Upcoming Adventure Review


If DC boosts his adventure too much, is he leaving our new player out in the cold? I realize there are veterans waiting, but the fact is just about everyone who's been around long enough has another character, so while there may be several characters of veterans sitting around, the veteran players each have at least one LPF experience going on.

Rolyat58 only has one character with no means of advancing him unless a level 1 game opens up. For that matter, fggs02 only seems to have a single level 1 character, too. Seems like, numbers or no, making sure a new player / player with his first character isn't left stuck in the corner should be a higher priority for the low-level adventure, yes? So long as it can accomodate level 2's without being a cake walk, I don't think there should be more pumping than that.

Very valid points. The adventure would need bumped at least enough to handle some second level characters in it though. As two first level adventurers aren't enough for a full party in a low level adventure. But if it was bumped just a touch to accommodate some second levels it might work well and get the new folks involved a little quicker as well.

I have a PFS game that should be wrapping up in the relatively near future in PbP terms at which point I will look at running one for the LPF. I can likely find something to match whichever levels we need at the moment.

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Since I will be reviewing DC's adventure, I will try to ensure that it will be okay for a smart/cunning level 1 rogue to participate and survive. Though, if he charges into the teeth of danger, then it isn't my fault. ;)

If Rolyat58 isn't interested in that one, he can tag along with Cythera. A 6th level and 1st level is 3.5 APL. :p She promises not to chuck him into the traps to set them off.

I have no sympathy for Fester though. He left us hanging in Beggar's Belief and hasn't even bothered to update his sheet from those awards. He is probably only an encounter shy of reaching 2nd level anyway at around 1200XP.


First Post
updating my adventure in such a way will likely require it to be heavily revamped from what I had initially considered as it had originally been intended to be for 1st level characters, then I modified it for a group mixture of somewhere between 2nd and 3rd level, and now I am hearing people want a group mixture of 1st and 2nd levels? I am so confused XD

Satin Knights

First Post
I think the 2nd and 3rd mix would be fine. There is one new 1st level character that we want to get into a game because it is his first character. But we can protect a rogue who stays in the back quite easily. He is little. We can stuff him in a backpack. :p


First Post
Well, there's still 3 other second levels in the inn, and Eanos is 3rd level. So that's four plus our 1st level if that's the plan. I suppose we can argue Eanos balances Davian, though we should generally take into account my inability to optimize, so I tend to figure my characters are really about a level behind in efficacy from most others. :p


Well, there's still 3 other second levels in the inn, and Eanos is 3rd level. So that's four plus our 1st level if that's the plan. I suppose we can argue Eanos balances Davian, though we should generally take into account my inability to optimize, so I tend to figure my characters are really about a level behind in efficacy from most others. :p

Fulgrim is 3rd, he just won't be leveled until this weekend.


Just to confirm, Fury's adventure is a solo affair, it was not changed to include Cythera?

What is the progress on the adventure for 5th levels?

DC's adventure is going to take care of jkasen's 3rd level character, but Veniarus appears to be left hanging unless another DM is working on something else. I also have heard that Bloodcove Disguise is nearing completion and that will bring an influx of 4-5th level characters.

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