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Up from the Dust: Characters

Mad Hatter

First Post
Ganshinji Quick-Axe Illum na’Altair Holyfire
Male Human
Ranger 9/ Horizon Walker 2
Chaotic Neutral

Size: M (6’2’’, 180 lb.)
HD: 11d8+ 33
HP: 86
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +5 armor, +1 Ring of Pro, [+5 natural armor])


Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +11/+6/+1
Grapple: +13 (11 BAB + 2 mod)


Full Attack w/Rapid Shot:
+2 Flaming Hand-axe (+13) +13/+8/+3 1d8+4+1d6 x3
+1 Flaming Hand-axe +12/+7 1d6+2+1d6 x3
+1 Returning, Throwing Axe +12 1d6+3 x2

Full Attack w/o Rapid Shot:
+2 Flaming Hand-axe (+15) +15/+10/+5 1d8+4+1d6 x3
+1 Flaming Hand-axe +14/+9 1d6+2+1d6 x3


Fort: +13 (+9 base, +3 mod, +1 magic)
Ref: +11 (+6 base, +4 mod, +1 magic)
Will: +6 (+3 base, +2 mod, +1 magic)


Concentration: +9 (6 C + 3 mod)
Craft (alchemy): +14 (12 C + 2 mod)
Climb: +13 (11 C + 2 mod)
Handle Animal: +11 (10 C + 1 mod)
Hide: 18 (10 C + 4 mod + 4 misc)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +7 (5 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Geopgraphy): +15 (13 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Nature): +15 (13 C + 2 mod)
Knowledge (Planes): +7 (5 C + 2 mod)
Move Silently: +14 (10 C + 4 mod)
Spot: +15 (8 C + 2 mod + 5 misc)
Survival: +15 (8 C + 2 mod + 5 misc)
Use Rope: +13 (9 C + 4 mod)


Quickdraw (human bonus)
Weapon Finesse (1st lvl)
Point Blank Shot (3rd lvl)
Precise Shot (6th lvl)
Rapid Shot (9th lvl)

Class Abilities:

1st Favored Enemy: Aberration +4
2nd Favored Enemy: Elves +2
Combat Syle: Two Weapon Fighting
Animal Companion
Improved Combat Style: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Woodland Stride
Swift Tracker
Wild Empathy
Terrain Mastery: Forest
Terrain Mastery: Desert


1st lvl- 2
2nd lvl- 1

Racial Abilities:

Bonus feat at 1st level
4 extra skill points at 1st level
1 extra skill point every level after 1st




+2 Flaming Hand-axe (18310 gp) [6 lbs]
+1 Flaming Handaxe (62310 gp) [3 lbs]
+1 Returning Throwing axe (8310) [2 lbs]
+1 Chainshirt (1100 gp) [25 lbs]
Circlet of Charisma +2 (4000 gp) [--]
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp)
Boots of SPD (12000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000) [--]
Wand : Cure light wounds- 50 charges (750) [1 lb]
Vials: Warpaint (18 doses), (9000 gp)*

Holyfire Archon Signet Ring (--) ***
Backpack (2 gp) [2 lbs]
Skinning Knife (2 gp) [1 lb]
Bedroll and Tent (10 gp) [25 lbs]
Small Steel Mirror (10 gp) [1/2 lb]
Flint and Steel (1 gp) [--]
10-Fishing Hooks (1 gp) [--]
Grappling Hook ( 1 gp) [4 lbs]
Rope, silk 50 ft (10 gp) [5 lbs]
Boar's Tooth Necklace
3 Antler Knives
Explorer's Outfit (10 gp) [8 lbs]

82 lbs (medium load)
1155 gp remaining

***not always worn
*with your approval

Warpaint Stats (found in Dragonlance Campaign Setting):
+5 natural armor bonus
Fast Healing 5
When it has healed a total of 20 pts of damage, it loses it's effectiveness, no longer granting either the fast healing or the natural armor bonus
500 gp
Craft (Alchemy) DC-25


Ganshinji is a firm believer in the concept of survival of the fittest. He dislikes weakness in himslef and others. Ganshinji's armor is in the pelt of a dire wolverine that he slew himself when he went on his Trial of Survival. The Trial of Survival is the test that all youths in House Altair must go one before they can reach their majority and have a say in clan politics. Ganshinji has a deep and abiding love for the strength, grace, and power of nature. To desecrate it is blasphemy to him. Ganshinji listens to only those who have earned his respect either in strength, wisdom, or intelligence. If moved to anger, however, he will quickly demand a test of arms. He accepts defeat graciously and sees it as proof that he must learn and strive to be better. While Shinji is'n an overly cheerful man, he is a fellow that is generally easy going and willing to adapt to any given circumstance. After all every creature that hopes to survive in the mean world must be able to change as it does.


