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[Updated 7/5] Latest update on my FR game: as ever, opinions wanted


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I've finally gotten to a point where I'm happy with my various plot threads and how they connect together. As such, soon I will begin statting things out so the gameplay can begin. Before I did that, however, I wanted to show them to all of you folks one more time and see if there are any last-minute adjustments I need to make.

I've first got a small list of the major factions and their plans or ties:
* Twisted Rune – wish to expand their sphere of influence to encompass much of the Sword Coast, using Cormyr as their tool to do so.
* “Alec Obarskyr” – young fighter/bard maneuvered by the Rune into a key position in their little scheme to destabilize the balance of power on Faerun. Through the use of several powerful magics, he will claim to be a previously-unknown son of Azoun and therefore an heir to the throne. Adding to his claim will be the presence of the wizard Vanderghast, who stands at his side! After several events spiral out of his control, Alec will commit the forces of Cormyr to conquering and occupying neighboring lands, “for the good of all people.” The great irony is that Alec really IS an heir to the throne of Cormyr, but none of the players involved (except for the highest ranks of the TR, of course) knew it.
* “Vanderghast” – a powerful lich in the service of the Rune has developed an Improved Magic Jar spell that switches his soul into the wizard’s body, and is permanent until dispelled. He remains at Alec’s side as the wizard had the prior king, as part of the ruse. Also, he is there to “remove” the young king should he outlive his usefulness…
* Zhentarim – on Vanderghast’s orders, they make an attempt on King Alec’s life. The attempt is designed to fail, and will in fact place the blame squarely on the shoulders of one of Cormyr’s neighbors.
* “Drow of Cormanthor” – really followers of Elistraee. Having had a portent of dark days coming, they disguise themselves as drow, attempt to kidnap young Azoun V, and fake his death (with the aid of an amulet of nondetection). In truth, they transport him to Evereska for safekeeping.
* Purple Dragon of Cormyr – Alec and Vanderghast will attempt to raise this great beast as part of their campaign to “unite” the Sword Coast under their rule…
* Elaith Craulnobler – learns the true fate of young Azoun, and leaks it to Cormyr, leaning them towards war with Evereska. Then approaches the PCs and tells them the truth about Vanderghast: that he is in truth possessed by a powerful lich, and that he knows where the phylactery is. To turn the tide of the battle, they need to go there and destroy it – but they’ll owe him a favor for the information…
* Unnamed Demon – one night, Alec is slipped a magical “rufie.” It makes him an unknowing, undetectable host for a powerful archdevil. Should Alec (who is indeed truly innocent) be killed, the demon will immediately be called into being.
* Evereska – drawn into these affairs by harboring the infant Azoun V until he comes of age. When word of his survival is leaked, the elves find themselves on the verge of being invaded by Cormyr.

Finally, I've got a list of specific individual-session plots I wanna do:
* Various things with Cormyr, including:
Finding Alec and getting him to Cormyr in the first place (so the PCs have ties to him)
The attempt on Alec and the kidnapping
Various invasions and battles
* Underdark/Cormanthor:
Revenge for the death of Azoun V, among other things
* Dragons:
Unknown dragon encounter (it is high-level D&D, after all)
Purple Dragon of Cormyr
* Beholders:
Small beholder-run “nation” stealing children from nearby town to raise them as loyal soldiers
* Daemonfay:
Kidnapping elves from Silver Marches, including relatives of the party elf
* Raising of an Army / Evereska:
To deal with Cormyr (late in the campaign, obviously)
* Alec & Vanderghast
* Thayan Zulkir of Conjuration:
Hunting down one of the party (his idea, not mine, but it sure does sound fun)
* The Shaar:
Wanna set something here, dunno what yet
* Westgate / Night Masks:
Place where the lich’s phylactery is hidden?

Plus anything else I can think of.

Whatcha think?

*** updated with latest updates (gosh, that's awkward-sounding) based on conjecture throughout the thread ***
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"I've hired you to help me start a war... it's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition."

Sounds good! Of course there will be some who say that since Vanderghast is on the power level of Elminster and Khelben that it would be impossible to Magic Jar him. To them I say anyone can roll a one for a saving throw. :)

If you REALLY want to screw with your players make Vecna the Lich in question and Kas (his traitorous Vampriric Captain) could also make an appearance to point the players in the right direction. Kind of a "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend" thing since Kas is very evil in his own right. You could use Vecna to give some clues that all is not right. For example, have the players meet Vanderghast before Vecna takes over his body and they PC's see him cast spells with both hands. Vecna, being one handed, probably learned to cast spells with only one hand some time ago so the PC's could then see him cast the same spell later on with only one hand. Vecna also probably turns his head slightly since he only has one eye. When he is in Vanderghast's body that trait will probably still be there. Just little things to let the party know that something is different.

As a possible alternative to the Drow kidnapping Azoun V, what if that event wasn't planned by the Twisted Rune? What if it were followers of Elistraee who received a portent of things to come and kidnapped him to keep him safe so that later on he could reclaim the throne of Cormyr. Maybe they weren't even Drow but Moon Elf allies of Silverymoon disguised to look like Drow so that it would throw off Alec's agents when they attempt to track down Azoun V? If you've read any of the Grendel War Child comics it kind of runs in a similar vein.

