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[UPDATED] Dragon+: An Official D&D iOS App

Dragon Magazine on iOS apparently some folks are finding this in the iOS news stand app...I'm still investigating so in the meantime...I'm just going to put this here

Dragon Magazine on iOS

apparently some folks are finding this in the iOS news stand app...I'm still investigating so in the meantime...I'm just going to put this here

View attachment 68157

This is certainly a cool surprise. It's not like people have been asking for the return of Dragon for a while. ;)

A newsstand app certainly makes the most sense. It doesn't rely on people visiting the website for content and fits the modern paradigm of newsmag consumption. People willing to sit at a computer screen to read a magazine are likely rare, and many likely offloaded the PDFs onto a tablet anyway.
And it replaces the WotC, which was certainly not article-friendly but needed to have the generic information front for newcomers.

This feels like one of the most topical e-initiatives WotC has done. They've been behind the mobile curve for a while, launching magazines and DDI tools right before the tablet explosion.

I just wish we knew if future issues were also going to be free...

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I'm A Banana

Yeah, sounds like free, and the price you'll pay will be the fact that this will BRAND at you for a while (and maybe they'll have ads for other stuff).

....reasonable trade off, I think! I'd be annoyed if I had to pay for it and it continued to BRAND at me. :p


Yep, it's available in japan

Well, as far as I know it is NOT available in Japan. What's the reason behind that decision?
Hi, I live in Japan. I just saw the news article this morning (on my iPad), clicked on the embedded article, went right to iTunes, downloaded it and started reading before coming back here to check out the comments.
Definitely available in Japan.

Hi, I live in Japan. I just saw the news article this morning (on my iPad), clicked on the embedded article, went right to iTunes, downloaded it and started reading before coming back here to check out the comments.
Definitely available in Japan.
Is your iPad's home region set to Japan? For iTunes and your credit card and such?


Hopefully someone lets WoTC know it's pretty easy to compile a Windows 10 app now from their iOS source code, and it now targets phones, tablets, and PCs.

Oh god, I'll admit I'm surprised Mr. Perkins. The successor of Dragon magazine is an Iphone app. I know I've always dreamed of reading the campaign settings and other D&D publications on the small screen of my android. On the bright side of things, I don't think their could be worse news, so smooth sailing from here.


This sounds pretty cool. I am not smartphone savvy, I have a galaxy s5 through my employer, but not sure what a news reader app or whatever is. is it an Iphone thing?

Hopefully this will work on my Kindle Fire hdx tablet when the android version is released. I hate reading on the small screen of the phone.


I am not a crunch lover... but is there any crunch in there or all the articles are story-flavor ?
Also and most important... are the articles printable?

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