Ganshinji or Shinji to a select few is the Archon for House Altair, which means he leads it. However, House Altair doesn't require its Archon to be present. The Legate assumes House control. Ganshinji was Legate before he was Archon so he has effectively been Archon for a time. He has 4 wives and 12 heirs that he claims. He sees his younger children rarely, but when he is around Eagle's Nest, which is what the seat of governement for House Altair is called, he drills his children endlessly. In his own youth Shinji was not fostered out. He took ranger training at a young age. Recently, Shinji amicable parted ways with is animal companion. He is on a search to find another whose company he will enjoy and who will enjoy his. Shinji has found that his wanderlust has outgrown his plane, and thus seeks opportunities to move between planes. Ganshinji regularly leaves to go on adventures and improve both his mind and body.


Ganshinji is a wiry man. What he lacks in raw strength and power, he makes up with agility and grace. He is considered ruggedly handsome. Despite being something of a wild man, he takes great care with his appearance, which is not unlike the preening of a male beast on display for a mate. He likes looking good, strong, and attractive. This sometimes leads people to dismiss his abilities and fighting skills. Make no mistake he is quite willing to get dirty and bloody if it means destroying an enemy. His armor is aesthetically the pelt of a dire wolverine that he slew himself. The pelt retains its fur. He hollowed out the head, left the fans and wears it as a mask. Ganshinji wears leathers that look well worn and travelled; however, it is finely made.
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First Post
Wayne Hickok
Fast Hero; Level 4, Gunslinger; Level 2
OCCUPATION: Entertainer (Rodeo Trick Shooter)

STR: . .10 . . +0 (2 pts)
DEX: . 15 . . +2 (6 pts, +1 @ L4)
CON: . 12 . . +1 (4 pts)
INT: . . 10 . . +0 (2 pts)
WIS: . .14 . . +2 (6 pts)
CHA: . 13 . . +1 (5 pts)


ARMOR CLASS: 20 . . (+3 Dex) . . (+5 Fast) . . (+1 Gunslinger) . . (+1 Leather Jacket)

SAVING THROWS . . . Total . Base . Mod . .
Fortitude: . . . . . . . . .+2 . . . +1 . . . +1 . .
Reflex: . . . . . . . . . . .+6 . . . +4 . . . +2 . .
Will: . . . . . . . . . . . . +5 . . . +3 . . . +2 . .

BAB: +4
SPEED: 30 feet

1st Personal Firearms Proficiency
1st Two Weapon Fighting (Ranged)
2nd Point Blank Shot
3rd Precise Shot
4th Double Tap
6th Quick Draw

Simple Weapon Proficiency
Close Combat Shot (Fire without provoking an attack of opportunity)
Weapon Focus – Ruger Service Six (.385 Revolver)

1st Evasion
3rd Uncanny Dodge 1

Bluff (occupation): +6 …(+5 Ranks)…(+1 Dex)…
Balance: +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Dex)…
Drive: +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Dex)…
Gambling: +5 …(+3 Ranks)…(+2 Mod)…
Hide: +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Mod)…
Intimidate: +2 …(+1 Ranks)…(+1 Mod)…
Move Silently: +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Mod)…
Profession (Trick Shooter): +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Wis)…
Ride (Horses): +6 …(+4 Ranks)…(+2 Dex)…
Slight of Hand: +8 …(+6 Ranks)…(+2 Dex)…
Spot: +8 …(+6 Ranks)…(+2 Mod)…
Tumbling: +8 …(+6 Ranks)…(+2 Dex)…



