hp per Hit Die, a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls. Casting time becomes 1 round.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate the Dead (Greater)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than you
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create more powerful undead than lesser animate the dead. Greater undead gain a +3 natural armor bonus, an additional +4 bonus to Strength, and two of the following special abilities:
• Blood Drain (Ex): The undead has fangs to suck blood from a living victim by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain each round that it maintains the pin.
• Create Spawn (Su): A creature slain by the undead creature’s energy drain attack rises as an undead 1d4 days after burial. (This ability only works if the undead has energy drain, below.)
• Resistance (Ex): Cold and electricity resistance 20.
• Damage Reduction (Su): The undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 15/+1 (or 15/magic).
• Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by the undead creature’s claw attack suffer one negative level.
• Fast Healing (Ex): The undead heals 3 points of damage each round as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Greater undead have a Challenge Rating equal to that of the base creature +3.
This spell requires 800 gp worth of special oils as a material component to be sprinkled over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves at only half its normal speed, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains all of the stated bonuses as well as +1 hp per Hit Die, an additional +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and an additional special ability.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate Undead Legion
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 8 (Exotic)
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: One corpse/level
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create and control one undead creature per caster level exactly as described in lesser animate the dead.
This spell requires 100 gp worth of special oils per corpse as a material component to be sprinkled over each undead created.
Diminished Effects: The undead move at only half their normal move rate, gain no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gain +1 hp per Hit Die, +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.
Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Constant ×3, single-use ×3, spell-completion ×1.5

Rouse Ghostly Army
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 10 (Complex)
Casting Time: One entire night
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One corpse/level
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create and control one incorporeal undead creature per caster level exactly as described in rouse undead spirit. This spell requires 1,000 gp in special oils per corpse as a material component to be sprinkled over each body.
Diminished Effects: The undead move at only half their normal move rate, gain no Dexterity bonus (see creature template in Chapter Twelve), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Magic Item Creation Modifiers:Constant ×3, single-use ×3, spellcompletion×1.5

Rouse Undead Spirit
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You must cast this spell at night. Rouse undead spirit calls the soul of a dead creature and makes it into an undead spirit. Only a small part of the dead creature’s body need be present for the casting, but multiple parts of a single dead creature cannot rouse more than one undead spirit. Black energy flows over the remains, and the spirit of the creature rises up out of the corpse. Immediately, the spirit must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If it succeeds, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the creature’s soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust.
If it was not twisted before, the bodiless soul of the creature, now cursed to roam the physical world again, quickly becomes corrupt, vengeful, and malevolent. An uncontrolled undead spirit attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead created by this spell enjoys all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the incorporeal undead template (see Chapter Twelve).
You can control only one undead at a time. Any attempt to create a second undead or rouse a second undead spirit while you already control one always frees the first undead created or roused. The only exceptions to this are undead whose truenames you know (these do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell.
Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be made into undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be roused as an undead spirit. Likewise, creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be roused.
Casting this spell requires 1,000 gp worth of special oils to sprinkle over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead spirit moves only at half its normal move rate and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead spirit gains +1 hp per Hit Die, and the create spawn special ability described in Chapter Twelve.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×2
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Arcana Unearthed

Arcana Unearthed
Arcana Unearthed
Undead Creature: Undead are animated corpses. The spirit of the original creature inhabits the corpse once again, powered by negative energy.
“Undead” is a template you can add to any nonundead, corporeal creature.
A creature slain by the undead creature’s energy drain attack rises as an undead 1d4 days after burial.
Animate the Dead spell.
Animate the Dead Greater spell.
Animate Undead Legion spell.
Incorporeal Undead: Incorporeal undead are bodiless spirits that remain in the corporeal world through the power of negative energy.
“Incorporeal undead” is a template you can add to any non-undead, corporeal creature.
Rouse Undead Spirit spell.

