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Unforgiving lands - Now in hiatus - Details at last post


First Post
I'm afraid I need to put this story hour in hiatus for an indefinite amount of time. The amount of physical effort it takes me to develop each chapter is just too much for me if no one replies to the story, even if only to critizice what's wrong with it.

I might go back to writing if I feel motivated enough, but then again, it's unlikely, as the story doesn't seem to be good for the taste of the majority :\

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the Jester

Just some advice: don't write a story hour for the replies, do it for the joy of writing. I have a bunch of SHs that I work hard on regularly, and I'm lucky to get one response per 12 updates.

Also, you just started a week ago. Honestly, complaining that nobody is responding at this stage of the game is both an exercise in histrionics and shows a great sense of entitlement. I recommend, instead, steadily updating for yourself and waiting to see if anyone comments within, say, 6 months.

Good luck! A story hour is not an easy thing to do, but at least you don't have to keep up with a game. Oh, and by the way, warning people not to look up someone else's world that you're using for a not-game-based story in order to avoid spoilers... that aren't your creation in the first place... is... a little off-putting.


Cerulean_Wings said:
I'm afraid I need to put this story hour in hiatus for an indefinite amount of time. The amount of physical effort it takes me to develop each chapter is just too much for me if no one replies to the story, even if only to critizice what's wrong with it.

I might go back to writing if I feel motivated enough, but then again, it's unlikely, as the story doesn't seem to be good for the taste of the majority :\

I agree with the Jester; it's a bit early to worry about replies.

However, I think the problem with your story hour is that there is no reason for anyone to check it out. This has nothing to do with your writing; most people won't ever get that far. Why? Your title is bland as hell. "War of the Noble Houses" doesn't tell me anything; it's not interesting, and it sounds clichéd. Successful story hours hinge on getting people to look at your stuff, and the best way to do that is to have a snazzy title, or at least an interesting opening post.

Also, writing a straight fiction story hour presents another challenge. Most story hours here are based upon a setting or adventure arc people are familiar with, which gives them a frame of reference when reading. Unless you are already an established author on the boards - I'm pretty sure Destan or Sepulchrave could start a story hour about their grocery list and get 10,000 views on the first day - you need something to draw people in. For instance, when I began my first story hour, I chose a subject and a title that I knew would get people to at least take a look at my stuff. I knew that Metamorphosis: From Dretch to Demon Lord would get people to at least take a look (gamers are suckers for demons :) ); after that, of course, it was all up to me to keep them interested.

So, my advice to you is to think about ways to draw people in. Change your title, and give us more information on the setting and characters in your first post. In short, give people a reason to click on your thread.

Now, I admit, I didn’t start writing my story hour just for the fun of it; I wanted to get noticed. That may not be your goal, so my advice may not be as useful to you.



First Post
First of all, thank you both for responding to my comment. It shows that you want me to go on with the story, however that might be, and that you care :)

BLACKDIRGE - I'm afraid I'm not good at creating a title to "snatch" people's attention and draw them in, since you've pointed out how cliche it sounds. I can try for another one, but really, I've got no point of reference from which to say "this is good" or "this won't work".

I'll provide a link to The North's site, that way people can know about the setting without me writing 1,000 word essay.

I'd love to write a story based on a known setting or adventure, but I'm afraid I don't have any, and I'm not willing to purchase one just to write a story about it.

the Jester - It's hard to write up updates for the sake of it: a story hour that gets ignored is like a play that occurs with an empty threater, a movie played in an empty cinema, and so on. It's discouraging, since it doesn't seem like anyone's interested, and thus I lose faith in the story's quality. I'm not making this story hour to be "popular", but to see how far I can get in story writing. So far, it seems like I'm not getting very far, based on the amount of replies.

I don't know what I was expecting when I started the story... one reply per update? Maybe one reply per two updates? But after Chapter 6, which took me 2 hours to write, with my crappy wrists and crappy eyesight to boot, and got nothing in terms of comments (positive or negative), I just said "screw it" and decided to move on with things.

As of now, I'm not sure if I want to go on with this. It's too much effort for, what? My words echoing into the forum's void, nothing more. But hey, I'm pretty resilient, so I might pick it up after a couple of days.


Cerulean_Wings said:
First of all, thank you both for responding to my comment. It shows that you want me to go on with the story, however that might be, and that you care :)

BLACKDIRGE - I'm afraid I'm not good at creating a title to "snatch" people's attention and draw them in, since you've pointed out how cliche it sounds. I can try for another one, but really, I've got no point of reference from which to say "this is good" or "this won't work".

I'll provide a link to The North's site, that way people can know about the setting without me writing 1,000 word essay.

I'd love to write a story based on a known setting or adventure, but I'm afraid I don't have any, and I'm not willing to purchase one just to write a story about it.

the Jester - It's hard to write up updates for the sake of it: a story hour that gets ignored is like a play that occurs with an empty threater, a movie played in an empty cinema, and so on. It's discouraging, since it doesn't seem like anyone's interested, and thus I lose faith in the story's quality. I'm not making this story hour to be "popular", but to see how far I can get in story writing. So far, it seems like I'm not getting very far, based on the amount of replies.

I don't know what I was expecting when I started the story... one reply per update? Maybe one reply per two updates? But after Chapter 6, which took me 2 hours to write, with my crappy wrists and crappy eyesight to boot, and got nothing in terms of comments (positive or negative), I just said "screw it" and decided to move on with things.

As of now, I'm not sure if I want to go on with this. It's too much effort for, what? My words echoing into the forum's void, nothing more. But hey, I'm pretty resilient, so I might pick it up after a couple of days.

I like the new title. "Unforgiven Lands" is interesting enough to make me click into the thread and at least read the first post. Now, just be patient. If you write it, they will come. ;)



First Post
Well, I admit, I am not one that posts my thoughts on a particular story hour too often, and that is a failing on my part. I will say that I have enjoyed reading this one so far. The characters are interesting, and I like the world setting so far (haven't been to the wiki, as I wanted to read the story hour as it was unfolded).

That being said, only you can decide if it is worth the effort you have put into it. I just wanted to let you know that there are people out here that are reading your story-hour as often as possible.

dungeon blaster

First Post
You can always look at the number of views the SH has received to see if people are looking at it. For most story hours, replies are not very common, maybe one in every 6+ posts. It really just depends on the SH.

I know how hard it can be to keep the commitment to writing. The first SH I did lasted maybe twenty posts before I tired of the story... after that it didn't seem worth it to post.


First Post
Thank you for posting your opinion on the story hour, Boss, it gives me a lot of encouragement to pick it up from where I left and move on with the next chapter :D

I'll definitely keep going, now that I've changed what wasn't right in the beginning. I'll give myself more time and more patience :)

the Jester

I'll rephrase and reiterate my advice: don't write for the comments, write for the writing. :)

Given time, readers- and comments- may come. But, seriously now, give it time. Otherwise you'll grow into a young, bitter onion.


First Post
the Jester said:
I'll rephrase and reiterate my advice: don't write for the comments, write for the writing. :)

Given time, readers- and comments- may come. But, seriously now, give it time. Otherwise you'll grow into a young, bitter onion.

That's good advice :)

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