Starting Wealth = +8 (Base) . . +4 (Profession) . . +4 (Occupation)
*The following Items have a purchase DC of 14 or less and as such, do not reduce my starting wealth total.
4x Ruger Service Six (Revolver)
To Hit: +7(+8) . . (+4 BAB) . . (+2 Dex) . . (+1 Weapon Focus) . . (+1 inside 30’) DMG: 2d6 (2d6+1 inside 30’) RANGE: 30
Derrenger (.45)
License (Ruger)
Metal Baton
Leather Jacket
Aluminum Travel Case; 40 lbs capacity
Business Outfit (Various outfits for his business dealings and public appearances)
Casual Outfit (Various outfits for day to day activities. Most common among his outfits are blue jeans, black tee shirt, his dark brown leather jacket, black felt cowboy hat and dark brown cowboy boots)
Digital Camera
Cellular Phone
Zip Tie Handcuffs (25)
Chemical Light Stick (5)
Holster; 2x Hip, 2x Concealed Carry (Shoulder), 2x Concealed Carry (Waistband), and 1x Concealed Carry Ankle (Derrenger)
Standard Binoculars
Flashlight, Standard
Rope (150’)
Sleeping Bag
4 Person Dome Tent
8x Speed Loaders

Ford F-150 Pick-up Truck; Purchase DC 36 (take 20)
-7 wealth, new wealth = 9

Driving down the highway one morning, flipping through the radio stations for something even moderately entertaining, you stumble upon The Howard Stern Show. For what ever reason, either you like the show, took your hands off the radio to flip off a rude punk merging into your lane or what ever, you begin to listen.

Robin: That’s what you think.

Howard: You know, I’ve got to tell you that I’m a little bit excited about our next guest.

Robin: Oh really?

Howard: Not really, I just want to see you hot for someone.

Robin: Oh please! I’m not hot for this guy.

Artie: You said you were hot for him.

Howard: Come on, Robin, don’t lie to us.

Robin: I said he was good looking, I didn’t say anything about him being hot.

Howard: Be honest with us, Robin… does he get you wet?

*Robin chuckles*

Robin: You guys.

Gary (Over intercom): Howard, Wayne Hickok is here and ready.

Howard: Send him in, don’t make him wait out there with Cabby. He might try to kill him.

*There are some shuffling sounds*

Artie: Look, Robin is sweating.

Robin: I am not.

Wayne: Howdy there Mister Stern, Mister Lange, Ma’am.

Howard: Don’t call me Mr. Stern, that’s my father and (does his impersonation of his father, which sounds something like a cross between SCHWARZENEGGER and a stereotypical Jewish man) I don’t talk like this.

Artie: No wonder Robin likes him. He’s straight off of a Marlboro ad.

Wayne: (Chuckling) Maybe, I reckon. But them fellers is a might broader than me.

Howard: Wayne, I’ve got to ask you. Is it true that you are related to Wild Bill Hickok?

Wayne: James Butler Hickok, Yes sir, ayam. But, not directly. More like a cousin but way on back.

Howard: Having that name probably helps getting work in your line of business.

Wayne: I reckon it does. Kind o’ pickin’ up where my kin left off. Even that goin’ ta jail part, ‘cept he didn’t go ta jail. Wild Bill was doin’ some Marshallin’ but got fired fer shootin’ too many folks an’ ain’t all of ‘em bad.

Howard: You just got out of jail, right?

Wayne: Ayup. It shore is good ta be mah own man again.

Howard: How long were you in there?

Wayne: Well, It were just over two years now, an’ a couple more on parole.

Howard: Some people consider you a hero for what you did. Can you tell us about it?

Wayne: Well, I jest did what any other red blooded American would do. I’d jest got done doin’ a show and was feelin’ a might hungry. Me an’ mah pardner stopped on down at one o’ them there burger houses. Well then, some youngster comes rushin’ in wavin’ a glock around like some kind o’ movie thug, with the gun all turned over on its side. As it were, a cop was right across the street and seen him through the windows. Before that boy could even git the money, that place was surrounded. First thing he does is grab a girl fer a hostage an’ starts demandin’ stuff. Well, I hadn’t’a thought ‘bout it, but I had brought one of mah guns in, holstered under mah jacket. The boy shot a couple of shots at the cops, drivin’ ‘em back ta their patrol cars. He was using that girl real well as a shield and not one of them cops had a clean shot. But I did. So, I took it. The boy weren’t even lookin’ at me so I had all the time I needed ta make the shot. Since I’m a sharp shooter, it was an easy shot. I didn’t like killin’ no man, but that boy wasn’t safe fer no one there an’ was gonna git someone kilt, I reckon. Well, I got arrested and all and even convicted. But that judge must of thought I was some kind of hero too ‘cuz he didn’t sentence me very hard. I heared that I could’a been locked up fer twenty.

