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D&D General Using dreams to plant adventure hooks or provide motivation

Do you use dreams to plant adventure hooks/give motivation?

  • All the time

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 25 78.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 6 18.8%


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
sigh For real; last session took an hour out of the start of the game for the DM to go through the dreams of the four PCs (not counting me) at the table. I'd say 90% of it is the DM talking, the players might make one decision and several head nods - but I've gotten to the point I tune out for the whole sequence and just make a mental note of the time elapsed.

At least I've made my displeasure well enough known the DM skips me. Luckily, as the game is at my house, I can sit and paint minis as I wait for this portion of the game to pass.
That's deeply unfortunate. This sounds like a game you're remaining in for non-game social reasons--which I understand; I suspect it's something most of us have done at some point. I hope you're involved in, or able to find, a game more suited to your tastes.

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I use dreams fairly frequently (as in maybe once ever 8 sessions or so?) Primarily for two purposes:
1) They're one of my preferred methods by which spirits or deities communicate with clerics, paladins, druids, warlocks, or other character with a strong supernatural connection. Directly talking to a such an entity tends to...cheapen the experience to me? Or make it seem less dramatic. (There are other suitable means of communication as well, I meant one of when I said one of).

2) As sort of a counterbalance to warn the PCs when they mess with forces beyond their capabilities. I try to run game worlds with powerful factions like deities, nations, religions, secret societies, guilds, powerful monsters, god-like heroes who are not (yet) the PCs. These entities have their own motives and defined means - which are frequently NOT fully understood by the PCs; and are likely to curbstomp those who approach them in the wrong way or say the wrong thing. I feel this makes for a more realistic game world...but it occasionally also puts the PCs in danger that stems not from poor tactical choices or general recklessnes, but because they simply don't know any better. Dreams are one of the methods I convey information to prevent arbitrary deaths.

I try to keep dream sequences as brief as possible; provide just enough clues to let the players figure things out for themselves; and allow PC interaction if possible. Because dreams are essentially DM exposition where the player has limited ability to decide things for themselves; and that's not fun.


That's deeply unfortunate. This sounds like a game you're remaining in for non-game social reasons--which I understand; I suspect it's something most of us have done at some point. I hope you're involved in, or able to find, a game more suited to your tastes.
I wouldn't pity me - I have two other ongoing games that I have greatly enjoyed - one of which I am DMing. This particular one just hasn't turned out as I had hoped, but I would say the DM is still learning how to handle a game.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I wouldn't pity me - I have two other ongoing games that I have greatly enjoyed - one of which I am DMing. This particular one just hasn't turned out as I had hoped, but I would say the DM is still learning how to handle a game.
If that came off as overly-pitying, I apologize. It was meant more as commiseration. I've recently-ish left a campaign that was almost exactly hitting all of my do-not-want buttons. That DM wasn't a beginner, alas. OTOH, I'm enjoying the hell out of the two campaigns I'm DMing. It kinda balances out.


Lowcountry Low Roller
sigh For real; last session took an hour out of the start of the game for the DM to go through the dreams of the four PCs (not counting me) at the table. I'd say 90% of it is the DM talking, the players might make one decision and several head nods - but I've gotten to the point I tune out for the whole sequence and just make a mental note of the time elapsed.
That sounds terrible. I’m certainly not advocating for bad DMing.

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