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Undead Origins


P3 Conversion
Beldan, Visage, Monstrosity, Priest: ?
Visage Spawn: When [Beldan] the visage kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a visage spawn at the start of this visage's next turn. The new visage appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check.
When [Olisk Carradh] the visage kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a visage spawn at the start of this visage's next turn. The new visage appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check.
When the visage kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a visage spawn at the start of this visage's next turn. The new visage appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check.
Any humanoid killed by a visage [spawns] a new visage under the former visage’s control.
Sword Wraith: ?
Isilus Barrowmere, Ilyana of the Charnel Fangs, Visage Master, Murderer, Killer: He is a visage master as he was the first visage being created from the Well of Souls.
I am, or rather was Isilus Barrowmere, the first son of Cauldrus Barrowmere, after he sacrificed my soul to the Blood Lord to have me back from the dead.
When Isilus, his first born child fell ill to the point Cauldrus realized he would also lose him to the family curse, he turned to the Blood Lord. Orcus answered his prayers and gave him visions in his dreams how he could turn his dying son into a living–undead hybrid, removing all mortal frailty from his body without succumbing to the messy path of lichdom.
Cauldrus became the willing tool of the Blood Lord, and absorbed himself in the task of finding the Secret of Sartine and save his first born. Since then he has shown very little interest in the rest of his family, caring only for his quest to save his child. In the end he succeeded. He used his necromantic powers to pervert the Keepers of Gloomwrought who showed him the portal to the Fortress of the Souls. Together with the shadow dragon Urishtar he turned his newfound knowledge to capture the life energy of Isilus when he died. By diverting the life energy from its proper fate, Orcus gave him his son back as a Visage with all his memories of his former life.
Izran Barrowmere is the youngest scion of the Barrowmere family. His twin brother, Isilus, suffered from numerous health problems and one day fell ill with a hacking cough. Their father and patriarch, Cauldrus Barrowmere, took the sick boy away for treatment, but Isilus was declared dead shortly thereafter. In the weeks that followed, Cauldrus locked himself in his study, answering no one, until he re-emerged with Isilus by his side - alive and well, but somehow changed. Izran suspected his father of using his twin’s life force in his necromantic experiments, and when confronted, Cauldrus claimed that Isilus transcended from his mortal shell into becoming something higher, something to aspire to.
Lord Olisk Carradh, Visage, Servant of Orcus, Real Threat: ?
Shadowmare: ?
Mauglurien the Black Dragon, Mauglurien of the Ebon Riders, Death Knight Dwarf Warlord, Undead Dwarf, Dwarf Warlord, Mighty Dwarf Warlord, Savage Bloodthirsty Remorseless Fighter, Black Dwarven Knight: ?
Darkpact Ghoul: ?
Shambling Mummy, Undead Shambling Mummy: ?
Umberfell Vampire: ?
Elder Earthquake Dragon: Before the adventurers can reach the tower, they have to get past the guards – two dragons that have undergone Barrowmere’s vile experiments, leaving them in a constant pain and somewhere between life and undeath.
Cauldrus has left his creations to guard the stone catwalks leading to the Tower of Undeath, He hopes that the elemental nature of the catastrophic dragons insulates them from the degeneration caused by a series of undead grafts, and he is waiting to see the results after the dragons starve to death.
The dragons are still alive, but due to the Barrowmere patriarch’s experiments, they count as both living and undead for the purpose of powers and abilities that affect creatures of either sort.
Elder Earthquake Dragon, Guard, Dragon That Has Undergone Barrowmere's Vile Experiments, Creation, Catastrophic Dragon, Snarling Dragon: ?
Elder Volcanic Dragon: Before the adventurers can reach the tower, they have to get past the guards – two dragons that have undergone Barrowmere’s vile experiments, leaving them in a constant pain and somewhere between life and undeath.
Cauldrus has left his creations to guard the stone catwalks leading to the Tower of Undeath, He hopes that the elemental nature of the catastrophic dragons insulates them from the degeneration caused by a series of undead grafts, and he is waiting to see the results after the dragons starve to death.
The dragons are still alive, but due to the Barrowmere patriarch’s experiments, they count as both living and undead for the purpose of powers and abilities that affect creatures of either sort.
Elder Volcanic Dragon, Guard, Dragon That Has Undergone Barrowmere's Vile Experiments, Creation, Catastrophic Dragon, Snarling Dragon: ?