Robin: Imagine that.

Howard: Bet Wild Bill wouldn’t have gotten locked up for that.

Wayne: Times is different. But truth be told, I’d rather have been locked up than have things still like they was. Some folks just ain’t got no sense these days an’ with all the shootin’s already.

Howard: I bet he gets a lot of tail. If I was that good looking I’d get a lot of girls. Man.

*Wayne laughs*

Artie: He’s really got it made now too, got that bad boy, ex-con hero thing going.

Howard (Laughing): He can appeal to every kind of girl. Maaaaaan. How many girls you bang?

Wayne: A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell, Mist… er… Howard.

Howard: I know but, really, how many?

Artie: You’re only telling us… and thirteen million other people.

*Howard laughs*

Howard: Yeah, just let us in on it, how many?

Wayne (chuckling): No, no. You know, I’m back working. I Still get ta use my guns.

Artie: I knew it.

Howard: I’d like to use my gun more often.

Wayne: Golly, no. I mean, I’m still workin’ the shows, doin’ my sharpshootin’ bit fer the rodeo.

Howard: Oh man, Cowboy babes are hot in those tight jeans.

Artie: After two years in the slammer, hot or not, let the banging commence.

Robin: They still let you shot your guns on parole?

Artie: Bang bang, baby!

Robin: Artie!

*Howard laughs*

Wayne: Usually, fer the shows. Jest need ta clear a special permit in each city… sometimes things don’t get done in time so I can’t and I gotta find somethin’ else ta do. But usually its OK. The rodeo is tourin’ these here Yankee states right now. We’ll be here for the next few months.

Gary (on intercom): Howard…

Howard: I know, we have to take a break. But don’t go away. We’ll get down to how many girls Wayne Hickok has banged since getting out and take some calls right after this.

*Station Identification*


Ory Willowfarthing
Male Strongheart Hin Apprentice Ranger/Fighter 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 3 ft. 4 inches
Weight: 38 lbs.
Hair: Dark-sandy blond
Eyes: Light blue
Skin: Tanned
Age: 23

Str: 12 (+1) [14 roll, -2 racial]
Dex: 19 (+4) [17 roll, +2 racial]
Con: 13 (+1) [13 roll]
Int: 13 (+1) [13 roll]
Wis: 9 (-1) [9 roll]
Cha: 11 (+0) [11 roll]

Racial Abilities: Small size; Bonus feat; +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks; +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear; +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings; +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

Class Abilities: Armor proficiency (all), Shield proficiency (buckler), Simple weapons, Martial ranged weapons, Warsling, Skiprock; Favored Enemy (goblinoid)

Hit Dice: 1d8+1
HP: 9
AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Size)
Init: +4 [+4 Dex]
Speed: 20 ft (15 ft with backpack)
Armor Check Penalty: -2 (-3 with backpack)

Fort +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Refl +5 [+1 base, +4 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 base, -1 Wis]

BAB//Grapple: +0//-3
Masterwork Warsling +6 ranged (1d6+1, 20/x4, 50 ft range, bludgeoning)
Skiprock +5 ranged(1d3+1, 20/x2, 10 ft range, bludgeoning)
Spear +2 melee, two-handed (1d6+1, 20/x3, 20 ft range, piercing)

Skills (6+1x4sp, max ranks 4/2):
Hide +12 [4 ranks, +4 Dex, +4 Size]
Move Silently +10 [4 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 Racial]
Spot +3 [4 ranks, -1 Wis]
Survival +1 [2 ranks, -1 Wis]
Craft (woodworking) +3 [2 ranks, +1 Int]
Craft (weaponsmith) +3 [2 ranks, +1 Int]
Listen +3 [2 ranks, -1 Wis, +2 Racial]
Heal +1 [2 ranks, -1 Wis]
Jump +5 [2 ranks, +1 Str, +2 Racial]
Climb +5 [2 ranks, +1 Str, +2 Racial]
Swim +3 [2 ranks, +1 Str]

Feats: Point Blank Shot (1st level), Fearless (halfling), Precise Shot (fighter 1)

Languages: Common, Halfling, Shaaran, Goblin.