Animate the Dead (Lesser)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 4 (Simple)
Casting Time: One minute
Range: Touch
Targets: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than the caster
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell turns the bones or body of a dead creature into an abominable, walking undead. Enough of the corpse must be present to make for a passable undead creature—a skeletal structure, a great deal of flesh from one creature, etc. Sickly greenish light flows over these remains, and the soul of the creature is restored into a rotting but now-animate corpse. Immediately, the creature must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If successful, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can then attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust. The soul of a creature trapped in an undead body, if it was not twisted before, quickly becomes corrupt, bloodthirsty, and malevolent. An undead creature not controlled attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead creature has all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the undead template (see sidebar, next page).
You can control only one undead creature at a time. Any attempt to animate a second undead while you have one under your control always frees the first one. The only exception to this are creatures whose truenames you knew when they were alive (they do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell.
Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be animated as undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be animated. Likewise, those creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be animated.
This spell requires 500 gp worth of special oils to be sprinkled on the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves only half its normal move rate, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either move-equivalent or standard, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains +1 hp per Hit Die, a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls. Casting time becomes 1 round.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate the Dead (Greater)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than the caster
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create more powerful undead than lesser animate the dead. Greater undead gain a +3 natural armor bonus, an additional +4 bonus to Strength, and two of the following special abilities:
• Blood Drain (Ex): The undead has fangs to suck blood from a living victim by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain each round that it maintains the pin.
• Create Spawn (Su): A creature slain by the undead creature’s energy drain attack rises as an undead 1d4 days after burial. (This ability only works if the undead has the energy drain ability at right.)
• Resistance (Ex): Cold and electricity resistance 20.
• Damage Reduction (Su): The undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 15/+1.
• Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by the undead creature’s claw attack suffer one negative level.
• Fast Healing (Ex): The undead heals 3 points of damage each round as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Greater undead have a Challenge Rating equal to that of the base creature +3.
This spell requires 800 gp worth of special oils as a material component to be sprinkled over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves only half its normal move rate, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains all of the stated bonuses as well as +1 hp per Hit Die, an additional +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and an additional special ability.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate Undead Legion
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 8 (Exotic)
Casting Time: One day
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: One corpse/level
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create and control one undead creature per caster level exactly as described in lesser animate the dead.
This spell requires 100 gp worth of special oils per corpse as a material component to be sprinkled over each undead created.
Diminished Effects: The undead move at only half their normal move rate, gain no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gain +1 hp per Hit Die, +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.
Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Constant ×3, single-use ×3, spell-completion ×1.5

Rouse Undead Spirit
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You must cast this spell at night. Rouse undead spirit calls the soul of a dead creature and makes it into an undead spirit. Only a small part of the dead creature’s body need be present for the casting, but multiple parts of a single dead creature cannot rouse more than one undead spirit. Black energy flows over the remains, and the spirit of the creature rises up out of the corpse. Immediately, the spirit must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If it succeeds, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the creature’s soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust.
If it was not twisted before, the bodiless soul of the creature, now cursed to roam the physical world again, quickly becomes corrupt, vengeful, and malevolent. An uncontrolled undead spirit attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead created by this spell enjoys all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the incorporeal undead template (see sidebar).
You can control only one undead at a time. Any attempt to create a second undead or rouse a second undead spirit while you already control one always frees the first undead created or roused. The only exceptions to this are undead whose truenames you know (these do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell.
Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be made into undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be roused as an undead spirit. Likewise, creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be roused.
Casting this spell requires 1,000 gp worth of special oils to sprinkle over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead spirit moves only at half its normal move rate and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead spirit gains +1 hp per Hit Die, and the create spawn special ability (see sidebar).
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×2
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Arcana Unearthed Grimoire

Arcana Unearthed Grimoire
Arcana Unearthed
Undead Creature: Undead are animated corpses. The spirit of the original creature inhabits the corpse once again, powered by negative energy.
A creature slain by the undead creature’s energy drain attack rises as an undead 1d4 days after burial.
“Undead” is a template you can add to any nonundead, corporeal creature.
Animate the Dead Lesser spell.
Animate the Dead Greater spell.
Animate Undead Legion spell.
Incorporeal Undead: Incorporeal undead are bodiless spirits that remain in the corporeal world through the power of negative energy.
“Incorporeal undead” is a template you can add to any non-undead, corporeal creature.
Rouse Undead Spirit spell.

Animate the Dead (Lesser)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 4 (Simple)
Casting Time: One minute
Range: Touch
Targets: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than the caster
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell turns the bones or body of a dead creature into an abominable, walking undead. Enough of the corpse must be present to make for a passable undead creature—a skeletal structure, a great deal of flesh from one creature, etc. Sickly greenish light flows over these remains, and the soul of the creature is restored into a rotting but now-animate corpse. Immediately, the creature must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If successful, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can then attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust. The soul of a creature trapped in an undead body, if it was not twisted before, quickly becomes corrupt, bloodthirsty, and malevolent. An undead creature not controlled attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead creature has all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the undead template (see sidebar, next page).
You can control only one undead creature at a time. Any attempt to animate a second undead while you have one under your control always frees the first one. The only exception to this are creatures whose truenames you knew when they were alive (they do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell.
Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be animated as undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be animated. Likewise, those creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be animated.
This spell requires 500 gp worth of special oils to be sprinkled on the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves only half its normal move rate, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either move-equivalent or standard, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains +1 hp per Hit Die, a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls. Casting time becomes 1 round.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate the Dead (Greater)
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than the caster
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create more powerful undead than lesser animate the dead. Greater undead gain a +3 natural armor bonus, an additional +4 bonus to Strength, and two of the following special abilities:
• Blood Drain (Ex): The undead has fangs to suck blood from a living victim by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain each round that it maintains the pin.
• Create Spawn (Su): A creature slain by the undead creature’s energy drain attack rises as an undead 1d4 days after burial. (This ability only works if the undead has the energy drain ability at right.)
• Resistance (Ex): Cold and electricity resistance 20.
• Damage Reduction (Su): The undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 15/+1.
• Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by the undead creature’s claw attack suffer one negative level.
• Fast Healing (Ex): The undead heals 3 points of damage each round as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Greater undead have a Challenge Rating equal to that of the base creature +3.
This spell requires 800 gp worth of special oils as a material component to be sprinkled over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead moves only half its normal move rate, gains no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gains all of the stated bonuses as well as +1 hp per Hit Die, an additional +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and an additional special ability.
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×1.5