Cauldrus Barrowmere: Driven by the new lore he has gathered from the Nightwyrm Fortress and his discussions with the shadow dragon, Cauldrus unholy experiments to meld the living with the dead have taken a new dark path. Cauldrus have literally gone insane, trying to turn himself into the creature he worship – Urishtar the Shadow Dragon. He has melded his body with that of a dead dragon.
Visage: Ibramin, the high priest of Ioun answers, "I have been receiving reports from our followers all around, and they all tell the same story. There are something wrong with the order of life and death. While some report that people that have died cannot be brought back to life with rituals, others tell stories of relatives that have died that returns. But not alive, but as terrible visages having their own dark agenda in infiltrating the world of the living. I therefore ordered some research on these terrible creatures."
"The visage is an undead creature of deception that steals the identity of its victims to further its master’s aims. The first visages were formed from the spirits of demons by Orcus - Demon Price of Undead, while he had assumed the identity of Tenebrous. When he reassumed his true identity and mantle, Orcus turned his back on his creation and many thought that to be the end of these undead creatures. But now they are returning in great numbers, not fuelled by demons, but with the souls of our loved ones. What their purpose and plan is, we do not know. But it is ill tidings, ill tidings indeed."
The first visages were formed from the spirits of demons by Orcus, Demon Price of Undead, while he had assumed the identity of Tenebrous.
When [Isilus] the visage master kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a visage at the start of this visage master's next turn. The new visage appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check.
Visage Master: ?
Draconic Wraith Souleater: ?
Rot Harbinger: ?
Draconic Wraith: Then she created draconic wra[it]hs out of the vilest portion of dragon’s souls she captured in the Well of Souls, and set them with the task to capture even more souls into the well.
Abyssal Ghoul Hungerer: ?
Slaughter Wight: ?
Draconic Wraith Soulravager: ?
Abyssal Ghoul: ?
Boneclaw: ?
Xenro, Blackfire Dracolich: ?
Nightwalker: ?
Immolith Inferno: ?
Sage Ghost: ?
Magrathar, Larva Mage: ?
Draconic Wraith Soulbinder: ?
Free-Willed Sword Wraith: Any humanoid killed by the sword wraith rises as a free-willed sword wraith at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died, or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Shadowmare, Large Shadow Creature, Undead Horse, Mount: ?
Darkpact Ghoul, Hungry Undead, Foul Inhabitant: ?
Shambling Mummy, Foul Inhabitant: ?
Visage, Undead Creature of Deception, Creation, Strange Servant of Orcus, Terrible Creature, Servant of Orcus: ?
Terrible Visage: ?
Visage Spy: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: "I would not walk the city streets after night. There are rumors of undead prowling the streets in the night. Some claim it is the old House of Barrowmore that are growing in influence, but I am not so sure. I think it is some dark power trying to wake the dead in the Graveyard."
Rumor suggests that the Ebon Riders are dedicated to evil gods. Numerous leaders among them [are] undead-possibly even Mauglurien-and the knights and mounts of the group are known to reanimate as undead after falling on the battlefield.
The Barrowmeres have been creating and storing undead beneath the manor grounds for centuries.
Undead Memory of Nerull: Nerull was dead, but a god could not be that easily killed. Even though the Raven Queen had gone through great effort to cleanse the living world of the memories of the old God of the Dead. His loyal underlings had all been slain by the fury of the new Queen of Death. Their few remaining bones still lay about in the shadow-filled throne room. But as long as a single living soul still bore the memory of Nerull, the memory of the god would exist – his husk floating in the astral sea as a reflection of that memory. And as long as that dead husk existed, it could be given a form of undeath, awaken by the dark necrotic powers of the Prince of Undeath.
Orcus called out in dark syllables not meant for speaking. Terrible words of power, that tore into the memory of Nerull, twisting it, perverting it, awakening it for just a brief moment of servitude to the Prince of Undeath, but that was enough.
“I call upon you Nerull, God of the Dead, Hater of Life, Reaper of Flesh, I command you to unlife, I command you to service. Because I am Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath, and you are my servant!” his voice rang out and the ground trembled.
Undead Horror: ?
Undead Servant: ?
Less Intelligent Undead: ?
Undead Graft: ?
Barrowmere Undead: ?
