• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Psionics and Mystics Take Two

February's Unearthed Arcana article from WotC's Mike Mearls has been posted. This time around, the topic is psionics again "This month, Unearthed Arcana returns to the mystic character class and the rules for psionics. Based on the playtest feedback you sent us, there are a number of changes you can expect." The article expands the Mystic class to 10th level, and adds a variety of new options.

February's Unearthed Arcana article from WotC's Mike Mearls has been posted. This time around, the topic is psionics again "This month, Unearthed Arcana returns to the mystic character class and the rules for psionics. Based on the playtest feedback you sent us, there are a number of changes you can expect." The article expands the Mystic class to 10th level, and adds a variety of new options.

Find the article right here.

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Unarmed strikes are melee weapon attacks. Lethal strike with monk flurry of blows is broken if you can nova your points all in one round. Psi limit needs to be per round
No more then smite does.

I mean, you can do eldich knight 11 / paladin 2/sorcerer 7, and smite 6 times in a round.

Lethal strike is less because you can't stack slots.

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As much as I disagree with their Psionics and Magic interaction, from my reading of that ruling I'm absolutely sure that spells like Mind Blank, Greater Restoration and Calm Emotions still affect the charmed condition on a target from any psionic effect. And that the Mind Blank spells makes one immune to all psychic damage from psionics too. But somehow it seems like others are reading it that those spells don't affect any effects from psionics.

If some are misreading this, then they really have to say these do affect those specific psionic effects, or you know it's the fine D&D tradition of a lot misinterpretations of the balance of psionics.

Mystic not tied to Far Realm=full rules and support will come in 5+ years when they get around to providing extensive support for another setting.
Mystic tied to Far Realm=full rules and support when WotC publishes a Far Realm based AP set in the FR, which for all we know could be this year.

Seems like a simple choice to me, but I have learned to never underestimate the power of gamer masochism.


As for the fluff: Nothing that I can't reflavor. Light science fiction elements have always been a thing in my setting, and my Material Plane, like our universe, is filled with galaxies, nebulae, stars...and a lot of emptiness for things to wriggle and twitch, so the Far Realm connections can easily be switched to "the regions of space between the stars".

This is exactly how my campaign has been run since the beginning in the early 80s. With the caveat that Azathoth is perched in the center of the cosmos beyond the elemental chaos (like a black hole at the center of the galaxy. Shhhh don't tell).

Well met [MENTION=6801254]Space Jockey[/MENTION]!


If you can exceed the psi limit per round you are actually more powerful than a full caster. You are essentially casting multiple spell equivalent powers per round.

You may be capable of a greater nova than a full caster, but that doesn't mean the same thing as "more powerful". Even so, most of the abilities granted by disciplines are limited to specific rolls, or must be used with specific actions. So yes, in theory you could be using a discipline as your move, action, bonus action, and reaction each round to very great effect, but you can't keep that up for long. Once you've used up your PSI points this way, you become rather subpar when compared to any full caster who's unable to blast through their resources like that. And the immortal isn't doing as well as any martial class once out of PSI points either.

All that being said, I don't think making the PSI limit a per round limit is a bad idea. I just don't think it's necessary.
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
With the unified caster chart 5e finally made multiclassing casters viable without being overpowered. Yet here's a "full caster" with an entirely separate mechanism and chart so that nothing stacks. Very annoying, especially a Int-primary classes are at a minimum and this one won't multiclass well with the one other one.

At least with the Warlock which has a seperate slot progression you've got all of your spells known castable with any of your slots.

With the unified caster chart 5e finally made multiclassing casters viable without being overpowered. Yet here's a "full caster" with an entirely separate mechanism and chart so that nothing stacks. Very annoying, especially a Int-primary classes are at a minimum and this one won't multiclass well with the one other one.

I'm sorry, but frankly, GOOD. If its just a wizard with a crystal and a dreamcatcher, then they shouldn't even bother doing it. Too many classes use the spell mechanic as is.
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Lethal strike is less because you can't stack slots.

DIVINE SMITE: Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend ONE spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.

Spell slots and PSI Point limits are basically the same, so I don't know what you mean by stacking slots. The paladin can burn one spell slot, besides the paladin is a half-caster and the mystic is basically a full caster.

This is how power creep happens. Let's compare this dpr to another class's ability that is already recognized as over-powered and then ignore the limitations of the original class when compared to the new.


I think mello is referring to the fact that you can stack a divine smite on top of a smite spell, as there is no wording which restricts this.


First Post
It's nice to see follow up on this.
Got nerfed, in a few key ways. 5 points for a single extra attack isn't all that hot unless you are planning on combining it with lethal strike..

Noticing when you get the ability to spend 5 points it seems clear to me that this is how they intend a psychic warrior gets his second attack.
They probably feel they can't just give away a free extra attack without overshadowing other fighter types, but by making it a limited resource via points...

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