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Uniting the Editions, Part 3 - Poll

Features for D&D Next

  • Action Points

    Votes: 153 48.7%
  • Critical Fumbles

    Votes: 114 36.3%
  • Critical Hits

    Votes: 266 84.7%
  • Exotic Weapons

    Votes: 143 45.5%
  • Feats

    Votes: 211 67.2%
  • Gender-Based Ability Score Maximums

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Healing Surges

    Votes: 96 30.6%
  • Kits

    Votes: 105 33.4%
  • Lots of Bonus Types

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Magic Missiles that Never Miss

    Votes: 186 59.2%
  • Morale Rules

    Votes: 112 35.7%
  • Non-Vancian Magic

    Votes: 180 57.3%
  • PCs Creating Magic Items

    Votes: 136 43.3%
  • Prestige Classes

    Votes: 118 37.6%
  • Racial Level Limits

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Saving Throws

    Votes: 227 72.3%
  • Skills

    Votes: 236 75.2%
  • System Shock

    Votes: 55 17.5%
  • THAC0

    Votes: 18 5.7%
  • Vancian Magic

    Votes: 196 62.4%
  • Weapon Speed Factors

    Votes: 80 25.5%
  • Weapons Versus Armor Table

    Votes: 68 21.7%
  • None of the above!

    Votes: 3 1.0%

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Possibly a Idiot.
This got me thinking:

Do we really need feats?

Most people use them to specialize their character into a Swordsman or an Ice Mage or whatever, as most of those kinds of feats tend to chain into a tree of some kind. Couldn't that be handled a different way, like with kits?

Then you have the feats like metamagic and power attack, feats which modify how an ability is used. From what I have read (that bit about fireball), it seems stuff like that is already baked in.

Finally you have the "system mastery" feats that nobody bothers with, because the other two kinds of feats are way more important. I suppose you could bring these feats back, but it might be better to just scrap feats as a whole.

Maybe they could be replaced with a DM adjudicated "perks" system? When the player levels up, the DM could assign some kind of bonus to them, in order to reflect how the character was played? Obviously, these bonuses wouldn't have any reflection on a characters intended performance in order for a system to work (so no going out of your way to get the +2 to axe damage), but it's worth exploring I think.


First Post
Vote, in this poll, for rules systems that you and your friends would probably or most likely use if they were included as optional sidebars in D&D 5th edition...
Monte's original poll was really broken so he fixed it.

He also split it into two polls and added a few extra options.

1. Of the following choices, select any rules elements or character options you would like to see appear as part of the core rules in the next version of D&D.

2. Of the following choices, select any rules elements or character options you would like to see appear as part of an optional “rules module” in the next version of D&D.

Options that were added include:

Epic Destinies
Paragon Paths
Second Wind


First Post
I voted for:

Action Points - love the concept of action points, fate points, whatever you want to call them, but I'd like the application to be a little more than "I action point and second wind" or "I action point and Twin Strike again". I'd like action points to be used to create cinematic effects, or pull off entertaining stunts.

Critical Hits - I could take it or leave it, but the expression on a new player's face when they roll that 20 is pretty priceless, and I'd hate to lose that.

Feats - Customization in some form is paramount for me. Call it feats, talents, whatever.

Healing Surges - again, don't care what they are called, but I'd like there to be a daily healing resource mechanic.

Kits - call it kits, themes, whatever, if they help me make the character I envision, I want them.

Non-Vancian Magic - I don't mind having different systems of magic coexist. Power points, encounter powers, and memorization could all co-exist in some tandem.

Prestige Classes - again, call it prestige class, paragon path, dual/multi class, whatever, if they help differentiate one fighter from the other, I want it.

Skills - these are a must have for me. They help me understand what my character can do well, and what his weak points are. And it's yet another point of interesting specialization where you could have one rogue focused on stealth and athletisism, while another can be focused on charm and sleight of hand.

Jeff Carlsen

I've noticed that the one thing most agreed upon in every version of this poll is that Critical Hits need to stay in some form.

At last, we've found the unifying mechanic of D&D! Though now we have to reopen the arguments about rolling to confirm and max damage versus double damage.


Monte's original poll was really broken so he fixed it.

He also split it into two polls and added a few extra options.

1. Of the following choices, select any rules elements or character options you would like to see appear as part of the core rules in the next version of D&D.

2. Of the following choices, select any rules elements or character options you would like to see appear as part of an optional “rules module” in the next version of D&D.

Options that were added include:

Epic Destinies
Paragon Paths
Second Wind

Personally speaking I think that Second Winds are a great thing to have. They get rid of that "Healer syndrome" or that you need to use the Cleric as the healer in the group, and other such thoughts. I think it's a good idea to have something so that you can have a group of all Rogues, or all Fighters and not have to think...hey...who's going to be the healer for all of us...type groupthink.

I also absolutely love the concept of Rituals. I know there are some that don't care for them, but I thought they were pretty brilliant.

I suppose however, both of those items could be in modules instead of core.


Non-Vancian magic: I know that Vancian magic IS D&D, however, this is a rule I always skipped as DM and our group never used in some 15+ years of gaming. I love how magic-users can adapt to the situation at hand, and not limited by their selection in the morning.

Saving throw
: My 2 cents on the who should roll debate: the player. I think for game speed and feel, the best option is that players roll all the dice (forgive my ignorance, I forgot in which 3.5E spin-off was introduced first).

The Gender debate: I did not checked this, as I know it would create controversy and also I don't find it important as a core element. But. There is this sex dimorphism in humans, and practically all mammals (and we can go on with birds, fish, etc.). Males are stronger on average. Females are much more healthier.


What the hell? Kits, Themes, Paragon Paths, Epic Destines and Prestige Classes?!!?

That's five names for the same concept. I don't want any of these, I want to see you fix them and do them right this time!

Voidrunner's Codex

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