Shonvurru the Blood Serpent, Undead Marilith: ?
Death Knight: ?
Ghost of Sartine's Mother, Elderly Woman: When Sartine had killed Nerull she needed to cover her tracks. She understood that what she had done with the souls – consuming them to fuel her own ambitions – would bring all the other gods against her.
She purged the world of her true name and took to calling herself the Raven Queen. She fed all the souls that had witnessed her doings in Pluton to the Well of Souls. But she could not bear herself to kill all the inhabitants of Gloomwrought – her own people. Instead she gave the soulless Keeper’s the task to feed on the memories of herself and guard the only entrance to the Fortress of the Souls in Gloomwrought.
She even wiped out all her own knowledge of what she had done, and made it impossible to enter the Fortress of the Souls if you were actively seeking it.
But she left one thing behind. She could not watch her mother lose all the knowledge of her daughter and what she had achieved. As her mother died shortly after her own ascension, from the grief of the loss of her daughter, she took the body and the soul of her mother and tied it to her own crypt under Umberfell Manor. Her mother’s soul was allowed to live on as a ghost, but confined to the crypt.
I had died from grief soon after my daughter’s death, and the fall of the House of Umberfell. But she brought the corpse to this crypt and bound my soul in undeath, no more than a ghost with a memory of her true past.
Elder Arantham, Huecuva, Divinely Empowered Undead, Undead Priest, Exarch: Elder Arantham was once a high priest in Bahamut's church, but after a mysterious crisis of fate, he turned to Orcus. He is a rare form of divinely empowered undead known as a huecuva, which he became to purposely shed his humanity.
Ghovran Akti the Planeweaver, Lich, Eladrin Necromancer, Combat Magic Specialist, Powerful Eladrin Mage, Member of the Ebon Riders, Known Necromancer: ?
Huge Dracolich: ?
Lich: ?
Revenant: ?
Irmeth the Butler, Revenant Butler: The Umberfell’s revenant butler, he asserts that the Raven Queen returned him from death to serve House Umberfell.
Vampire: ?
Vampire Servant: ?
Vampire Guard: ?
Teliko, Grandmaster of Shadows, Vampire: ?
Ilyana, Vampire: ?
Vecna, The Maimed God, Lord of Secrets, The Keeper of Secrets, God of Secrets, God of the Undead: ?
Wight: ?
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Reign of Winter 1 The Snows of Summer 4th Edition Conversion
Zombie, Undead Zombie: Rohkar stuffed four slain guards inside and then animated them as zombies. He locked them in the carriage as a surprise for anyone investigating the massacre.
Animate Dead ritual.
Zombie Rotter: Rohkar stuffed four slain guards inside and then animated them as zombies. He locked them in the carriage as a surprise for anyone investigating the massacre. The three zombies have already slain three unwary travelers that have turned into zombie rotters.
Frost Skeleton: These discussions have helped Rohkar increase his own power, as the cold fey shared with him the means of animating skeletons infused with the fierce cold of Irrisen's winter, and Rohkar now commands two frost skeletons that he keeps here as bodyguards.
Rohkar has long taken pleasure in experimenting with the bodies of his victims, raising them as undead servants and tools that he can use to murder even more innocent people. So far, however, the bandit leader has had to rely on scrolls of animate dead to raise such creatures . His first attempt to create frost skeletons using a scroll suffered a mishap, however, and unknown to Rohkar, accidentally animated the skeletons of four Qadiran soldiers slain in the Border Wood hundreds of years ago during the war between Taldor and Qadira.
Frost Skeleton, Bodyguard: ?
Undead Servant: Rohkar has long taken pleasure in experimenting with the bodies of his victims, raising them as undead servants and tools that he can use to murder even more innocent people.
Frost Skeleton Soldier: Rohkar has long taken pleasure in experimenting with the bodies of his victims, raising them as undead servants and tools that he can use to murder even more innocent people. So far, however, the bandit leader has had to rely on scrolls of animate dead to raise such creatures. His first attempt to create frost skeletons using a scroll suffered a mishap, however, and unknown to Rohkar, accidentally animated the skeletons of four Qadiran soldiers slain in the Border Wood hundreds of years ago during the war between Taldor and Qadira.
