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Unicorn: A Terrible, Adorable Idea

Dire Human

First Post
No, seriously, someone please talk me out of this. It's too much.

Ability Scores:
+2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom or +2 Strength
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 Squares
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Heal, +2 Nature
Fey Origin: Your species is native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Natural Weapon: Choose one of the following effects:

  • Magical Horn: When you use an implement power, you can use your horn. When you create your character, choose the type of implement that your horn counts as. When you use an implement power you are considered to wield this implement in one hand, and your mouth still counts as a "free hand" (see Quadruped, below). You can enchant and disenchant your horn. When you disenchant your horn, it does not turn to dust.
  • Parrying Horn: When you make a weapon attack, you can use your horn, which is a one-handed melee weapon in the spear and heavy blade weapon groups. This weapon has a +2 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d8 damage. If you have proficiency in a military or superior melee weapon, the proficiency bonus increases by 1. When you use a weapon power you are considered to wield this weapon in one hand, and your mouth still counts as a "free hand" (see Quadruped, below). If you have proficiency with light shields, you can choose to gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC and Reflex defenses while you wield this weapon, but your mouth no longer counts as a “free hand”. If you have proficiency with heavy shields, you can choose to increase the shield bonus by 1. You can enchant and disenchant your horn. When you disenchant your horn, it does not turn to dust.
  • Powerful Horn: When you make a weapon attack, you can use your horn, which is a two-handed melee weapon in the spear and heavy blade weapon groups. This weapon has a +2 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d10 damage. If you have proficiency in a military or superior melee weapon, your horn gains the high crit property. When you use a weapon power you are considered to wield this weapon in both hands, and your mouth does not count as a "free hand" (see Quadruped, below). You can enchant and disenchant your horn. When you disenchant your horn, it does not turn to dust.
  • Stomping Hooves: When you make a weapon attack, you can use your hoof, which is a one-handed melee weapon in the mace and light blade weapon groups. This weapon has the off-hand weapon property and a +2 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d6 damage. If you have proficiency in a military or superior melee weapon, the proficiency bonus increases by 1. When you use a weapon power you are considered wield this weapon in each hand, although your mouth still counts as a "free hand" (see Quadruped, below). You can enchant and disenchant each of your hooves. When you disenchant your hoof, it does not turn to dust.
Quadruped: Your carry, lift, and drag load are 4 times higher than a normal character. You don’t have hands, and cannot wield implements, weapons, and shields other than your natural weapons. You can hold items in your mouth, however, and your mouth counts as a "free hand" for the purposes of game effects (such as the Grab action). Due to your unusual shape, any armor you buy or equip must first be fitted, costing an extra 20 gold.
Unicorn's Grace: You gain a +5 bonus to Athletics checks made to jump.

Horn Touch: You have the horn touch racial power.
Horn Touch – Unicorn Racial Power
A touch of your magical horn grants renewed vigor.
Minor Action, Melee 1
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. If the target is an ally, the target can also spend a healing surge.

Heroic Tier Feats

Beguiling Magic
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Magical Horn class feature
Benefit: Your magical horn gains the forceful and undeniable properties.
(Whenever you pull, push, or slide a target with an attack power using a forceful implement, the distance of the forced movement increases by 1 square. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against Will when attacking with an undeniable implement.).

Brutal Horn
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Powerful Horn class feature
Benefit: Your powerful horn gains the brutal 2 property.
(A brutal weapon’s minimum damage is higher than that of a normal weapon. When rolling the weapon’s damage, reroll any die that displays a value equal to or lower than the brutal value given for the weapon. Reroll the die until the value shown exceeds the weapon’s brutal value, and then use the new value.)

Canny Hooves
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Stomping Hooves class feature
Benefit: Your stomping hooves gain the defensive property.
(A defensive weapon grants you a +1 bonus to AC while you wield the defensive weapon in one hand and wield another melee weapon in your other hand. Wielding more than one defensive weapon does not increase this bonus. To gain this benefit, you need not attack with the defensive weapon, but you must be proficient with it.)

Lancing Magic
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Magical Horn class feature
Benefit: Your magical horn gains the distant and the unerring properties.
(The range of your area and ranged attack powers increases by 2 when they’re used through a distant implement. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against Reflex when attacking with an unerring implement.)

Resplendent Magic
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Magical Horn class feature
Benefit: Your magical horn gains the shielding and the energized (radiant) properties.
(Whenever you hit at least one target with an attack power using a shielding implement, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of your next turn. When you use an attack power through an energized implement, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls if the power has the keyword that matches the implement’s damage type. The bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.)