If I think of anything else I'll post it here. Good stuff though... I may have to steal some of it. :D
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Jürgen Hubert

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Personally, I'd avoid putting in Vecna - wrong pantheon... ;)

One thing to remember: The Twisted Rune aren't out there for power - they are out there for entertainment. Thus, they won't necessarily use the most efficient means available to conquer Cormyr and the surrounding areas. No, they will milk the irony of turning a land that stands for Law and Goodness into a bastion for Evil for all that it's worth.

They could probably snuff out the PCs anytime they want to - but those heroic do-gooder types are just so darn funny. So if they make a nuisance out of themselves, the PCs might acquire some "patron" (secretly a member of the Twisted Rune) with some sob story or other who will send them on a wild goose chase in the name of twisted entertainment.

Even if the PCs figure out that there's something shady going on, the Twisted Rune will probably create a few weird cults and conspirational groups to act as flunkies and to obscure their influence. If you can get it, GURPS Illuminati is a great resource for this...


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Jürgen Hubert said:
Personally, I'd avoid putting in Vecna - wrong pantheon... ;)

I disagree... Vecna has been in Greyhawk and Ravenloft. The Hand and Eye of Vecna have been in every DMG since 1E as sample artifacts so I take it to mean that he can exist in any setting. Kind of like saying that Azmodeus and Orcus have no place in the Forgotten Realms. I'd assume that many people don't use them. I'd also assume that like me many do. Personal taste is all it boils down to. I like using enemies that the players (not the characters) are familiar with. I've had high level parties that are all guts and glory if they are preparing to go face a lich. Mention the word "Vecna" to the same people and you'll generally get a totally different reaction.

Oh well... just my personal take on it.


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Pantheon don't matter. IMC Vecna made an attempt to gain influence in the realms. And in truth, I am contemplating making the wilderlands and Flaeness part of the same world. Oerth = Toril I mean really, whose to say that Faerun is not the west side of the continent that the Flaeness is the east side of. After the hoardlands you just have Seven Seas of Dust. The sea of dust is just the one that Flaenners are aware of.

Even if you don't do that, all sorts of gods find thier way to Toril anyways, why not Vecna...

Or Vecna could be a version of him that is pre divine, pre wraith, from back when he was still a lich before he was destroyed by Kas.


Mystery Man

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There's plenty of lich's in the Rune to go round that could pimp slap Vanderghast and take his lunch money. No need for Vecna, although that's not a bad idea.

* Daemonfay:
Kidnapping elves from Silver Marches, including relatives of the party elf
Ay! You been lookin' at my notes?

What level are you starting at? I think I may have missed that thread.


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Mystery Man said:
What level are you starting at? I think I may have missed that thread.

14th level... the groups' been playing too much Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark lately, and they're all gung-ho for high levels now...

How about you start the adventure by giving the players an opportunity to directly influence putting Alec on the Throne?

- the infant is captured... who will lead the country while the PCs search for little Azoun? Along comes Alec with a "i'm the heir, but no-one would believe me, will you help me?" story.... the PCs end up placing him on the throne (with behind-the-scenes help from "Vangy")

it'll really hit them when they find out the've put a fake on the throne.... makes for a nice twist IMO



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Silas the Mariner said:
How about you start the adventure by giving the players an opportunity to directly influence putting Alec on the Throne?

- the infant is captured... who will lead the country while the PCs search for little Azoun? Along comes Alec with a "i'm the heir, but no-one would believe me, will you help me?" story.... the PCs end up placing him on the throne (with behind-the-scenes help from "Vangy")

it'll really hit them when they find out the've put a fake on the throne.... makes for a nice twist IMO


That's a great idea, but I'm having some logical problems with it...

If Alec shows up first, then Azoun is captured, it's going to look like Alec did it in order to get himself on the throne. And Alec's as clueless in much of this as everyone else.

If Azoun's kidnapped first, how can I make finding Alec first seem to be the more important of the two?

I'm having problems wording this, but do you see the problem I'm having working this out? Any suggestions?


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SurfMonkey01 said:
That's a great idea, but I'm having some logical problems with it...

If Alec shows up first, then Azoun is captured, it's going to look like Alec did it in order to get himself on the throne. And Alec's as clueless in much of this as everyone else.

If Azoun's kidnapped first, how can I make finding Alec first seem to be the more important of the two?

I'm having problems wording this, but do you see the problem I'm having working this out? Any suggestions?

Would they really even bother looking for Alec as long as it is believed that Azoun V is still alive? The Steel Regent would probably hold down the fort until Azoun was rescued but if she believed that Azoun was dead then no doubt they'd start looking for a new heir. SO, what if during the kidnapping the kidnappers arranged it to look like both the kidnapper and Azoun were killed (think of Raiders of the Lost Ark when Marion was taken and Indy thought she was blown up in the truck explosion)? If it were a good group that kidnapped Azoun they'd definitely do something like this to convince the evil forces that there would be no threat to their reign. They'd slap a amulet of non-detection on the child as soon as they kidnapped him so the Vanderghast wouldn't be able to scry him and would thus think that he had really been killed.

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