Thora Petska, Phantom, Phantom Girl: You watch into the dark ice and see a little girl on a street in an unknown city. It is snowing and a crowd of people have gathered in the town square. She is trying to watch at the strangers that have gathered in the town plaza. Black clad men follow an icy white dressed woman. The little girl looks curiously at the party, before asking the man next to her, "Who is that ugly lady? Why is her hair all white? Is she a huldra?" Suddenly the white lady's eyes grow icy cold. "Bring that girl to me. We will make an example out of her. Nobody offends the White Witches of Irrisen. Take her!" The little girl get scared and tries to run away, but the black clad soldiers soon catch her and drag her back through the snow. "I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I never meant to call you names!" the little girls scream, tears streaming down her eyes. The white lady only smiles. "I will teach you manners, little girl", she says with a smile that never touches her eyes.
In the ice you see the little girl again, cowering in here straw bed in some cold cell. The sound of the icy wind outside carries the chill of winter. The white lady stands at a simple bed, looking down at the girl with contempt in her eyes. "Please don't keep me here. It's so cold. I miss my mother", the little girl says, but with no tears. There are no tears left in her frail little body. "Your mother does not want you back. She told me so herself. 'Do what you want with that ungrateful little brat, I bear no love for her myself' she told me". The little girl looks stricken as by a physical blow. "You lie, you lie!" she screams. "Is that so? Why is then your mother leaving my castle? Look outside. That’s her down there. She did not want you", the white lady says, pointing out the window. "NOOOO", you hear the little girl scream with terror in her voice.
You see the little girl in the ice again. She stands in front of the white lady on her icy throne, in a large hall covered in frost and shadows. The white lady tries to give something to the little girl. It is a porcelain doll in her outstretched hand. "I don't want your stupid doll! I want to go home! Take me back!" the little girl screams and tries to throw the doll to the stone floor. The white lady catches it. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. I wouldn't do that at all". There is something dangerous in her voice, a hidden promise of something terrible.
Thora Petska, Guardian Doll, Porcelain Guardian Doll, Construct: You watch into the dark ice and see a little girl on a street in an unknown city. It is snowing and a crowd of people have gathered in the town square. She is trying to watch at the strangers that have gathered in the town plaza. Black clad men follow an icy white dressed woman. The little girl looks curiously at the party, before asking the man next to her, "Who is that ugly lady? Why is her hair all white? Is she a huldra?" Suddenly the white lady's eyes grow icy cold. "Bring that girl to me. We will make an example out of her. Nobody offends the White Witches of Irrisen. Take her!" The little girl get scared and tries to run away, but the black clad soldiers soon catch her and drag her back through the snow. "I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I never meant to call you names!" the little girls scream, tears streaming down her eyes. The white lady only smiles. "I will teach you manners, little girl", she says with a smile that never touches her eyes.
In the ice you see the little girl again, cowering in here straw bed in some cold cell. The sound of the icy wind outside carries the chill of winter. The white lady stands at a simple bed, looking down at the girl with contempt in her eyes. "Please don't keep me here. It's so cold. I miss my mother", the little girl says, but with no tears. There are no tears left in her frail little body. "Your mother does not want you back. She told me so herself. 'Do what you want with that ungrateful little brat, I bear no love for her myself' she told me". The little girl looks stricken as by a physical blow. "You lie, you lie!" she screams. "Is that so? Why is then your mother leaving my castle? Look outside. That’s her down there. She did not want you", the white lady says, pointing out the window. "NOOOO", you hear the little girl scream with terror in her voice.
You see the little girl in the ice again. She stands in front of the white lady on her icy throne, in a large hall covered in frost and shadows. The white lady tries to give something to the little girl. It is a porcelain doll in her outstretched hand. "I don't want your stupid doll! I want to go home! Take me back!" the little girl screams and tries to throw the doll to the stone floor. The white lady catches it. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. I wouldn't do that at all". There is something dangerous in her voice, a hidden promise of something terrible.
Skeleton Warrior: Animate Dead ritual.
Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton, Undead Skeleton: ?
Augmented Skeleton: ?
Augmented Zombie: ?
Guardian Doll: Guardian dolls are constructs created by the White Witches to serve as spies and sentries at places that require ever vigilant wardens−especially the wintry nation's borders. These strange automatons are infused with fragments of the souls of living beings slain during the dolls' creation. The doll is sentient, and though a small part of the soul's original personality remains, the witchery employed largely strips it of its individuality.