Animate Undead Legion
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 8 (Exotic)
Casting Time: One day
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: One corpse/level
Duration: Instantaneous (self-sustaining magic)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to create and control one undead creature per caster level exactly as described in lesser animate the dead.
This spell requires 100 gp worth of special oils per corpse as a material component to be sprinkled over each undead created.
Diminished Effects: The undead move at only half their normal move rate, gain no Dexterity bonus (see creature template), and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead gain +1 hp per Hit Die, +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, and a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.
Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Constant ×3, single-use ×3, spell-completion ×1.5

Rouse Undead Spirit
Necromancy [Negative Energy]
Level: 6 (Complex)
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: The corpse of one creature with fewer Hit Dice than you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You must cast this spell at night. Rouse undead spirit calls the soul of a dead creature and makes it into an undead spirit. Only a small part of the dead creature’s body need be present for the casting, but multiple parts of a single dead creature cannot rouse more than one undead spirit. Black energy flows over the remains, and the spirit of the creature rises up out of the corpse. Immediately, the spirit must make a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the undead must obey your verbal commands. If it succeeds, the creature remains in control of its own will. It can attempt a second saving throw (if the DM deems that it would wish to). If the second save succeeds, the creature’s soul returns to its normal afterlife, and the corpse crumbles to dust.
If it was not twisted before, the bodiless soul of the creature, now cursed to roam the physical world again, quickly becomes corrupt, vengeful, and malevolent. An uncontrolled undead spirit attempts to slay its creator as quickly as it can. An undead created by this spell enjoys all the abilities it possessed in life, modified by the incorporeal undead template (see sidebar).
You can control only one undead at a time. Any attempt to create a second undead or rouse a second undead spirit while you already control one always frees the first undead created or roused. The only exceptions to this are undead whose truenames you know (these do not count against your total of one controllable undead at a time) or undead under the effects of a control undead spell. Creatures whose souls are not available cannot be made into undead. Thus, even if a large portion of the body of a still-living (or once again living) creature is available, it cannot be roused as an undead spirit. Likewise, creatures with trapped or protected souls cannot be roused.
Casting this spell requires 1,000 gp worth of special oils to sprinkle over the corpse.
Diminished Effects: The undead spirit moves only at half its normal move rate and can take only one action per round, either a move-equivalent or a standard action, but not both.
Heightened Effects: The undead spirit gains +1 hp per Hit Die, and the create spawn special ability (see sidebar).
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant ×2
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Legacy of the Dragons

Legacy of the Dragons
Arcana Unearthed
Night Beast: Beings of pure, liquid shadow, night beasts are said to be intelligent shards of the raw stuff of the Dark.
A night beast is called into the world by a power-mad undead creature or an ambitious living creature that seeks to expand its might. By conducting a blasphemous ritual known as the Song of Infinite Dark, an undead creature unleashes its inner soul and binds it with the raw substance of the Dark. With the ritual complete, the creature transforms into a night beast.
Spirit of Sorrow: Very rarely, when a giant dies an ignoble death, or when a giant does a disservice to that which it has sworn to serve as steward and dies before righting its wrong, its despair is so great that the afterlife rejects its spirit. That giant is cursed to roam the world of the living as a spirit of sorrow.
Totem Spectre: Totem spectres are hateful, murderous reflections of the animals they once represented.
“Totem spectre” is a template that one can add to any animal, although it is usually applied only to typical totem animals.
Totem Bear Spectre:
Denassa the Midnight Vesper Undead Verrik Akashic 8/Verrik 3: Born a verrik of moderate station but unique intellect, Denassa grew to adulthood within the confines of an akashic guild that many believed to be only rumor—an order that commanded the utmost zealotry to protect a powerful coven of witches. This coven pushed the strains of morality to pursue perfection in its guardian-assassins, who were raised from birth to die for them in the greatest test of fealty. In fact, they hand-selected the most loyal and accomplished of the guild, grooming them to die and be raised again in undeath as members of the Haunt.
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