ZEITGEIST [Unofficial] Zeitgeist timeline


In this thread I will try to summarize the known history of Zeitgeist, as mentioned in Zeitgeist adventure path (including Crypta Hereticarum and Bonds of the Forced Faith), Admiral of the High Seas, War of the Burning Sky adventure path (confirmed to be semi-canon by Ryan). I will also include some fanon facts used in my game to fill in the blanks, these will be marked in italics.
Major spoilers will be hidden by spoiler blocks like this: [sblock]revelations here[/sblock], but still, this thread is intended for GMs, not players.
I would like to thank the creators of Zeitgeist adventure path for their hard work. I would appreciate any additions to this list and will try to keep it actual.

  • [sblock]Over 5000 years ago. World is a staging ground for war between demonic Golden Legion of Egal the Shimmering and psychic beasts of Gidim. Orcs of Ancient civilization create a planar ritual (known as Seal of Toteth), which blocks the world and 8 subplans from the Multiverse. Sun (Vona) is created as a side-effect of the ritual. Part of Gidim war forces is blocked on Apet and try to invade the material plane, Apet is locked off as a hasty addition to the ritual.[/sblock]
  • ~1500 b.o.v. (Before Our Victory). Death of Drakus Coaltongue. War of the Burning Sky tears apart Ragesian Empire, refugees from the Ragesia colonize Yerasol Islands and south Ber.
  • ~1400 b.o.v. Dragons carve their domains in the south Lanjyr.
  • ~1200 b.o.v. King Kelland defeats the fey titans and founds Risur, the first mortal nation on the continent of Lanjyr. In the following centuries, other nations rise up throughout Lanjyr.
  • ~1117 b.o.v.: The demonocracy arises, its monstrous rulers enslaving the primitive nations of the north. Risur keeps it from expanding south, and Elfaivar blocks its eastward growth.
  • 700 b.o.v. The dragon Yerev controlled a small empire, cowing his enemies with the power of his unblinking third eye. It was said this pale, scarred orb could slay any creature it could see. On a moonless night, an army of thousands rose up against the dragon tyrant and managed to slay the beast, but when he collapsed, his eye remained open, killing any who crossed its path.
    Nearby townsfolk carefully surrounded Yerev with all his treasure to appease his spirit, then carted the soil from the nearby hills to bury his corpse, finally blinding his eye. Supposedly the only sign today of Yerev’s cairn is a field of lush potato flowers. Only the most foolish or desperate seek the treasure, lest they inadvertently unearth the deadly eye.
  • ~500 b.o.v.: Triegenes the fisherman founds the Clergy in what is modern-day Danor, overthrows the demonocracy, then dies and ascends to godhood. [sblock]In truth, Ashimu-Shimtu, one of the High Fiends of Demonocracy, gave the Sacrament of Apotheosis to Triegenes of her own accord, so that he might create a world better than one of demons. Triegenes used the ritual as a last measure to defeat demons, but never shared the details with his followers. Ashima-Shimtu is imprisoned in Crypta Hereticarum.[/sblock] When Triegenes passed on from his mortal shell, the prelates of the Clergy cremated his remains in a grand state funeral. As they gathered his ashes to spread across the nation’s soil, they found a small harpoon hook—the kind used by some fishers—which somehow had been caught in the living god’s body since before he achieved divinity.
    The priests crafted the hook into a pendant, and for over a thousand years it has been worn by the hierarchs of the faith, as a reminder that we all have humble origins. Doctrine claimed that it let its wearer learn the history and background of anyone he met, allowing the leader of the
    faith to deal with overly prideful enemies and heads of state.
  • ~50 b.o.v.: The First Victory, a holy war between humans and eladrin, ends with the eladrin losing much territory. [sblock]The war is declared over supposed murder of angel named Lynia (stranded in this world since before the Ancient ritual) by eladrins. In reality, Lynia is imprisoned in Crypta Hereticarum by hierarchs of the Clergy out of fear before her power and immortality.[/sblock]