Guardian Doll, Strange Doll, Construct, Strange Automaton: ?
Guardian Doll, Spy: ?
Guardian Doll, Sentry: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?

Animate Dead
You command the dead corpses in the graveyard to rise to do your bidding, forever cursing your soul to necromancy.
Level: 6
Category: Necromancy
Time: 1 hour
Duration: Special
Component Cost: See text
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
This ritual turns corpses into undead skeletons or zombies (see below). As a standard action you can verbally command the undead to take different actions during your turn. The undead can be made to follow you, or it can be made to remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. The corpse remains animated until it or they are destroyed. A destroyed skeleton or zombie can’t be animated again.
Regardless of the type of undead you create with this ritual, you can’t create a undead of a higher level than your own level − 3.
The undead you create remain under your control indefinitely. No matter how many times you use this spell, however, you can control only (your level − 3) levels worth of undead creatures. If you exceed this number, all the newly created creatures fall under your control, and any excess undead from previous castings become uncontrolled. You choose which creatures are released.
Skeletons: A skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse or skeleton. The corpse must have bones. If a skeleton is made from a corpse, the flesh falls off the bones. Skeletons need to be armed to be a threat.
Zombies: A zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The corpse must be that of a creature with a physical anatomy.
Focus: An onyx gem worth at least 25 gp per Level of the undead animated.
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Reign of Winter 2 The Shackled Hut 4th Edition Conversion
Huecuva Warpriest: When the clerics renounced their faith in Desna and blasphemously prayed to Baba Yaga instead, their souls were damned. After the destruction of Ulsgaard, they rose as undead huecuvas.
Huecuva Warpriest, Undead Huecuva: ?
Skeleton Child: ?
Haunt The Children of Ulsgaard: When the clerics made their decision to sacrifice the children to save themselves, they gathered the children in the churchyard to play, so they would all be in one place when the time came to hand them over. The echoes of this betrayal remain to this day, and the spirits of the children of Ulsgaard remain in the churchyard where they were slain by Baba Yaga's minions.
Evija, Attic Whisperer, Conglomeration of Tiny Clockwork Gears Bird Bones Dried Twigs and Scraps of Dog Fur Topped With a Cracked and Chipped Porcelain Doll's Head, Spy, Secondary Guardian: ?
Attic Whisperer: An attic whisperer spawns as the result of a lonely or neglected child’s death. Rather than animating the body of the dead youth, the creature rises from an amalgam of old toys, clothing, dust, and other objects associated with the departed—icons of the child’s neglect. The widely varying materials that fuse together to form these creatures lead to attic whisperers with vastly different appearances. Attic whisperers linger in the places where they were formed, typically old homes, orphanages, schools, debtors’ prisons, workhouses, and similar places where children might be discarded. When an attic whisperer first forms, it does so without a skull—this does not impact the creature’s abilities in any way, but it usually seeks out a small animal’s skull as a form of decoration soon after it manifests.
Attic Whisperer, Gray Emaciated Child With Cobwebs and Dust for Clothes and a Fox Skull for a Head: ?
Huecuva, Risen Corpse of a Heretical Cleric Who Blasphemed and Renounced Their Deity Before Meeting Death: Huecuva is a template you can apply to humanoid NPCs or monsters, though it works best with controllers and leaders. The huecuva is strongly divine in flavor, so it best fits NPC clerics or paladins.
Huecuvas are the risen corpses of heretical clerics who blasphemed and renounced their deities before meeting death.
While most huecuvas arise when a god rejects a heretic priest’s soul, forcing the slain to rise as horrible undead, a huecuva can also be created with create undead. The caster must be at least 11th level, and the body to be transformed must have been an evil cleric in life. The spell can be used to create a huecuva using the body of a nonevil cleric, but doing so requires a DC 20 caster level check.
Huecuva, Horrible Undead: ?
Mummy: ?
Zombie: ?
Skeleton: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Creature Who Does Not Sleep: ?


Reign of Winter 3 Mother, Maiden, Crone Conversion
Dread Zombie Walker: When the pukwudgie kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a dread zombie walker at the start of this pukwudgie's next turn.
When the pukwudgie [Ulgrist] kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a dread zombie walker at the start of this pukwudgie's next turn.