Additional Options

Natural Weapon:
Add the magical bolt to the list of options:

  • Magical Bolt: When you make a weapon attack, you can use your horn to fire a magical bolt, which is a two-handed ranged weapon in the crossbow weapon group. This weapon has the load minor weapon property and a +2 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d8 damage. Its range is 15/30. If you have proficiency in a military ranged weapon, the damage increases to 1d10. When you use a weapon power you are considered to wield this weapon in both hands, and your mouth does not count as a "free hand" (see Quadruped, below). You reload the magical bolt by channeling energy into your horn as a minor action, which does not require ammunition or any free hands. You can enchant and disenchant your horn. When you disenchant your horn, it does not turn to dust.

The truly sad thing is is that this
works, and that I'd seriously consider playing this character. ...help me...
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Pretty pretty mane: You have a soft, silky, shiny mane and tail. Little girls love this and may wish to stroke or comb it. At paragon levels the color of your mane, tail and coat turn from white to a pastel color of your choice; at epic levels you also develop a tattoo on your ass.

Vulnerabilities: 5 virgin.

Dire Human

First Post
Jim the Slasher said:
"I've seen him in a fight. He'll skewer you with that horn, just stabbing over and over again, and when you try to run he'll bite down, and... and... Just don't tell him I'm telling you this, alright? He's an animal, man!

Snugglemuffin doesn't talk about his past, although many suspect he escaped from (or killed) harsh Eladrin masters in the Feywild. His once-glorious hide is covered in scratches and scars, and a black eyepatch covers a missing eye; when asked about the patch, he merely snorts and jokes 'you should see the other guy.' The Mercenaries of the Bleeding Heart rally around him, both to learn his vicious fighting style and to be on the winning side.

Snugglemuffin, level 1
Unicorn, Fighter
Build: Brawling Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Unicorn Natural Weapon: Unicorn Parrying Horn
Background: Early Life - Imprisoned (+2 to Athletics)

Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Str 14, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12.

AC: 18 Fort: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 12
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Streetwise +7, Intimidate +7, Athletics +10

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering, Endurance +1, Heal +2, History, Insight, Nature +2, Perception, Religion, Stealth +3, Thievery +3

Level 1: Wrenching Grasp

Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Knockdown Assault
Fighter encounter 1: Bash and Pinion
Fighter daily 1: Harrier's Ploy

Scale Armor, Unicorn Parrying Horn
Edit: Due to the changes made to the Unicorn race, Snugglemuffin has been edited to reflect those changes.
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
The truly sad thing is is that this works, and that I'd seriously consider playing this character. ...help me...
Admitting that you have a problem is the first step toward getting better. B-)

P.S. Can a non-virgin take a unicorn as a mount (per the rules in the Adventurer's Vault)?


How can grappling work if the unicorn has no free hands? I think you need to make explicit that the mouth counts as equivalent, if that's what you have in mind. But in that case a grappling fighter unicorn would be able to attack with its horn while maintaining a grab, which still doesn't make much sense. I like the concept, but I'm not sure how to fluff it.

Overall the race seems to work for most classes, although a lot of multiclass/hybrid combos are just flat out impossible. The lack of ranged weapon options I guess I can understand, but not being able to wield a weapon/implement combo is limiting. Maybe there can be a feat for that? Given the overall limitations I don't think the following is TOO overpowered (could restrict it to paragon if it's a problem):

Versatile Horn: if you have the Piercing Horn or Stomping Hooves option, you gain the Magical Horn option, if you have the Magical Horn option you may choose to gain either the Piercing Horn or Stomping Hooves option. Your horn and/or hooves combined may still only gain the benefits of a single enchantment.

I think you also need feat upgrades for all the natural weapon options, to compensate for being unable to make use of superior weapons/implements. Piercing Horn in particular is especially crappy for a Thaneborn Barbarian, which is a build unicorns would otherwise be great for (oh god, now I want to roll one up :confused:)

I find it hilarious that unicorns sneak attack with their hooves.

I think the less attention paid to "mount options", the better. That way lies madness.

What would Sparklelord's class be? (I'm thinking maybe druid/wizard hybrid)

Dire Human

First Post
Absolutely this is a work-in-progress: feats like Versatile Expertise and Superior Weapon Proficiency (as you pointed out) are going to need to be accounted for, quadruped/mouth/hand rules will be clarified, and class/race combination feats can be fleshed out as appropriate. This is probably why WotC gave up on the "Aslan" idea before switching to Dragonborn, but dang it, we can do it!

And yes, a Unicorn Barbarian is awesome.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
It does work, 'tis the thing. And we were actually just talking about the old DnD cartoon and the baby unicorn...

A good template for that upcoming Narnia campaign.

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