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[UPDATED] Dragon+: An Official D&D iOS App

Dragon Magazine on iOS apparently some folks are finding this in the iOS news stand app...I'm still investigating so in the meantime...I'm just going to put this here

Dragon Magazine on iOS

apparently some folks are finding this in the iOS news stand app...I'm still investigating so in the meantime...I'm just going to put this here

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That's rather insulting, Marty. You're saying I cannot understand the quotes I posted, unlike you, who can?

No, it was totally a joke, man. Meant only to be a jest about American/British differences. Not an insult. Hence, the smiley.

It was not intended in any sense to be insulting, so I apologize if it was taken in that vein. Just a joke.


Side tangent: There seems to be an odd forum bug where it says that this thread has 12 pages, but then if you come in through a different link, it says 25 pages.

I'm not certain how to consistently reproduce the bug, but you might want to keep an eye on it.

This link seems to results in only 13 pages of comments in the navigation:

This link results in 25 pages:
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Naked and living in a barrel
It was the "Wizards is out of the RPG business" that drew my response.

As for the question above, when you stick "random" in there it shows that you think they have no plan, to answer;

Right now I feel the info is too sparse for me. I would like weekly articles personally, with a little bit more crunch than they have now.

However, the only way I would "be with you" on the out of RPGs idea, would be if they stopped nearly completely.

Just an opinion.

The random part is about the subject of the articles. The first one I believe was the Eberron one with the races and artificer. I would of thought they would have followed with Athas (Muls, Thri-Kreens, Defilers etc), then Krynn (Kenders, etc), but we got mass combat rules and future tech. Nothing wrong with those, but there is no unifying theme. It seems random.

Out of the RPG business might be excessive, but the RPG part sure seems like it took the back seat to the brand and how it can be merchandised. So far, what has been announced for this year? Novels and a video game. Nothing wrong with those, but if it is only the RPG that interest you, you might be a bit disappointed.


I think, given the context, that "pc/console/mac/mobile content" refers to a third type of content, in addition to the other two types, "DM and Player content".

That is to say, Dragon+ will include materials related to their PC, console, Mac, and Mobile games.

I find it much less likely that they instead intend to make Dragon+ readable on a console.

That's pretty much what I read. It says nothing about the magazine itself being on pc/console/mac. Just that it will covering pc/console/mac content.

Unless Wizards is planning on tattooing magazine articles on players and DMs, pc/console/mac/mobile content simply means they'll cover D&D content for those platforms. Just like the Sword Coast Legends article in Dragon+.

Of course, it's also possible the wording is just poor and Dragon+ will be available on all platforms.

Jeff Carlsen

I agree that the quote refers to the content of the magazine and not the platforms it will appear on. That said, given a long enough time line, I'm sure we'll see the content available broadly.

Koren n'Rhys

I think, given the context, that "pc/console/mac/mobile content" refers to a third type of content, in addition to the other two types, "DM and Player content".

That is to say, Dragon+ will include materials related to their PC, console, Mac, and Mobile games.

I find it much less likely that they instead intend to make Dragon+ readable on a console.
Not that I have a horse in this race by any means, but this is how I'd parse out that sentence as well. They indicate the APP is free on iOS and Android, and the CONTENT includes "DM and Player content", as well as "pc/console/mac/mobile content"

And I intend to patiently wait for the Android version so I can enjoy what they're sharing for free. I do hope they broaden the scope of the app a bit, based on what I've read so far. I don't go to the Wizards site every day, and it would be neat if they use the app to push out notifications that there is a new Sage Advice, or whatever up on the site. I have no problem clicking a link from there and being taken to the site itself to read it. Though maybe the FB, Twitter, etc. functions will do that for me. A one-stop source for info from WotC will be cool.


You may need to polish up on your American English, Russ. :D

But, again, YOU CAN USE ANDROID APPS ON WINDOWS. Good grief, it's been repeated at least four times in this thread.

Look, if someone heard about these Dragon+ apps, and didn't have a smart phone (presuming the Android App has been released - if that turns out to be vapourware, then fair enough, criticise all you like) and wanted to see them, what would they do? Would they immediately throw up their hands and say, "Well, crap, I don't have an iPhone or an Android, so, I guess I'm SOL"? Or would they do a TEN SECOND google search and find the answer?

I had no idea about the reader thing. Honest I didn't. I happened to see it when I clicked your links. But, if I was using Chrome, meaning that I'm at least somewhat Internet savvy, wouldn't you immediately do a google search for "How do I read Dragon+ articles on a desktop machine"? Or, "How do I read an app on Windows"? Which will bring you to this thread and the answer.

It's not like it's that hard.


This tweet and reply seems relevant to this conversation:


It sounds to me like they haven't decided how much of it to make available outside iOS and android.

But, to be honest, this doesn't surprise me. They've gone 'app' for their magazines, and it seems like a very good delivery mechanism. I'm guessing if there is enough demand, they'll publish the articles on the website (though I suppose they'll need to find a way to include the ads and whatnot).



I was under the impression that your options were:

1. Use this app on an android or iOS device.
2. Don't read the content.

That seems to match "forced to use the phone to read up on D&D content", in the sense of "if you wish to read this content, you must use the device".
Thank you.

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