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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


Gildrim flails uselessly at the spider this time, swears, and slams the door shut in its hideous eyes with a swing of his shield arm.

"Dae ye think it can appen th' duir?" he pants. "Ah dinnae care whit Grendath telt me in my dreams. Rackless an' trustin' tae his luck is nae way tae guide yersel' whan thaur's a speeder as big as a horse sinkin' its fangs intae ye."[sblock=OOC]Rolled a 2. If you draw a bell curve of all the heroes who could ever live, with the greatest possible hero who rolls only natural 20s every time on the far right, and the unluckiest fool who ever walked the earth who only rolls natural 1s on the left, Gildrim, well, Gildrim is close enough to shake hands with that fellow.

And who knew that closing a door doesn't incur an AoO!?[/sblock]

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The door slams shut. The spider's angry blows against the ancient wood can be heard on the other side.

ooc: Still in combat rounds. K/K/T are up.


First Post
Karm moves just outside the room where Ter-raen and Gildrim are and issues a command to Kuma in Druidic, at which the wolf moves between Ter-raen and Gildrim and growls fiercely at the door.

Karm whispers quietly under his breath.

Karm takes a 5 foot step to G4
Kuma moves to G3
Karm prepares an action to spontaneously cast summon natures ally 1(losing a casting of CLW) if the spider comes through the door.

OOG - Thanks for NPCing me while I was gone!


First Post
HP 21, AC 18

Ter-raen looks at the other two. He nods at Gildrim's superior tactic of closing the door on the spider. Keeping a tight grip on his scimitar, he turns to face the pounding door. "So now open and let come? Or move back and wait it come?"

Ready action: stab the spider if it bangs the door down


First Post
"He looked none too happy! I'd expect it's only a matter of time before he finds a way to break down that door. Might as well get it over with!" Karm says, breathing heavily.

[sblock=ooc]If you're both poisoned then we'd be better off finishing him off before the next saving throws[/sblock]


OOC: if Ter-raen opens the door now, the spider just gets to use its standard action to attack, and we gain nothing from closing it. If we wait for it to break the door, then it's spent its standard action, and we get a full round of attacks before it acts again.


Round 2, continued

Gildrim misses, then pulls the door closed. All gather in the hall and await the spider's next move.

Round 3

The spider slams against the door, sending wood splinters flying. Another hit like that might break down this elderly door. (ooc: auto hit, 4 damage after hardness.)

ooc: Any actions? Or continuing to ready actions?

Initiative (rolls)
Spider 6 damage
Gildrim 14/24, due for another fort save in 9 rounds <== you're up
Karm 10/10
Kuma 13/13
Ter-raen 29/33, due for another fort save in 8 rounds




Gildrim drops his sword, reaches into the pouch at his waist, and quickly scatters silver dust in a circle around himself. "Ah wis just kiddin', Grendath, ye ken, aboot nae trustin' tae ye?" He chants holy words and then grimly picks up his sword again and waits.

OOC: drop sword (free), cast protection from evil, +2 AC, +2 resistance bonus on saves vs. attacks and effects created by evil creatures (including evil spider poison, I hope) for 3 min, retrieve sword (move).


First Post
HP 35/39, AC 16 (-2 from RAYGGG), Rage rounds 1/7

Ter-raen watches the dwarf as he quickly sprinkles dust and performs a magic spell of sorts. As the pounding on the door puts a continuous emphasis on this dangerous creature that is struggling to come out and eat them, Ter-raen tightens his grip on scimitar and raises it up and back, edge forward. His shield is at chest height. He calms himself for a moment and visualises the door breaking and his blade in the middle of the eyes of the spider.
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ooc: Prot v. Evil affects one creature; since he didn't say otherwise I assume Gildrim meant to cast it on himself. So no benefit for Ter-raen, sorry.

Voidrunner's Codex

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