Weight (Worn/Total): 20.75lb / 44.75lb
Encumbrance (32.25lb / 64.5lb / 97.5lb)
Max Press 195lb / Max Push or Pull 487.5lb
Money: 6gp, 2sp, 8cp

Worn Equipment (20.75lb):
Explorers Outfit (free) (2lb)
Masterwork Warsling (bonus regional equipment) (.5lb)
Chain shirt (100gp) (12.5lb)
Dagger (2gp) (.5lb)

Belt pouch (1gp) (.125lb)
--10 Halfling Skiprocks (30gp) (2.5lb)

Belt pouch (1gp) (.125lb)
--10 Sling Bullets (1sp) (2.5lb)

Carried Equipment (24lb):
Spear (2gp) (3lb)

Backpack (2gp) (.25lb)
--10 Halfling Skiprocks (30gp) (2.5lb)
--10 Sling Bullets (1sp) (2.5lb)
--Bedroll (1sp) (1.25lb)
--Flint & Steel (1gp) (-lb)
--Grappling Hook, Collapsible (3gp) (1lb)
--Ink, 2 vials (16gp) (-lb)
--Inkpens, 5 (5sp) (-lb)
--Hooded Lantern (7gp) (1lb)
--Oil, 4 pints (4sp) (2lb)
--Journal (15gp) (1.5lb)
--Trail Rations, 4 days (2gp) (1lb)
--Silk Rope (10gp) (2.5lb)
--Soap (5sp) (.5lb)
--Hammock (5gp) (.25lb)
--Waterskins, 2 (2gp) (2lb)
--Whetstone (2cp) (.25lb)
--Artisans Tools (5gp) (2.5lb)

Appearance: Often wearing a broad-brimmed hat looking much the backwater farmer type, Ory has a folksy charm about him. His sandy blond hair falls in a slight disarray, it is kept reasonably cut, never reaching lower than the bottom of his ears. The one surprising feature is his light blue eyes which glitter with an innocence which he retains regardless of what he has seen. He wears a comfortable and functional explorers outfit: russet cotton trousers, beige tunic tucked under a leather belt along with a pair of leather gloves, stout ankle-high boots, hooded wool cloak and an auburn vest. Looped over a metal hook on the belt is a worked-leather warsling nestled between two belt pouches. He carries with him a well stocked backpack, a bedroll strapped to its underside and a lantern dangling from a hook. He uses a spear taller than him as a walking stick and is often rolling a interestingly shaped stone over and over in his free hand.

Personality: Like many of his strongheart kin, Ory refers to himself and his people as Hin, rather than the sometimes derogatory halfling. He is trusting and straightforward, much preferring a handshake to the wordiness of others. He has a backwater manner, a mix of chivalry and naivety, one that he prefers to keep. Some might mistake his ways for a dim wit, but he possess a sharp mind and a simple modesty. Full of youthful innocence he is never gripped with fear yet at the same is less wary of situations.

Still to come


First Post
Nebiros'leth Azazoth Melnor Aggorthog U'yacharnathu Boamoth Losh-har, III
Male Imp
Wilder 4/Fiend of Possession 6
Unknown Alignment

Size: T (2’2’’, 16 lb.)
HD: 3d8 + 10d6 + 24
HP: 77
Initiative: +7
Speed: 20 ft, fly 50 ft (P)
AC: 35 (+7 Armor, +7 Dex, +2 Size, +5 Natural, +4 Deflection), touch 25, flat-footed 27
XP: 130,000

Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 24 (+7)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 28 (+9)

Base Attack Bonus: +9
Grapple: +2 (+9 BAB + 1 Str - 8 Size)

Sting +19 (1d4+2 plus poison plus 1d6 fire)

Fort: +16 (+9 base, +2 Con, +5 Magic)
Ref: +21 (+9 base, +7 Dex, +5 Magic)
Will: +26 (+12 base, +3 Wis, +5 Magic, +2 Iron Will, +4 insight)