The vile pukwudgie is a small, hunchbacked humanoid covered with long, sharp quills. These quills, like those of a porcupine, help protect the small creature but are also dangerous offensive weapons, for the quills hold a deadly poison that animates those it slays as zombies.
Undead Raven Swarm: ?
Undead Raven Swarm, Screeching Cawing Whirlwind of Buffeting Wings Clawing Talons and Pecking Beaks, Teeming Mass of Sinister Rotten Disease-Ridden Birds: ?
Undead Raven: ?
Undead Raven, Rotting Diseased Black Bird: ?
Witchfire: When an exceptionally vile hag or witch dies with some malicious plot left incomplete, or proves too horridly tenacious to succumb to the call of death, the foul energies of these wicked old crones sometimes spawn incorporeal undead known as witchfires.
Witchfire, Insubstantial Specter of a Beautiful Young Woman, Incorporeal Undead, Ghostly Creature: ?
Hoarpanther Dread Zombie: An emaciated, hunchbacked, porcupine-quilled creature called a pukwudgie lurks in this chamber. Named Ungrist, this creepy zombiemaker serves as one of Baba Yaga's favorite prisoner-guards. Ungrist wears a smock made of human skin, and has personally decorated this chamber to suit his tastes. He has slain a number of hoarpanthers with his quills, reanimating them as zombie slaves.
Hoarpanther Dread Zombie, Zombie Slave, Hoarpanther Zombie: ?
Fast Zombie: The necromantic energies present in this chamber enhance the power of Ungrist's quills, and any creature slain by his poisonous quills is animated as a fast zombie.
Silyzil, Witchfire, Malevolent Spirit, Second Member of Caigreal's Coven, Coven Sister: The second member of Caigreal's coven, Silyzil, inhabits this room. Once a green hag, she was slain by Jadrenka during the coven's fight with the warden, but returned to haunt the temple as a witchfire.
Ghost Barbarian: Although the souls of Artrosa's former wardens lie at rest, a pair of restless spirits guards these tombs. While they lived, these barbarian warriors proudly served a witch-warden known as the Spirit Mother, whom Baba Yaga executed long ago. For daring to defend the Spirit Mother against her, Baba Yaga buried the Sons of the Spirit Mother alive with their dead mistress and bound their spirits to guard the Crypt ofWardens forever after.
Ghost Barbarian, Restless Spirit, Horrifically Scarred Tattooed Warrior, Son of the Spirit Mother: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Insubstantial Undead: ?
Undead Steed: ?
Undead Animal: ?
Undead Animal, Mount: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghost, Insubstantial Creature: ?
Undead Shadow: ?
Greater Shadow: ?
Shadow Puppetteer: ?
Skeleton: Pukwudgies are frequently found in the company of undead. This retinue usually consists of zombies and skeletons created via their poisonous quills ability or their ability to animate dead bodies.
Bone Razor magic item.
Skeleton, Animate Skeleton: ?
Skeleton Warrior: ?
Wraith: ?
Wraith, Insubstantial Creature: ?
Zombie: Pukwudgies are frequently found in the company of undead. This retinue usually consists of zombies and skeletons created via their poisonous quills ability or their ability to animate dead bodies.

BONE RAZOR This jagged bone knife seems too thin and frail for combat but easily cuts flesh. However, it has a much darker purpose than just cutting its foes. When performing a coup de grace on a helpless living creature with the bone razor and the creature dies from the attack, the creature’s flesh begins to peel off and its bones animate as a skeleton under the command of the bearer of the razor.
Bone Razor Level 8+ Rare
Performing a coup de grace with this bone razor animates the bones of the corpse to a skeleton under the command of the user.
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Weapon: Dagger
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, or +1d12 damage per plus when performing a coup de grace
Power (Daily): Standard Action. When you perform a coup de grace on a helpless living creature with the bone razor and the creature dies from the attack, its bones animate as a skeleton under your command, as an animate dead ritual. The skeleton has a level equal to the level of the bone razor minus 3.
The creature’s flesh is not destroyed, but decays at a steady rate. You can spend 1 minute reattaching the flesh to the animate skeleton, which ends the necromantic magic and results in a normal corpse. If you use the razor to flense and animate another creature’s bones, the previous animate skeleton is immediately destroyed.


Ancestral Voices (Level 2)
Barrow Wight, Common Barrow Wight: ?
