• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

UNITY RPG: The Best of D&D 4E, Pathfinder, & Dungeon World

Unity is an interesting new game going soon. With diceless GMing, a narrative approach, and tactical gridless combat in which players operate in "unity" rather than taking turns, and inspirations from D&D 4E, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World, it's an indie game with great production values. I've been sent an exclusive preview of the game, which you can see below - two page spreads, one introducing the game and one taking a look at a combat encounter.

Unity is an interesting new game going soon. With diceless GMing, a narrative approach, and tactical gridless combat in which players operate in "unity" rather than taking turns, and inspirations from D&D 4E, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World, it's an indie game with great production values. I've been sent an exclusive preview of the game, which you can see below - two page spreads, one introducing the game and one taking a look at a combat encounter.

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Designer Anson Tran says "If I could sum up what I’m trying to do with Unity, it would be to create a game that has the tactical depth and crunch of D&D 4e, the excitement of character builds from 3.5e/Pathfinder and finally the narrative ease and storytelling potential of a game like Dungeon World. All of this oriented around very team-focused turn-less combat. Unity is Epic Fantasy infused with a flavourful dose of long lost magic-powered technology – there are guns, robots, and floating cities but they are a rare and momentous thing to discover."

There's a Kickstarter coming later this year for the 330+ page full-colour hardcover.

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As a huge fan of 4E and of Dungeon World, this sure as heck has my attention now. Awesome that ENworld highlighted it, might never have seen it otherwise.

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For a limited time: I'm offering any early subscribers to the mailing list exclusive perks for the Kickstarter campaign. If you like what you see and decide to back it and you were on the subscriber list before the Kickstarter went live then you will receive exclusive monsters/NPCs complete with their own unique artwork, lore and mechanics. My way of saying thank you for your interest when Unity was still a tiny sparkle in a sea of brilliant RPG stars. I hate spam and I will only use the mailing list to alert you about the Kickstarter.

Uuuh! If I hadn't already signed up for your newsletter I sure as heck would now. :)


Really fascinated to here more about the combat. I couldn't tell from the sample images how a turn-less combat would work. The example has a sequence 1-6 and the power listings have a lot of terms like 'your turn', 'next attack', cannot do this if you've already done that, reactionary actions, etc that I naturally place into a typical turn based combat.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I'm really impressed with the website and the previews. I have to say, the production values shown are absolutely top-notch.


First Post
Really fascinated to here more about the combat. I couldn't tell from the sample images how a turn-less combat would work. The example has a sequence 1-6 and the power listings have a lot of terms like 'your turn', 'next attack', cannot do this if you've already done that, reactionary actions, etc that I naturally place into a typical turn based combat.

As we move closer to the Kickstarter, I'll be diving a bit deeper into mechanics including combat :) But if I could give some brief insight into how "turn less" combat in Unity works I'd ask you to think about concurrency of actions and simultaneous engagement of the players at the table. Without individual turns, we move away from silo'd interactions between the GM and a single player as they work out their turns in a regimented order. Now the entire party as a whole can be part of the conversation and conjure up a tactical approach together. By letting the players decide when each of them goes (or when all of them go), the possible wealth of combos and synergies between their skills takes on a whole new level.

The terms you've listed above do seem contrary to being turn-less but they are there to add a quantifying dimension to the game. Having a way to quantify time allows us to infuse another layer of tactical decision making for the player and helps add depth to the creation of Powers. My intent is to take the best of what "turns" can give us in a gaming sense and leave behind all the things about them that lower player engagement and act as a limiting barrier to tactical creativity and teamwork.

Hope that helps provide some clarity for now!

Stacie GmrGrl

Oh I'm in. :)

You're taking ideas from three of my favorite games.

My question... If we wanted grid based combat, will you have a grid-based option in the game for further tactical gameplay for those of us who like/want it?


First Post
Oh I'm in. :)

My question... If we wanted grid based combat, will you have a grid-based option in the game for further tactical gameplay for those of us who like/want it?

Thanks Stacie! Yes, for those that want to get a bit more granular or have more of a war-gamey feel, we have charts converting the range bands into measurements that translate similarly to D&D i.e. 5 ft per square but I'm Canadian... so I might have to represent and go with meters :)

It does require extra effort on the GMs part in enemy placement, map layout and makes combat go a little bit slower due to counting squares and occasionally being barely off by a square or two to do something but the option is there for those that enjoy this level of detail. We have some play testing time set aside for this conversion to ensure that it feels right, especially with adjacent-based AoE moves.


First Post
Since Unity started making rounds on the net, one of the questions that's been coming up has been about Unity's setting. Some folks express interest in learning more and some ask if Unity's system can accommodate their own personal settings.

I've started a 2 part blog series that gives a bit of insight into Unity's setting and also how we can go about making the system work for custom settings as well. PART 1 explores the "why" and design implications for Unity's setting. For those interested you can read more about it here:



Anson: do you foresee any trouble with the name?

(There's already a product out there with the name Unity - a game generator that allows you to design a game that then runs on most computer platforms)

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