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[UPDATED] Green Ronin Finds Religion In D&D 5E's BOOK OF THE RIGHTEOUS

Back in the early days D&D 3rd Edition, Green Ronin released two books for the game which I adored and still have to this day. One was the Book of Fiends: Legions of Hell (a supplement which was followed up by Armies of the Abyss). The other was Aaron Loeb's Book of the Righteous, an enormous 300+ page tome crammed full of religions to use in your D&D game. It detailed the churches, the rituals, the beliefs, and more behind a detailed pantheon of over 20 churches.

Back in the early days D&D 3rd Edition, Green Ronin released two books for the game which I adored and still have to this day. One was the Book of Fiends: Legions of Hell (a supplement which was followed up by Armies of the Abyss). The other was Aaron Loeb's Book of the Righteous, an enormous 300+ page tome crammed full of religions to use in your D&D game. It detailed the churches, the rituals, the beliefs, and more behind a detailed pantheon of over 20 churches.


UPDATE: This Kickstarter is now live.

So the book is coming to Kickstarter soon, and the new rules material will be written by Robert J. Schwalb, one of D&D 5E's designers (Schwalb produces his own current RPG, Shadow of the Demon Lord). Green Ronin, of course, is the company which brought you Out of the Abyss for D&D 5E. This book definitely won't be lacking in 5th Edition pedigree!

The original version contained these religions, each detailed with a half dozen pages on myths, workings, churches, orders, and more.

The Old Gods. The Eyes of Urian, The Foundations of Rontra, The Basins of Shalimyr, The Druids of Eliwyn, The Followers of the Nameless One.

The Gods of the Tree. The Healing Halls of Morwyn, The Temples of Terak, The Vineyards of Zheenkeef, The Scriptoriums of Tinel, The Sacristies of Mormelcar.

The Gods of the Womb. The Courts of Maal, The Houses of Darmon, The Lyceums of Aymara, The Guildhalls of Korak, The Hearths of Anwyn.

The Three Sisters. The Dark Sister, The Red Sister, The Golden Sister.

The Evil Gods. Asmodeus, Canarak, Hellos, Naran, plus some evil and heretical cults.

The original book also contained an overall cosmology, using religions in a campaign, and a bunch of rules including feats, spells, domains, magic items, artifacts, and creatures.

Below is a peek at the D&D 3rd Edition version, detailing one of the churches in the book. You can look at the whole 11-page church here (PDF); below is just a couple of excerpts. Obviously the 5E version will be redesigned for the current game and if Kickstarter does it's usual thing might have awesome stretch goals for new colour art and cool stuff like that (just conjecture on my part).

More as and when I hear it!

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The Laughing One
When is the KS launching, and will there be a Pathfinder stretch goal ?

I seriously doubt it, it splits the focus and is in essence worth a separate KS (printing books isn't cheap!). But honestly, the original D20 book works decently with Pathfinder, not that a big difference in systems...

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
How different could a Pathfinder version be from the 3.XE version?

Have the people asking for a PF version seen the 3.XE original version?

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Pfft, original.

We want new and shiny so dont try and fob us off with the old stuff.

It would seem it will be the same stuff except with adjusted rules content, yes? Which would seem to mean a PF version would have only slightly different content, yes? Fobs are all the rage, don't you know . . .

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Yes it is. Weird it's like a wotc book not from wotc. almost. Kinda?

Weirder still, I cannot tell from the KS page if Aaron Loeb is working on this one or if the new team is just using his previous work and rebuilding it with new 5E mechanics.

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