Nomad Ghost, Common Nomad Ghost: If the princely barrow wight is defeated, his body and that of his manservant turn to dust - to reveal spectral blue forms.
Prince Ran, Princely Barrow Wight: ?
Common Barrow Wight, Faithful Manservant: ?
Prince Ran, Princely Nomad Ghost: If the princely barrow wight is defeated, his body and that of his manservant turn to dust - to reveal spectral blue forms.


Orcus Game Master's Guide
Undead, Undead Creature: Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse.
Created from a dead body.
Created from a dead spirit or soul.
Poltergeist: ?
Abyssal Mummy: Over the millennia, kings, emperors and high priests who sold their souls to Orcus have been marshalled as his undead servants.
Ghoul: If the target [of a ghoul's claw attack] loses all their recoveries, they turn into a ghoul after their next long rest.
Lacedon: ?
Ghast: If the target [of a ghast's claw attack] loses all their recoveries, they turn into a ghast after their next long rest.
Lacedon Ghast: ?
Ichor-Ghoul, Terrifying Undead Ichor-Ghoul: ?
Desiccated Husk: Ichor-ghouls that go too long without feeding shrivel and become moribund. Their blood-drenched flesh dries, and they become desiccated husks.
Bloody Bones: Keep track of all damage the desiccated husk does, including through its aura. If damage done ever exceeds 22, that desiccated husk is replaced by a bloody bones as a reaction.
Undying: The Undying are elves and fey who attempted to extend their lifespans by unnatural means, and were struck down by the god Enoran as punishment.
Jiang-Shi, Hopping Vampire: ?
Jiang-Shi Scholar: ?
Jiang-Shi Magistrate: If a jiang-shi scholar has drunk the breath of 10 or more humanoids, then the next time it is reduced to 0 HP, it reforms as a jiang-shi magistrate.
Skeleton: ?
Skeleton Warrior: ?
Smoldering Skeleton: ?
Skeleton Failed Sacrifice: A skeleton of a victim from a dark ritual gone awry, driven by hunger for revenge against those responsible for its fate.
Revenant Skeleton: ?
Skeleton Greater Failed Sacrifice: ?
Specter: ?
Peaceful Specter: ?
Specter Spectral Spawn: ?
Specter of Chivalry: A gallant specter, born of the soul of one betrayed while upholding their sworn duty.
Specter of Sorrow: ?
Specter Deathgaunt: Deathgaunts and gloomwardens are specters that remain on the Prime Material Plane to cause trouble and suffering, even after being given a chance to move on to the afterlife.
Specter Gloomwarden: Deathgaunts and gloomwardens are specters that remain on the Prime Material Plane to cause trouble and suffering, even after being given a chance to move on to the afterlife.
Zombie: ?
Fast Zombie: ?
Putrid Zombie: ?
Zombie Zombified Wyvern: ?
Abyssal Mummy, Undead Servant: ?
Ghoul, Foul Ravenous Undead: ?
Bloody Bones, Skeletal Humanoid With Bits of Muscle and Sinew Hanging From Its Body: ?
Jiang-Shi, Very Fast Counter: ?
Skeleton, Undead That Has Been Reanimated From Body Parts: ?
Skeleton Warrior, Animated Skeleton: ?
Smoldering Skeleton, Charred Skeleton Wreathed in Flames and Embers: ?
Revenant Skeleton, Skeletal Figure: ?
Specter, Undead That is a Separate Soul, Bodiless Soul: ?
Peaceful Specter, Serene Spirit: ?
Spectral Spawn: ?
Specter of Chivalry, Gallant Specter: ?
Specter of Sorrow, Melancholic Specter: ?
Free-Willed Basic Specter: Any humanoid killed by a specter of sorrow rises as a free-willed basic specter at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing in the space where it died (or nearest unoccupied space).
Zombie, Reanimated But Decaying Corpse, Undead That Has Been Reanimated From a Body, Walking Corpse: ?
Powerful Undead: ?
Undead That Has Been Reanimated From a Body: ?
Undead That Has Been Reanimated From Body Parts: ?
Undead That Has Been Transformed From Their Living Form: ?
Undead That is a Separate Soul: ?
Once-Living Creature: ?
Walking Corpse: ?
Bodiless Spirit: ?
Undead Serpent: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghost, Bodiless Spirit: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire, Undead That Has Been Transformed From Their Living Form, Walking Corpse: ?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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