  • 1 a.o.v. (After Our Victory): The Second Victory begins as an eladrin effort to reclaim lost lands, but ends in their decisive defeat when the eladrin goddess Srasama manifests physically, and is slain. Danor collapses into chaos as the nation becomes a dead magic zone. The seat of the Clergy moves to Crisillyir, which begins to colonize the devastated lands of Elfaivar. Dwarves seize control of their own nation in Drakr.
    Meanwhile, as Lanjyr was reeling from the fall-out from the Great Malice, the Voice of Rot rose up against Risur and cast a smoky pall across the sun. The king at the time, Dukain, was a mighty but aged wizard who wielded magic through his sword. He traveled to a mountain ridge overlooking the High Bayou, known as the Black Needles, and there he battled the fey titan, which had taken the form of a towering anaconda of smoke and peat.
    The king battled the titan high into the Black Needles, and after three days neither side could force the other to surrender. Realizing he could not defeat the titan and thus was unworthy of his crown, Dukain cast aside his sword and abandoned the battle. The titan, in its fey logic, saw that it and the king were equally matched, so when Dukain ceased to fight, so did the titan. Dukain yielded his crown to his chosen successor, the titan returned to its slumber, and Risur was saved.
    Scholars fear that should the lost Sword of the Black Needles ever be recovered, it would signal a resumption of battle for the fey titan, and once again threaten the existence of Risur.
  • 260 a.o.v Humble Hook is lost when an eladrin assassin slew Clergy hierarch and stole the pendant. Critics of the faith claim that its loss was part of a plan to steer the Clergy away from its original humble core, so that high priests could better profit from their stations. [sblock]At some point in time, Humble Hook found its way to Nicodemus, likely presented to him by Kasvarina Varal as a constant reminder of his history.[/sblock]
  • 300 a.o.v.: King Boyle of Risur slays the last dragon tyrant of Ber. The nation of Danor, resurgent with industry and technology, begins to contest Risur for control of the lush Yerasol Archipelago.
  • 345-360 a.o.v. First Yerasol War. Sovereign of Danor Velhelm Jierre declares l'Habitat au Sud Stratagem: Danor requires fertile lands outside of the dead magic zone to support its growing population ergo it is reasonable to acquire this land by force. Danor Navy employ hit-and-run tactics, harassing and pillaging Risuri settlements at Yerasol Archipelago, refusing to take the battle with Risul fleet. A generation of Danor citizens lives under constant risk of retaliatory strike, several times abandoning the coast cities and retreating further into the dead zone around Methia. King of Risur concedes the loss of some islands under the pressure of House of Nobles.
  • 396-399 a.o.v. Second Yerasol War. Declared by king Lorcan Finn and lost due to underpreparedness to evolved Danoran technology.
  • 400 a.o.v. International group lead by king Lorcan Finn destroys the coven of witches at the Cauldron Hill in Flint. Participation of Danoran sniper Amielle Latimer alleviates the after-war tension. [sblock]Obscurati construction under the hill starts.[/sblock]
  • 402 п.Н.П. Coronation of Melissa Gahlot, former Green Knight of the Crown.
  • 455 a.o.v. Worker’s Riots in Cherage nearly burn the city to the ground. Travelling between districts after sunset in prohibited without a pass.
  • 457 a.o.v. Third Yerasol War starts after the assassination of Queen Melissa, supposedly by Danor. Privateer Aodan Lesterman and his crew steal In Lucis Excusus, first grand frigate of Danoran fleet, not without help of archfey Bechela and her giant kraken. Cherage and other coastal cities of Danor are under heavy bombardment. Risur is victorious.
  • 460 a.o.v.: King Aodhan is crowned in Risur. He encourages his people to pursue industry so they can fight back against Danor. Meanwhile in Ber, Bruse Le Roye unites tribes of monstrous races into a new nation.
  • 493 a.o.v.: The Fourth Yerasol War ends, with Risur having lost many islands.
  • 500 a.o.v.: Present day.
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When did the Gidim try to invade according to this timeline?

If you mean the invasion from the ziggurat of Apet vision, it happened [sblock]right after the planar seal taking hold, so it's in the first spoiler block of the OP[/sblock]

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