Total = Ability + Ranks + Misc
Concentration: +10 = 2 + 8 + 0
Diplomacy: +19 = 9 + 10 + 0
Bluff: +15 = 9 + 6 + 0
Hide: +29 = 7 + 14 + 8
Knowledge (Arcana): +9 = 3 + 6 + 0
Knowledge (Psionics): +9 = 3 + 6 + 0
Knowledge (Nobility): +5 = 3 + 2 + 0
Knowledge (The Planes): +9 = 3 + 6 + 0
Listen: +15 = 3 + 12 + 0
Move Silently: +17 = 7 + 10 + 0
Psicraft: +13 = 3 + 10 + 0
Search: +13 = 3 + 10 + 0
Spellcraft: +15 = 3 + 12 + 0
Spot: +15 = 3 + 12 + 0

Iron Will
Weapon Finesse
Practiced Manifester (identical to Practiced Spellcaster)
Cumbrous Will
Empower Power

Racial Abilities:
Poison (DC 14)
Detect good, detect magic at will
Invisibility 1/day
Alternate form (boar and gnome)
Commune 1/day
Fast Healing 2
Fire Resistance 5
Poison Immunity
Damage Reduction 5/good or silver

Class Abilities:
Wild Surge +2
Psychic Enervation
Elude Touch
Surging Euphoria +1
Ethereal Form
Hide Presence
Possess Objects
Magic Item
Control Object
Animate Object
Possess Creature
Ally or Enemy
Possess Noncontinuous Object
Control Creature

Manifester Level: 8

Powers Known: (53 points per day)
mind thrust, empty mind, id insinuation


+5 Mithril Shirt (25550 gp) [1 lb]
+2 Flaming Necklace of Natural Weapons (Savage Species) (9600 gp) [--]
Circlet of Charisma +6 (36000 gp) [--]
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp) [--]
Periapt of Wisdom +2 (4000 gp) [--]
Ring of Telekinesis (75000 gp) [--]
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25000 gp) [.2 lb]
Ring of Protection +4 (32000 gp) [--]
Phylactery of Undetectable Alignment (2000 gp) [--]
Mantle of Spell Resistance (90000 gp) [--]
Portable Hole (20000 gp) [--]
Dorje of body adjustment (manifester level 13, 23 charges) (15698 gp) [--]
Crystal Mask of Mindarmor (10667 gp) [.05 lb]

2702 gp

Nebiros was a simple imp, born and raised on the rocky slopes of the sixth layer of Hell, following the orders of anybody larger than himself and hoping one day to have it all. Everything changed the day some foolish wizard calling himself a demonologist decided to trace a magic circle and try his hand at summoning a devil. The wizard thought he was some kind of smooth-talking bargain master, and if that's what he wanted to think, Neb wasn't about to alter that perception. After a little friendly banter, the imp agreed to the terms and set off to retrieve a "powerful artifact" from some backwoods dungeon.

Turns out the wizard was right about the bit about the artifact, too. It took several days for Nebiros to sneak through the winding tunnels of a ruined fortress, but he finally located the glowing crystal he sought. As soon as he wrapped his grimy little paws around it, though, it exploded. Yep, the crystal just blew up, showering our little friend with a blast of energy. With the artifact destroyed, the contract was voided and Nebiros was free to go. But something felt odd.

After a few months of experimentation, Nebiros had developed quite a talent. That crystal was some kind of storage unit for pychic energy, and when it exploded, a small amount of the power leaked into his body, opening a path to a whole new realm of manipulation. Not quite ready to head back home, Nebiros has decided that maybe the Prime Material isn't that bad after all.

Nebiros is like most imps: a tiny, bat-winged, barb-tailed little bugger. He has shiny black skin with ivory highlights on his wingtips, face, and tiny claws. His miniscule cranium is decorated with two rows of sharp horns running down either side of his head and is punctuated by two eyes that, though originally crimson, have taken on a deep green coloration since his acquisition of psionic prowess. Unlike the imp pictured in the Monster Manual, Nebiros does not display external ears. His mean little face is punctuated by two glaring red eyes and rows of dagger-like teeth. A long tail extends behind him and ends in a wicked barb and a swollen poison gland.

When he's not possessing someone, but he needs to interact with "normal" people, Nebiros will take the form of a male gnome with greasy black hair and piercing blue eyes. In gnomish guise, he usually wears a wide-brimmed hat and loose travelers clothing.
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